View Full Version : Wolfy's PT Debut-Story #26

09-15-2013, 01:30 PM
Drum roll please........

And now the moment you have all been waiting for............

Introducing WOLFY - PT's newest Pom.

I'll post the story a little later, but I didn't want to keep everyone waiting any longer. I've got about 14 different shots, so I'll have to do 3 entries, so please don't stop after the initial one.

Here he is - in all his cuteness (or so I think!) :)

09-15-2013, 01:36 PM
More as promised........

09-15-2013, 01:41 PM
A few more - that's all for now. I'll be back later with the story.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for looking at the new kid on the block. :love:

09-15-2013, 01:51 PM
Hi Wolfy!! and welcome to PetTalk. You are just so adorable:love::love: and obviously going to be a mommy's boy:D:love:.

Wolfy is gorgeous (love his colours!!) and looks so relaxed - he is a lucky boy to land in a PetTalk home:D.

09-15-2013, 02:11 PM
His colors are so striking! Plus he's cuter than a button! Can't wait to hear his story. Welcome to PT, little guy!:D

09-15-2013, 02:13 PM
LOVE his coloring!! He is adorable - but you know that, don't you?

Thanks ever so much for all the pictures :love:

09-15-2013, 02:56 PM
What a perfect little boy-- I just love the colours, it's the first time I ever see a Pom that colour, very different. I can tell he's already made himself right at home... a real little gift...
Can't wait for the saga that goes with the pictures... :D

09-15-2013, 04:03 PM
OMD! Hello, wonderful Wolfy! I like your colors! What a handsome guy! Your coat is so full and fluffy and I love your tail! Was your coat warm to pet from the sun, I bet it was! Hugs of WELCOME! (The AAAWWWWs you just heard, that was me :) )

Edited to say, in some of the pictures, Wolfy's coat looks to me like it has a golden color, and in some it looks more tan. Beautiful!

09-15-2013, 04:03 PM
Oh Wolfy, you're adorable!:love: It looks like you already know that!;) You've ended up in a very good home!:)

09-15-2013, 04:04 PM
Ellie, I really had no idea, when you said a 'brindle pom.' He is a STUNNER!

The pic of him basking in the sun made me chuckle. (second set, first one).

So happy for both of you.

09-15-2013, 05:40 PM
The pic of him basking in the sun made me chuckle. (second set, first one).

I had a different take on that one - "Get that thing (camera) out of my face". He doesn't like to look directly at the camera - as you can see in all of his pics,

I'm going to have to post his story tomorrow - it would take too long tonight. Every day around 5 or 6 o'clock the computer slows down to next to nothing. Don't know what the problem is, but I take that as a sign to shut it down.

09-15-2013, 06:04 PM
His coloring is so unique! What a handsome little guy :love: Yeah, when you move to NC we're going to have to have a Pomeranian get together with Wolfy, Lily, and kaycountrygal's Sissy :D

09-15-2013, 06:09 PM
He so does look like a mini-wolfie. Plus he defines "cuteness" on his four dainty legs. Way to go, Pomtzu!

09-15-2013, 06:48 PM
Wolfy is gorgeous. :love:I had never seen a brindle coated Pom before either, so he's a first for me. He is just a beautiful
pup & I'm so happy for you both.:) He looks so relaxed & "at home" in all of his pictures.( but then, he is home:D )

09-15-2013, 08:42 PM
He's stunning. Congrats on the new addition. I don't believe I've seen a brindle colored pom before, how beautiful.

09-15-2013, 10:38 PM
0.0 I have never seen a brindle pom before. He's GORGEOUS! Welcome, Wolfy!

09-15-2013, 10:57 PM
Congrats!!!:D He's such a handsome boy. I look forward to hearing his story.:)

Queen of Poop
09-15-2013, 11:03 PM
Oh my goodness! He's gorgeous!!!!

09-15-2013, 11:08 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Wolfy! You're just beginning to realize how good you've got it, trust us!

09-16-2013, 03:46 AM
He is adorable. :love:

Felicia's Mom
09-16-2013, 06:34 AM
He is gorgeous! Welcome to Pet Talk, Wolfy!:love:

Pinot's Mom
09-16-2013, 07:39 AM
I know I'm late to the party, but WELCOME TO PT WOLFY!! You are adorable and your coat bears a certain resemblance to a special kitty I know.... ;)

09-16-2013, 08:50 AM
Welcome Wolfie, you have found a great mom and I bet you will get spoiled. :)

I've never really seen Pom's before, so don't know what they're supposed to look like, but his colour is special and his fluffy tail - That will keep you busy with the brush. The 5th pic in post 2 is my favourite.

09-16-2013, 09:22 AM
Welcome Wolfie, you have found a great mom and I bet you will get spoiled. :)

I've never really seen Pom's before, so don't know what they're supposed to look like, but his colour is special and his fluffy tail - That will keep you busy with the brush. The 5th pic in post 2 is my favourite.

Randi - Myndi was a Pom, but she was all black. The most common color in Poms is the orangy/gold color, tho they do come in other colors too. I had never seen a brindle Pom, and was blown away by the coloration.. I had only seen brindle in short hair dogs, but the long hair is stunning. My brother had a brindle Persian cat that was gorgeous too. Somehow, the long hair brings out the beauty of the color pattern.

09-16-2013, 09:48 AM
Welcome to PT Wolfy! As everyone else has already said, your coloring is AMAZING!!!
You landed in the best home ever! And I look forward to seeing more pictures of your handsomeness and hearing your adventures on the big move. :D

09-16-2013, 10:47 AM
This all started last week, so I guess that's where I need to start this saga......
And keep in mind - I seriously was not looking for another dog and had no intention of ever getting another!

On Monday I was on line looking for the address of a cat shelter that used to be in town, since I was going to donate a few of the small pet beds to them. Somehow I got directed to Petfinder, and then I just started looking around. I saw this adorable tiny Pom (looked like PT's Lily and Roger), and I was crazy enough to read the story. She was in a rescue in southern NJ and she had been found by the side of a road, laying next to her dead Pom pal, and in terrible condition. That story really grabbed me. She was about 7or 8 months old, 5 pounds, and once she was taken care of and back to good health, she was neutered, microchipped, had all her inoculations, etc, she was ready for adoption. She looked like a Pom model for a calendar - cute as a button! Next thing I knew I was filling out an adoption application on line. I got an automated acknowledgement that it was received and someone would be in touch with me in a few days. That night I started feeling guilty - what would Myndi and Sparky think? Would they think that I had forgotten them and didn't love them anymore? Silly??? - maybe and maybe not, but I personally don't think so. I'm sure they are watching over me and know what's going on. I have their pictures on my dresser, and that night before bed, I had a little chat with them - as one sided as it was - but I know that they heard it. I told them that I would always love and miss them, but I was so lonely without them, and that I need another furkid to keep me company - they had each other but I had no furkid anymore. Then I told them that if it was possible, could they please send me some kind of sign - either they were okay with it, or they weren't - and I would go with that. Yeah - like that would ever happen. :rolleyes: Well - the next morning I was getting dressed and still had the t.v. on in my bedroom, and not even watching or listening to it, when next thing I know, I heard Willy Nelson singing "You Were Always On My Mind" and the Humane Society tearjerker commercial was on. THAT WAS THE OKAY SIGN FROM MYNDI AND SPARKY. :) - in my opinion anyway. What made it even so unusual, is that it was on the ABC station mid-morning, and you almost never see those commercials on anything but the cable channels. Okay - so now it had the stamp of approval, but then I started thinking about it. This dog is a baby - would need to be housebroken and have lots of obedience training ~ and here I am trying to make a major move out of state. The more I thought about it, the more I decided against it, even tho I would have loved to have her. The rescue doesn't list a phone # so I couldn't call, so decided if and when they contacted me, I would just decline if I was accepted. As of last Thursday I hadn't heard anything (they said nothing about not adopting out of state either), so out of curiosity I looked at my county shelter and the downstate county shelter. My county had a cute little Shih Tzu, and the downstate shelter had Wolfy. He was listed as a Pom mix, but I don't see any mix in him, tho his ears are somewhat bigger than Myndi's and other Poms I've seen. His owner was an older lady who fell and broke her shoulder and could no longer take care of him. Darned if I would ever have turned him over to a state county shelter and not a private shelter/rescue, beats the hell out of me - but so glad that she did. In turn the shelter had all of his records and history - something pretty rare to find in a shelter dog. His records list a breeder's name, so he must be pure Pom I would think, so I don't know where the "mix" figures in????? His write up on Petfinder said he was skittish, but liked people and other dogs. I called to see if he was still available - he was - so Friday morning I headed down to meet him. He was in an outside run with several dogs and I just watched him for a while - he was playing with them and having a grand old time. Playful - very big plus. One of the volunteers got him out for me so I could interact with him. He really wasn't the least bit interested in me and wanted to get back to the other dogs, but the worker had hot dog treats which she gave me to entice him. That did it - he was definitely food motivated. And skittish??? - whoever wrote that up obviously didn't know the meaning of the word. Anyway - I definitely wanted him, so I filled out the application, and after a short check - he was mine!

So that's how he ended up as the new man in my life. I have more to tell you about him, but I don't want to bore you and put you to sleep, so I'll save that for later if anyone is interested. I'll tell you that he is a real sweetheart lovebug little shadow and loves to give kisses and play-play-play. He's very smart and a fast learner, and came here with obedience skills too! I'm in love again, and I'm sure Myndi and Sparky approve of their new brother that I chose, even if they can't get in on the fun going on here. I know that they are happy and making their own! :love::love::love:

Sorry for the book length post...........:( and I never heard from the NJ rescue either. Not exactly a great way to operate and find homes for the animals.

09-16-2013, 11:29 AM
The first pictures of him on the back of the couch put me in mind of a tortoiseshell cat! :) Wolfy is downright handsome. :love::love::love:

It certainly sounds like he was meant to cross your path. Had a bit LES when reading how Myndi and Sparky sent you the OK to adopt another furkid. They know you still love them and miss them dearly, but they want you to be happy too.

Welcome to PT, Wolfy!

09-16-2013, 12:22 PM
Awww, that is a great story! And I would :love: to hear the other stories you have about your new little boy. :D

09-16-2013, 12:29 PM
Thanks for sharing your story with us. I know that Myndi and Sparky guided you to this sweet boy.:) I hope you have many happy and healthy years together.:)

09-16-2013, 01:14 PM
Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you, and Wolfy! :love:

09-16-2013, 01:41 PM
The Lord moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform

Me thinks your two in Heaven had something to do with Wolfy and the way you came in contact with him. They have given you their seal of approval :love:

Feel free to tell us any and all stories about your new love :)

09-16-2013, 01:44 PM
Awww, we will not be bored with Wolfy stories, I promise!

And we are sure Sparky and Myndy approve, and know there is no way you would ever forget them!

09-16-2013, 03:05 PM
I have to agree with everyone else, Wolfie is so handsome and I love his unique coloring.
Like someone else already mentioned, his coloring reminds me of a long haired tortoiseshell cat.
I hope you and Wolfie (cute name!) enjoy many happy years together.:)
Please post as many photos of him as possible, he will have to get used that that camera being in his face because he's so cute!:)

09-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Thanks everyone, for the nice comments on my new little man. I think he's a real gem, and I'm so thankful that I was the one that got to adopt him. I'm sure it was those 2 RB Fuzzbuttz that planned this one out - it just seemed that they got the ball rolling and told me which direction to go to retrieve it! They did good!!!!! :love::love:

Wolfy has his first visit with Dr Annie tomorrow morning, so I shall see how well he behaves at the vet. :eek: He had his rabies and all his required vaccines at the shelter and checked negative for heartworms. He needs his Lyme vaccine and to get started on the heartworm med, and I think he might have a slight case of seasonal allergies. He's biting and scratching, but not excessively, and I can find no fleas or flea dirt on him, and he sneezes occasionally and when he goes outside his eyes get a little watery. I should find him some sunglasses maybe??? :cool: I also want doc to find the location of the microchip so I can keep a check on that site, since there have been issues. If it had been my decision, I probably wouldn't have had him chipped, but it's required for adoption thru the state shelters.

So I'll be back with some tails (I mean tales) tomorrow. Maybe Wolfy will develop the storytelling skill like Myndi and Sparky had, once he's been around for a while and gets some adventures under his belt - or I guess that should be collar! :)

Queen of Poop
09-16-2013, 04:23 PM
What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it. I'm so glad you and Wolfie were guided to each other by your fur angels.

09-16-2013, 06:52 PM
Thanks for sharing how Wolfy ended up in your home Ellie!:D I won't get tired of reading the stories. Eyestrain maybe, but not tired!:p

09-17-2013, 06:33 AM
Well, you are quite the looker Wolfy! I can't believe I almost missed these. :eek: Tell your mom to keep you under lock and key, I can be dangerous when I want something :D Tell her to watch out this Saturday, I'll be over in that area . ;)

About the mixed breed, could he possibly be have papillon in him?? I don't have much experience with Poms but Papillons have bigger ears if I recall and I used to babysit one when his owners went away. Either way, I hope he is working out for you and you two have many happy years!

ETA: Nevermind my stupidity about Papillons but I guess they're say he's a mix because Poms don't normally come in Brindle? He could just be one of those dogs that got the most of one breed...Poms. My guess would be Chi if anything. It does happen that way. After having a mostly "beagle" Puggle, I know.

09-17-2013, 07:09 AM
Well, you are quite the looker Wolfy! I can't believe I almost missed these. :eek: Tell your mom to keep you under lock and key, I can be dangerous when I want something :D Tell her to watch out this Saturday, I'll be over in that area . ;)

About the mixed breed, could he possibly be have papillon in him?? I don't have much experience with Poms but Papillons have bigger ears if I recall and I used to babysit one when his owners went away. Either way, I hope he is working out for you and you two have many happy years!

ETA: Nevermind my stupidity about Papillons but I guess they're say he's a mix because Poms don't normally come in Brindle? He could just be one of those dogs that got the most of one breed...Poms. My guess would be Chi if anything. It does happen that way. After having a mostly "beagle" Puggle, I know.

I thought Pap too, with those ears and the hair tufts in them. It really doesn't matter to me tho - he's purebred lovebug! Under breed info for Poms, it does list brindle as one of the colors - I just had never seen one before. Sparky was Shih Tzu/Pom, but he looked 100% Tzu.

You gonna be anywhere in central DE? If you have the time and inclination, perhaps we could meet somewhere.

09-17-2013, 05:04 PM
I thought Pap too, with those ears and the hair tufts in them. It really doesn't matter to me tho - he's purebred lovebug! Under breed info for Poms, it does list brindle as one of the colors - I just had never seen one before. Sparky was Shih Tzu/Pom, but he looked 100% Tzu.

You gonna be anywhere in central DE? If you have the time and inclination, perhaps we could meet somewhere.

Whatever he is, he's adorable! ;)

I'm going to be in South Jersey, literally across the bridge from Christiana, DE (I am pretty sure that's the city I'm thinking of), however, I will be busy. I would definitely love to meet if you ever want to! We can try to have a little PT meeting set up for East Coasters (PA, NJ, NY, & DE?) I'm old enough to drive now, so it's much easier to get to those LOL.

09-17-2013, 08:08 PM
What a fantastic story for the first chapter of the saga. I'm with you all the way----I really think your two furfriends saw you were lonely all alone and they decided to get involved and help you find another friend. What a wonderful gift and Wolfie looks gorgeous, love the colours, wait till the sun shines down on him, bet he'll sparkle.

I hope the two of you have a long happy life bringing each other love and fun times. Never will understand how anyone can give up a dog, something I could never do no matter what problem I was facing. Must say this time I think it was meant to be--

Don't forget chapter two---:D

09-18-2013, 05:47 PM
Congratulations! He is such a beautiful little dog. It sounds like he was meant to be with you.

09-18-2013, 07:05 PM
Wolfy has his first visit with Dr Annie tomorrow morning, so I shall see how well he behaves at the vet. :eek: He had his rabies and all his required vaccines at the shelter and checked negative for heartworms. He needs his Lyme vaccine and to get started on the heartworm med, and I think he might have a slight case of seasonal allergies. He's biting and scratching, but not excessively, and I can find no fleas or flea dirt on him, and he sneezes occasionally and when he goes outside his eyes get a little watery. I should find him some sunglasses maybe??? :cool: I also want doc to find the location of the microchip so I can keep a check on that site, since there have been issues. If it had been my decision, I probably wouldn't have had him chipped, but it's required for adoption thru the state shelters.

Pomtzu and Wolfy, how did the doctor visit go? Does he have the allergy symptoms still? (Can you give an antihistamine to a dog, maybe in a super teeny tiny dose?) Could you please give him a gentle little kiss and hug for me, because he is just so handsome :) !

09-19-2013, 06:03 AM
Pomtzu and Wolfy, how did the doctor visit go? Does he have the allergy symptoms still? (Can you give an antihistamine to a dog, maybe in a super teeny tiny dose?) Could you please give him a gentle little kiss and hug for me, because he is just so handsome :) !

It went fine and I'll start a new thread later today. Yesterday was super busy and some things need to get done this morning before I get rambling on about my new boy. :D

09-19-2013, 06:28 AM
Wolfy sounds like he is fitting right in. :cool: Congratulations Wolfy & Pomtzu :)