View Full Version : Willy ~ Renal failure

03-13-2012, 03:00 PM
Willy has been losing weight lately and drinking a lot of water. We took him to the vet yesterday figuring diabetes. But, his urine sample is definite for kidney failure.

He's only 6 years old! Willow, is sister, is healthy as a horse.
We started them on k/d wet and dry food. Luckily, everyone seems to like the wet food. Willy loves the dry food more than the wet.


If you have any experience or advice, please let me know. Our vet does not seem hopeful for his long term health.

03-13-2012, 03:12 PM
Oh no. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I knew Willy was so young.
My Taz was diagnosed with renal failure shortly after he had surgery to remove some sacks that were surrounding his kidneys. I believe there was more to his health than I knew. Or the surgery brought on the failure. Not sure, but he was around 14/15 years old at that time. He did not make it a year.
But I know there are lots of others here on Pet Talk that have had (and still have) cats that are staying strong through the years. I remember reading somewhere recently (can't remember who posted or where I read it) that their cat was diagnosed 5 years ago. With proper care (and I know you will give proper care) Willy can be with you for years to come.
It might come down to you needing to give him sub-q fluids at home. Have you done that before? I had read about it here on PT and thought I'd NEVER be able to do it. I did it with Taz and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They seem to know it helps them.

I will be thinking of you and Willy.

03-13-2012, 03:27 PM
oh Lisa, i am so sorry to read this, he is so young, but i am sure with the love and expert care you give him and advice from your vet Willy will live a long life, i went through it all with Ash, but then he was an old cat, and he was on steroids, which may or may not be suitable for Willy,i wish you and Willy all the best and i hope he will continue to do well on his new diet.,thinking of you both. HUGS.:love::love:

P.S as for SUB Q'S i would discuss this fully with your vet first.

03-13-2012, 04:50 PM
Lisa, if it is CRF - the chronic kind - Willy could live many good years yet with the right food (great that they BOTH like it!) and sub Q fluids when the time comes. I don't have kidney cats (yet?) but I seem to recall that a few can get by on extra wet food and going to the sub fluids later.

Thank goodness you saw to this early! Willy looks perky and healthy - I bet he'll fool the vet and then some!:):love:

03-13-2012, 04:58 PM
While Myndi isn't a cat, she was diagnosed with kidney disease, tho not full blown kidney failure. She has been on prescription k/d for about a year and a half, and is doing very well considering that she is now 16. She takes no meds for it and does not require fluids. Once you get the k/d into Willy, you should notice a drastic change in the amount of water he drinks, and of course the peeing that goes with it.

Prayers that he does well and is with you for a good long time to come.

03-13-2012, 05:03 PM
This is from Sunday's Cat of the Day's thread, the person who posted it promised she doesn't work for that company, but has had such good results with it, she wanted to make sure people knew about it.

Has your Momma heard about "Tripsy"? It is a liquid drops supplement for cats with kidney problems. It has VERY GOOD reviews. Please have your Momma search for Tripsy at
www.petwellbeing.com. Read the reviews for it. It has a 4.6 out of 5 stars rating, with 303 reviews. I give it to a couple of my older cats to prevent future kidney problems.

03-13-2012, 05:09 PM
Please, do not dispair! Tex was in renal failure for years, on two different meds, and did very well. If your vet is giving you a poor picture, please, find someone else to assist Willy.

Lots of luck and love coming to you two.

03-13-2012, 05:51 PM
Thanks guys. I really like our vet so I was shocked that he seemed so negative.
He recommended the food change and sub-q fluids when the time comes. He didn't even mention medication.

I'm ordering the Tripsy. I'll do some more research -- please keep the advice coming -- and book another appointment and get some answers. If he doesn't seem interested in exploring treatment options, we'll change vets.

03-13-2012, 05:59 PM
Another thought - and you might want to check this out with a vet.

Since Willow doesn't have kidney issues, she probably should not be eating the k/d because it is so low in protein, and she would not be getting the amount of protein that is required for a cat of normal health. That's probably why the k/d is only available thru a vet or with a prescription.

03-13-2012, 06:04 PM
Good point. I'll be sure to ask. So far Willy is the only kitty that doesn't like the wet food. :rolleyes: Naturally! Since he's the only one who really needs it.

Another thought - and you might want to check this out with a vet.

Since Willow doesn't have kidney issues, she probably should not be eating the k/d because it is so low in protein, and she would not be getting the amount of protein that is required for a cat of normal health. That's probably why the k/d is only available thru a vet or with a prescription.

03-13-2012, 09:24 PM
I've had 3 cats develop kidney failure and pass of it, all rather quickly. In each of those cases, it was discovered late, or the cat had other health issues putting a strain on the body in general and the immune system in particular, or both.

Now, Sparkle, she was diagnosed with early stage CRF in Sept 2010. I immediately started feeding more canned food - by that time, I'd been through it, researched, and learned a bit. Cats in the wild seldom drink water; they get the fluids they need from their prey. So our cats also tend not to take in enough fluids. All this time, and Sparkle is STILL in early stage!

Of course Willy doesn't like the wet food. :rolleyes: That figures. You may want to do a bit of online research, see if you can find a low protein canned food that he does like, and use it as a supplement to the k/d prescription food. This is entirely up to you, there is nothing (that I know of, anyhow) to support this medically. If you do want to go that route, here is a link which helps with cat food ratings: http://www.petfoodratings.net/cattable.html

FYI I have just used any grain free canned food for Sparkle, not a low protein one. I use it as a supplement, and give it to all the cats -- since it seems none of them are going to do well if they only get dry kibble. Two of them have gained weight since I started this. Sparkle has not gained, but hasn't lost any since Sept 2010, either.

I pray Willy is in the early stages and has lots of time with you still.

03-14-2012, 04:05 PM
Let's see if I can remember what I just posted but it blanked out on me.

Did the vet say acute renal failure as opposed to chronic renal failure? Was it the lack of concentration in the urine that made him give the diagnosis of renal failure? Did he take a blood sample, and if so what are the BUN, Creatanine, Phosphorous, Potassium and red blood cell counts? From what I've read online, it seems chronic renal failure is mainly age-related and basically caused by the kidneys shrinking in size and losing their efficiency. Acute renal failure can happen at any age and has to be treated aggressively by a vet. Can you get a second opinion? In your place, I'd push sub-q fluids, 100cc twice a day (it's what Sam gets and has been tolerating well for over a year) until you have better answers.

I'm sorry you are going through this with Willy.

03-15-2012, 08:49 AM
Lisa, my Puddy was diagnosed w/CRF when she was only four years old and she lived to age 14 and part of that time she had only one kidney! Don't despair; subQ's perked Puddy up immediately, especially when I injected the B vitamins right into the port on the fluid bag. Keep the faythe. :love:

03-15-2012, 11:51 AM

These are excellent websites with a lot of advice. Please do not despair. With Filou it was diagnosed when he was 9 years old and he lived in excellent life quality until he was 15. In the beginning it was diet only - and when checking the levels they progressed very slowly and even became better.
In the last years it was weekly sub-q fluids for him.
I would always go that same road- he was a happy boy.

Good luck for Willy and you.

P.S. BTW Filou who also preferred dry food really loved the Royal Canin renal food in pouches.

03-15-2012, 03:44 PM
Schuyler was recently diagnosed and we give him sub-qs daily and half a a pill (forget the name; begins with a "b") for his heart to help his kidneys function better. He is doing really well so far. Try to get Willy off the dry food because wet is what cats need for optimum health, as stated earlier by someone. Visit www.catinfo.org to understand why cats should not eat dry food. I am surprised your vet did not do blood work for a conclusive diagnosis, and also why sub-qs were not prescribed. Along with others above, I suggest you consider getting a second opinion. Willy may not even have CRF, and without blood work your present vet could simply SUSPECT that is the condition. So, you need a definitive treatment plan, upon getting a thorough diagnostic work-up. If his blood levels indicate the disease, then you can begin management. Many cats live quite a few years, and I wish this for your Willy and my Schuyler.:love:

03-15-2012, 04:17 PM
I stopped by the vet this morning to pick up more k/d food. Dr. Townsend gave me a few minutes to ask some questions.

1. Willy does not have Chronic Renal Failure. He has Acute Renal Failure. I asked him what the difference was and he said that chronic comes on slowly over time. Acute can be the result of a kitty being blocked where the kidney's got damaged. (Willy has never been blocked). Or it could be that he was born with one or both kidney's damaged. That's what he suspects at this point.

2. It is okay for all our cats to eat the k/d food. He said that if we had cats 3-years old or younger, he would not recommend it but since all of ours are older, it's okay -- expensive -- but okay.

3. All kitties are liking the k/d. They don't LOVE it, but they like it. After Willy sacks out at night, I gave Willow (she's a night owl) some regular food.

4. We take Willy back to the vet for more urine and blood tests mid-April.

5. Results of Willy's tests:
BUN (normal 14-36 mg/dL).................Willy is 99 - high
Creatinine (normal 0.6-2.4 mg/dL).......Willy is 8.0 - high
Phosphorus (normal 2.4-8.2 mg/dL).....Willy is 10.0 - high
Potassium (normal 3.4-5.6 mEq/L).......Willy is 3.3 - low
Na/K Ratio (normal 32-41).................Willy is 45 - high

03-15-2012, 07:35 PM
I'm glad you got back to us, Lisa; I've been checking the thread every few hours. I'm sorry it's a more serious kind of renal failure and hope you can give Willy plenty more quality time.

Your vet still isn't promoting sub-q fluids? Whenever Sam's counts went high (BUN and Creatinine), and other that of other cats, I always boosted the amount of fluids and found the counts lowering. Fluids will make him feel good too and could increase his appetite. You can use phosphorous binders to lower the phosphorous count, although Willy won't thank you for giving him Maalox. My vet told me that cats become nauseated and feel generally awful when their phosphorous count is high. And, your vet could give you potassium supplements for Willy since that is low.

Are you thinking of a kidney transplant for Willy?

03-15-2012, 08:20 PM
Thanks everyone. I'm sorry that I neglected to mention in my original post that the diagnosis was made from the blood test. I didn't have the results with me at the time, but now I do and posted his #'s earlier.

We're thrilled that Willy likes the k/d food. I need to get a movie of it because I hear it's pretty unusual for cats to like it. :D But you know cats. Right now he likes it -- tomorrow, who knows?

Vet still doesn't think sub-q fluids are necessary right now -- he mentioned that it might be necessary "down the line". Whether that's because he isn't too bad right now or ??? I don't know. Sorry, I need to ask him more questions.

Nope, we're not even thinking kidney transplant at this point. I mentioned it to our vet and he didn't think it was worth discussing yet. He did say that they had discussed offering this procedure in Alaska at one point, but as far as he knew, no one performs it up here. But, we will explore that option soon. Working on getting a second opinion. We got back for more blood/urine tests in April. We'll see how the numbers look then.

I may not be around for a while. My step-daughter (the one whose husband just passed away) arrives tonight from Hawaii. We'll be busy with whatever support she needs. And, I've been called (Oh Joy) for jury duty. But, I will be checking in. Please keep those ideas, questions and suggestions coming. I'm making a list of them to ask the vet -- and the 2nd opinion vet. I'm thinking of Dr. Priddy. We took Halo to him when she had the tumor on her liver and he helped Glacier's Heyoka a while back.

Thanks everyone. I really, really, really appreciate it and so does Bobcat. He doesn't "do" computers, so I print everything for him to read.

03-15-2012, 10:20 PM
I have no suggestions, but I can give you positive thoughts and prayers. :love: Willie, make it through this. :love:

03-16-2012, 01:32 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about Willy.:( So far I haven't had any cats with kidney problems only urinary tract problems. I sure hope that Willy will continue to like his new food and will be around for many more years to come. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

03-20-2012, 04:08 PM
It's going to be interesting, seeing Willy's blood test results in April after only a diet change. I've never been able to go that route because either the cat hates the food to the point of not eating at all or I have younger special needs fosters who have to have the usual cat foods. My vets have always suggested a special diet but all six vets I've worked with on CRF cats over the years have prescribed fluids also. With values as high as Willy's, we've started off with large amounts daily, tested the blood 4-6 weeks later, and then been able to cut back. However, if Willy is eating that well those toxins are not making him feel nauseated and that's great.

03-20-2012, 08:55 PM
Continued prayers from RI for Willy.

Since you are talking about a second opinion, would you consider a practitioner of TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine? - a TCMVet? This person is a qualified vet who also uses herbs in the treatment - not in place of, but in addition to. I recently became involved with this when my dog, Sugar, had blood work which showed elevated liver enzymes. After the fact, we figured out the toxin was from chicken jerky from China. In cases where dogs are treated only with the pharmaceutical medicines, it takes several months to clear the liver of toxins which have built up and sometimes other issues developed as a result. WITH the herbs, we got everything under control in 2 weeks. I was sort of thrown into it all, due to the crisis with Sugar, but did lots of online research, talked online with tons of folks and was comfortable with following the TCM vet's guidance.

Just a thought.

03-20-2012, 08:58 PM
Willy's appetite is okay -- not great, but okay. If I warm the food in the microwave a little, he's more interested. But, he is cooperating with the Tripsy twice a day. It has improved his appetite and he hasn't lost any more weight.

He seems to be feeling better. No longer isolating himself and he's a real snuggle bunny. But, he's not playing with his favorite toys or cat nip.

Walter (kidney transplant kitty on IMOM, is rejecting his kidney. It has already been damaged. The anti-rejection medicine that he will need to take for the rest of his life, does not seem to be working right now but there is still hope he will approve.

04-10-2012, 11:54 AM
Took Willy to the vet today. He has lost another 2 pounds :( The vet showed Bobcat and I how to give him sub-q fluids. We will do that every other day. I asked the vet how much time Willy has and he said a month or 2. :( We're still praying for a miracle.

For those of you who may not have heard, the kitty on IMOM that received the kidney transplant, did not make it. :(

04-10-2012, 12:47 PM
Oh no...poor you and poor Willy! He is just too young for this to happen! :(

I guess there is no such thing as kitty dialysis? Or does the sob-q substitute for that?

Is the Tripsy helping at all?

Prayers for a miracle!

04-10-2012, 12:48 PM
For what it is worth, only words, I am so very sorry. Please give Willy a kiss on the head from me.


04-10-2012, 02:39 PM
Tripsy is not helping.
The vet just called with his blood results. Some of the numbers are off the charts now. Too high for the machines to record. The vet believes Willy may just have a week or so now.

Unlike people, cats can only go on dialysis temporarily. It's used when kidney transplant is being considered. Which we are not considering. Dialysis would buy him some time but not improve his quality of life.

Willy doesn't feel well. But, he remains a sweet boy. He just brought me a present -- a plastic bag of screws he got out of a box. :love::love:

04-10-2012, 03:17 PM
I am at a loss for words, other than to say "I'm so sorry".

{{{Hugs}}} :love:

04-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Awww, I am so very sorry to hear this. Enjoy your limited time with your sweet boy.
It did bring a smile to my face to read about the gift he brought to you.

04-10-2012, 04:31 PM
I am sorry to hear this. You and Willy are in my thoughts.

Felicia's Mom
04-10-2012, 04:44 PM
I am sorry to hear about Willy.

04-10-2012, 05:53 PM
Willy doesn't feel well. But, he remains a sweet boy. He just brought me a present -- a plastic bag of screws he got out of a box. :love::love: [/SIZE]

Awww, what a thoughtful boy. Give him a kiss for me.

04-10-2012, 06:31 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that your sweet boy Willy is getting worse instead of better.:(
I love that he still likes to give you presents.:love:
Cherish the time you have with him, he is a very special Meezer.
Give him a big hug and kiss from me.

04-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Willy doesn't feel well. But, he remains a sweet boy. He just brought me a present -- a plastic bag of screws he got out of a box. :love::love:

Awwww, such a sweetie.:love:

I am so sorry to hear that Willy is having such a hard time of it.:(

04-10-2012, 06:55 PM
I am so so sorry. :( He loves you and you love him - he is bringing you prezzies. Wishing him all the love, comfort and peace possible.

04-10-2012, 07:49 PM
I am so very sorry.

Willy loves you very much and you love him just as much back. How sweet of him to bring you that present! Cherish your special time together as always.

Thinking of you both and sending along all our love and prayers.

Pat and cats

04-12-2012, 01:43 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear the latest news.:( I'm also hoping for a miracle. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

04-12-2012, 12:04 PM
I, too, am hoping and praying for a miracle for Willy. Such a sweet widdle boy, bringing you prezzies.:love::love:

04-12-2012, 12:25 PM
I just read this thread. I am so sorry your Willy is very sick. It is so sad when a beloved pet/friend has severe health problems. You're both in my thoughts and prayers.

05-28-2012, 10:46 PM
Lisa, I just read your posts in the Pet Psychic thread in General.

How is Willy doing?:love:

05-29-2012, 05:03 PM
Willy is doing remarkably well. On April 10th, the vet said he had a week or 2 to live.
Well, he's still going strong. He is eating more -- though he is still skinny. He's running and playing and enjoying his time outside in the pen soaking up the sun and chewing on grass. He sleeps a little more but he isn't isolating like he was before.

Brittany (the vet tech we hired to give him sub-q fluids when I'm away at work) thinks he's doing very well and suggested we take him back to the vet to get his numbers again. During the April visit, the numbers were so bad that the vet didn't think it was worth testing him any more.

I have no idea if his numbers have improved, but he is definitely doing better with the fluids every other day. I'm going to take him in to get the blood work again and see what's changed. We're told that his kidneys will eventually get so badly damaged that they won't be able to process the fluids, but for now he's giving us every sign that he is enjoying life. So, we'll keep up the "water and fish". :D

05-29-2012, 07:51 PM
Water and fish - what more could a Willy kitty want, right? We love when our pets prove dire predictions wrong!

05-29-2012, 08:01 PM
Fingers crossed tightly.....:D "Water and fish!" lol

07-27-2012, 11:37 AM
I'm still away at work in Prudhoe but Bobcat and Brittany (the vet tech who comes to the house and gives Willy fluids while I'm at work) agree that it is time to let Willy go.

He has lost so much weight. He's very frail. The tumors on his paws and back legs continue to grow. Bobcat says that when you look in his eyes, he's just not "there" anymore.

Brittany and the vet will come to the house on Tuesday or Wednesday and help him cross the bridge. But, I told Bobcat that if Willy appears to be in any pain this weekend, don't wait for me to come home, take him to the emergency vet and let him cross the bridge. We wouldn't want our Prince William to suffer.

Willy remains his same, sweet self but seems dazed and disoriented at times even with the fluids and potassium we have been giving him. He missed the litter box a few days ago and when Brittany cleaned it up (Bobcat's back is still out and he can't bend or lift), the urine was not concentrated. It was mostly water and didn't smell like urine at all.

So, please keep Willy in your prayers. He and Willow turn 6 years old in August. He's so young to have developed kidney failure. :(

07-27-2012, 11:45 AM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( You've done everything you could and I'm sure that Willy knows how much you love him. He remains in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

07-27-2012, 11:47 AM
I am so very sorry to read this. You are doing the loving, right thing to let Willy go now, but it is still so sad and heartbreaking, especially at his young age. We are sending our prayers and loving energies to you and Willy and all who love him.

May Willy's passing to the Bridge be peaceful and easy. He will be waiting for you there, whole and healthy again.

God bless you all.

Pat and cats

07-27-2012, 12:37 PM
Hugs to Willy. :love: He is way too young, you are right. But he did outlive a prognosis or two.

I didn't realize he had cancer as well. Hugs and all love to you. I pray his passing is peaceful for all.:love::love::love:

07-27-2012, 12:43 PM
Oh I'm so sorry to read this. It's so painful, I know, but Willy will love you even more for letting him go and ending his pain. (((HUGS)))

07-27-2012, 03:57 PM
My dear Lisa, words cannot convey the pain in my heart for you. I know all will be well with your beloved Willy, but your suffering will be great, I know. Please know that Willy, you, and Bobcat have been and continue to be in my prayers each and every day. May the Creator bless Willy with a gentle transition to the Bridge, where he will wait happily for you.

With my love and sympathy,

07-28-2012, 10:39 AM
See post #44 here: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?173187-Pet-Psychic-Opportunity-this-Saturday for an update. Willy appears to want to stay a little longer.

Kind of in a quandry now, but we canceled the vet appointment for now.

07-28-2012, 01:00 PM
Continuing prayers and love for Willy and you...


07-29-2012, 03:06 PM
Is he eating the carrots?

07-29-2012, 03:11 PM
Sigh. Good! I've just been through this myself: I had the vet appointment to have Fudge, my horse, put down - the backhoe was on the property, ready to dig the grave. Two days beforehand, I walked out to check on Fudge, who was in the middle of the field. When I called to him from the fence, he walked right over to me. Obviously, he is not ready to leave, either. I feel for you, Lisa, because we know that in both cases, this is a temporary reprieve -- and the up and down of emotions is hard, too. But I'm relieved that Willy wants to stay a while longer. (BTW, I called that pet psychic that you had talked to a while ago, but she never returned my call. )

07-29-2012, 03:28 PM
Lisa was flying home today - she works away from home 2 weeks at a time. I'm sure when she's back on the ground with Willy she will update us!

07-30-2012, 01:52 AM
Is he eating the carrots?

When I got home, I grated up about 1/4 of a baby carrot and added it to his favorite Fancy Feast Yellow Tuna Florentine Medley. He ate a little bit but lost interest. It didn't go to waste though, our Hoover vacuum cleaner -- aka Willow -- scarfed it down.

I gave him a double dose of potassium gell and squirted some salmon oil down his throat and he seems to have perked up a little. Whether it was that or just having his meowmie home, I'm not sure -- but he is no longer hiding in the back of closet.

I'll be at the hospital with Bobcat for tests most of tomorrow. Pet communicator session scheduled for Tuesday. I'll keep you posted.

smokey the elder
07-30-2012, 09:18 AM
Poor Willy. Renal failure is awful.

07-30-2012, 12:22 PM
I don't know if the reading for Willy showed he was picky - lol! - but do you have a machine that could puree it like baby food? Maybe that's all he wants. Please give him some cuddles for me.:love::love::love:

07-30-2012, 04:14 PM
I was thinking pureed carrots too. Maybe pick up a couple of jars of baby food carrots and see if he likes that.

07-30-2012, 07:37 PM
We tried carrot baby food first. It was a no go -- except for Willow who will eat anything.
I tried again today but he turned his nose up. I mixed a minute amount of the baby food with his favorite tuna food and he ate it.

So, I'm not sure if the pet communicator was trying to say he was craving it or if his body needed it. He doesn't seem interested in it, but we did get some into him.

Reading with the pet communicator tomorrow. Will post an update.

07-31-2012, 04:19 PM
Guys ~ Here's how it went today. This is a writeup I did for another site I belong to.
I've posted on Pet Talk about Rhoda, a dear friend who is dying of leukemia. What blew me away is after the reading, "someone up there" lead me to a doctor who takes a holistic approach to pet care. "Coincidentally" he and Rhoda have the same last name. Spelled differently, but.... And I think I've mentioned here before, that I do not believe in coincidences, so here is now it went:

We had a session with a pet communicator this morning.
All of the kitties spoke, but the main purpose was to speak to Willy about his acute kidney failure.

He said he's not ready to leave. He wants a few more weeks. But, he's ready if he has to go. He's excited to see his mom and dad again, but worried about leaving his sister because he needs to protect her. I found that hysterical because she appears to be the one who mothers and comforts him. But, he's worried that the "white cat" (Pepper) will beat up Willow if he's not around. We reassured him that we will help Willow if/when he leaves. That seemed to make him happy.

The communicator told us that he wants pureed carrots and asked us if it was okay to give cats carrots. We weren't sure so she Googled it for us and it is okay. So, I blanched some baby carrots in the microwave and pureed them and he ate some.

He said the fluids are too much and are exhausting. He asked if we could put in less fluid every day instead of more fluids every other day. We agreed to do that and it made him happy.

She said there is something going on with him. It is kidney failure, but it isn't at the same time. She said that his system appears to be poisoned somehow and thinks it had something to do with tap water and the crunchies that he loves to eat. We told her that we knew the crunchies were bad for him but that he craves them. She said they were like junk food where your body will learn to crave all the fat and salt after a while. We will quit buying them and she asked him to stop eating them. She said he needs spring water instead of tap water. (Maybe the chloride and fluoride is the problem?)

He loves, loves, loves to play in water. I told her that we have tried 2 different water fountains and all the kitties were scared of the motor sound. She said that we didn't really need a fountain, but she asked him to stop drinking the tap water and drink the spring water. He will try, but he still wants to play in the sink and bathtub.

I asked her if his feet bothered him (I didn't tell her ahead of time that he has huge tumors on his 4 feet) and she said he said no, not at all and he couldn't figure out why she'd even ask him that. So, I told her that he had tumors on his feet that break open and bleed and she said she wasn't picking up on that at all and he's not concerned about them and perhaps he doesn't have much feeling in his feet.

Then she was very cautious to tell me this -- but since she was getting such a weird impression (kidney failure but not kidney failure) she asked her "guides" if there was any hope for a cure and the answer was a resounding YES! She was very cautious about it because she didn't want to get my hopes up and she said it was VERY RARE that she got that answer. Most of the time the answer is something like, well, there are things that can be done to make the situation better but there is an kind of resigned, acceptance of the situation. This time the answer was different.

I asked her if she could be picking up on the fact that we had been researching kidney transplant at one time and she said that before I could even get the words out, she was shaking her head, no, no, no that is not the answer.

I had made a comment earlier in the reading about knowing that there was not going to be some sort of miracle, but she disagreed and said she actually got an impression of a “miraculous recovery”. Like I said, she was very cautious about this and getting my hopes up but it is so unusual for her to get a resounding YES when she asks that question of her guides that she felt she needed to tell me.

She said we needed to investigate a more holistic approach and asked if there were any holistic vets in Anchorage, Alaska. I told her I didn’t know of any. She said our vet is very good, but there is more that can be done. And she didn’t know if it needed to be done to save Willy or if it’s just something that I need to do for myself to feel like I tried everything. (That’s very much my personality, so it makes sense).

So, after we spoke and I wrote down a bunch of notes and thanked all the kitties for talking to her. I got online and searched for a holistic vet in Anchorage. I found a link and the phone number and spoke with a lady who told me that holistic medicine really wasn’t their thing and she referred me to another vet. I wrote down the name information she gave me and was going to look them up but I “accidently” clicked on the wrong link and it took me to a different website for “The Pet Stop”. I was about to click back, but was curious to see if they offered a holistic approach since the first place I called was retrieved when I Googled but didn’t really offer holistic options. Anyway, I started reading about the staff and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the name of one of the doctors.

“Dr. Todd Palmatier” Yes, I know the last name is spelled differently than Rhoda’s, but before Rhoda, I’ve never heard that last name before. So, I called the office with the intention of insisting that Dr. Palmatier was the only doctor I would bring Willy to see.

Before I could get the words out, the receptionist told me that Dr. Palmatier was the only one who had an opening and they can see Willy a week from tomorrow. I asked them that if they had any cancelations to let me know.

So, if Willy is still with us next week, he will be seeing Dr. Palmatier. Even if Willy can’t be cured, nothing can convince me that Rhoda didn’t have a hand in sending me this sign to not lose faith.

Thank you Precious Rhoda. YOU are the gift that keeps on giving.

Link to The Pet Stop: http://www.petstopak.com/staff.html
Link to the Pet Communicator: http://theholisticcenter.typepad.com/enlightened_spirits/2008/03/welcome.html

07-31-2012, 05:14 PM
Glad he ate the pureed carrots, and the less water but every day seems quite doable, and maybe more comfortable for him!

07-31-2012, 07:44 PM
Prayers for Willy! It would be wonderful if there was a miracle in store. Have you used this communicator before?

HUGS and I hope all of you and Willy have a good week.:love:

07-31-2012, 08:23 PM
Prayers for Willy! It would be wonderful if there was a miracle in store. Have you used this communicator before?

HUGS and I hope all of you and Willy have a good week.:love:

Well, kinda. I called into Karen's radio show on Saturday and she gave us some information.
So, we booked an hour session with her and had the reading this morning.

07-31-2012, 11:17 PM
Ok, prayers for all the best. I love how he wants to protect Willow! :):love::love:

07-31-2012, 11:28 PM
Our dear, sweet, precious Rhoda Palmateer passed away at 9:30 EST tonight.

Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

08-01-2012, 04:52 AM
I am so sorry. My deepest sympathy to her family and all who love her so very much.

Rest in peace, dearest Rhoda.

08-02-2012, 06:53 PM
Rhoda is hard at work on Willy's behalf.

Dr. Todd Palmatier's Friday surgery was unexpectedly canceled. He is seeing Willy at 10:00 in the morning!!!!!

Thank you Rhoda!

You know, even when Rhoda was sick, she still got more accomplished before lunch than I do all day!

08-02-2012, 06:56 PM
I'm praying for a miracle for Willy. I hope that everything will go well his appt. tomorrow. Good luck.:)

08-02-2012, 07:34 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend Rhoda.

Good luck and purrayers for you and Willy tomorrow at the doctors.

:love: :love: :love:

08-02-2012, 08:43 PM
Heaven is extra blessed to have Rhoda there.

I wonder if she has a hand in the cancellation.

Prayers for Willy!

08-03-2012, 03:42 AM
Praying for Willy.:love:

08-03-2012, 03:56 PM
Dr. Palmatier is very kind and gentle. Willy liked him right off and came out of the carrier purring. :)

He agreed that Willy has days to weeks to live. His kidneys are so small. They are scarred up from disease or something. Maybe it was hereditary.

He was very interested in what the pet communicator had to say and didn't laugh me out of the office. He was facinated that he had the same last name as Rhoda.

He looked over all the supplements we have been giving him and agreed with all of them. But, agreed it will just buy him a little time.

He gave Willy an acupuncture session and Willy loved it. He rolled around on the table showing more energy than he has in days. I was concerned that he would stick the little needles in and hurt himself, but he showed no pain or concern.

We will go back on Monday for another session. We are to try to get Willy to eat anything and everything -- especially fats. Poor Willy is down below 6 pounds. :( He was close to 15 in his prime.

Keep those thoughts and prayers coming. I have faith that Rhoda is on the case lighting candles. I will keep you posted.

08-03-2012, 04:08 PM
Many loving thoughts and prayers and warm energies are being sent from us for dear Willy.

I lit a candle for him, too.


08-03-2012, 05:22 PM
I hope that there will be a miracle and that his health will start improving. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.:love:

08-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Prayers for Willy. I am glad he purred for this vet, and that the vet is not only nice, but listened to the but about the communicator.

Whatever happens - you have done all you can for Willy. :love::love: (Still hoping for a miracle to kick in!)

08-03-2012, 06:13 PM
Would Willy lick plain yoghurt from a spoon? That might be worth try for getting some fats into him, as well as of course fish and more fish!

08-04-2012, 01:43 PM
Keeping you and Willy in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles DO occur, and maybe Willy will be the lucky beneficiary of one such miracle, considering all you have done and gone through to prolong his life. :love: {{{HUGS}}}

08-04-2012, 06:20 PM
Please see Willy's memorial thread here. (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?174101)