View Full Version : Ugh.. it's always one thing after another.. Kai's sick :(

06-28-2008, 10:44 PM
So first Kaedyn had to go to the vets because his cataracts were getting worse. The vet wasn't too concerned.. just regular checkups is all we can do for now.

Then Kai needed to get teeth removed. It was very unexpected and expensive.

Then Keeva got a big gash while playing with Kai (accident). It required a minor surgery to fix her up. That was also very unexpected and equally expensive.

Now Kai has kennel cough :( We're going to the vets tomorrow to confirm it but I'm pretty sure it is kennel cough. Keeva goes to agility classes 2-3 times a week. When she had that wound, Kai went instead since he's already been trained in agility. Well, last class we found out the lab that was in the class was pulled out because he had kennel cough.. I didn't think anything of it since my dogs weren't showing symptoms.. until now. :( At least it's not going to be as expensive as the last two vet bills.. The other two aren't showing symptoms so I'm hoping their immune systems are strong enough..

I've spent thousands of dollars on vet bills and been through two minor surgeries in the past couple months. It's so overwhelming sometimes :( Thanks for listening to me rant.

06-28-2008, 11:36 PM
It does seem like when it rains it pours sometimes.

I just spent $400 on teeth cleaning and vaccinations ... for two dogs that aren't even mine! They were just pretty much dumped on me. It had to be done, but I certainly didn't budget for it.

My vet got a new truck recently, and I said, "Hey, Paul, you going to let me drive that new truck, since I paid for it?" He just laughed and said, "Thanks. But no."

06-29-2008, 01:28 AM
Awww, Ashley... I'm so sorry. =( I HATE it when my boys are sick or injured, I just get a constant, horrible feeling. Right now, I'm pondering whether or not Fozzie could have gingivitis, and Gonzo seems to have strained his back leg today. So I feel your pain. It must be overwhelming for all 3 to be sick in a row.

Vet bills suck... a lot... but, hopefully there won't be any more for a long time after this!!! How irritating, that the Lab was brought to class with kennel cough. Feel better soon, Kaibaby.

06-29-2008, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear about all the problems you've had and money you've had to spend. Some things I don't think a person can budget for, they just happen.

I am surprised that the classes didn't require a Kennel Cough vaccination prior to attending. Around here all most all OB training/classes/groomers require that vaccination (as well as others) to qualify to attend and have to have a certificate from the vet to prove it. The few we have that don't require it we never recommend to people.

06-29-2008, 04:20 PM
To be honest with you... I wouldn't take my dog to the vet for kennel cough. Not unless he was extremely uncomfortable and dry heaving with each coughing attack.
My dogs have had kennel cough a couple of times and they didn't go to the vet.
But then I didn't take Beatle to the vet when she had a big gash on her tail either. I just shaved the area and kept it clean.
My opinion of vets is that they are mostly for emergencies. If the dog or cat has something I wouldn't go to the doctor if I had, then they don't go.

Hope Kai is feeling better soon.

06-29-2008, 04:38 PM
My opinion of vets is that they are mostly for emergencies. If the dog or cat has something I wouldn't go to the doctor if I had, then they don't go.

I tend to agree with this shelteez! Unless its an emergency most things I can take care of for my animals, without going to a vet... We had kennel cough run thru here last summer/fall.. was picked up at the shows and brought back here... that was lots of fun!... most of my own dogs didn't actually get it, I think only one of mine got a mild case... but it ran thru a few other dogs..

06-29-2008, 06:55 PM
We just got back from the vets. He does indeed have kennel cough. I normally don't take the dogs in to the vets if it's not major, but he seemed really uncomfortable (and I've never dealt with kennel cough so I just wanted to be sure that's what he had). I think I spoke too soon cause Kee is starting to cough now. :rolleyes:

Regarding classes requiring proof of vaccinations, most do but the odd class doesn't. I don't require it in my group obedience classes for a couple reasons -- It's way too easy to create fake documents (as I've done to cross the border with the dogs), and more and more people in Vancouver are taking the holistic approach with their dogs. The class Kai got kennel cough at doesn't require it, but she makes it clear that it's at your own risk.

Anywho, he's still heaving but seems to be doing alright. :( Poor guy.. I hate to see him like this.

06-29-2008, 08:49 PM
Poor Kai. Hopefully he'll be all better soon. Yep vet bills can add up sometimes. Maybe this will be the end of your pups 'bad luck' for a while.