View Full Version : Luna's legs are getting weaker (x-ray shot of her spine; #77)

04-21-2013, 12:08 PM
It's her 13th birthday tomorrow, but my poor Luna is in severe trouble. :(

It began two and a half weeks ago when she was in the window sill and tried passing a flower pot. She slipped and fell down, right onto her kitty bed below the window. When she landed, her hind legs were giving in, it's been a scary sight. I brought her to the vet the same morning who examined her and couldn't find any palpable injuries. Luna got a pain med injected, and I was told to give her some pain meds for the next days. I did, and she started doing better. A few days ago, I started - in accordance with my vet - reducing the meds.

This morning, she jumped from the same window sill, onto her bed again, and after that, she could barely walk! Her entire backside was down, she literally crawled towards me; all wobbly and buckling; it's been scaring the hell out of me. :( She climbed into my bed, sat beside me, her tail twitching in pain and discomfort, but she allowed me comforting her and started purring. When she jumped down about 10 minutes later, her legs were back to normal, even though I could tell she was walking carefully and a little stiff. I put her on pain meds again, which was, according to my former vet whom I've called later today, the right thing to do as they do not only take the pain away but also prevent further inflammation from the trauma.

Both her and my new vet (to whom my former vet gave her office two years ago when she retired) agree that it's going to be hard to find out what's actually wrong with Luna. We know that nothing's broken, and anything else wouldn't be shown in an x-ray shot which is why we haven't done this so far. Most likely, Luna is dealing with arthritis (I can hear her joints making cracking sounds for years, and she's always a little stiff when she's getting up. Over the last years, I have also noticed that one of her hind legs is giving in when she's turning around on a small spot, like the space between my keyboard and my monitor where she loves to walk). She always had weak musles in her hind legs, even as a kitten, she's never been an athletic cat. And now she has gained so much weight from her struvite crystal diet, which makes things worse.

I'm really worried about her, and at the top of it, Lily started attacking her today, taking advantage of Luna's weakness. And I cannot keep Luna from jumping! She's still jumping onto that window sill, and even from her scratching post onto the top of the cabinet! She's a brave little girl. But I fear the day I find she can no longer walk at all! :(

04-21-2013, 02:47 PM
Awww, poor Luna kitty! Can you cut down on the amount she gets of her food each day and maybe loosing some weight will help her get some mobility back? Poor girl, it is hard to see our beloved pets get older, isn't it? As she has had trouble with her hind legs since kittenhood, I wonder if the nerves there just never properly developed for some reason. You and she will be in our prayers, though it is good that she still does jump, that means she does have some control, and we know it would be impossible to get her not to, anyway!

You tell Miss Lilly that is she keeps it up, she's gonna end up in the Dog House ... or sprayed with water or shut in the bathroom - whichever would horrify her most!

04-21-2013, 03:11 PM
Thank you, Karen.

Yes, it's hard to see her getting older, and I'm really worried. She spent the entire evening lying on my desk, eventually I lifted her up to find out if she can still walk at all. She could, but it's easy to see it's not comfortable for her. Lily chased her around a while ago, so I wonder if it made things even worse. :( I'm trying to protect her from Lily, but sometimes I'm just not fast enough.

You may be right about the nerves, it's what my gut feeling is telling me also. A pinched nerve, or a herniated disk. I really fear she may end up paralized, even though my former vet told me today on the phone that even disk hernias can be treated (to some degree at least) with the kind of medicine she's on. We'll see. But tonight, I'm feeling she's not doing well at all.

I cannot cut down the amount of food because I'm already feeding small portions. But what I can do is getting her a calory-reduced struvite crystal diet made by Hill's. So far, I'm feeding her a struvite crystal diet from the pet store because the Hill's diet is so very expensive over here. But I'm going to order it from my vet's office tomorrow, and I hope it's not too late for her to lose some weight. I'm really worried, and I fear her birthday tomorrow will be her last one. :(

04-21-2013, 03:40 PM
Awww, okay, maybe the reduced calorie stuff will make a difference - it is amazing what losing some weight can do for a kitty's health, in terms of joints in particular! Sending you hugs, and scritches to Luna!

04-21-2013, 04:15 PM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I sure hope that the pain meds will be able to continue to help her. I've also had overweight cats in the past and my Radar is still currently overweight even though he's a very large cat. You just need to make sure that cats don't lose too much weight too fast or else they can get hepatic lipidosis which is fatty liver disease. My RB Pepper got this when he became very sick which made him lose a lot of weight very quickly. I hope that Lily will stop trying to attack Luna. Cats can sense when another cat is ill or weak and then they try to bully them. :( Since x-rays won't be able to show anything, did your vet ever mention doing an ultrasound? Maybe this would be able to show something. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both of you. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Here's two articles about cats with arthritis: http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesandconditions/a/CW-CatArthritisTreatment.htm and http://voices.yahoo.com/7-home-treatments-arthritis-cats-8319665.html.

04-21-2013, 06:48 PM
Oh, Kirsten, we are sending prayers and warm healing energies and good wishes your and Luna's way, that the vets and you will come up with a solution for Luna's difficulties here.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

04-21-2013, 07:14 PM
I don't know much about cats but I have to agree that it does sound like a nerve problem and possibly some back issue. I'm really sorry you're going through this with Luna, I know your cats mean so much to you. Could you boost her bed higher for when she does decide to jump down so it won't be so far for her to jump? I hope you'll be able to convince Lily that chasing Luna is a bad idea...the water bottle shpuld help with that. Have a special birthday with her tomorrow-- hopefully she'll have another one next year.

04-21-2013, 08:24 PM
Oh, Kirsten, we are sending prayers and warm healing energies and good wishes your and Luna's way, that the vets and you will come up with a solution for Luna's difficulties here.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

Same here! Prayers and good wishes, hugs and purrrrrrrs for Luna and meowmie! :love:

04-21-2013, 10:13 PM
When i first moved in with my husband he had a big 4X6 picture window with a thin 4in ledge
It now has a 10in wide ledge.:D

Is there anyway you can make the ledge wider?
can you put a chair or an ottoman under the ledge so its less of a drop should she fall?

Do they sell the pet step there? Cant get the picture on here but you can check out Petco.com
Brinkmann Pet 4 Step Pet Steps or something similar.

I hope the pain meds make your baby feel better

Happy Birthtday pretty girl and I hope you and your Mommy have many many more happy healthy years together

Felicia's Mom
04-22-2013, 06:25 AM
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Luna and you.:love:

04-22-2013, 08:21 AM
I'm sorry your Luna is having health problems. I know it's upsetting for both of you. You're both in my prayers.

04-22-2013, 03:29 PM
Thank you so much for your support, advice, and prayers. Luna had a rough birthday today, spent most of the day in her refuge behind the couch, and is obviously in pain tonight. She wanted to climb onto my bed and couldn't, but she didn't want me to lift her up either. On the other hand, I found her on the closet this evening, and she's also able to jump onto the kitchen cabinet where she opened one of the doors, hoping to get some treats.

I spoke to my vet this morning and ordered a bag of the calory-reduced Hill's food. She has also suggested a cortisone shot in case the Melosus (her pain med) won't help.

I'm very tired and exhausted tonight and need to go to bed now, I will write more tomorrow. But right now, I can hardly keep my eyes open.

04-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Awww, we are sure the Cortisone will help, it is really a great short-term drug.

smokey the elder
04-23-2013, 07:46 AM
Poor Luna. Could she have a blood clot? I've heard of those causing paralysis. I hope she feels better.

04-23-2013, 11:00 AM
Ask your vet about the aerobic oxygen too (mentioned on FB).

04-23-2013, 11:26 AM
Ask your vet about the aerobic oxygen too (mentioned on FB).

Yes, I will do this, and I will also talk to an alternative practitioner for animals.

Poor Luna. Could she have a blood clot? I've heard of those causing paralysis. I hope she feels better.

I sure hope it's not that! But her legs are not paralized, just weak. Besides, the worst problems occured in similar situations (jumping down the window sill), which makes me believe it's something with her joints, nerves, ligaments, or muscles.

Is there anyway you can make the ledge wider?
can you put a chair or an ottoman under the ledge so its less of a drop should she fall?

Do they sell the pet step there? Cant get the picture on here but you can check out Petco.com
Brinkmann Pet 4 Step Pet Steps or something similar.

I don't know much about cats but I have to agree that it does sound like a nerve problem and possibly some back issue. I'm really sorry you're going through this with Luna, I know your cats mean so much to you. Could you boost her bed higher for when she does decide to jump down so it won't be so far for her to jump? I hope you'll be able to convince Lily that chasing Luna is a bad idea...the water bottle shpuld help with that. Have a special birthday with her tomorrow-- hopefully she'll have another one next year.

Well, I'm already trying to come up with a solution that will make things easier for her. Usually she's climbing onto my desk and from there, she'd jump onto the window sill (and back). Looks difficult, but for some reason, it seems to be easier for her. (I took some pictures of this earlier today and will post them later to show you). And yes, a spray bottle for Lily is definitely an option! :D

Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I sure hope that the pain meds will be able to continue to help her. I've also had overweight cats in the past and my Radar is still currently overweight even though he's a very large cat. You just need to make sure that cats don't lose too much weight too fast or else they can get hepatic lipidosis which is fatty liver disease. My RB Pepper got this when he became very sick which made him lose a lot of weight very quickly. I hope that Lily will stop trying to attack Luna. Cats can sense when another cat is ill or weak and then they try to bully them. :( Since x-rays won't be able to show anything, did your vet ever mention doing an ultrasound? Maybe this would be able to show something. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to both of you. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Here's two articles about cats with arthritis: http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesandconditions/a/CW-CatArthritisTreatment.htm and http://voices.yahoo.com/7-home-treatments-arthritis-cats-8319665.html.

Thanks for the link (it's bookmarked), and for all the advice. I heard about liver failure in cats when they stop eating, so I'll be careful. And I will discuss the ultrasound option with my vet.

Besides, she seems to be feeling a little better today, and she was happy about her Sheba meal we had left from her birthday present. :-) She was running very fast when I served her food earlier today. :D

04-23-2013, 11:49 AM
Okay, here are some pictures I took this morning; bad pictures with a lot of motion blur, and a difficult light situation with the window, but you'll get the idea.

This is Luna walking. It's easy to see that she's carrying a lot of weight around her waist!


Here, she's climbing onto my desk, using the printer as a step stone:


Getting ready to jump:


I'm always cringing inside when I see her doing this:


Her place in the window where she loves to sit:


On her way back (another situation that makes me cringe):


04-23-2013, 12:09 PM
Do you think she would use some pet stairs if you put these in front of the window? I have some carpeted ones that I put in front of my bed because it's very high. My RB Storm would use these and it sure helped him get up onto my bed. My other cats that are allowed in my bedroom, Pearl, Ziggy, & Sky will sometimes use them.

04-23-2013, 12:15 PM
Do you think she would use some pet stairs if you put these in front of the window? I have some carpeted ones that I put in front of my bed because it's very high. My RB Storm would use these and it sure helped him get up onto my bed. My other cats that are allowed in my bedroom, Pearl, Ziggy, & Sky will sometimes use them.

I was thinking about something like that, but that would mean I'd have to remove the kitty bed from its place in front of the heater. Need to take a picture of the whole scene so you'll get the idea.

04-23-2013, 12:46 PM
I have some blind cats and it always makes me cringe when I see them trying to jump like Luna is doing. I found that if I put something (like a cat tree) in between two areas, they will actually use that to feel their way over to the new area. Can you do something like that between the end of your desk and the window area? That would allow her to go over there but she would basically be "walking" over. Maybe try putting a board between the two areas first to see if she will use it.

04-23-2013, 12:54 PM
I have some blind cats and it always makes me cringe when I see them trying to jump like Luna is doing. I found that if I put something (like a cat tree) in between two areas, they will actually use that to feel their way over to the new area. Can you do something like that between the end of your desk and the window area? That would allow her to go over there but she would basically be "walking" over. Maybe try putting a board between the two areas first to see if she will use it.

I was actually thinking about something like that, but if I do, I can no longer close the curtain. That would be okay in the winter, but in the summer, we would fry in here if I don't. :o But I know I need to come up with a solution for this. For the time being, I hope the window becomes less attractive for Luna now that I have removed the bird feeder. She's never been too fond of the window sill until I set up the feeding station for the birds last winter. :o

04-23-2013, 03:10 PM
Prayers on the way for you both!!! I know how frightening it is. My Leonardo had severe arthritis and finally got so he could not even stand to use the litter box. I had to let him go at that time. Hopefully, Luna will feel better in a while. Sometimes the weather makes arthrits worse. It sure does mine. :love::love:

04-23-2013, 04:04 PM
Prayers on the way for you both!!! I know how frightening it is. My Leonardo had severe arthritis and finally got so he could not even stand to use the litter box. I had to let him go at that time. Hopefully, Luna will feel better in a while. Sometimes the weather makes arthrits worse. It sure does mine. :love::love:

I'm really sorry that you had to make that decision for your Leonardo. :( And I really hope things won't go downhill for Luna so quickly. :-(

04-23-2013, 08:15 PM
Lovely pictures of your cats Kirsten but the one of Luna jumping up and the one jumping down made me catch my breath...scary, felt as if I had to do something to help in case she fell... I hope she will start doing better, I hope you can find a way to make her landings softer and lower.

04-23-2013, 10:14 PM
Continued prayers for dear Luna and meowmie!

"Look, Meowmie, I did it!" She's got a little smile on her face too :) Dear sweet Luna, please be careful :love:


05-09-2013, 11:58 AM
Well, I think it's time for a little update on Luna. She's still not well, has her ups and downs... even though she's no longer limping. But often enough, I see her walking around stiff-legged, sometimes her right hind leg is giving in, and I'm sure she's in pain!

I've contacted a holistic animal healer that I know and she gave some advice and recommended several holistic remedies which I have bought. They seem to bring her some relief, but she's still not back to normal. We believe it could be her nerve being affected, due to a herniated disc or something similar. I have also spoken to my vet about this, and she said it's hard to diagnose in cats, and that there wouldn't be much we could do. So I hope the remedies I got for her will ease her pain and discomfort, and if not, cortisone will be an option. I'm so very sorry for my poor Luna girl, especially as Lily is so naughty and keeps chasing her. It's so hard to see a beloved kitty aging!

05-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Kirsten, I'm sorry to hear that Luna is still having problems.:( When I took my RB Starr to a holistic vet she gave him acupuncture treatments and this really relaxed him. Maybe this kind of treatment could also help Luna with her leg pain. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

05-09-2013, 12:39 PM
Kirsten, I'm sorry to hear that Luna is still having problems.:( When I took my RB Starr to a holistic vet she gave him acupuncture treatments and this really relaxed him. Maybe this kind of treatment could also help Luna with her leg pain. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

Thank you! Yes, that may be an option for Luna; I wonder if she would like that. She's such a brave little girl! :love:

05-09-2013, 02:37 PM
Kirsten, are you able to give her massage on her legs? I did that with Fister and he seemed to enjoy it. :) For the last year of his life, he could not jump on my desk or the kitchen counter. I sometimes lifted him up there.

I hope the remedies you got for her, will help. Give her some kisses from me. :love:

05-09-2013, 02:57 PM
Kirsten, are you able to give her massage on her legs? I did that with Fister and he seemed to enjoy it. :) For the last year of his life, he could not jump on my desk or the kitchen counter. I sometimes lifted him up there.

I hope the remedies you got for her, will help. Give her some kisses from me. :love:

Randi, she does not like being touched there, and if it's a nerve, I can understand that because massage makes an irritated nerve really bad. I was having the same experience with mine about two weeks ago.

05-09-2013, 03:41 PM
I am sending prayers and loving thoughts and helpful energies to dearest Luna, and to you too, Kirsten. Much love to you both.


05-24-2013, 11:54 AM
Poor Luna isn't doing better; and she's back on pain meds, and in addition, I give her hypericum to support her nerves. She seems to be less depressed, most likely because she's feeling less pain, but there's still this weakness in her hind legs. Especially when she's changing directions, her legs give in. And she can no longer jump onto tables (for some strange reason, she still manages to jump onto the closet from her scratching post). It's hard to see her like that! :(

I've spoken to my vet again, and she still says it's difficult to diagnose what exactly is wrong. She said she could do an x-ray shot, but if it's a pinched nerve, or a herniated disc, it won't show. So she advised me not to go for it... Well, maybe she said that because she knows I don't have money, but I will talk to her again next week. My gut feeling is telling me that Luna will not recover from this, and I really fear for her.

05-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear that she's not improving.:( This brings back bad memories of my Storm. His back legs gave out on him so he couldn't even walk.:( Since he was older, I didn't bother to test him to find out what was wrong. I just had to let him go even though it was very difficult.:( I hope that you'll be able to keep her comfortable and hopefully she'll start improving. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

05-24-2013, 12:12 PM
Continued prayers and caring thoughts for dear Luna!

05-24-2013, 12:22 PM
Kirsten, I'm so sorry to hear that she's not improving.:( This brings back bad memories of my Storm. His back legs gave out on him so he couldn't even walk.:( Since he was older, I didn't bother to test him to find out what was wrong. I just had to let him go even though it was very difficult.:( I hope that you'll be able to keep her comfortable and hopefully she'll start improving. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

Tracey, how old was your Storm when this happened? Luna is 13, but the muscles in her hind legs have been a little weak all her life, even as a kitten. I remember that back in 2001, I asked my vet to make an xray of her hip bones because I felt something was wrong (she did, and her bones were fine). Meanwhile, vet visits are extremely stressful for Luna, it wouldn't be possible to make an x-ray shot or even draw blood from her without sedation, but she doesn't tolerate anaesthesia very well. For this reason, I was so far hesitant to put her through all this, but I feel I'm letting her down. :(

Continued prayers and caring thoughts for dear Luna!

Thank you. :)

05-24-2013, 12:35 PM
Tracey, how old was your Storm when this happened? Luna is 13, but the muscles in her hind legs have been a little weak all her life, even as a kitten. I remember that back in 2001, I asked my vet to make an xray of her hip bones because I felt something was wrong (she did, and her bones were fine). Meanwhile, vet visits are extremely stressful for Luna, it wouldn't be possible to make an x-ray shot or even draw blood from her without sedation, but she doesn't tolerate anaesthesia very well. For this reason, I was so far hesitant to put her through all this, but I feel I'm letting her down. :(

Thank you. :)

This happened last year in late July so he was 16 1/2 years old. Since I adopted him from the Humane Society and we were guessing his age, he may have been a year or so older than that. It came on very suddenly and he had never had any problems with his back legs before. Now I'm thinking that he could've had a stroke that may have caused this.

05-24-2013, 01:01 PM
This happened last year in late July so he was 16 1/2 years old. Since I adopted him from the Humane Society and we were guessing his age, he may have been a year or so older than that. It came on very suddenly and he had never had any problems with his back legs before. Now I'm thinking that he could've had a stroke that may have caused this.

Hmm, if this came out of a sudden, it may in fact have been a stroke. :( Of course I fear it could be something like this with Luna as well, even though I think in that case, she won't have symptom-free periods. If my gut feeling is right, it's something neurological, but what if I'm wrong and the weakness is just a side effect of an illness (heart condition, virus or whatever), or a circulatory disorder? :( I really fear that. On the other hand, she seems to be fine, apart from that. Fur and eyes are shiny, nose and eyes are clean, she's eating and playing. She enjoyed the cat nip pads that I made for Lily's birthday so very much! And she's cuddly, she always wants to be with be. I think is because she knows I'm protecting her against Lily. Right now, she's sitting right next to me on my mouse pad, purring, and trying to get my attention. She's always near me these days (unless she's sleeping or stealing food in the kitchen ;) )

05-24-2013, 01:54 PM
Oh, Kirsten, we are sending along all our love and prayers and good wishes and healing energies for Luna, and for you too.

Pat and cats

05-24-2013, 02:17 PM
Kirsten, to me it sounds like a bit of arthritis, combined with old age, but if she still eats, drinks and can jump up in your bed, she's not that bad. :) Fister was more vocal in his last year and wanted to cuddle more, but his appetite wasn't that good, even his favourite treats.

I hope Luna will be with you for a long time yet, she's such a sweet and beautiful girl. :love:

Kirsten, I was also thinking... if you put something she could jump up on, to make it easier for her, that might work. However, I did that for Fister and he didn't want to use it.

05-24-2013, 02:34 PM
Do you have vets that will come to your house? Maybe that is an option for Luna.

05-24-2013, 06:25 PM
Could you mix her struivite crystal food half-and-half with weight loss food? Ask your vet. I'm sure even a few ounces off would make a difference for Luna. If you can get real fish oil that's a good source of Omega-3. It really helped Oscar and Cole when the vet said they had some arthritis in their hips.

hugs and I know you'll what's best for your girl! :):love::love:

05-24-2013, 08:37 PM
Kirsten your cat seems to be overweight from the pictures and from what you say here...has your vet checked Luna for Diabetes? She could have diabetic neuropathy, her condition would then be neurological but it can be treated --that would cause the weakness in the hindlegs. Also I'm wondering if she was checked in case she has a blood clot lodged in the main artery, this would block blood supply to the hind legs and cause weakness. And I wondered if you thought of adding potassium to her diet, it helps humans and animals alike. Matter of fact I'm on extra potassium for weakness in my legs and I've seen a huge change.

05-26-2013, 11:04 AM
Kirsten your cat seems to be overweight from the pictures and from what you say here...has your vet checked Luna for Diabetes? She could have diabetic neuropathy, her condition would then be neurological but it can be treated --that would cause the weakness in the hindlegs. Also I'm wondering if she was checked in case she has a blood clot lodged in the main artery, this would block blood supply to the hind legs and cause weakness. And I wondered if you thought of adding potassium to her diet, it helps humans and animals alike. Matter of fact I'm on extra potassium for weakness in my legs and I've seen a huge change.

Well, yes, she is overweight, and I will definetely ask my vet if she could have diabetes. However, she doesn't show any of these typical diabetes symptoms, like increased thirst and urination. As for the blood clot, I have already asked my vet (and my former vet also) about this, and they said that cats with blood clots scream loudly.

Could you mix her struivite crystal food half-and-half with weight loss food? Ask your vet. I'm sure even a few ounces off would make a difference for Luna. If you can get real fish oil that's a good source of Omega-3. It really helped Oscar and Cole when the vet said they had some arthritis in their hips.

hugs and I know you'll what's best for your girl! :):love::love:

I put her on a calory reduced struvite crystal diet a few weeks ago, and she has already lost a little weight. Last year, I got her salmon oil since I was told omega 3 would be good for cats with arthritis, but unfortunately, she didn't like it at all. :( Now I've got her Gimpet multivitamin paste, which she loves.

Do you have vets that will come to your house? Maybe that is an option for Luna.

We tried that once when Luna had to get an enema, but here at home, she was fighting worse than she does at the vet's office! :o She was screaming like a banshee which traumatized Lily as well.

Kirsten, to me it sounds like a bit of arthritis, combined with old age, but if she still eats, drinks and can jump up in your bed, she's not that bad. :) Fister was more vocal in his last year and wanted to cuddle more, but his appetite wasn't that good, even his favourite treats.

I hope Luna will be with you for a long time yet, she's such a sweet and beautiful girl. :love:

Kirsten, I was also thinking... if you put something she could jump up on, to make it easier for her, that might work. However, I did that for Fister and he didn't want to use it.

Yes, I hope she will still be with me for a while! And yes, I need to rearrange things here to make life easier for her. Yesterday, I build a barrier around the top of the cabinet because I don't want her to fall down (Lily attacked her there the day before yesterday and Luna panicked up there), and I need to come up with more solutions for her.

Oh, Kirsten, we are sending along all our love and prayers and good wishes and healing energies for Luna, and for you too.

Pat and cats

Thank you very much! :)

05-26-2013, 11:09 AM
I am glad to hear she is losing some weight. It takes a while in cats - heck in all of us! - ;) - but over time she should get more comfortable.

05-26-2013, 11:23 AM
I am glad to hear she is losing some weight. It takes a while in cats - heck in all of us! - ;) - but over time she should get more comfortable.

I hope so! After two weeks, I could see she has lost a little weight (and Lily as well 'cause she's also eating that food), but now, the weight loss seemed to have stopped, for both of them. :confused:

05-26-2013, 01:08 PM
It's a plateau. Just keep measuring the food and feeding them...their bodies will adjust and carry on. :):love:

05-26-2013, 01:12 PM
It's a plateau. Just keep measuring the food and feeding them...their bodies will adjust and carry on. :):love:

Yes, hope you're right and they'll still lose some weight.

05-26-2013, 02:26 PM
My vet told me that for a cat to lose a pound in a year is a lot. Oscar lost a bit over that in 7 months or so!

Got a laser pointer? What's their favourite toy?:)

05-26-2013, 03:10 PM
Could stress caused by Lilly be part of this problem? Stress can manifest itself in many ways. Maybe Lilly chased her and during the chase Luna stepped wrong and hurt herself. Just a guess.

06-17-2013, 01:20 PM
Oops, I thought I had replied to the last two posts here, but obviously it doesn't show... :o

Anyway, her favourite toy IS a laser pointer, and I just got her a new one because the old one was broken. But she prefers watching the red point instead of chasing it... ;)

And yes, I think she's stressed because of Lily. But a few weeks ago, I started doing clicker training with Lily, and it really seems to be working! I mean, she's still bullying Luna every now and then, but not that much, and Luna is visibly relaxed, even started playing a little (which she hasn't done since Lily moved in!).

Luna's medical condition has also slightly improved, but she is still on pain meds. Her back legs still give in, but apart from that, she's walking very well. My vet thinks it's some kind of nerve damage.

We're having a vet appointment on Wednesday. She's having a wart at her neck which has grown and which I want to be removed, and for this, she's going to be sedated. At that occasion, she's going to have the x-ray shot of her back and will be getting some blood work done (we're overdue with that). She will also undergo a dental cleaning if needed.

Please keep her in your thoughts, as I'm really nervous about the anaesthesia. After all, she's a senior of 13 years! And I also fear the result of her blood work; I hope her kidneys, liver and pancreas are still working fine. I really hate to put her through all this, I know she will be so scared and being sedated will make her feel so miserable for the rest of the day. But I know all this needs to be done sooner or later, so why not now? Hope I'm doing the right thing... :o

06-17-2013, 01:26 PM
You're just being a caring, loving, cat mom. Nothin' wrong about that! I'm glad Luna is doing better. I know how you feel about the anaesthesia. I had to have Mac put under last summer to have some work done. I voiced my concern to my vet and she told me that if a kitty is reasonably healthy, even a senior kitizen, they handle it pretty well. Mac and Ming both came out of it fine. Ming would get a little growly for awhile and Mac just rebounded and was fine within an hour. I hope everything goes well with Luna.

06-17-2013, 01:34 PM
Thank you! :) Well, I guess it's just normal that we're worried, but I just hate to put her at any risk. On the other hand, her last blood work is a few years ago, so I'm beginning to feel I'm not caring enough for her well-being. :o It's just so complicated with her because it's impossible to get blood from her when she's not sedated. I really hope she'll be fine! One of my mom's friends once had a cat that underwent a dental cleaning. The cat was 15 years old and in chronic renal failure, and he did not wake up from anaesthesia. He just passed away, it's been such a shock. For some reason, I always have this poor kitty in mind when it comes to sedation. :(

06-17-2013, 01:44 PM
Can they give her a local anesthesia instead of putting her under for the procedure?

06-17-2013, 02:18 PM
Can they give her a local anesthesia instead of putting her under for the procedure?

No, I don't think that would work for all the things that we have planned to do with her. But my vet promised she will only be slightly sedated (but I know even with that it will take a full day for her to recover).

06-17-2013, 02:19 PM
No, I don't think that would work for all the things that we have planned to do with her. But my vet promised she will only be slightly sedated (but I know even with that it will take a full day for her to recover).

Oh, okay! Well, good to get things over with, at any rate!

06-17-2013, 02:20 PM
Yay, Lily for doing well with the clicker training! Big prayers for Luna's up-coming vet visit! I am sending tons of cyber hugs, lovies and snuggles to Lily and Luna :love: :love:

06-17-2013, 03:56 PM
Kirsten, what a wonderful, loving cat mom you are! We are praying and sending warm wishes that Luna's vet visit goes well. That is great that you are getting all this work done now. I'm sure your vet will be very careful with the anesthesia.

My 20+ -year-old girl Poppaea just had dental treatment a couple of weeks ago. I was concerned about the anesthesia at her age, too. The vet was on top of that situation. He gave her the minimal amount needed, found she had huge tartar buildup on all four quadrants of front teeth, and cleaned that all off along with removing one tooth that needed to go. Poppaea went through the procedure just fine!

I'm so glad that Lily's clicker training is working and she is not tormenting Luna anywhere near as often as she used to. Well done, Kirsten and Lily (and Luna too)!

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: from Pat and cats

06-19-2013, 05:56 AM
Kirsten, I hope all is going well. They have really soft anesthesia these days. Filou had a dental cleaning a half year before he passed away and he really did well and was only sleeping for half an hour or so.
I am so excited to hear about Lily's clicker training. I will have to check it out!

06-20-2013, 12:33 PM
Thank you so much for keeping my Luna in your thoughts, and for wishing her luck!

Here's an update on our vet visit yesterday. My apologies for not replying sooner, but I felt really worn yesterday, and it's been a rough day. After we had no summer and no springtime at all this year, we suddenly found ourselves in the middle of a brutal heatwave, starting the day before yesterday, and the night before our vet appointment, I did not sleep at all because it's been way too warm in my flat. During the night, I thought I'd have to cancel the appointment because I thought I wouldn't be able to drive the next morning, I was dizzy and tired.
When the morning came, I decided to take the trip to the vet, nonetheless. Luna got her sedation at 9 a.m., and I picked her up at 10.30 a.m. She had her wart removed, her teeth cleaned, her bloodwork done and her x-ray shot taken. It showed some trouble in her lower spine; two intervertebral spaces don't look as wide as they should, so it's very likely that this is causing her problems. This more or less confirmed what I had expected and what my gut feeling has been telling me all the time. But the good thing is, her inner organs looked fine in the shot. Now I'm nervously waiting for the results of her blood work which I hope to get tomorrow morning.

Luna was still sleeping when I picked her up, and I left her in her carrier until the late afternoon. When she stepped out, she was still dizzy and barely able to walk. As expected, this scared the hell out of Lily, who started hiding and howling. Any time she spotted Luna, she started hissing (apart from this, she has never been hissing in her entire life); she's really freaking out. The three of us spent a horrible night with 85 degrees in our flat.

Today, Luna still seems to be exhausted, but it could be the heat as well. Lily is depressed and barely leaves the top of the cabinet. She's not even eating, and any time Luna is crossing her path, she starts hissing again, but it's less aggressive than yesterday. I hope that tomorrow, things will be back to normal. In similar situations, it took two days until Lily was back to her normal self, I think by that time, the anaesthetic is out of Luna's system. And this afternoon, we had a thunderstorm which cleared the air a bit, making us feel so much better!

Tomorrow at 11 a.m., I'll call the vet's office for the result of the blood test, so please wish us luck again. I know that Luna's blood count is always weird (Lily has the same abnormalties), and it always makes me nervous to hear about that. :eek:

Here are some pics, the first one shows Luna in her box at the vet's, lying on a electric blanket to keep her warm:


And this was Luna last night, still looking very drugged:


This was Lily, growling and howling at Luna:


Ad if you have a Real Player installed, you can listen to what she sounded like:


Pinot's Mom
06-20-2013, 12:56 PM
Prayers for a good bloodwork result. Is there anything the can do about the discs?

06-20-2013, 01:00 PM
Prayers for a good bloodwork result. Is there anything the can do about the discs?

Thank you! No, just pain meds (which we do already) :(

06-20-2013, 01:04 PM
Oh Kirsten, I so hope Luna's blood work will be within normal range. How pitiful she looks - I remember Fister looking like that after being sedated, and you just feel so bad. She'll have to sleep it off, but knowing cats, she'll probably try to get to a certain spot, even if she has to wobble around and fall over, to get there.

I hope she'll be feeling OK soon! :love:

Oh, and tell Lily to stop hissing and growling like that! ;)

06-20-2013, 01:51 PM
I am saying big prayers for meowmie, Lily and Luna today :love:

06-20-2013, 02:02 PM
Prayers going out. I hope the pain meds and gradual weight loss will help!

06-20-2013, 03:45 PM
Prayers and good wishes and loads of love for you all..


Felicia's Mom
06-20-2013, 04:51 PM
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Luna and you.:love:

06-20-2013, 05:32 PM
Kirsten, could you throw a couple of bottles with water in them in the freezer, so once they are frozen you can take them out and create a small zone of cool for your self and for the kitties? Just a thought! Hope she clears the drugs from her system soon, and will say a prayer for good results on the blood test!

06-21-2013, 07:07 AM
Thank you so very much for your good wishes for my beloved girl! Luckily, things are more back to normal now. Temperatures went down after heavy thunderstorms so the air is much fresher now, and Luna, who appeared very exhaused and almost lethargic yesterday, is now back to her old self. And Lily has finally realized that it's her kitty buddy Luna whom I brought home from the vet. There was still a little hissing this morning, but it's much better now.

I got the results of Luna's bloodwork this noon. Not as good as I was hoping for, but it could have been worse.

- Cystatin C (early recognition of renal failure) is cleary increased now (it had been slightly increased in 2009), but the "standard" kidney values are still normal. I will get her Renes Viscum next week to support her kidneys. I had the same for Lily when her urea was increased some years ago, and it worked fine for her.

- one of the liver values is slightly increased, but not so much that my vet would be worried about it. She thinks it could be due to the pain meds she's on for a while now. Her liver looked fine in the x-ray shot, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much about this at this point.

- Her fructosamine is not increased yet, but close to the upper limit. So she's definitely at risk of developing diabetes sooner or later; I need to keep an eye on that.

- Her blood count was as bad as I expected. Leucos are dramatically low, and we don't know why. However, Luna's blood count has always been like this, and Lily has the same abnormalties in hers. It is strange, probably some kind of underlying virus that both cats have, but we don't know which one it might be. Last year, Lily has been tested negative for Feline Leukemia, FIP, and FIV, so it might be something else. I won't dig any further here at this point as both of them show no signs of illness.

So, all in all, I think the results could have been worse for a 13 year-old senior.

06-21-2013, 07:52 AM
Kirsten, you, Lily and Luna are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how difficult it can be with senior cats. But you're an awesome Meowmie. They are both lucky to have you.



06-21-2013, 08:03 AM
Kirsten, you, Lily and Luna are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how difficult it can be with senior cats. But you're an awesome Meowmie. They are both lucky to have you.



Thank you for saying this, Donna! I'm trying to do my best - and how couldn't I for I love them so very much. ♥ But often, I feel so bad because I'm poor now since I retired, and some say that poor folks shouldn't have pets as they cannot care for them. However, I'm doing all that I can to give them everything they need. They're my babies. ♥

06-21-2013, 12:11 PM
Dear Kirsten, I'm so glad things are getting more back to normal now. I know you are doing everything you can for them both, and I agree completely with what Donna said, ".. you're an awesome Meowmie. They are both lucky to have you."

Continuing prayers and loving good wishes and warm energies that things go well for you all for a long time to come. God bless.


06-21-2013, 12:47 PM
It's tough when you are poor to afford pets, but we do for them whatever is necessary. We always find the money somewhere. You are doing a great job and your girls are lucky to have you!:love::love:

06-21-2013, 02:04 PM
So glad that things seem to be getting back under control with Luna Kirsten. She looks so pitiful coming out of that anesthetic but then we don't look so great when we come out of it ourselves. I hope everything will be uphill for the rest of the way--prayers for Luna.
If poor people weren't supposed to have pets there would be a lot of homeless pets out there---poor people always seem to find the way to give their pets the care they need. You're giving Luna and Lily a great home and the best care when they need it so don't even think you shouldn't own your cats... I've seen people with no money issues treat their pets horribly and I often wonder why they own them.
Love goes a long way when it comes to caring for our pets.

06-21-2013, 03:01 PM
Thank you so very much for your good wishes for my beloved girl! Luckily, things are more back to normal now. Temperatures went down after heavy thunderstorms so the air is much fresher now, and Luna, who appeared very exhaused and almost lethargic yesterday, is now back to her old self. And Lily has finally realized that it's her kitty buddy Luna whom I brought home from the vet. There was still a little hissing this morning, but it's much better now.

Yay, yay! I will keep praying and thinking good thoughts for Lily, Luna and meowmie :love:

You're giving Luna and Lily a great home and the best care when they need it so don't even think you shouldn't own your cats... Love goes a long way when it comes to caring for our pets.

What Asiel said!

06-22-2013, 03:20 PM
Thank you everyone for your encouraging words. :)

And I'm happy to report that things are back to normal now! No more hissing and howling from Lily. These days may have been tough for Luna who had to endure the vet visit and the sedation, but it's been hard for Lily as well because a "drugged" Luna scared her so much!

06-22-2013, 03:29 PM
Whew, that's good!

06-24-2013, 11:11 AM
I took a photo of her x-ray shot at the vet's today and marked the disc that doesn't look too well:


I also got the Renes Viscum today and tomorrow, we'll start the treatment. It's supposed to support her kidneys.

Cystatin C was 3,3 mg/l (should be below 1,0), but urea, creatinine, sodium, phosphate, calcium and pottasium are all fine, so I hope a chronic renal failure is still far away. :o

06-24-2013, 11:21 AM
Aww--- I'm so happy for you Kirsten-- I hope things keep going well for Luna.

06-24-2013, 11:41 AM
Aww--- I'm so happy for you Kirsten-- I hope things keep going well for Luna.

Thank you! :) She's fine right now and doesn't seem to be in pain. And Lily is back to her old, happy self. Such a relief!

06-24-2013, 03:42 PM
Thank you! :) She's fine right now and doesn't seem to be in pain. And Lily is back to her old, happy self. Such a relief!

Yay, yay! I am sending big cyber-hugs to Luna, Lily and meowmie!!

06-24-2013, 04:15 PM
Thank you! :) She's fine right now and doesn't seem to be in pain. And Lily is back to her old, happy self. Such a relief!

What wonderful news! Lovies to you all!


06-24-2013, 05:28 PM
I hope that Luna will be able to be much more comfortable now. You're such a wonderful cat meowmie.:)

07-03-2013, 02:42 PM
Poor Luna was having a bad set-back the day before yesterday. She was doing relatively well over the past weeks, but on Monday, I heard strange sounds from the hallway and when I looked, I saw Luna crawling from the living room. It's been a heartbreaking sight! :( She came crawling towards me and let me comfort her; after a while, she was able to walk again, but it's still a little stiff-legged, and her hind legs are weak. She's stretching a lot, and often she'd sit down after a few steps, so she's definitely in pain and discomfort! If this doesn't improve over the next days, it's time for her first cortisone shot. I have already spoken to my vet.

07-03-2013, 03:08 PM
Saying big prayers for Luna and her meowmie!

And a candle ... http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=18851233


07-03-2013, 03:15 PM
Saying big prayers for Luna and her meowmie!

And a candle ... http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=18851233


Thank you very much, Elyse! :)

07-04-2013, 07:02 PM
I sure hope that the cortisone shot will help her. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

07-04-2013, 08:04 PM
Aww-- so sorry about the trouble poor Luna is having. The cortisone shots should help her a lot, at least I certainly hope so, it's so hard seeing out fur friends suffering...it just does me in if mine so much as feels a bit off the wall.

07-04-2013, 08:36 PM
Poor Luna!!! I really feel for you both. My knees were so bad last month I could hardly stand let alone walk. I got a cortasone shot and it helped a lot. I hope hers helps her too. :love::love::love:

07-05-2013, 09:13 AM
We are so sorry to hear that one of our most iconic Cats is not well.:(
We are sending our prayers for Luna, that she can regain her mobility and that she will be well.
She is one of our Favorite Cats.:love::love::love:

07-05-2013, 03:25 PM
Continuing prayers and loving good wishes for dear Luna, and for you too, Kirsten.


07-05-2013, 03:40 PM
Thank you sooo much for keeping my girl in your thoughts! :love:

She was doing better today and had some fun playing with her "kitty light" (laser pointer). She even jumped after the red spot which I saw with mixed emotions. A part of me was happy to see her doing that, but I was also worried that she would make a wrong move. I took some pictures of her today which I may post later tonight or tomorrow. She looked much happier there. :)

07-05-2013, 03:44 PM
Aww, that's good!

07-06-2013, 03:20 PM
She was having another good day today and had no problems walking. :-)

And here are the pictures I took of her yesterday: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?182808-New-pictures-of-Luna!-%29