View Full Version : Thank you Angel

Lady's Human
05-13-2013, 11:07 AM
For taking over as nurse puppy, despite your energy.

I couldn't sleep in bed last night, crashed on the couch, and woke up with a pup curled up behind my legs.

I think we'll keep this one.:cool:

05-13-2013, 12:17 PM
Awww, good girl, Angel!

05-13-2013, 01:05 PM
Pawsome nursing care, Angel! :D

Queen of Poop
05-13-2013, 01:27 PM
Awww Angel, such a good girl!!!

05-14-2013, 04:42 PM
She's proving the advantages of having a smaller dog - she fits on the couch with you well enough to not squish you, or wake you up!

Have any geese attempted to make your pond home this spring? What does she think of that?

05-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Fitting right in:D

Lady's Human
05-14-2013, 05:32 PM
She's curious about the geese, hasn't taken off after them the way Layd used to, but after a couple of laps around the pond the geese get the hint and leave.

The funny thing is that on her morning walks she keeps wanting to go over and play with the calves across the street!

05-14-2013, 11:16 PM
The funny thing is that on her morning walks she keeps wanting to go over and play with the calves across the street!

Okay, I have to ask ... Calves? Across the street?! LH, do you live in the country? There is nothing even remotely that interesting across the street here.

05-15-2013, 01:13 AM
He does live in a rural area - farm across the street, horse farm next door ...

Lady's Human
05-15-2013, 06:03 AM
Okay, I have to ask ... Calves? Across the street?! LH, do you live in the country? There is nothing even remotely that interesting across the street here.

I have to walk about 5 miles to find a sidewalk, our garden is big enough now to keep us in vegetables for most of the year, and when the kids get bored and stir crazy I send them out to fish in the pond, so yeah, we live in the country! (downside is that 'yotes use the south edge of the yard as a rabbit hunting highway)

05-15-2013, 11:33 AM
He does live in a rural area - farm across the street, horse farm next door ...

It sounds like the perfect place for Angel to have a family, love and fun :D!

05-15-2013, 01:41 PM
I think we are due for a new Angel picture ... just saying ....

Lady's Human
05-15-2013, 10:09 PM
We should have taken one this afternoon. We had to go out for a few minutes, and she still ins't over the fact that when the humans leave, they WILL come back.....

She found the bag of bagels on the counter and had a snack, 2 bagels is a lot for a little belly......

05-16-2013, 12:34 AM
Well, better bagels than something indigestible like a pillow or something!

Lady's Human
05-16-2013, 12:40 AM
Well, better bagels than something indigestible like a pillow or something!

In very Lady-esque fashion, it snowed in the living room. A new package of toilet paper (all 11 rolls that were still in there), 2 boxes of kleenex, and various and sundry other items. At least she kept everything in a neat pile......:rolleyes:

05-16-2013, 01:33 AM
In very Lady-esque fashion, it snowed in the living room. A new package of toilet paper (all 11 rolls that were still in there), 2 boxes of kleenex, and various and sundry other items. At least she kept everything in a neat pile......:rolleyes:

Unlike Freckles, who could find the newest box of Kleenex in the house, and cover the entire dining room with the contents!

Lady's Human
05-16-2013, 01:58 AM
Freckles was also fond of Encyclopedias.

If she learned everything she ate she was a pup with a doctorate.

05-16-2013, 10:17 AM
In very Lady-esque fashion, it snowed in the living room. A new package of toilet paper (all 11 rolls that were still in there), 2 boxes of kleenex, and various and sundry other items. At least she kept everything in a neat pile......:rolleyes:

A May snowstorm?! ;) My goodness, Angel ... what brought this on? LH, do you think she was aware that all her people were apart from her? How do you get a dog used to the idea that although her family sometimes has to go, that they always return?

Lady's Human
05-16-2013, 10:21 AM
Well, upon further review this morning, we THINK we've figured part of it out.
She perches on our daughter's bed to look out the window. Because of her ......destructive tendencies when left alone, we had the kids closing their bedrooms tom minimize the carnage.

Bad decision.

She can't get to her lookout post with the doors closed.

Add to that she has become VERY attached to her humans, it creates a nervous puppy with NOTHING right with the world, and the world MUST pay for the evil it has caused. :p

She was alone this morning for abit as I was late getting home from work, MJ left her door open, and the only evidence that she was alone in the house by herself was one stuffy brought out to the livingroom, intact.

05-21-2013, 10:52 PM
Hello, Angel and family! How are you? How are the calves across the street? I bet you see a lot of neat things when you look out of your official window :) Did you put a nose print on it so everyone knows it is your window?

Lady's Human
05-22-2013, 05:21 AM
There's a big field of noseprints rights at puppy level.