View Full Version : Colby & Finnegan Go To The Vet Tomorrow Morning

05-09-2012, 01:12 AM
Well I've now had Colby for a little over 3 weeks and Finnegan for only a little over a week. I've been waiting patiently to receive Colby's health records and finally after e-mailing his foster mom a few times about it and telling her that he has an appt. on Wed. May 9th at 9:30am, I now have it. I always like to have my new additions checked out by my vet. Poor Colby also needed to be seen because he now has a hot spot on the back of his neck.:( He was fine Sun. night before I went to bed but Mon. morning he had a hot spot with fur missing on the back of his neck. He's also been trying to scratch it. I think it's from a reaction to some new food that I was trying out on my cats. I know that some cats are allergic to fish so I normally stay away from it. Finnegan's foster mom and the lady in charge of his rescue group, told me about Before Grain canned and said that it was a great food. When I adopted Finnegan I was also given a sample of the Chicken Before Grain Chicken dry and they all seem to like it. Any way, I bought several kinds of the canned and I fed everyone the 96% Salmon on Sat. night and also on Sun. afternoon. Colby also ate the Quail/Chicken kind oSun. night but I don't think that he would've had a reaction to this. Colby's foster mom said that he was only fed chicken based foods and that her rescue group doesn't feed fish based foods. Now I feel horrible because he was doing so well on the wellness canned even though I also buy the Chicken & Herring and Turkey & Salmon flavors. Since I wanted to see my vet, I had to take the first available appt. that she had. I hope that she'll be able to give him something to help soothe his skin and stop him from wanting to scratch it. I also hope that both Colby's and Finnegan's vet visit's go well. Please send some positive vibes their way. Thanks in advance.:)

05-09-2012, 05:12 AM
Pawsitive thoughts that all is good at the vets and Colby's hot spot is an easy fix.

05-09-2012, 06:14 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts and healing energies for Finnegan and Colby, that their vet visit goes well and Colby's hot spot is soon all better.


Felicia's Mom
05-09-2012, 08:35 AM
Sending positive thoughts to Colby and Finnegan.

05-09-2012, 09:31 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts and healing energies for Finnegan and Colby, that their vet visit goes well and Colby's hot spot is soon all better.


From here too! Positive thoughts and big prayers! :love: :love:

05-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Positive thoughts for both! I don't think it sounds like an allergic reaction, though. Maybe he got a scritchie scratch, or a bite (:eek:) from someone and it is reacting? Regardless, let us know and 8 smoochies for everyone!

05-09-2012, 03:10 PM
Best wishes for both of them. I hope the vet will be able to find what causes it. :)

Please give them some kisses from me. :love:

05-10-2012, 01:34 AM
Thanks everyone.:) My vet doesn't think that it's an allergic reaction to food either. She thinks that he rubbed up against something and then the area became inflammed and itchy so he scratched his fur off which caused the hot spot. No one has fleas so it can't be this either. He may have gone under the bed in the new cat room and rubbed up against the metal bed frame. I actually thought of this so I looked under the bed on Mon. morning but I couldn't see anything. The hot spot has started to scab over so he isn't as itchy any more. My vet wasn't too concerned about it but she did recommend that I put a thin coat of cortisone cream on it with a q-tip 2 times a day for about 7 days. I'm not supposed to buy the maximum strength kind. The only thing that I found was hydrocortisone cream so I put some on him this morning and he seemed okay with this. Tonight when I put some on him, he went crazy and he tried to lick it off. My vet said that it would't hurt him if he did lick it off but I still don't like the idea of him doing this. I've decided to just watch it and let it heal on it's own. Hopefully this won't ever happen again.

Colby meowed the whole time in the car and he even tried to break out of his carrier while we were waiting to be called back to the exam room. He was a very good boy and he started purring and drooling from excitement while waiting to be seen in the exam room. He even gave me a kiss while I was holding him in the exam room. My vet said that he's a healthy cat and he weighs 8.77lbs. His estimated birth date is July1,2011 so he's a little bit younger than I first thought. Finnegan was quiet in the car and at the vet. I expected for him the be the loud one and for Colby to be the quiet one. Finnegan's foster mom said that he screamed the whole way in the car when she drove him to my home. She said that he has a big voice for such a small cat. He's also a healthy cat and my vet said he's probably between 6-8 months old and that he's just a small cat. He got his second kitten shot because he had only received one and she said that he needs to have at least two. He weighs only 6.55lbs. Both Colby and Finnegan seem very small to me for being male cats. I wonder how much bigger they will get. My vet said that I did a great job of picking out two wonderful cats. She also gave me a discount on their vet visits. Both of them were only charged the price of a recheck visit.:)

05-17-2012, 09:44 AM
Well, we already knew you picked out two fine kitties. :)

Glad to hear it seems relatively minor.....more smoochies!

05-17-2012, 10:22 AM
I am glad their visit went well! Smooches times 8 for everyone from me :) I agree wtih the doctor, you picked two wonderful kitties!

05-17-2012, 11:30 AM
Thanks Johanna and Elyse.:) Colby's hot spot has already healed but he'll still have a bald spot for a while. I just hope that this won't ever happen again.

05-17-2012, 12:47 PM
We're glad they are both doing well and the vet thinks you made such wonderful choices. (And so you did!)