View Full Version : Fanks a wot Katie and Joey!!

07-28-2008, 05:38 PM
Hi guyz, iz me, Chopper. I beez gone for a widdle bit az we had sumpin weally sad happen. My mommy haz been so upset, her haz cried awot. I jus cuddlez up to her to makes her feel all bedder.

I jus wanted to showz u my nu duds dat I gotted in da mail today from my BFF Joey. Hiz mommy buyed dem for him but he iz way to smallz so her gibed dem to me. U guyz r da bestest!! Fanks for da prezents. I finks I wook perdy spiffy.

Here me iz pozin wiff all my nu stuffs. Duz u seez my smile?

Mmmmmmm, mommy I finks I smellz sum kookiez in dere.

Chekz out my nu shirt. I wook weally smartz in it.

Here me iz giben mommy da ebil eye cuz her wud not gibs me da kookie!

I eben gotted jamas!

What duz u mean mommy I cantz wear dem today!!
K, dats all, Lubs Chopper

07-28-2008, 05:47 PM
Chopper, you went and did it again -- put a HUGE smile on my face! Oh yes, I DID see your smile, you are just so adorable I could eat you up! MWAH on that widdle nose of yours!

07-28-2008, 05:47 PM
talk about freaking cute!!...

love that half side smile/grin in the first pic.... way too cute!!

hugs to you and mommy

07-28-2008, 05:52 PM
Oh Chopper we are so happy to see that you wrote us all a note. We know that you have been helpin' your mom get over the big sadness at your house. I am guessing that maybe even a tear or two might have fallen on your handsome fur as you cuddled up real close help heal her broken heart.

I think you are so handsome in your new "cwose" and Joey sure was nice to send them along to you. Though I have never seen you two side by side, I can imagine that you probably would fill out some of Joey's big things pretty good. He sure is a widdle guy. I think the shirt with the vest makes you look like an intellectual :cool: (mommy can tell you what that is) HA! and the PJ's, well they are just the cutest. I guess it's too hot now in Florida for PJ's but you will be happy to have them in the winter. Please give your mom some extra kisses today and the days to come and tell Champ and Duke to do the same and tell her we are all thinking of her and your auntie and family.

07-28-2008, 06:55 PM
Oh Chopper we are so happy to see that you wrote us all a note. We know that you have been helpin' your mom get over the big sadness at your house. Please give your mom some extra kisses today and the days to come and tell Champ and Duke to do the same and tell her we are all thinking of her and your auntie and family.

That goes for me, too. Chopper, you look very nice in your yellow and green, and also in the blue and yellow PJs. You definitely wook perdy spiffy. Kissies for you, Champ and Duke!

Daisy and Delilah
07-28-2008, 08:09 PM
We are so happy, Chopper, to know that you're helping Mommy cheer up. We know it's been very sad around there. Bless Katie and BFF Joey for sending you some things to perk up the mood at your house.

Have I told you that you are one adorable little guy? I am grinning ear to hear and awwwwwww'ing real loud.:D

p.s. Maybe Mommy can turn the AC down real low so you can wear your new cwose. :)

07-28-2008, 08:51 PM
Oh Chopper you look adorable. I bet that that put a smile on mommys face! *smooches* Katie

Choppur, iz me Joey. I iz so sowwy dat you haz to wear cwothes too! But you sure do wook "spiffy" in dem! Gwad dey fitz you! And I haz the same shurt too! So we can match:D

Pwease gib ur Ma a hug frum me. I hoped she feels betta soon. Licks, Joey Pup

4 Dog Mother
07-29-2008, 08:21 AM
Oh, Chopper you do know how to bring a smile to someones face don't you? You look so cute in all your new clothes. Pajamas - wow, that is something special to have.

Give lots of hugs to your mommy and tell her we are thinking of her and her family.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-29-2008, 08:28 AM
Chopper, your widdle face cheers me up every time I see it. Hugs to you and all your family

07-29-2008, 08:34 AM
Oh Chopper! You look adorable in your new clothes. What a nice friend to send you all that stuff.

Tell your mommy we love her and give her lots of doggie kisses!

Ginger's Mom
07-29-2008, 08:47 AM
Oh Chopper, you sure do look handsome in your shirt and vest. Now we need a picture of you and Joey together in your matching Ivy League type shirts. :)

I agree with Katie, I bet seeing you look so handsome did help Mommy feel better. More thoughts and prayers going out for your family.

07-29-2008, 10:07 AM
Chopper you are the cutest thing EVER. I love your new duds, and you look so good in them (but then again, you look good in everything or nothing, you're just so flipping cute). Please tell your momma that we're still thinking about her and her family and you all are still in our prayers. :love::love::love:

08-12-2008, 11:20 AM
Dear Chopper, I am just here for a dose of maximum cuteness. I also wanted to tell your mommy I hope she is doing better after the very big sadness. Your family is still in my prayers and I'm glad you, Duke and Champ are there to help her. :love: Your fan-- Elyse