View Full Version : Lacey attacked Marlin!!!

03-18-2008, 10:02 PM
Lacey has been more upset with other dogs getting near me for the past few weeks. I noticed it when out walking the dogs, and mentioned it a few weeks back to our instructor for Beyond the Basics. The instructor felt she is being protective when on leash.

This afternoon I was resting on my bed. Ozzy was up on the bed and asleep. lacey came and I got her up. Then Sugar came. Sugar stands on her rear feet and hammers the mattress to let me know she wants UP. Lacey growled and snapped at her. Sugar ignored her and kept hammering and O told Lacey NO!, got Sugar up, and all was fine.

Lacey and I attended her Agility class this evening; she was growling and grumbling at the other 3 dogs in class, so everyone kept their dogs away from us. The instructor didn't mention it at all, and I just kept her focused on whatever exercise we were on.

So we return home, I'm sitting in my recliner watching TV. Lacey is on my left leg (that is HER leg and don't you forget it!) Marlin came over and rested his head on my right side, on the seat of the chair (he is the only one tall enough to do that.)

Lacey was growling at him, I told her NO!, spoke to Marlin and . . . she SNAPPED at him! She got him good, not sure if she had his tongue or his muzzle. She held ON, he was yelping like crazy. Dad jumped up out of bed where he had been asleep, I was hollering, and finally Lacey let go. Marlin dashed in to Dad's room.

After a stern talking to with Lacey, I went in to check on Marlin. There is no blood, no mark at all which I can see. But he won't come out of Dad's bedroom.

I need to figure out what is going on with her! Geesh! I do NOT like dogs fighting, especially not IN MY LAP!!!

03-18-2008, 10:20 PM
Yikes, that's scary!!!! Wonder what's going on with Lacey? :confused: I hope Marlin's OK, poor, shocked boy.

03-19-2008, 12:17 AM
I would look up NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free) and start implementing it in your routine. If that had been me, she would have been booted off the bed the moment she had growled at Sugar. She also would have been dumped to the floor the moment she had growled at Marlin while on your lap.
I use NILIF with Ramone and it has helped us tremendously. I will have to use it his whole life. If I start to slip with him, he starts to take advantage.
Good luck.

03-19-2008, 02:15 AM
Agreed. Lacey is dominating you, unfortunately. She IS being possessive, and that's not good for her, you, or anybody who tries to get between you two. You need to teach her that affection must be earned, not handed to her. You, as the benevolent leader, controls who gets what and when. If Sugar wants up and Lacey is growling, kick Lacey off the bed. If Lacey is on your leg and Marlin wants up and Lacey is growling, kick Lacey off. She's displaying dominance where she should not. You are not a resource but the controller of resources. And NILIF will help you nip that in the bud :)

For now, I would stop letting Lacey on the bed or in your lap *unless* she can earn it and she will get off on your command. It's imperative to teach "Off". If she won't get off on command, don't allow her on the bed just yet.

03-19-2008, 05:26 AM
Wow that must have had you and your Dad all shook up. I wish you the best in getting her under control. Please give Marlin a hug from me, poor guy.

03-19-2008, 06:24 AM
I'm sorry you're having this problem Sandie. I agree with the other posters, Lacey would have got the boot. I tolerate NO aggression in my 'pack'. Not over food, toys or over me.

03-19-2008, 07:52 AM
Great thank you all so much! Will start doing that.

03-19-2008, 10:32 AM
Oh, dear. HUGS and fingers crossed. Lacey, sweetie, please get along with everyone, please.

Ginger's Mom
03-19-2008, 10:53 AM
I am sorry to hear that you had such a scary night. I hope that both Marlin and Lacey are feeling better today. How is that spunky girl behaving today?

You are not a resource but the controller of resources.
I love this line. I think I am going to embroider it on a pillow or something where I can always see it. I don't have a problem with Ginger she is a submissive dog, but we have had guests that get snappy, and I am not tough/strong enough to react properly. This would remind me of what to do.

Daisy and Delilah
03-19-2008, 11:27 AM
Gosh Sandie!! I'm so sorry to hear this. How scary for you and Dad and everyone. I sure hope it is under control soon. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Sometimes, Daisy and Delilah get growly with each other for no apparent reason. It scares me when they do it and I usually panic. I can imagine how you feel. :(

03-19-2008, 02:27 PM
The dogs have all been fine today, as if nothing happened.

I am more aware of who is where and saying and grumbling what. I will react differently next time; I hope.

Obviously this has been building and I just didn't see it. I doubt Lacey has a 'thing' for Marlin specifically, I suspect it is more that she wants ME all to herself. So now I will work to correct it all.

03-19-2008, 02:52 PM
WOW! I would have been shaking like a leaf. I'm glad to hear that things have settled down. Give Marlin Darlin' some special kisses from me. :)

03-20-2008, 11:30 AM
Yup, little dogs fighting in your lap could be a little tense! sounds like people are giving you great advice. I kept thinking about what the trainer on "It's me or the dog" would do....and she would say to put Lacey down & ignore her when she starts up, too. See how smart people on PT are? ;)
You are not a resource but the controller of resources. Well put!

03-20-2008, 04:14 PM
I agree with everything said before, She will learn to behave herself if you keep it up, My dog emma is the same she is extremely stubborn when she wants to be! took a while a while to break the habbit but keep it up and it will work.

Also dont give in to the "Poor me puppydog" look!!

03-21-2008, 12:22 PM
Several people have advised me to start using NILIF training with her, so that is what I am trying.

In a way, this was MY fault today. I had ONE chewy bone left in the house and I gave it to Sugar. She took it up on the loveseat and sat enjoying it. Lacey stood on the floor staring at her and the chewy. Marlin came over to see what was the focus of all the attention, and he got too close to Lacey. Marlin has no teeth and no interest in chewy bones.

As usual, Marlin howls like the banshee is after him, but he didn't get hurt at all.

Lacey spent about 10 minutes in my bathroom. Since I let her out, Lacey hasn't even tried to jump in my lap, and she is being very wary around me. I think I may have had some impact on her! I didn't yell or holler or any of that, which sure was easier on me.

03-21-2008, 03:11 PM
Aww, we've all had our fair share of scuffles. In my house, it's all or nothing now. Either all of the dogs get a treat (and they are watched like a hawk when they do) or none of them do. If it's a chewy of some sort, Ivy gets crated and I have to supervise Lucky until he finishes his. Once they're ALL finished, then I release everybody. It has helped cut down on the scuffles a lot!