View Full Version : Am now feeding Alfie raw food.

08-01-2013, 04:08 AM
Only been a couple of days so benefits, if any, haven't shown up apart from him licking his lips eager at food times. Looking for feedback from any members who also feed raw..

08-02-2013, 02:11 AM
No one? Hmmm

08-02-2013, 06:12 AM
I never fed raw to any dog that I have had over the years. With so much hullabaloo about sanitation at the meat processing plants here in the U.S. - I would be very reluctant to do it. Buying these meats for human consumption is somewhat more safe since we don't eat raw and cook our meats before we eat them. If I was able to buy meat directly from a local farmer, I feel that would be a safer option - thus feeding raw an option to be considered.

Too late in the game to even consider for Myndi and her 17.5 year old teeth..........:eek: Sounds like Alfie is liking the change! Smooches, Alfie! :love:

08-02-2013, 12:31 PM
Ellie, I've never fed it before either ... oh, I'm a liar, I did briefly feed some to Bobby but, although I didn't know at the time, he was already very ill and nothing could help but the medication. :(

The raw I've begun feeding Alfie is human grade and organic, including the vegetables. I hope at some point to do as you said, make my own, using human grade meat from my local butcher and fresh vegetables from the 'man in a van' who delivers said veg to me each week.

08-02-2013, 04:20 PM
Digi, Charlie & Cam all get raw. Digi has been on it for over 4yrs, Charlie 1.5years+, Cam 4years. I currently buy my meat at a Halal butcher shop near by. Its cheap, busy, clean & friendly. They give me free lamb/goat bones (no beef as it'll kill Digi) for the dogs to enjoy as a treat.

I offer veggies once a month (just a frozen mix), and they get raw organ tissue once a week as a meal. They also get a day off from eating anything they have to chew, so just a few eggs. This helps to empty the bowels of all the bone they eat during the week. Just to make sure they don't get over loaded with bone.

Its best to feed raw at bedtime so the dog will go to sleep shortly afterwards. This allows the digestive system to digest at a normal pace. If the dog is super active right after a meal (bone is the issue), the digestive system will try to rush the process and that would allow the undigested bone into the intestines where it cannot be broken down properly. That can cut the intestines if a piece happens to be really sharp. Raw is a lot less sharp then cooked, but who whats to risk it? I sure don't.

Hope that helps some :)

08-02-2013, 06:33 PM
Yes, finding a good halal butcher is a good idea, as they have to meet ever stricter standards of cleanliness and sanity that government inspectors require. As the old hotdog add said, "we answer to a Higher authority!"

And of course, something that is common sense is being very sure to wash your hands thoroughly between preparing their food, and preparing your own.

08-03-2013, 05:28 PM
I fed RB Roxy raw for a while and she did really well on it and enjoyed it quite a bit. I didn't really feed more than chicken livers and chicken thighs but I didn't stick it out that long either because I wasn't the one buying the food. I'm sure Alfie will do really great on it, there are tons of health benefits!

08-04-2013, 05:12 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. :)

Jess, glad to hear Digi is doing well. :) Haven't given Alfie any bones as such yet, I plan to try out chicken wing tomorrow. There are bones in his food but they are ground up very small.

After reading up on it I'm thinking I may stay with feeding the prepared raw most of the time. There are three reputable sources to get it from, human grade and organic meat combined with veggies & natural supplements. I intend to get any bones from the butcher just down the road, except perhaps chicken wings which I can add to my weekly shop when needed.

All good so far, although he was a bit hesitant at first with his breakfast today, I'm thinking he may not like the lamb as much as the chicken. Onward and upward. :D