View Full Version : Some Random Photos of the Dogs

07-13-2008, 10:44 PM
All of these photos were taken with my friend's camera, so they're not entirely new and also kind of random. There were a lot more but I just thought I should share some of my favourites.

All three dogs. Taggart and Sascha had to stay on a leash, since there are a lot of sheep where this is taken and both of them like to chase them.

Taggart showing exactly how unhappy he is about staying on the leash. He sure knows how to put on those sad puppy dog eyes.

Another one of him looking a bit more ok with the situation. But not by much.


This one is from another day out by this lake we sometimes go to. I think I've shown photos from that lake before. It's really beautiful there.

Tiki found some ducks, so of course she had to try and catch them. No worries tho'. She has no chance of catching up with them. That doesn't stop her from trying however.
Coming out of the water again.

07-13-2008, 10:45 PM
Taggart and Sascha in the water. Neither of them swims tho'. It's only Tiki who's brave enough for that.

My best friends :) I took this photo. The guy to the left is the one who owns the camera and took most of the other photos. The girl on the right is Saschas mommy.

One more of all five of them

Last one is taken in a third location. Just thought I'd share it because it shows Taggart's personality pretty well
What'cha doing mum? huh? Whatcha doin? Can I help? Can I? Please? Pretty please? Pleeeease?!

07-14-2008, 03:16 AM
Great pics of the pups , and a truly wonderful spot. :)

07-14-2008, 09:55 AM
Awesome pictures, and I LOVE the scenery! :D Your dogs are incredibly adorable (I'm a bit partial to Tiki ;) ) and Sascha is gorgeous as well.

Ginger's Mom
07-14-2008, 12:15 PM
Great pictures of gorgeous dogs. Taggert kind of reminds me of my friend Scout. It sounds like he has Scout's personality, too. I have never met a dog was more excited about "helping" people.

07-14-2008, 01:35 PM
Your dogs are really cute!! I love the countryside...I bet they have a blast romping around.