View Full Version : Questions about Adequan injections.

03-03-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi PT! I know.. it's been too long since I've been here.

My Buddy had grown old before his time. :( He's only 9 and is having a lot of trouble walking because of his Hip Dysplasia and arthritis in both hips.
He's already on Glucosamine/Cond/MSM supplement called Joint Max Triple strength. But it's not doing enough, he's also been on Previcox for pain, but I need to do something more for him.
My vet mentioned to me Adequan injections. I wondered if anyone here has done them and if so how did it work out?
I've been reading up on it for the past few days and I think I’d like to try it for him but I'd like to hear, first hand, from people that have used it instead of relying on the reviews on all the websites from people.

The hardest thing it watching him grow old before my very eyes. He's had such a rough life... he's never had it easy.. I want to help him but I'm also preparing myself for what's best for HIM and not myself.

03-03-2011, 12:49 PM
My Marlin has been on them over 2 years. Helps A LOT!

There is a start up, can't recall how that works, but a lot of shots in a short time. After that, it is once a month. At my vet, it was $45 per shot, with a vet tech doing it.

The dosage is set based on the dog's weight. Fro my Marlin, it ends up that there are 12 shots in one vial. So: I got a prescription from my vet, and mailed it in to Drs Foster & Smith pharmacy. The vial is $65 on there. My vet gave me 12 syringes, no charge (I spend so much there!), and a vet tech showed me how to give the shot. I do it at home. HUGE savings, as you can see!

I mark the calendar; but up to 3 months ago, I always knew when the shot was coming due, as Marlin wouldn't be able to get up on the sofa himself and would whine for help, lol. So I'd know we were coming up on another shot due. Once he had the next shot, within 3 hours he was able to get up on the sofa himself again.

Lately, Marlin's hips have gotten a lot worse. He can't do the sofa at all, and he can't walk with the others, 45 minutes, 2 miles. :( So I am now walking him separately, mostly we go down the street and back. I try to give him 2 walks a day, as they are so short, and if he doesn't MOVE, he get more sore, and he gets constipated as well. I am sure the shot is still helping, just that he is so much worse now. We had a LOT of help w/ that shot for over 2 years, though.

I highly recommend these shots.

When you send in to Drs. Foster & Smith (or other place) make sure it says Adequan (canine) as there is also an (equine) version.

03-03-2011, 01:09 PM
The initial load does is bi weekly shots for 4 weeks then as needed after that. Yes, I plan on doing the same. Start up with the vet then get an RX from them to order online. Buddy is 95lbs, they recomend 1 ml per 50 lbs. So I'll be spending a lot, but at a HUGE savings also.
I would get 5 injections out of an order (2 5ml vials) for $100. So it would be only $20 per injection instead of $50+ at my vet. BUT I can't give the injection... I'm deathly afraid of needles and wouldn't be able to stick it in his leg muscle. BUT my sister is a nurse, her partner was a vet tech for 10 years and another friend was a vet tech. So I'm sure I can get someone to do it for me. Thank you for the info! I'm so glad it helped him! I've been reading so many things about it and it's all been good!!!! I pray this works for him and I can give him some comfort. Thank you again and I wish Merlin many more happy years a head with Adequan!!! :D

03-03-2011, 04:50 PM
Aw poor guy! I don't know anything about Adequan, but my friend has a big akita with hip dysplasia and terrible arthritis. She takes him in to the vet regularily for chiro, and it helps ALOT. She says he feels SO much better after!
Do you have on of those canine hydrotherapy places in your area? One just opened up here. I've heard really good things about the hydrotherapy.

03-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Thanks so much for this info, which I didn't know about. Mz Logan has hip dysplasia. The vet couldn't believe she was walking so well, as the Xrays look like mine! (like mommy, like doggie). After the dog park, she limps a lot. I give her Dasaquin, a Glucosamine/Cond prescription pill once a day. I neglected to refill it for 3 days last year, and her limp was more noticeable, so it must help. I feel blessed so far. I did buy steps so she can get into my new, higher car.

So, anyway, I'm glad I'll have an option. I really appreciate the feedback.

Hugs and kisses to your poor babies. Arthritis stinks.

03-04-2011, 08:26 AM
Thanks wolfsoul for the info, I do massage on him every day but sometimes he's too sore for it.
His hips are bone on bone now and the Adequan replaces the lost joint fluid and cartilage. It's actual cartilage that is injected into the leg muscle and the body directs it to where it's needed. Adequan has been shown to work best for dogs with arthritis due to hip disp. 90% of dogs respond to it and because it's all natural the side effects are minimal and can include burning, just like we humans feel when we're injected with cortisone. (I read a report the other day about a vet that injected himself with it and he can now ski again! :D) I'm hopeful.. but also know that I will not let him suffer. He's had a hard life and he deserves peace one day finally. Karen, I'll keep you updated!!

03-09-2011, 07:38 AM
Buddy had his first injection Monday. My vet gives the injection into the back muscle once everyother week for 6 weeks, I've read that most vets give injections bi weekly for 4 weeks. But he says he does a lot of injections and they've found that this works for them! So... now it's just a waiting game to see if this is going to work for him. :(
The vet asid that his hips are mostly bone on bone and he only has 50% range of motion in both hips. :(:(
We go back for the 2nd injection on the 21st.

03-09-2011, 07:44 AM
Good luck, Buddy! POP (power of the paw!) to you!!!