View Full Version : Heidi Walks 2

05-27-2013, 07:58 PM
Heidi on her morning walk up Flett Street April 8th,then visiting with Hershey on her afternoon walk,when Hershey has her bone,she doesn't want to be bothered ,visits are usually short and way around on Parkway Crescent,half done the walk,Hershey's visit with Heidi was at the beginning.

05-28-2013, 07:08 AM
Hi, Heidi and your friend Hershey! You timed the visit with Hershey when she wasn't having some 'me time' with her bone :) You are cute together! And Heidi, your grey ears plus the grey color across the back of your head remind me of a girl's hair bow :)

06-02-2013, 04:04 PM
Hi, Heidi! I am just looking over these photos again and you look very determined in that last picture! Like, no pictures, because I'm walking here :) You sure are cute!

06-06-2013, 08:25 AM
First three are of our morning walk on April 9th,was cool enough to wear a jacket,meeting Hershey on our afternoon walk ,by this time it had got cloudy.

06-09-2013, 08:27 PM
Heidi and I on our walk April 10th,it was a cloudy day,cool enough still to be waring a coat ,from the looks of the road in the picture of Heidi it had rained overnight,no friends on this walk,this was around 8 in the morning.

06-11-2013, 02:16 PM
Hello, Heidi! I hope that by now the weather has gotten a lot nicer for your walks! Do you still see your friends when you are out walking? :)

06-13-2013, 08:56 AM
Heidi and I on our walk Aprill 1th,was still cool,wearing a toque and up ahead in the distance is a Newfoundland,we met that dog on a walk last month and found out it is a scaredy cat,even afraid of Heidi getting near him.

06-13-2013, 12:51 PM
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/6/1/1133242/scootywalk95.jpg.Heidi on her walk April 13th.Saw a Bichon way up on Parkway,didn't meet us,Heidi had a call of nature to attend to.A cool day 41F,after getting back,it rained.We had no walk the previous day,it had rained,she got 2 timeouts for pooping in the house.

06-19-2013, 07:40 AM
First three pictures from our morning walk April 14th,very cool 32F,went up to 48F later on,roads were wet from rain overnight.No friends out,too early in the morning.Last one from our afternoon walk after supper,cool and cloudy 46F.Buddy the German Shepherd watched us go by his house,that was it for dogs that day.Heidi going to the groomers today and I am getting mine cut as well.

06-28-2013, 08:01 PM
First three are Heidi and on our morning walk April 15th and Heidi on the afternoon walk.The morning walk was cool 39F,saw a lady walking two Poodles,,they walked by us,no greeting,Heidi wanted to greet them,some people can't be bothered to have their dogs greet Heidi,I think the lady was trying to avoid us.On the afternoon walk,Heidi saw Hershey,Hershey had a bone and didn't want to be bothered with Heidi.Heidi got a pet from the owner's son Alex.Later on Heidi saw a Jack Russell then a Cocker Spaniel in side a backyard on Jane Street,the Spaniel's owner was doing yard work.A little warmer in the afternoon 54F,a little breezy.Today ,we got one walk in,was cloudy and 68,no walk in the afternoon,got a lot of rain,didn't see any friends today.

06-30-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi, Heidi and Barry! Heidi, I'm glad you got to see some of your friends on your walk. I bet Hershey knew you came by even with the bone.

07-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Hi Heidi it sounds like you had a nice walk cool weather, rain, & then warm weather. It is hard to figure out what a dog should wear in such crazy weather. :eek:

07-19-2013, 02:32 PM
Heidi and i on our afternoon walk April 18th.We had our walk today,was warm,breezy and 77F,Thunderstorm watch in effect here for this afternoon,probably no walk.

07-24-2013, 12:59 PM
Hi, Heidi and Barry! I'm glad the weather is cooperating (mostly) for your walks! We have a few day stretch right now of temps in the upper 70s with low humidity -- nice for July, and I hope it will find its way to you too. Heidi, have fun taking your walks and seeing all your friends! :D

07-28-2013, 06:48 AM
Looks like you had a great walkies Heidi. :)

07-29-2013, 01:11 AM
My neighbor has gotten a Female Yorkie pup recently, probably about 6 months old now. Both my Yorkie Males insist on visiting her daily on our walks. She seems to be more interested in Sneakers (4yo/Alpha) than the younger Ichabod, almost a year old himself. My Female Becca just sits and waits while the boys fraternize, but I think I see some indignance (just a little) :D

08-03-2013, 07:59 AM
Heidi and I on our walk April 16th.It sprinkled rain was 50F,rained more later and was dark and overcast.Today a nice and sunny day was 57F on the walk,a Poodle barked at us from a car turning onto Flett form Parkway as we were 5686656865starting out.

08-06-2013, 02:14 PM
Heidi and I on our walk April 17th,was 32F when we started out,no friends,later went to 52F.Today was sunny and 59F,no friends spotted.

08-07-2013, 01:13 AM
Hi, Heidi and Barry! I hope you're having a good summer! the weather is better for taking a walk :)

08-14-2013, 12:01 PM
Heidi on her walk afternoon of April 19th,it was sunny and 66F,had rained in the morning but got sunny in the afternoon.We met our neighbor Jenny,they had been in Florida for a Grandson's wedding,Heidi rolled over and got a belly rub.Today's was cool and breezy and 55F,saw Gracie the Bichon and Mitzie the Poodle mix on the other side of Southway Drive,Heidi wanted to see them but they were barking at her so we went on our way.Friday is Heidi's 3rd Birthday,can't believe it has been that long.

08-21-2013, 07:59 AM
Hi, Heidi! I like your tail in this picture, and I can really see the light grey spots on your side along with the darker grey areas closer to your neck. Cutie! :D

08-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Heidi and I on our walk ,morning of April 20th.It was a chilly 34F,had snow flurries and wind most of the day,saw no firends on this walk.Today was warm and 66F,no friends again.

09-01-2013, 07:52 AM
First three are from our morning walk April 21st,was a cold one 27F,no friends.Power went out the night before,Heidi wandered around,then wanted out then finally settled down.The last two from the afternoon walk,sunny and a bit warmer 38F,Buddy the German Shepherd was barking at us before we got there wasn't even around the corner yet and he watched us go by his house.there were kids playing at the school,that could have made Buddy bark.Today the 1st of September,sunny,a little breeze and 63F,met the Catholic minister walking a Sealyham Terrier,they had a short greeting.

09-01-2013, 04:58 PM
First three are from our morning walk April 21st,was a cold one 27F,no friends.Power went out the night before,Heidi wandered around,then wanted out then finally settled down.The last two from the afternoon walk,sunny and a bit warmer 38F,Buddy the German Shepherd was barking at us before we got there wasn't even around the corner yet and he watched us go by his house.there were kids playing at the school,that could have made Buddy bark.Today the 1st of September,sunny,a little breeze and 63F,met the Catholic minister walking a Sealyham Terrier,they had a short greeting.

Heidi & Berry it sounds like a beautiful day for a walkies & meeting the priest with his terrier had to make it worth while. There is nothing like the good old out doors & a walk around the block.;)

Around here on the farm it is three barking dogs trying show each other who is in charge at the beginning of the walk & 3 worn out dogs with their tongues hanging out at the end of the walk. :D

09-18-2013, 03:24 PM
First two of our walk,morning of April 22 and the last two in the afternoon.it was a sunny and cool morning,32F,dogs barked at us from a backyard on Flett Street,that was it for dogs.Heidi stops every so often smell where other dogs have been.Another dog barked at us from inside a car going down Simpson Avenue.Afternoon walk was sunny and windy 52F,Hershey was out, as we got closer,she grabbed a bone so we just kept on going.it was sunny and cool this morning,43F,we saw the Catholic Father walking the Sealyham Terrier,they couldn't wait to see other,had a short greeting and on we both went.

09-23-2013, 12:01 AM
Hi, Heidi cutie! It looks like the wind is really blowing your tail!

10-04-2013, 09:34 AM
First of Heidi and I on our walk ,morning of April 23rd.We saw Buddy the German Shepherd,he was riding in a truck,Heidi didn't see him.It was a cool walk,39F.I did Spring clean up at Phyllis McRobbie's,she is 95,will be 96 on November 3rd,still lives at home.She has Kidney dialysis Monday,Wednesday and Friday.Heidi and I on our afternoon walk.It was still cool 50F with a breeze.We met Hershey,Hershey had a bone in her mouth,Heidi greeted her,Hershey growled at her,didn't want the bone touched.

10-04-2013, 09:55 AM
Heidi on her walk this morning,cloudy and overcast 55F.Saw two Poodles as we started out,they went other way,East on Southway Drive,we went North on Flett Street.On Liberty Street South, Heidi saw a boy walking out the parking lot at the Salvation Army church,Heidi's tail was going,the boy totally ignored her and went on,not very nice.It started sprinkling rain as we were going down Jane Street and getting more pronounced on Liberty Street then Southway as well,so no grass cutting cutting today,Heidi just snoring up a storm.

10-22-2013, 08:49 AM
First two from the morning walk of April 25th,was cool and sunny 32 F,no friends and the rest from the afternoon walk.Buddy barked at us on the way by his house,met Hershey,she had her bone.Heidi had a greeting with Hershey then Hershey went off by herself with the bone.It was sunny and 50F .

10-22-2013, 08:55 AM
On our walk this morning,sunny,cool and 41,Heidi was full of energy as you see her really going up Flett Street on a brisk pace.Later on Simpson Avenue ,there was Lab/Collie and a Shih Tzu behind us so didn't greet them,Heidi kept turning her head to see them.

10-23-2013, 12:09 PM
Heidi, what a brisk walkies you had even your ears & tail are trying to keep up with you. :D

11-27-2013, 04:03 PM
Heidi strolling around the patio last night,snow had just started and Heidi and I on our walk this morning.
It was cloudy and not too cold 32,we got between 2 and a half and 3 inches of wet snow,had to use a shovel,had to take the snow blower in last week,wasn't starting said it be 2 weeks,hope we don't get a big blast of snow before then.Heidi had a little trouble walking on the sidewalks,hadn't been shoveled or plowed,but she managed to get through fine.

01-08-2014, 12:07 PM
Sunny and a cold West breeze and 18F.This was our first walk in 4 days,been too cold and icy,windchills yesterday were in the high 30's to low 40's Fahreheit.Had some snow Sunday,about 3 inches.The roads are plwed but have icy patches along the curbs,slush wasn't taken right of the streets,sidewalks are ice covered so didn't try them,really gusty yesterday,blue recycycling boxes that have cans,papers and cardboard were blowing,especially one next to my Uncle's,all over the place.By Saturday,rain and 43F

01-09-2014, 10:20 AM
There they are! Hi, Heidi and Barry! Heidi, you look very nice in your red sweater! I bet you were happy to walk after missing it for a few days :)

01-10-2014, 01:05 PM
Heidi looks like she is really moving out. I don't blame her for wearing her sweater. It has been cold here too. The dogs were starting to get cabin fever. Once they were out & about on their walkies they got rid of their bottled up energy. There were three dogs bounding in every direction.

02-03-2014, 11:17 AM
Heidi and I on our walk Friday morning.It was cloudy with a gusty wind,sloppy roads and 32F,no friends out.Weather was nice today for the walk ,sunny and 21Fforgot to take camera out today,most sidewalks were icy due to freezing rain during the early part of Sunday,most of Saturday it snowed,took about 3 inches of heavy,wet snow off Saturday,went out Sunday,the snow was crunchy form freezing rain,had to scrape it off with an ice scraper ,took 2 hours to do ours and my Uncle's.The streets in our neighborhood weren't plowed until late last night and not very well,it is melting now,some salt was put on it.A truck was around around 4 Sunday afternoon,just drove around,Southway Drive was clear,Jane Street at the top end of our street was down and streets to the East but not ours or Parkway Crescent or Avenue,plowing service here has not been great,was ready ready to call public works to complain,got more snow for Wednesday,a possible 2 to to 4 inches,running out of places to put it.

02-05-2014, 10:11 AM
I put some pictures up 2 days ago,are you people that busy for2 days to comment on Heidi?A lot of others getting comments but not me.

02-06-2014, 07:19 AM
Would rather have snow any day over ice. Make sure Heidi doesn't freeze her paws on your walkies. Baxter cracked some of his paw pads last week so didn't go out for a couple walkies. He is good now but the snow is crusty & he didn't stay on the snowshoe trails & was in deep crusty snow up to 2 feet deep. Missy & Max were smart & just followed along behind me. The 15 foot snow banks are so packed we can snowshoe & walk on them without falling through.

02-25-2014, 04:54 PM
Heidi and I on our walk Sunday.It was sunny and a cool breeze,34F.Heidi got a pet from one of 2 ladies walking by us and she gave a snort.Heidi and I on our walk Monday morning,no friends seen,was sunny and a cool west wind a 21F.Heidi waiting for me at Phyllis Mcrobbie's to put her recycling out to the end of the driveway.She was to the groomers Wednesday,had a wine colored scarf,chewed it off and had to throw it out.

02-25-2014, 05:11 PM
Heidi looks cozy warm in her doggie coat, it looks like she is really moving out on her walkies. She looks very obedient waiting for your Berry. You are having a heat wave 34 degrees F. :)

02-26-2014, 06:41 AM
Hi, Heidi and Barry! Heidi, you look soooo cute in your red vest, it goes well with your coat colors! What a cutie, waiting on the stairs for Barry to finish with the recycling :) I bet you'll e glad when spring gets here!

03-20-2014, 12:12 PM
Heidi and I on our walk March 14th.It was a partly sunny day and 32F.We did not see any of her pals,roads were snowy and slushy,were not plowed properly from the snow storm of March 12th when we got 5 inches.Heidi and I on our walk March 15th,cloudy and damp 32F,no friends around,roads and sidewalks wet fom rain.Heidi's paws got a little dirty and wet,had to clean them off,she is pretty good at letting clean her off.

03-21-2014, 06:49 AM
Heidi, it is good to get out in the fresh air, you look so cozy with your pretty red coat.

04-22-2014, 08:35 AM
Heidi and I on our walk early Friday afternoon.It was partly sunny and spitting rain 48F.We met a Yorkie going up Simpson Avenue and they had a little greeting.Heidi and I on our walk Saturday morning.Sunny and a bit of a breeze and 32F.No friends out,maybe too early for them,not Heidi though.

04-23-2014, 11:13 AM
Heidi looks like she is all business walking out. A last winter is on its way out. Heidi has a nice thick looking coat from the winter months. The spring fresh air is so great to breath in & enjoy.

05-06-2014, 09:02 PM
Heidi and I on our 2 walks on Sunday.Morning was cloudy and a little breezy and 41F,no friends,Buddy barked as we went by his home.Afternoon was sunny and 50F.I saw Hershey as we walked by, she was looking the other way and Heidi didn't see her at all.

05-06-2014, 10:55 PM
The weather is getting nicer! Heidi isn't wearing her sweater for her walk in these pictures! Hi, Heidi and Barry!

05-07-2014, 12:06 AM
Oh, send some of that nice weather my way! :) It's been so hot here that Jasper and I had to head back from a walk early because he was panting so hard.

06-24-2014, 12:29 PM
First two are Heidi and I on our morning walk June 11.We went before 7 in the morning,rain was on the way,it was overcast and 64F.No friends out,too early for them,it started raining after we got back.Next two form the afternoon walk,was sunny anbd a warm 72F,no friends were out.

06-24-2014, 01:01 PM
First two form the morning walk,cool,sunny and 64,no friends,was a little after 7 in the morning.On our afternoon walk.Sunny,nice and 68 F,two Poodles,barked at us form a house on Flett St,Heidi watched them as we went by and she hurried right on as if scared by them.Then we met Abigail,her Shih Tzu friend on Jane Street,had a little greeting,Abigail barked at Heidi,got a picture of that,was really cute.the we met Sam and Tessa's owner walking home from work,got a friendly pet from him.

06-25-2014, 12:45 AM
Hi, Heidi and Barry! The weather has definitely gotten nicer, neither of you need a coat anymore :) Abigail and Heidi are so cute together!