View Full Version : Please pray for my Grandma kitty

03-19-2013, 09:07 AM
Just got back from taking Grandma to the vet. She ate fine yesterday morning but would not touch a thing last night or this morning. She threw up a couple of times last night and only wants to drink water. I'm afraid it is her kidneys. She is almost 18.

I did find out she had been chewing on her cat bed and pulling the stuffing out of it. I took that away yesterday. I sure hope she didn't eat any of the stuffing and make herself sick. The vet is in surgery until noon but Grandma is where the vet techs can watch her until the vet can check her out. It will be late this afternoon before I hear anything.
Prayers will be greatly appreciated by us both. :love:

03-19-2013, 09:19 AM
Prayers on the way for Grandma!

03-19-2013, 09:27 AM
We are all saying our prayers for dear Grandma.


03-19-2013, 10:10 AM
Prayers going out from this grandma - to your Grandma. :love: I hope it's nothing serious!

Queen of Poop
03-19-2013, 10:11 AM
Sending prayers and good thoughts for Grandma! :love::love::love:

03-19-2013, 10:17 AM
Prayers & positive thoughts for Grandma from Indy.

03-19-2013, 10:42 AM
Prayers and love for sweet Grandma kitty. :love::love:

03-19-2013, 10:54 AM
Definitely keeping Grandma in my thoughts. Her sweetheart Taz is up there watching her too.

Felicia's Mom
03-19-2013, 10:55 AM
Sending prayers and positive thoughts to Grandma and you. :love:

03-19-2013, 12:02 PM
Big prayers for Moff and Grandma! :love: :love: :love:

03-19-2013, 12:13 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.:love:

03-19-2013, 01:19 PM
prayers for grandma on the way

03-19-2013, 01:26 PM
More prayers and positive thoughts for Grandma :love:

Lilith Cherry
03-19-2013, 01:36 PM
Lots of prayers and loving thought for Grandma and for Moff:love:

03-19-2013, 01:49 PM
Oh poor Grandma. :( I hope the vet can sort out what's wrong and you can enjoy each others company a while yet. Sending lots of positive thoughts to you sweet girl. :love:

(((hugs))) to you, MOFF!

03-19-2013, 01:56 PM
My boys and I are praying hard and thinking good thoughts for dear, sweet, Grandma!:love:

03-19-2013, 03:01 PM
Thanks everyone for the prayers. Please keep them coming. The vet just called. Grandma will get to come home around 5 tonight. Her kidneys are getting worse but they aren't too bad. She thinks that it's Grandma's thyroid that is causing the problem. She had lost a bit of weight since she was there in October.
Her thyroid then was 3.2 now it's 5.6. So they are going to start her on a thyroid pill and give her some kidney friendly food. They hope the thyroid med will stimulate her appetite and she will start eating. If she doesn't eat by tomorrow night, I'm to call them back. They feel she is more likely to eat here than she would if they kept her.

I just hope she will eat the food they send. She is sending that KD food. I've never had any luck getting my cats to eat that stuff. :love::love::love:

03-19-2013, 03:10 PM
I just saw the thread and read your last report. I'll send up prayers for both of you. I hope she'll get better. I'm wondering if it would be ok to cook some chicken and give a little chicken broth and/or a tiny bit of chicken (not greasy) to the vet food?? I've done that before when my Luke cat didnt like the vet food taste. I dont want to tell you to do anything that will hurt your kitty so use your own judgement. I was just thinking maybe tiny broth & tiny chicken & vet food would be better than nothing.

03-19-2013, 03:36 PM
This sounds exactly like what happened to Mac. He stopped eating and was losing weight. The vet ran some tests, found out it was his thyroid, and sent him home with thyroid pills (fairly inexpensive) and some appetite stimulants. He has been on the thyroid pills since last summer and is doing great! He is almost Grandma's age, about 15-years-old, so I think getting older has something to do with thyroid problems in cats. My vet said that as long as he took the pills, he could live for many more years. I sure hope so. I'm glad Grandma is coming home. Ask if they can send some appetite stimulant pills home. They really get them eating!:)

03-19-2013, 04:33 PM
So glad she will be coming back home, and we hope the medicine will make her want to eat!

03-19-2013, 04:38 PM
Moff, you can be assured you have my prayers and lots of them for Grandma and a bunch for you too.
I am glad that she is coming home to be with you. Just like us I think they enjoy being in their home when they are ill rather than being stuck in a hospital or clinic.

I sure hope she will eat - and that the medication helps her.

I will keep checking in on her.:love::love:

03-19-2013, 04:54 PM
Prayers, good thoughts and purrs to sweet Grandma!

Get well soon, gorgeous :love:

03-19-2013, 05:26 PM
We're so glad Grandma is coming home to be with her family as she contends with this new medical issue. We hope the thyroid medicine will help and she will regain her appetite.

My kidney-challenged cats have always detested the KD food too. Are you talking about wet or dry or both, MoFF? We found another prescription wet food, Purina NF, which mine have found to be MUCH tastier. Not as many vets carry it, so you may have to call around, if you want to give that a try.

The suggestion about adding a little chicken broth and a bit of non-greasy chicken might work too, if your vet says okay.

Here's hoping for positive changes! We are all crossing our fingers and paw pads and saying our prayers and sending our healing energies for Grandma and for you, Connie.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

03-19-2013, 07:46 PM
Just seeing this. Prayers that Grandma will eat and feel better.

03-19-2013, 07:53 PM
Thoughts of good being sent to you and Grandma kitty.

03-19-2013, 08:37 PM
Just seeing this now. Prayers from RI for MOFF and Grandma.

I have never had a cat eat the vet KD food, either, lol.

Thyroid meds, yep, I have had good success with those, and with appetite stimulants.

I find the cat will take the grain free canned food, the one in a gel NOT the one in gravy. Once they have kidney and thyroid issues, I found the gravy just went right through but the gel seemed to help the cat hold fluids. Weruva, Tiki Cat and Fussie Cat are the brands I've used. My cats love the Weruva Marbella Paella.

03-20-2013, 02:16 AM
I'm glad she's able to come home and hopefully she'll start eating for you again. My RB Storm also had hyperthyroidism and he was very good about taking his pills. I would just put them in chicken flavored pill pockets. I would cut the pill pocket into 4 pieces so I didn't have to buy them so often and then I would wrap a piece around the pill. He loved treats so he just thought the he was getting a treat. Good luck.

smokey the elder
03-20-2013, 08:17 AM
If Grandma won't eat the KD, Royal Canin makes a kidney food that cats seem to like better. There was a cat in our shelter who had to be on this for awhile and really liked it. If you can't give her a pill they make the thyroid med as a paste that goes on the inside of the ear. My grumpy tortie Bosun gets that and she's doing really well.

03-20-2013, 03:33 PM
Hi, everyone! Grandma got home last night and even started eating. :) She spent the night in my bed in her favorite place. This morning she ate fairly good. She doesn't seem to mind the kd food, for now at least.
The only flavor they had was chicken and she loves chicken. I got her a case of it so hope she continues to like it. We have a winter storm moving in and I didn't want to risk her being without her special food.

She even took her thyroid pill like a trooper today.

She has been drinking and urinating but like normal today! So right now, things are looking up.

The kd food looks a lot different than the last time I tried to feed it to a cat. It's now in the small cans like I usually use and comes in a flavor she likes. It used to only come in liver. I've never had a cat that liked liver. yuck don't blame them at all.

She goes back in a couple of weeks for a recheck.

Grandma and I thank you all for your love and well wishes and prayers. You are all the best!!! :love::love:

03-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Oh, how I love good news!! This warms my heart - and bless yours and hers

03-20-2013, 04:02 PM
WONDERFUL news!!!!!

Keep on keeping on, Grandma and MoFF!


03-20-2013, 06:47 PM
Your good news on Grandma makes me very happy.:) So good to know she seems to have perked up
so much. Will continue to keep her in my prayers for complete recovery.:love::love:

03-20-2013, 08:50 PM
What good news that Grandma is home and eating and acting more normally. Hope it continues.

03-20-2013, 10:24 PM
YAAY! Keep it up, Grandma Kitty! Your mom loves you so much! :love:

03-20-2013, 10:29 PM
I'm doing the Happy Dance here! PT prayers have worked again!:love::love::)

03-21-2013, 12:14 PM
This is wonderful news!!!:D I'm also glad to hear that she likes her new food.:)

03-21-2013, 12:19 PM
Yay, Grandma and MoFF! Cassie and I are sending you gentle hugs and scritches!

03-21-2013, 09:44 PM
Grandma ate several times today but only small amounts at a time. I had to hold a spoonful of her food under her nose and she will lap at that. She usually goes though a small can of wet food plus a snack every dat. She didn't even do an entire small can today. But still she is eating so that is good.

I did finally break down an open one of the MeowMix little bowls of tuna in sauce that she likes for a treat. She acted really intersted in that and ate about a 4th of one. She usually polishes them off.

I know it's not the good stuff for her kidneys but she has to keep getting food in her or she will get weak. As long as the majority of what she is eating is the kidney stuff, I'm gonna be happy with that for now. She goes back in two weeks for a recheck.
Please keep us in your thoughts. :love:

03-21-2013, 09:50 PM
Oh Moff, you bet that my continued prayers are on the way. :love:

03-21-2013, 11:15 PM
Same from us here!


03-22-2013, 12:18 AM
Please eat, Grandma kitty, please. We :love: you!

Purrs and head bumpies, thoughts and prayers -- and I will go light another candle for you right now.

Cassie and Elyse

03-22-2013, 01:08 AM
If her eating doesn't pick up, call your vet and get some appetite stimulants. Believe me, THEY WORK! Mac meowed for food constantly when he was on those.:rolleyes: You just give them 1/4 of a pill every 3 days. Grandma won't stop eating while she's getting those babies!:D

smokey the elder
03-22-2013, 08:16 AM
both thyroid and kidney trouble can give kitty an upset stomach. You might want to ask your vet about giving her a quarter of a Pepcid.

03-22-2013, 10:31 AM
Grandma woke me up at 4 this morning wanting something to eat. I gave her a fourth of a can of the kd and she ate all but a bit of that. Then she had another snack of it around 7am. Maybe that is a better grade of food and fills her up better than the other. I just don't want her to go hungry or lose any more weight. She was 7 pounds in October and is 6.5 now. She seems content now and is laying upside down on my bed purring. :love:

03-22-2013, 10:50 AM
Oh, it's good news that she is eating, even if only a little. She gets some juice from it, also.
Grandma, while the rest of us wants to lose weight, you gotta put some on! :)

Kisses and posititive thoughts. :love:

03-22-2013, 11:52 AM
Oh, what good news that she is eating!

Grandma, you go girl!!!


03-22-2013, 01:27 PM
Keep up the good work, Grandma!:D

03-24-2013, 03:45 PM
Grandma is still not eating as well as she was. I think she just doesn't like the kd food much. I hear her tummy growling once in a while. So, tonight, I'm goning to take a bit of the gravy from the Friskies chicken and gravy she likes and put it on some of the kd food and see if she will eat better. It's chicken flavor too. That might defeat the entire purpose for having her on the kd food but I can't stand knowing she is hungry and just not eating because she doesn't like the food. :love:

03-24-2013, 04:04 PM
Grandma is still not eating as well as she was. I think she just doesn't like the kd food much. I hear her tummy growling once in a while. So, tonight, I'm goning to take a bit of the gravy from the Friskies chicken and gravy she likes and put it on some of the kd food and see if she will eat better. It's chicken flavor too. That might defeat the entire purpose for having her on the kd food but I can't stand knowing she is hungry and just not eating because she doesn't like the food. :love:

Something that pretty much always worked for me was what I called a chicken smoothie, I boiled whatever chicken parts I had, (not the wings) and plenty of water, let's say 2 thighs, then I removed the chicken and deboned it, put the meat in the food processor, and then added it back to the broth. I have used this as a supplement, or on it's own..for sick and older kitties of mine that lost interest in their food..it pretty much always helped..it kept for up to a week in the fridge in a jar..I would shake it, microwave til warm and the aroma gets stronger, then just add it to food or a little bit on it's own. That way you get pretty much all chicken without using gravies and stuff from other food they arent supposed to have..it's great to dress up food they turn their noses up at. My vet approved. It also made that pate food less thick and lickable rather than chewable..this might solve the 'doesnt like the food' dilemma. The heating is the trick, and you dont want to give food right from the fridge, to avoid tummy troubles.

It's also great for sensitive mouths.

Good luck..it's always a challenge.. :)

03-24-2013, 08:08 PM
KD food is disgusting! Why,oh why, can't they make special needs cat foods that the cats will actually eat? I guess that would be too easy.

03-24-2013, 09:39 PM
Continuing prayers for dear Grandma and for you, MoFF. That sounds like a good idea to put the gravy on the KD. Why not just give her the food you know she likes and she'll eat. At age 18 she's probably past the point where the kidney food is going to make that much difference, and the important thing is that she eats.

Loads of love and headbumpies to you, :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

03-24-2013, 09:59 PM
Continuing prayers for dear Grandma and for you, MoFF. That sounds like a good idea to put the gravy on the KD. Why not just give her the food you know she likes and she'll eat. At age 18 she's probably past the point where the kidney food is going to make that much difference, and the important thing is that she eats.

Loads of love and headbumpies to you, :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

That's what I was thinking too: just let her eat what she wants. She should spend the end of her life as happy as possible. She is already blind and can't do much.

She goes back to be rechecked in 2 or 3 weeks. We will see if that kd food is making a difference then. It is so expensive here. About 42 dollars for 24 small 5.5 oz cans. We have an almost 9% sales tax which makes it so high. I don't mind paying that much if she will eat it but don't like having to throw it out if she doesn't.

I did put some of the Friskies gravy on her kd food and she gobbled it up like she hadn't eaten in a week. She even ate twice this evening. :):love:

03-25-2013, 12:55 AM
Grandma, please keep on eating! You have people and kitties from all over the country pulling for you.:love:

03-25-2013, 09:20 AM
That's what I was thinking too: just let her eat what she wants. She should spend the end of her life as happy as possible. She is already blind and can't do much.

She goes back to be rechecked in 2 or 3 weeks. We will see if that kd food is making a difference then. It is so expensive here. About 42 dollars for 24 small 5.5 oz cans. We have an almost 9% sales tax which makes it so high. I don't mind paying that much if she will eat it but don't like having to throw it out if she doesn't.

I did put some of the Friskies gravy on her kd food and she gobbled it up like she hadn't eaten in a week. She even ate twice this evening. :):love:

I agree with you & phesina on Grandma's menu.Giving her things that she likes & will eat is better than nothing.:) At her age she deserves to be spoiled a little bit.:love::love:

Queen of Poop
03-25-2013, 09:42 AM
I'm glad Grandma is eating. I think at her advanced age she should be able to eat whatever she wants. If she were younger I'd say make a whole hearted try with the KD. Kind of like my dad, he's dying, he can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants, mom gets it for him - be it a banana, crackers with cheese, whatever, so long as he eats something. Its the foodies in the tummy that will keep them going longer, and of course the happiness they have from eating something that actually tastes good!

03-25-2013, 10:19 AM
How is Grandma this morning?? Please plant many kisses on that sweet forehead from me OK?:love:

03-25-2013, 11:52 AM
How is Grandma this morning?? Please plant many kisses on that sweet forehead from me OK?:love:

And loads of kisses from us too, please!


03-25-2013, 12:17 PM
I agree with you & phesina on Grandma's menu.Giving her things that she likes & will eat is better than nothing.:) At her age she deserves to be spoiled a little bit.:love::love:

I agree too.:) I hope she'll continue to eat well for you.:)

03-25-2013, 02:36 PM
We both thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. They are working. She is eating much better since I started mixing in some of her other food with the kd. She has eaten several times already today. She seems to be enjoying it too, not just eating because she is hungry. I was beginning to feel like a mom forcing her child to eat veggies. :D :love:

03-25-2013, 04:00 PM
Dear Grandma, I am so glad you are eating better! Keep it up! Gentle *kiss* for you!

03-25-2013, 05:08 PM
Dearest Grandma and MoFF, well done! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

03-25-2013, 10:26 PM
Great news! Grandma Kitty, you make your mom so happy with the nom nom nomming. Keep it up! :):love:

03-26-2013, 12:49 PM
Just sending lots of love to Grandma. I think she's handling the eating bit just fine!:D

03-27-2013, 03:14 PM
Oh Grandma, thanks for eating - you have made your Mom very happy. Keep it up and feel better too.

03-27-2013, 03:17 PM
So very happy that Grandma's eating. Keep it up Grandma - Merlin and I are praying for you. :love:

03-28-2013, 01:49 PM
Well, miss picky paws has decided she does not like her kd food . She got so she would hardly eat it even with her normal food mixed in.

So, I called the vet, they said heat it up, or mix some egg or cottage cheese in it. She goes back for her recheck on the 9th at 9:30. They want to keep her on the kd until then to see if it's helping.

So, when I go to the store tomorrow, I'll need to get her some eggs, and cottage cheese. I don't keep those on hand because of my cholesterol and milk allergy. Guess I should see about getting her a microwave while I'm at it. :D It's ok. She is worth the extra trouble. :love:

03-28-2013, 05:59 PM
What we all do for our kitty cats.:D LOL Maybe Grandma would like to pick out a list of foods in advance of her meals.
The way they do in the hospital.:) I hope this combination , when heated up, will smell great to her.

03-28-2013, 06:30 PM
Still praying for you Grandma and sending loving hugs to your Meowmie. Yes, what we do for our furry ones.:rolleyes: We all understand.:):love:

03-28-2013, 07:20 PM
I warmed her kd up for her tonight. I usually hate the smell of that stuff. I hate to admit it but it smelled darn good warmed up. Grandma ate what I gave her too. Maybe that's what she wants: cooked meals!!! :) Next I have to warm up her bedtime snack. :love:

03-28-2013, 09:50 PM
I'm so glad to read that you're able to get her to eat again. I hope she'll continue to do well and gain some of her weight back.:)

03-29-2013, 06:52 PM
Well, mixing an egg with the kd laid a big fat egg!!! I scrambled an egg this evening and chopped up some of it then warmed it and the kd food up. Miss picky paws, lapped at the kd but totally ignored the egg. So, I warmed up just some kd. She ignored that too. I am ready to bang my head against the wall!!! She only ate about two bites at breakfast. So, I gave in and gave her some of her normal food tonight. That she ate!!! Well, most of it.

I'm not going to even try cottage cheese. I can't keep buying stuff just to throw it out when she won't eat it.

03-29-2013, 06:55 PM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I know just how picky cats can be. One day they love something and the next day they won't eat it. I would just make sure that she's eating something and let your vet know what's going on. Good luck.:)

04-08-2013, 12:35 PM
I took Grandma in for her checkup this morning. My good girl has gained her weight back that she had lost. Her kidneys are about the same perhaps a fraction worse.

the vet wants me to try mixing some clams, juice and all in the kd food and see if she will eat it better. (can you spell klamz joose?) She also gave her a vitamin B shot to help her appetite. She got an A on her visit this morning.

She really charmed the new vet tech in training. We had the top off the carrier and Grandma just laid in it with her head up. She was sitting in the bottom half of the carrier letting us pet and rub her just like the royal Queen she is. She didn't even move when the vet came in to see her. :D:love:

04-08-2013, 12:41 PM
Moff, what good news. I was just lighting a candle for Grandma this morning and up pops the notice about this post.

Klam Joose? Seems to me that Phred is around here influencing things - don't you agree?

04-08-2013, 12:42 PM
Well. we all know how good klam joose works! I'm still keeping dear Grandma in my thougts and prayers.:love:

04-08-2013, 01:44 PM
Wonderful report there, Grandma kitty!

Well done, Grandma and MoFF! And just think of the klamz joose being added to the mix!


Felicia's Mom
04-08-2013, 03:06 PM
Glad to know Grandma is feeling better.:love:

04-10-2013, 07:13 PM
Let's hope we continue to receive good news on Grandma kitty. :love::love:

04-10-2013, 08:38 PM
We will give the ole kamz a try tomorrow. Today was the first day I've been able to get to the store to get a can. Grandma has not been eating quite as good since her vet visit. I think she is just exhauseted and a bit miffed at me for taking her to the vet. Odd that the vet gave her an appetite stimulater and she doesn't want to eat as much. Or it could be she is cheesed off at me for making her take her thyroid pill every day. My girl can be really stubborn when she wants. Fingers all crossed for the kamz and that I don't get mugged by the other cats trying to get a taste too. :)

04-11-2013, 04:31 AM
It's always worrying when a cat won't eat. What's the name of the appetite stimulant. Fister tried some called Percictin (sp?), a half twice a day. It helped, at least for a while. Have you tried Royal Canins "Sensitive". That was Fister's favourite. I also gave him the Whiskas pouches wet food. He would only eat the one in Gelé, not in Sauce. I poured a little boiled water in, and would eat it. His issues were not the kidneys though, but his liver.

I hope Grandma will start eating soon. Sending lots of positive thoughts. :love:

04-11-2013, 03:57 PM
Grandma is not on an appetite stimulant, Randi. The vet just gave her a shot of the B vitamins. :love:

We tried the klamz today. The jury is still out on that. I think she liked the klams just not on the kd food because she lapped up the juice from the clams that was on the plate but did not eat all the kd with it mixed in. I only gave her about a 3rd of a can of the kd food mixed with just a bit of clams and clams juice. I was hoping for a clean plate but that did not happen. We will try again at supper time. :love:

04-11-2013, 11:46 PM
:D:D:D Oh boy, does that Klam Juz ever bring back memories.
Merlin and Auntie Slick are sending a boatload of hugs and purrs for you all and especially Grandma.:love::love::love:

04-13-2013, 02:59 AM
I hope she'll start eating better. When Ziggy wasn't eating well, she was also given a vitamin B12 shot. I then gave her 1 shot every week for about 4-6 weeks. It really helped her appetite. Hopefully Grandma will forgive you and you'll find a food that she'll enjoy eating again. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

04-13-2013, 03:49 PM
Well, the vote is in: klamz juz is out!!! Not only will Grandma not eat it or the klamz, but her indoor sibbies don't like it either. Even the two strays outside try and bury it!!! sigh

I put her back on her normal food last night because she had not eaten all day. She ate almost all of it.
I'm wondering if some chicken flavored people gravy over the kd food would work. She loves the wet food with gravy. Of couse, I can't make gravy so it would have to be the kind in the jar. sigh :love:

The vet said to use tough love on her even if she doesn't eat for days. I'm sorry but I can't let my poor ole, blind girl go hungry like that. :(

04-14-2013, 01:55 PM
Could you, perhaps, mix her very favorite food in with some kd? Like more of her favorite and just a little kd?

04-14-2013, 02:06 PM
Cammie hates her k/d food too. :(

I did get her to eat some when I mixed it with human baby food (ham is her favorite flavor). The vet said it was okay as long as the baby food does not contain onion or garlic flavorings. But, he did say mixing it with the baby food upped the protein content which defeats the point of the k/d food. But, she ate it. Unfortunately, I can't say that it worked a second time. :(

04-14-2013, 03:44 PM
I did try mixing some of her usual food with the kd. The first time she ate a few bites but after that na da.
I put her back on her usual food yesterday because she was getting a bit wobbly when she walked. She ate fine since then. So, it seems I'm faced with : do I try to make her eat it by forcing her to eat something she hates and maybe extending her life a little longer, or do I just let her eat what she likes and enjoy what she can of her life, that might be shorter because of it?

The vet said don't let her have anything else and she would eat after 2 or 3 days. I don't call that being helpful. I call it being cruel. The poor cat is already blind and getting a thyroid pill poked down her every day. She doesn't do any thing but eat, sleep, and potty now. Do I want to take the enjoying eating away from her? I'm leaning toward no at the moment. :love:

04-14-2013, 04:32 PM
I did try mixing some of her usual food with the kd. The first time she ate a few bites but after that na da.
I put her back on her usual food yesterday because she was getting a bit wobbly when she walked. She ate fine since then. So, it seems I'm faced with : do I try to make her eat it by forcing her to eat something she hates and maybe extending her life a little longer, or do I just let her eat what she likes and enjoy what she can of her life, that might be shorter because of it?

The vet said don't let her have anything else and she would eat after 2 or 3 days. I don't call that being helpful. I call it being cruel. The poor cat is already blind and getting a thyroid pill poked down her every day. She doesn't do any thing but eat, sleep, and potty now. Do I want to take the enjoying eating away from her? I'm leaning toward no at the moment. :love:

I agree with your decision 100%. I couldn't sit back and watch my cat starve to death because they didn't like their prescription food. I'm really surprised that,given her age, that your vet would even suggest for her to be without food for 2-3 days. She sounds like she was getting very weak. Just enjoy the time that you have with each other and I hope she'll continue to eat well for you. Please take care. (((HUGS))):love:

04-14-2013, 06:20 PM
I agree with your decision 100%. I couldn't sit back and watch my cat starve to death because they didn't like their prescription food. I'm really surprised that,given her age, that your vet would even suggest for her to be without food for 2-3 days. She sounds like she was getting very weak. Just enjoy the time that you have with each other and I hope she'll continue to eat well for you. Please take care. (((HUGS))):love:

Well, I also agree with KAK. I would rather she eat something she enjoys & would not go with the "tough love" stuff. It would be different if she was a much
younger cat, but she isn't. I'm just saying what I would do & I know you will do whatever makes Grandma a little happier with her life.:love: Trust yourself.:)

04-15-2013, 01:20 AM
I wish your vet could meet my vet. Mac is a senior kitizen (15) and he takes those thyroid pills, too. The last time he was checked, his kidney were pretty good. That might have changed, but for now, he's doing pretty giood for an old guy!
Anyway, when I asked my vet what kind of diet he should be on she told me that at his age, anything he wanted and would eat. She said that older cats especially should eat regularly and if they won't eat the "good-for-them" food, then feed them what they like. Grandma is more likely to live longer if she eats "the bad stuff" regularly than if she eats nothing at all! When our kitties get a certain age, it is sometimes best just to love them and keep them happy.:love::love:

04-15-2013, 04:34 AM
I agree. Feed dear Grandma what she wants to eat and enjoys eating. I doubt that the KD is going to make that much difference at her age, even if she did like to eat it.


04-15-2013, 07:55 AM
I'm appalled the vet would suggest to let her starve for 2-3 days. No, give her anything she likes, and lots of extra loving. I'm sending kisses to your sweet girl. :love:

04-16-2013, 12:20 AM
As far as I'm concerned, any senior kitty deserves any food he/she wants and likes and lots of it. Well, in fact I believe that's the same for senior hoomans too! Grandma has had one of the best Meowmies and I know that you will make sure she is happy for whatever time she has left.
Love you