View Full Version : Chemicals in fabrics - hazardous to cats?

04-11-2012, 09:56 AM
I bought two new fabrics for my pillows yesterday, and sewed them today. Now a friend has told me that I should better have washed them first, due to chemicals and toxic subtances in the fabrics. Especially Lily was very fond of the new fabrics; she was rolling on them right after I unpacked them; she "helped" me sewing, and right now, she is sleeping on one of the pillows. I wouldn't worry about that if I hadn't found her earlier today sniffing a drop of a clear liquid on the floor. Later, I found more drops of the same liquid under "her" chair; it was sort of oily when I put my finger into it, and smelled - well, almost like a perfume. It was definitely no cat pee! And I have absolutely no idea where it came from, it must have dripped out of one of my cats, but I cannot tell of which "opening". :o

I'm worried it may be a toxic or allergic reaction to something in the fabrics. Of course it could be something else, but that is also a worrisome thought as it would mean there's something wrong with one of them. :( All I can do right now is keeping an eye on that.

But have you ever heard about chemicals in fabrics and clothes being a health risk to cats? Or of an oily liquid dripping out of cats?

04-11-2012, 11:43 AM
I have never heard of toxic chemicals in fabrics, though any fabric we always bought went into the wash once before use, just so any sizing was out of it, not for toxicity reasons. I doubt the two things are related. Any "wet" looking spots on either girl?

04-11-2012, 11:47 AM
I have never heard of toxic chemicals in fabrics, though any fabric we always bought went into the wash once before use, just so any sizing was out of it, not for toxicity reasons. I doubt the two things are related. Any "wet" looking spots on either girl?

No, I haven't found any more spots yet, but I will keep my eyes open. Hope it's nothing.

This was Lily earlier today with the new fabrics:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/306158_3499424971789_1456615523_3054770_967209034_ n.jpg

Cat Daddy
04-11-2012, 12:12 PM

I did some online research about toxins in fabrics and the most common are formaldehyde and the active ingredient in moth balls. It is recommended that new fabrics are "out gassed", placed in a well ventilated area for at least a couple of days to let the vapors dissipate. Cats are sometimes drawn to the strange smell of moth balls. The oily substance could be an excess of mucus production to protect the membranes of the nose and eyes. Watch for any strange behavior or change in gate such as stumbling and change in appetite. I doubt it could be poisoning without any accompanying symptoms but I would err on the side of caution. It doesn't sound like washing does much good.

Hope this helps.

P.S. This varies with type of fabric

Cat Daddy
04-11-2012, 12:15 PM
No, I haven't found any more spots yet, but I will keep my eyes open. Hope it's nothing.

This was Lily earlier today with the new fabrics:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/306158_3499424971789_1456615523_3054770_967209034_ n.jpg

What a cutie!

04-11-2012, 12:22 PM

I did some online research about toxins in fabrics and the most common are formaldehyde and the active ingredient in moth balls. It is recommended that new fabrics are "out gassed", placed in a well ventilated area for at least a couple of days to let the vapors dissipate. Cats are sometimes drawn to the strange smell of moth balls. The oily substance could be an excess of mucus production to protect the membranes of the nose and eyes. Watch for any strange behavior or change in gate such as stumbling and change in appetite. I doubt it could be poisoning without any accompanying symptoms but I would err on the side of caution. It doesn't sound like washing does much good.

Hope this helps.

P.S. This varies with type of fabric

Thanks a lot, that's interesting information! Somewhat scary also.... :eek: Well, the fabrics I bought are cotton fabrics, with a printed pattern on it (as in the picture). Hopefully there's not too much formaldehyde in them. As I said before, Lily loved the fabrics a lot, so maybe it reminded her of a moth ball. Wonder if she has been drooling afterwards. I will watch them carefully!

04-11-2012, 01:07 PM
Beautiful photo of Lily with the new fabrics. The greens bring out her eye color brilliantly!

04-11-2012, 01:23 PM
I doubt there'd be any formaldehyde involved with the cotton, I think that's more for the fleeces and polyester blends.

Cat Daddy
04-11-2012, 01:36 PM
I doubt there'd be any formaldehyde involved with the cotton, I think that's more for the fleeces and polyester blends.

Yes. However it could be in the dye used for the print pattern.

Cat Daddy
04-11-2012, 01:38 PM
Beautiful photo of Lily with the new fabrics. The greens bring out her eye color brilliantly!

Yes indeed!