View Full Version : Mom stiked me inna tub today

03-11-2008, 05:54 PM
Plez Mom don't take my picshure. That's meen.
Ya cudda at leest cleend my eye boogers first.
Are we gettin' dun yet?

More in next post....

03-11-2008, 05:57 PM
What my liddel brudder was doin' while I wuz bein' torchured.
Finalee I'm dun.
Liddel brudder came to say he feeled sorree for me.

His turn next....hahaha!

03-11-2008, 06:04 PM
Older sis Bella, you are gorgeous!

03-11-2008, 06:07 PM
Awww Bella, iz me Chopper. I feelz for u. What iz it wiff mommies and baffs? Den dey haffa pos pikshures of da torchure. I tink we shud start a peticion to getz baffs bannd. Whatz duz u tink, dat a gud idea? I will start...
Luv Chopper

Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper

Bella My sweet, you look lovely after your bath, so white and fluffy. Though I did have to laugh at your hairdo in the first couple pics.

03-11-2008, 06:48 PM
Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie

Sorry for the embarrassment Bella, but you look so gorgeous after
momma dried you off. :)

Ginger's Mom
03-11-2008, 08:45 PM
Ooh Bella, I think you look very sexy in the first picture (am I allowed to say that on Pet Talk?). With your long ears draping your shoulders and wrapped in nothing but a towel. Very pretty. And I love the picture, both you and Ripley look absolutely kissable. And it's alright, Ripley will get his turn, and then you can have a bully stick. ;)

03-11-2008, 09:01 PM
We totally feel sorry for you, Bella. We just can't beleeve your mommy could be so meen to you!


Kersey and Boone

03-11-2008, 09:01 PM
You can see it in Bella's eyes, she is not amused. :D

03-11-2008, 09:04 PM
*Gasp* Bella, that first photo, is that your "Come Hither!" look? Fresh from the bath, loose curls and a towel, a sideways glance, OOoh, do DIE for! You sure do look SWEET enough to kiss on that nose.

Don't worry, little brother's time will come! ;)

Pam, those photos came out FINE, you should post more often. They sure are cuties!

Originally Posted by WELOVESPUPPIES

Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy

03-11-2008, 09:26 PM
Love the curls dahling!

We had bathtime at our house today too. Wallace's fur is so long I can't tell where the fur ends and the dog begins.

03-11-2008, 09:33 PM
You are SO abused, Bella. :D LOL..priceless pictures. She looks gorgeous.

I need to sign dis one! I is also an abused drowned rat :(

Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy
8. Sassy

(sorry if I am hijacking this thread a little)

03-11-2008, 10:33 PM
How dare your mummy stuck you in da tub! Doesn't she know doggies like to be dirty! :D

03-11-2008, 10:58 PM
Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy
8. Sassy
9. Logan (Klo)

*Sniff* *Sniff* I'll bet ya smell yummy, Bella! Ya look ma-va-lus!!!

03-12-2008, 06:44 AM
Bella, your mom sure does keep you looking purdy. Good thing I wasn't there. I love the smell of *clean dog* and I would have been kissing you silly - wet and dry.
Hannah wanted her name signed really big on this but I made her just use caps.

Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy
8. Sassy
9. Logan (Klo)

03-12-2008, 07:10 AM
Bella, I do have to agree.... that first picture of you, you look like a pin up girl! :o Hubba Hubba Hubba sayz Buddy! ;)

The joke's on Ripley... does he KNOW exactly what he was chewin' on during your bath?? :p :p

Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy
8. Sassy
9. Logan (Klo)
11. Buddy
12. Sierra

03-12-2008, 07:52 AM
Hey...I thought Ripley was next! I don't see any torture pictures of him:D

Bella you are just stunning...wet and dry!

Lots of hugs to you dahling!

03-12-2008, 10:38 AM
Oh you poor thing. Such abuse. I suggest you pee on your Mom's shoe. That will teach her for abusing you so. ;)

03-12-2008, 10:55 AM
Us pups duz not needz any baffs, all pups not wiking baffs needa sign dis.
1. Chopper
2. Smokey
3. Maggie
4. Sugar
5. Lacey
6. Marlin
7. Ozzy
8. Sassy
9. Logan (Klo)
11. Buddy
12. Sierra
13. Star
14. Jack

I agree Bella, how embarrassing your mom posted pictures of you taking a bath - would she like it if some puppy posted pictures of her taking a bath? I think not! Us girls gotta keep some things private, you know.

OOh - I think you look very sexy in those bath shots!

03-12-2008, 11:04 AM
Bella, you look absolutely seductive after a bath. Those wet curls just do something for you - I think secretly you just loved having that bath - the better to fluff up your curls and bat those eyes. You are a stunner!

03-12-2008, 12:15 PM
With your long ears draping your shoulders and wrapped in nothing but a towel.

This cracked me up!!! It sounded like something in a romance novel minus the long ears! LOL! :D :D

Bella thanks everyone for the nice compliments. We did face, feet and tail shaving and also toenail clipping. She considers it all much ado about nothing. She is very happy that it is over. Ripley will be going through the same regimen early next week as he has a vet appointment on Friday for a teeth cleaning and to get two small growths off of his tail and I want him to be presentable. :)

Oh and Angie, Ripley does enjoy his bully sticks (as does Bella) and I don't think they would care one little bit even if they really knew what they were! :o :D :o :D

Sassy you are too cute and no you didn't hijack the thread! Misery loves company! :p

03-12-2008, 12:39 PM
Bella, I know you didn't enjoy it while in the tub, but you look gorgeous now, and I'm sure you feel wonderful too! I bet your mom can't keep from burying her head in your soft curly fur. :) I even think Ripley is a little envious - but it'll soon be his turn.

03-12-2008, 01:08 PM
LOL! I've never seen a wet poodle before. No wonder she didn't want that pic taken. That was so cute. And a great pic of both of them at the end. My cousin has a standard poodle that's black, too. She doesn't usally like all people but my cousin was surprised that she loved me. Duh! Dog lover!

03-12-2008, 04:49 PM
Bella you look simply gorgeous.....
But if you see mommy coming at you with pink fur dye better hide. lol

Great pictures.

03-12-2008, 11:04 PM
No worries, sweet Bella. You look beautiful wet or dry. Love you, poodle girl!