View Full Version : A birthday at RB

02-28-2013, 07:44 AM
Today would have been Sparky's 14th birthday. I wish he was here to celebrate it with us, but I'm hoping all of his new found friends at RB will make it an extra special day for him, even tho I'm pretty sure that birthdays don't even count there, since all of the critters are now ageless, and every day is special. :)

But I'm still going to do something to honor his memory. Since he loved peanut butter cookies just as much as Myndi does, then I'll bake a batch and dedicate it to him! And guess who will get to devour them??? - yes - Myndi. She will be thrilled!!

Sparky - have an extra special day today. Wish it could be spent here with Myndi and me and all of your people, but we'll be thinking of you even more today than we normally do. Love you and miss you just as much now as the day that you left us. Kisses and hugs and belly rubs to you, my sweet boy!

:love::love::love::love::love: from Mom & Myndi

Thought I'd share the last few and never before seen pics of him before he passed away. These were taken on 9/20/12.

02-28-2013, 09:24 AM
Sparky is having wonderful romps at RB for his birthday, playing with friends new and old. And he will stop and check in with his HuMom and Myndi, to be sure they know he is feeling grand!

Hugs Ellie, love the baking project, enjoy!

Please had a bite for me, so I can be part of the memory too.

02-28-2013, 09:24 AM
He was such a cute little fella. I enjoyed the pics very much. How sweet of you to make cookies that he would have liked. We know Myndi likes them too. I understand that you still love and miss him. I think of Luke cat often and miss him of course. Then I remember how sick he was and I know he is better off now and not suffering. Memories........

02-28-2013, 09:49 AM
Aww, those are great pictures! I'm sure all of the other pets are having a grand time celebrating.

02-28-2013, 11:31 AM
Happy Birthday at the RB Sparky! :love:
I know you're having a fun time up there. I know your mommy misses you and I hope she knows you're ok.

Pass the cookies please.:)

02-28-2013, 01:25 PM
Happy Birthday to Saprky-- I'm sure he can snatch a few of those cookies without you even noticing:D
I hope Myndi enjoys the cookies. I'm betting she'll have some help :p
I think we always feel our RB friends next to us no matter when they left..

Lilith Cherry
02-28-2013, 04:01 PM
Happy Birthday Sparky! We all miss you sweetie and are sure everyone at the RB is enjoying your company, Lots of loving thoughts :love:

02-28-2013, 04:44 PM
Thanks everyone - and cyber cookies for all!

Of course Sparky got the first one (see pic :D ), but it will go to Myndi in the end. Her cookie tin is refilled with a dozen, so that will last her a long time too.

I like those pics I posted of Sparky, but they also make me a little sad. He was always so alert and perky for just about every picture I ever took of him, but in those he just looks so tired. I didn't notice at the time I took them, but I can see now how the CHF was taking it's toll. :(

But he's happy, perky, bright and alert again - and that's what counts. :love:

Pinot's Mom
02-28-2013, 05:14 PM
Happy Birthday, Sparky! Your family at home misses you!

02-28-2013, 08:39 PM
Happy birthday, Sparky love!

03-01-2013, 03:02 AM
Ellie .. {{hugs}}