View Full Version : My watery adventure...by Tehya

07-13-2008, 06:32 PM

I went adventuring today. Well, really it was just one of my regular walkies routes, but I like to get a little adventure in every day. Makes things more fun, yanno!
We went to the lake for awhile. Me and Pacer got to go. Mom only took two of us cuz it's Sunday and sometimes that means our trails are kinda busy. Daisy came too, cuz there is no stopping that and she ain't no trouble.
I have decided that I like water! It's not as good as snow, but it's fun!
Here I am helping Pacer be brave in the water. Helping Pacer be brave is one of my most important jobs around here.
He wouldn't come out in the deep part, but he got his paws wet. For Pacer, that's progress!
I had a great time swimming around. I made some new friends too. Some tourists were very lost and ended up driving to our lake. Mom had to try very hard not to laugh at them as she told them how to get back to their campground. They weren't even close! I told them OWOOWOOOOWOWOWOWOOOO...that means "enjoy your stay in my territory!'
Here we are back home playing in the tall weeds just outside our fence. Pacer likes that better than playing in the water!
Here are my jealous packmates! They did not get to come on my adventure today, but don't worry, they will get a turn of their own soon.

And that is how I spent my watery Sunday afteroon.


finn's mom
07-13-2008, 07:06 PM
I don't blame them for being jealous, I know I am! What a beautiful place to swim and play! Thanks for sharing your fun day with us!

Cinder & Smoke
07-13-2008, 08:04 PM

Seems like EVERY day is an *adventure* for you, Tehya!!

Thanks for taking us along to your Water Park.


07-13-2008, 09:38 PM

Seems like EVERY day is an *adventure* for you, Tehya!!


Yup, I'm an adventurous sorta babydog, but lately they've all been good adventures, not the bad ones that involve trips to the vet! (there goes Mom knocking on wood again)


07-13-2008, 09:39 PM
I just love your adventures, Tehya! :D You are such a beautiful girl. :love:

Pawsitive Thinking
07-14-2008, 06:31 AM
Have never noticed your gorgeous tail before :D You are such a lovely girl

07-14-2008, 08:21 AM
Oh Tehya, you are such a good dog for helping Pacer. You are both beautiful, and it is nice to know you are good doggie friends.

07-14-2008, 12:11 PM
Oh Tehya, you are such a good dog for helping Pacer. You are both beautiful, and it is nice to know you are good doggie friends.

Thank wooo. Mom says I have been a gift for Pacer. I taught him how to wrassle and I would never beat him up. I guess that happened to him a few times before I got here. He is helping me be a good sled dog in return. He's really good at pulling and not getting distracted!


07-14-2008, 12:28 PM
See, brothers can be good for some things. And (rotten) kid sisters - we're good to have around, too!

Thank you for sharing your adventures with us, Tehya - you and mom do a good job together, bringing a little corner of the Yukon to all of us!

07-14-2008, 02:53 PM
I am helping Pacer be brave in the water. Helping Pacer be brave is one of my most important jobs around here.
WOOOOO, Precious Tehya! You have so many important jobs! I enjoyed the pictures and story of your Sunday walkie. I like the third picture from the bottom where I can see your lovely tail. It goes with the rest of beautiful you! Hug, hug, hug!

07-14-2008, 06:06 PM
Have never noticed your gorgeous tail before :D You are such a lovely girl

Me either & I've seen a lot of Tehya pictures.:) Very pretty & unique

07-15-2008, 09:56 PM
Wooos & a-rooos Tehya,
that looks like a very good adventure, except for the swimming in deep water part. We're like Pacer - just wet our pawsies only, thank you. Pacer is such a good boy, that's great that woo are his friend & can help him be brave & get out more. Woo are just the sweetest friend to everydog & human you meet! We wish we could meet you nose to nose someday.
~Star & Jack

07-15-2008, 10:47 PM
I'm in Tehya adventure heaven as usual.

07-15-2008, 11:20 PM
You always look so happy Tehya - and like you are having the time of your life! Seeing these pictures have made me happy too.

07-16-2008, 01:28 AM
Wooos & a-rooos Tehya,
that looks like a very good adventure, except for the swimming in deep water part. We're like Pacer - just wet our pawsies only, thank you. Pacer is such a good boy, that's great that woo are his friend & can help him be brave & get out more. Woo are just the sweetest friend to everydog & human you meet! We wish we could meet you nose to nose someday.
~Star & Jack

WOOOO Star and Jack

I bet you would like the lake better when it is all frozen and we can run around on it. We pull the dogsled right across the middle of it!

It be totally awesome to meet you nose to nose someday. Tell your humans they need a holiday and they should head North!!


07-31-2008, 04:18 PM
Wooooo, precious Tehya ... How are you, mom and dad, and all your dog and cat siblings? I am thinking of you with a :D today.

Your fan,

07-31-2008, 06:16 PM
Wooooo, precious Tehya ... How are you, mom and dad, and all your dog and cat siblings? I am thinking of you with a :D today.

Your fan,

WOo Wooo Ms. Elyse

We are all good. Mom took the morning off work cuz she was too tired to get out of bed, but she is feeling better now. I'm hanging out with Paxil today. I don't know what she's doing in my pen! I think she just wanted a treat. I always get a treat for going to my pen like a good girl.

I haven't seen my Dad in a really long time. He aint been home since June. Mom says he will be home on Monday, if his company doesn't mess with his schedule! We gots a bunch of company coming too--some friends of my Dad's are coming to visit us next week and then my Grandpaw and my Mom's sister and her family are coming. I never met any of them before, except Grandpaw. Mom's never even met the friends of Dad's that are coming! I should get to make lotssa new friends!
