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09-05-2013, 03:32 PM
Pearl Izumi, a exercise company put out this print ad...


Living next to a large park I sometimes see a woman running with a dog - one woman pushed a stroller and had a leash in the other hand - a dog with his tongue hanging out dutifully following.

This was a few days before the Louisville Marathon where the temps reached 90 degrees and god only knows what the humidity was.....

Ugh, the supidity of mankind...

09-05-2013, 03:56 PM
It was a stupid ad, and hopefully people will boycott their sneakers as protest.

There are dogs I see running with their owners who look joyful, as if they wish they could go even faster, but are holding back for their human's sake. And there are those who will NOT run, 60+ pounds of Lab that decides it is not going to run is pretty hard to drag!

09-05-2013, 04:23 PM
It said in the article that their approach was humorous. Sorry - but I found nothing at all humorous about it as did the majority of people that saw the ad as well. I found it to be in very poor taste. What jerks.....:mad:

09-05-2013, 04:33 PM
Tamara (Glacier) actually posted this awhile ago on Facebook! She wrote a letter and everything I believe and she's also a big runner. I commented to, I think it's disgusting and in very poor taste.

09-05-2013, 06:32 PM
Do people seriously just not think before they publish these days? Cause if anyone finds this humorous, they need an evaluation.
I run every day (well, when mother nature allows it) with Towser and I'm happy to say that I never want to be able to outrun him. :)

09-05-2013, 06:50 PM
It said in the article that their approach was humorous. Sorry - but I found nothing at all humorous about it as did the majority of people that saw the ad as well. I found it to be in very poor taste. What jerks.....:mad:

Agreed. The ad was any thing but humorous. Who are these jerks?

09-05-2013, 11:12 PM
Tamara (Glacier) actually posted this awhile ago on Facebook! She wrote a letter and everything I believe and she's also a big runner. I commented to, I think it's disgusting and in very poor taste.

I did write the company & complained on social media. The magazine I saw it in, Canadian Running, has pulled the ad & issued an apology to its readers. I cancelled my subscription anyway & it'll be a cold day in hell before Pearl Izumi gets a dime of my money. I buy at least four pairs of running shoes a year, which isn't a huge amount of money, but this isn't a huge company. Most of the runners I know who saw the ad are boycotting this brand. It won't take a massive number of people spending their money elsewhere to affect the bottom line!

09-06-2013, 05:16 AM
It seems the one(s) who thought up that ad have never been in Petsmart on a Sunday. I certainly don't find it humerous!:mad:

09-06-2013, 11:11 AM
I did write the company & complained on social media. The magazine I saw it in, Canadian Running, has pulled the ad & issued an apology to its readers. I cancelled my subscription anyway & it'll be a cold day in hell before Pearl Izumi gets a dime of my money. I buy at least four pairs of running shoes a year, which isn't a huge amount of money, but this isn't a huge company. Most of the runners I know who saw the ad are boycotting this brand. It won't take a massive number of people spending their money elsewhere to affect the bottom line!

That's the best way to protest, with one's $$$ - anything else just gives the company publicity. Bravo for you!

(My feet and I have been at odds nearly forever, I cannot buy "real" sneakers - never found any that just don't feel weird and make me want to turn my ankles to the side, so your letter and boycott is more meaningful to them.)