View Full Version : Easter pics! Rusty and the easter bunny!

03-23-2008, 04:30 PM
yup, Rusty the JRT and Kari the easter bunny!





and Rusty the terrier..carefully avoiding eye contact with the evil easter bunny lol

"I wasnt looking! I swear!"

"please dont attack me..please dont attack me..."(that would be Rusty whimping not Kari lol)

this was just cute, Kari snuggled up to Rusty lol


if anyone is wondering, Rusty is an extremly high drive terrier, but when I first introduced Kari and Rusty, Rusty decided she was dinner...Kari promptly slammed his head to the floor and pinned him there. he has been terrified of her ever since lol

03-23-2008, 08:11 PM
Rusty's a smart pup not to mess with the Easter Bunny. ;) They're both so cute. :D

03-23-2008, 09:30 PM
Those are wonderful photos, so funny with your captions.

I didn't know a bunny COULD do that! I guess Rusty didn't know, either.

03-23-2008, 10:46 PM
lol, most people tend to underestimate rabbits, they look at them and go "oh soft and cute!" and therefore assume they behave just as cute lol. no so! do NOT mess with an angry rabbit, they have claws, teeth and very strong rear legs! Kari was a rescue and I used to be terrified of her, when I let her out of her pen every night to play I had to run jump onto my bed and cover any exposed skin with blankets as she would race out of the pen, leap onto my bed and start attacking me. she is a good little girl now, but the dogs dont mess with her, when there is a fight between the dogs and Kari, it aint Kari I am worried about lol

03-23-2008, 10:58 PM
My jack russel mix also has a very high prey drive but she now doesn't mess with my rabbit. What did it take? A growl and a bite on the nose. :D (as well as lots of training) Cute pictures!