View Full Version : New Flyball Project!

07-22-2008, 06:55 PM
There is an older woman on our flyball team who rescued a Chihuahua x from the States a few months back. She also has a Mini Pin. She has two arthritic knees, and hasn't been coming out lately because she was finding trying to train two dogs at once a little overwhelming. Our team REALLY needs height dogs, so I have agreed to train the Chi x, Mobi, for her.

He isn't the best looking dog ever, but he grows on you! lol Any guesses as to what his mix is?



07-22-2008, 07:34 PM
He is adorable!!!
I'd say Whippet mix.......???

Cinder & Smoke
07-22-2008, 07:47 PM
I have agreed to train the Chi x, Mobi, for her.

He isn't the best looking dog ever, but he grows on you! lol
Any guesses as to what his mix is?



HEY, Byte your tongue!

He's *CUTE* - looks a lot like a miniature of my Smokey!
Nice "Muttlie-style" Head-Tilt, too.

Happie Flyballin, Mobi!!


07-22-2008, 08:36 PM
Whippet/ Chi?

07-22-2008, 09:34 PM
Not so sure about Whippet. Iggy/Chi sounds like a more common mix, but then he looks kind of chunky for a skinny iggy/chi mix :p I do have to say he reminds me of a Min Pin...Maybe it's just the markings.

07-22-2008, 10:36 PM
What the heck does Iggy stand for??? LOL!!!

07-22-2008, 11:15 PM
I have no idea what he might be, but good luck with him! I hope he'll make a good height dog for the team. :)

What the heck does Iggy stand for??? LOL!!!

I think it's for Italian Greyhound... but I might be wrong.

07-22-2008, 11:19 PM
Yep, Iggy means Italian Greyhound. Sorry; sighthound lingo :p

07-23-2008, 12:03 AM
Yep, Iggy means Italian Greyhound. Sorry; sighthound lingo :p

That's what I meant!!! But Whippet was the only name to come to mind.
Whippets are bigger, right?

finn's mom
07-23-2008, 12:44 AM
I think he is precious. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
07-23-2008, 05:45 AM
Aaawww he is lovely

Ginger's Mom
07-23-2008, 06:04 AM
Chi/Min Pin is what I thought too when I saw him. I think he is adorable. Have fun training that cutie. :)

07-23-2008, 07:38 AM
That tail makes me think Iggy (:p) also.
(I didn't have a clue what Iggy was either! )

Best of luck!

07-23-2008, 08:04 AM
He's a cutie! =D I knew what an Iggy was, but maybe that is because of my obsession with greyhounds :3 Jess, that is great that you decided to help this women and train her dog. I see Chi/Iggy mix as well. His tail reminds me of an Iggy.

07-23-2008, 11:52 AM
Great suggestion... I can really see the "Iggy" now too! Especially in that tail. Our first practice is on Sunday and I can't wait. :)

07-23-2008, 03:59 PM
I don't see Italian Greyhound at all. I think he's a chihuahua and Chinese Crested. He is cute though!

07-26-2008, 10:35 AM
Oh my, he is ADORABLE! I also see Min Pin/Chi. I wish Kyra was better around other dogs because I'm sure she'd make a wicked flyballer, lol. Good luck with his training!

Phred, I thought he kind of looked like a miniature Smokey as well!

07-27-2008, 05:01 PM
Hey Mobi, sounds like you got yourself a new trainer! You pay attention, I think you will catch on quickly.

He is darling, and I bet he is full of spirit as well!