View Full Version : Collie Bark *Video*

03-04-2008, 11:58 AM
Yep, he is a barker...lol. That is something that I have to get use to! Neither one of my girls bark. If so it is rare. Zack seems to bark at the wind when he is outside. He has two very distinct barks. One is very loud, very deep sounding and very mean sounding. This bark seems to be used to guard his territory and to tell people to stay away. I'm sure it will probably scare some people. The other one is a higher pitched bark that seems to be used just to say "yea, I know you are there and guess what I'm here too". I really haven't got it all figured out as I'm learning his personality as we go along. He is such an awesome boy!

Here is a video of his high pitched bark. I'll have to try and capture one of his low deep bark, which by the way when he does that bark he will also stand and kick up the ground like crazy. He sure does look serious when he does that...lol. I don't think he would harm a soul though.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/Robilee/th_MVI_1647.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v154/Robilee/?action=view&current=MVI_1647.flv)

ParNone, if you are reading this tell me about the sounds that Oz and Gully make. Do they have different barks?

03-04-2008, 12:46 PM
I'm adding another video. It has a wee bit of the deeper bark in it. Look how Katie comes over and tells him to stop ;)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v154/Robilee/th_zackbark2mvi.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v154/Robilee/?action=view&current=zackbark2mvi.flv)

03-04-2008, 03:27 PM
The first one he sounds like a little toy dog and in the second one he sounds like a huge mastiff lol. Your naighbours dog is so loud!

03-04-2008, 03:38 PM
I also thougth the toy dog bark......;)

that one seem more of an excited/playful bark

the deep one is a more serious one... like hey, I´m the king here and this is MY terrotory.... tresspassers stay off!!

03-04-2008, 04:28 PM
I also thougth the toy dog bark......;)

that one seem more of an excited/playful bark

the deep one is a more serious one... like hey, I´m the king here and this is MY terrotory.... tresspassers stay off!!

Great videos Robin!!..

Oh.. yes.. they bark, which is why SOOO many Collies end up debarked. I know a lot of people who do it, though none of mine are, I have bought dogs from other people who were debarked.

Oh yes.. the high pitched bark they do, annoys me SOO much at times LOL its their playful excitable sound. The lower deeper bark is their "watch dog" bark LOL Collies are very protective of their property (atleast mine have always been) and their people.... not aggressive at all, but good watch dogs. My first Collie used to scare the crap out of the mail man with that deep bark LOL

The older they get the deeper it seems to get... my young males don't have quite as deep of a bark as Zack does... the females tend to not get real deep barks.. but when excited they sure can get high pitched and it will just cut right thru you some days LOL Amy and her sister (zack granddaughters) have the highest pitched bark I've ever heard come out of a Collies mouth when they get excited.. ie.. feeding time LOL

03-04-2008, 05:44 PM
awwwww He is soo OCute! And yes, that is a Collie Bark alright! ;)

03-04-2008, 06:00 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that I haven't really captured his serious deep bark yet. It is really something and at first I thought it sounded quite a bit like Bon, the mastiff. I was shocked that he had a bark like that.

Yes, my neighbor has one dog that can really bark. My neighbor does rescue work and she has a ton of dogs. Too many for where we live. Just ask Anna and Kay. I'm not for sure if Amy got to see them when she was here. They bark all the time! Thank God they are only in and out a few times a day right now. Summers can be bad because they are out more. I figure my dog barking once in awhile is not going to disturb the neighbors too much more. Besides I'm pretty good about bring Zack in if he gets too barky. He is sooooo good. Sometimes I can't see him if he is in two certain corners of the yard and all I have to do is "Zack, come" and he is right there at my feet. Wish Katie would learn that...lol. She will come but just stand there and stare at me in the pouring rain. Which she did today...lol

03-04-2008, 06:56 PM
Aww, just look at that tail of his! Is it always wagging? :)

I love his bark. To me its not annoying in the least bit.. I guess I'm way too fond of vocal dogs! Zack reminds me alot of Skylar(husky/GSD) when it comes to their barking and the way they carry themselves. :]

03-06-2008, 05:11 PM
hey Robin!

Oh yeh, Zack is definitely a Collie... okay never say I didn't warn about the barking... :)

As to mine, oh gosh yes, they've got different vocalizations for everything. Here's some of the main ones I have categorized:

Ella Fitzgerald's "Is it Real or Memorex", Glass Shatterer... High pitched shrill bark from Gull, when he's really excited.

When in danger, When in doubt, Run in circles, Scream and shout... Loud, Nutty barking from Gull as he bounces around in a circle. Used when he's scared.

Death Wail... Piercing, Panicky, Wailing sound, which has occured when someone has taken off with Oz and he can still see me. I also refer to it as "I've been kidnapped by Kmart" (this will only make sense to people who've seen Ruthless People with Bette Midler), because it is a bit like someone crying out for help, because they're being kidnapped.

Wounded Bear... Extremely Loud, Growly type noise, when Oz is playing with Gull. Usually when he's got Gull's head in his mouth.

Come quick, Timmy's in the well... Continual, quick succession, barking when something's amiss. This normally won't stop until I check it out. If I refuse to go check, it's replaced with getting whacked in the back of the head with Oz's paw.

Oh yeh, That's the Spot... Sort of a low, moany, growl used by both, when you're scratching on the chest or base of their tail.

Evil Spirits Begone... Normal sounding barking, but it's used before Gull will go potty. Apparently he has to make sure he wards off any potential threats, before he's vunerable.

Pavorotti warming up... This is for both of their Yawns. It's a bit indescribable, but does have sort of a singing quality to it. It's of course loud. They're definitely projecting to the back row.

Old Man Groan... Whereas most dogs sigh, Gull groans as he's settling in to go to sleep. And it really does sound like an old man.


03-06-2008, 08:35 PM
As to mine, oh gosh yes, they've got different vocalizations for everything. Here's some of the main ones I have categorized:

Ella Fitzgerald's "Is it Real or Memorex", Glass Shatterer... High pitched shrill bark from Gull, when he's really excited.

Oh yes! This is the bark that will cut right thru you. Only 2 of my girls do this bark (the others just don't have that high pitched bark thank god!..) and its when they are VERY VERY VERY excited (especially when they hear me start to mix up food)....

Old Man Groan... Whereas most dogs sigh, Gull groans as he's settling in to go to sleep. And it really does sound like an old man.

LOL now I love this! Everyone of my Collies does this soon as they lay down, sometimes it Kelsey will let out a very loud and long groan when she is stretched out sleeping on her back... very cute... Paris does it every time the lays down on my bed.. lol They really do sound like a little old man groaning...lol

03-06-2008, 10:23 PM
Oh Les, that was so funny. I'm going to have to print that out and see if I can figure out each different bark..lol. I can say that I know the OLD MAN GROAN very well. That is exactly what I thought when I first heard Zack do that!

Too funny!