View Full Version : Dorky Dog Quirks

03-28-2008, 07:15 PM
I was just watching Pack-O-Three tonite and thinking about how cute they can be with their dorky selves.

Elisabeth always wants every single bit of attention in the room. She'll lay down like a good girl when company is over, but if she is bored with the conversation, she'll let out this horribly loud sigh, like "Can you change the conversation PLEASE? B-O-R-I-N-G....." and then lay there looking all innocent even though she just stopped all conversation in the room while people stare and ask me what's wrong with her. :rolleyes:

Peanut is very odd in the sense of....if you don't get to the back door before her, she trots in circles around the island in the kitchen until you open it. Mind you, it's not like she's about to pee herself, it's not that sort of agitation. You could actually stand there by the door with your arms crossed and she just trots. Also, she'll start howling if you say "What's that Lassie? Timmy's trapped in a well?!?! Go find Grandpa...."

Guinness is the one who is most like the cartoon "Courage The Cowardly Dog". She has issues. That's all there is to it. Miss Scaredy Cat Supreme. But these days, when I open the back door, the other two bolt in and I look out to find her.....she's sitting on the table. It's a little glass topped bistro table made to seat two people, it sits on the back deck, very sturdy table. She hops onto the chair, onto the table, and then sits there like she's on a pedestal, waiting to be worshipped. I guess one of these days I need to go out there and kneel before her, perhaps it would help her self esteem. :p

What are the quirks your dogs have?

03-28-2008, 07:24 PM
My doxie, Hank, goes over with me sometimes to take care of my neighbor's Papillion, Pepper. Every single time we go there, Hank "steals" one of Pepper's bones and then walks over to the front door and looks at me like "Ok I got my prize! Let's go home!" As soon as I'm done taking care of Pepper, Hank will run as fast as his little legs can carry him back to our house. He'll then sprint to his bed and chew away:D

Another one is that when I take him for a walk, he will not let me walk next to him or even a tad ahead! I think he is scared of my shoe or something because as soon as I get close to him, he stops dead in his tracks and I have to step backwards until he's the one ahead of me!

To be honest, Hank is one spoiled dog! But we love him anyway:)

03-29-2008, 07:14 AM
Sierra is one big quirk! :rolleyes: Everything she does is quirky!
When I give pig ears to them Sierra will lay down with hers in front of her and watch Bud chomp him down. Only once he's done will she eat hers and she'll take her own sweet time, as though she's taunting Buddy with hers.

I'd have to say that Bud's quirk would be the fact that he has to go outside 2 times a night to check out the yard. He'll bark at me till I get up and let him outside. He'll make a lap around the yard then come right back in.
This normally happens at about 1:30am and again at 3:30 or 4:00am.

My parent's dog Buddy Jr. mumbles, moans and groans in his sleep so loud that it wakes my parent's up! It's the cutest thing to hear when I'm there visiting and he takes a nap but my parent's often get annoyed with it and put him down stairs in his crate so they can get a full night sleep!