View Full Version : just started biting and growling! Help please!

03-13-2008, 03:01 PM
Hi, I am new to this forum, and welcome any suggestions!!! I have an almost 2 yr old female Pug named Nala. She has been an amazing dog thus far!! No problems what so ever! We just recently added a Male puppy a month ago. Their relationship seems completely fine, and we hadn't noticed any change until a week ago. I let the dogs out in the mornings. Nala is in a bed and Pugsy (Male pup) sleeps in a cage on the dryer. A week ago I went to let them out, and told Nala to go outside, and she just ignored me. So I said it again with a stern voice... still nothing. So I went to pick her up out of her bed, and she started growling and jumping up 3 times to bite me! I am worried I gave the wrong response, because I was in shock and just stood there looking at her with no reaction what so ever! After she stopped, she slowly walked out side and that was that. I thought maybe it was a one time thing,,, but this morning she did it again. Almost the same situation. I was more prepared this time, and yelled at her and blocked her attempt of biting with my foot and pushed her side with the door. What do I do? Have I done something to cause her to react this way? How do I correct it? I have 3 small children, and the last thing I will accept is behavior like this from a dog. Any ideas are welcomed! Thanks for helping!!!

critter crazy
03-13-2008, 03:06 PM
Hi, I am new to this forum, and welcome any suggestions!!! I have an almost 2 yr old female Pug named Nala. She has been an amazing dog thus far!! No problems what so ever! We just recently added a Male puppy a month ago. Their relationship seems completely fine, and we hadn't noticed any change until a week ago. I let the dogs out in the mornings. Nala is in a bed and Pugsy (Male pup) sleeps in a cage on the dryer. A week ago I went to let them out, and told Nala to go outside, and she just ignored me. So I said it again with a stern voice... still nothing. So I went to pick her up out of her bed, and she started growling and jumping up 3 times to bite me! I am worried I gave the wrong response, because I was in shock and just stood there looking at her with no reaction what so ever! After she stopped, she slowly walked out side and that was that. I thought maybe it was a one time thing,,, but this morning she did it again. Almost the same situation. I was more prepared this time, and yelled at her and blocked her attempt of biting with my foot and pushed her side with the door. What do I do? Have I done something to cause her to react this way? How do I correct it? I have 3 small children, and the last thing I will accept is behavior like this from a dog. Any ideas are welcomed! Thanks for helping!!!

My first reaction would to take her to the vet to check for any Helath problems. If she growled and bit while you picked her up, and was reluctant to move from her bed, would think hse might be in pain.

The other thought is maybe she is depressed cause of the other dog. Not sure tho.

I would get her checked first, then go from there!

Good luck!

Ginger's Mom
03-13-2008, 03:35 PM
Normally my first reaction to a dog who suddenly starts snapping when you go to pick him/her up would also be take her to a vet, it may be in pain in some way. At first I was going to say I didn't think so this time, because it was a week later and you didn't see any other evidence of pain. But, maybe it was. Both times she showed a reluctuance to get up, and reacted when you tried to make her get up. Maybe she is having some stiffness/pain in the mornings. A trip to the vet may be a good idea. I have a feeling that she is only trying to protect herself from some pain and really has no desire to bite you or anyone else in your family. Good luck, and I hope we get to hear how everything turned out (I love pugs :) ). By the way, what is Mugsy, is he also a pug?