View Full Version : More Collie Puppy Pics -- UPDATED more pics post #14

06-28-2008, 10:15 PM
The Puppies are almost 3 wks old (on monday) and eyes are open.. they are moving around, starting to play and really really getting cute! Thought I'd share some pics of the pups I took this afternoon...

Rough Tri-Color Male -- I've been calling him "Spike" there is a reason he gets that name.. I'll have to explain it later...lol

Smooth Blue Boy #1

Smooth Tri-Color Female

Smooth Blue Boy #2

Smooth Tri-Color Male

Smooth blue boys playing


06-29-2008, 01:20 AM
OMG... I cannot believe how fast they're growing up! : D They are gorgeous litttle babies.

Those pictures of the blue boys playing nearly killed me. I swear.

06-29-2008, 02:24 AM

I love the second one.. that one steals my heart.. what a bunch of dolls

06-29-2008, 03:18 AM
AWWWWW!!! They're so adorable and getting so big.:)

06-29-2008, 06:26 AM
Oh my, cuteness overload.:love:

06-29-2008, 08:15 AM
Cute, cute, CUTE!! the first photo looks like the pup is snuggled under a blankie with his head on a pillow? Aw how adorable!

06-29-2008, 08:29 AM
Oh my goodness! Aren't they about the cutest little things around!! They look sooooo grown up already!!!

06-29-2008, 11:03 AM
thanks everyone! I will take more pics on Monday to add to this thread, since they will be 3 wks on Monday....

As far as the rough tri boy -- yes, he likes to crawl under or between the blankets and sleep.. he is like a little groundhog. It drives me nuts because Im afraid his mom is going to step on him when she comes in and out of the whelping box, but she always seems to know where he is.... but he is always crawling under the blankets to sleep. He also got the name "Spike" because I don't know if any of you have ever seen the movie "The Land Before Time" its a cartoon kids movie about dinosuars, I think was out in the early 80's?? Dunno.. I know I watched it as a kid in the 80's..... anyway, spike is this fat, mellow, lazy, easy going dinosaur in the movie.. all he wants to do is eat and sleep.... well that describes the rough boy perfectly... he is this mellow, easy going boy... you pick him up and he is just limp like a ragdoll... and loves to just sleep in your lap... so he is Spike... lol

Where as the 4 smooths are little spitfires!! LOL Fiesty little things...

If all works out as planned.. the smooth tri girl should be going to a home on co-ownership about an hour from here, where she will be doing agility, rally and conformation!.. and I'm hoping also herding.... as the sire of this litter was an amazing herding dog in his younger days when I did herding.... he has also done some agility..

One of the smooth blue boys should be going to a show home in Indiana, and rough tri boy should be going to a pet home in Ohio... if all works out.... obviously not for several more weeks (not before 10wks of age actually)...

Pending eye checks which will be done between 6-7 wks of age... and how they continue to mature the smooth tri boy will more than likely be staying... I just love him, he was the first pup born and he has been my favorite since birth..... the other smooth blue boy might stay to grow up here a little bit as well.... but whoever stays, since these bloodlines are slow to mature - they might be able to show in conf. as cute 6-9 puppies.. but after that they will need to grow up and mature before doing conf... the plan is for me to take them up to the training place I do flyball with Paris... and do some obedience, as I want to do agility again in the future... its been atleast 5 yrs since I've done any agility at all.. and I'm kind of missing the fun performance stuff.... and now that I found out there is a place a lot of collie people go to do herding that is about an hour from here I'd like to get back to herding some with the dogs again..... since the sire of this litter was an amazing herding dog, I'm hoping these guys will have the drive for it as well...

Oh.. and here is a picture to show you how the two blue boys learned to play like they did... here is Kelsey (mom of the litter) as a 2 1/2 -3 wk old pup playing with her sister the same way LOL


06-29-2008, 04:34 PM
Mayor LOL!!!... add me to the potential heart failure to happen list...

I loved the playint pics... way way too adorable!!

06-29-2008, 06:04 PM
aw.. puppies, so adorable :D

06-30-2008, 12:30 AM
I want the rough tri male, please! :D

06-30-2008, 08:47 AM
Really Cute! :)

06-30-2008, 09:15 AM
Gosh, they are just too darn cute!!! Spike sounds like my kind of dog, lol. I like the lazy, laid back dogs, lol. They are all gorgeous... I think I'd keep each and every one of them!

06-30-2008, 03:59 PM
Pictures of the pups taken this afternoon -- 3 wks old today...


Rough Tri Boy -- SPIKE


Smooth Blue Boy #1


Smooth Tri-Color Boy


Smooth Blue Boy #2


Smooth Tri-Color Girl

06-30-2008, 03:59 PM
Then just random pictures I took of the puppies....

Smooth girl caught mid yawn!! LOL

Smooth girl and smooth tri boy

Group picture...

The blue boys chewing on eachothers faces again...lol silly boys!

Ginger's Mom
06-30-2008, 04:09 PM
Too cute. The pictures of the two blue boys playing together are just adorable.

06-30-2008, 04:54 PM
Wow, each week I am amazed at just how much they are growing up! They just keep getting cuter and cuter. I love the picture of the smooth girl yawning. And the ones of the pups chewing on each other: Aww!

06-30-2008, 05:02 PM
What a big yawn for such a widdle puppy girl! They've lost their new-born puppy look. Grow and be healthy and happy, puppies! :love:

06-30-2008, 09:49 PM
I'll bet the widdle female wasn't yawning..she was being the Boss to her bruthers..and rightly so!!!! :p:D

I can't believe how fast they're growing either! Their faces are more formed now and sounds like they have distinct personalities! How cute! Jump into that whelping box for me (be careful of a sleeping lump under the covers) and smooch those babies for me, will ya? :love:

06-30-2008, 10:30 PM
LOL you are correct about that!.. That girl is a fiesty little thing... does pretty good at keeping those 4 boys in line!... she's gonna be a little handful once she is a bit bigger!! LOL

07-01-2008, 02:08 AM
One of the smooth blue boys should be going to a show home in Indiana, and rough tri boy should be going to a pet home in Ohio... if all works out.... obviously not for several more weeks (not before 10wks of age actually)...

Is the rough tri boy going to a PT'er home?

They sure are adorable.:)

07-07-2008, 12:30 PM
Spiritwind, how are the puppies? How is Kelsey, and how are your other dogs?

07-07-2008, 04:02 PM
Pups are doing great! 4 wks old today.. I will try to post updated pics here later this evening.

They are now classified as "pigs" and are off blankets and on newspaper LOL well they still have a little bed to sleep on together, but they are on newspaper now... lol Kelsey is doing great.. she doesn't spend near as much time with them anymore... goes in feeds and wants out.. those teeth ya know.. they kinda hurt her after a while LOL but she is still a great mother to them...

They go get eyes checked (CERF checked) in 2 wks.. the day they turn 6 wks old... so hopefully all goes well! but I expect excellent eye checks...

Other dogs are great as well.. I'll have to try to get new pics of everyone... not just pups, sometime soon!!

07-07-2008, 04:05 PM
Poor Kelsey! I CANNOT imagine all of those sharp alligator teeth biting me all at once!!!!!! Boomer FINALLY lost one of his little fang baby teeth, and there was great rejoicing around here!!!!