View Full Version : Sick of Joey pictures yet?

03-03-2008, 08:36 PM
I hope you all are not getting sick of my pictures yet! Here are a few I took of Joey in the last couple of days. Thought they were cute...
Hiya PT!
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dc7c718a00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dd61b03f00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

On Daddy!
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0ec3271dc00000006100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0d973b02f00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0d1fa319200000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0d2e0f02100000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dc5c71aa00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dfc131ae00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0de4ef08900000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dbf5319800000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA
Just a few more!!

03-03-2008, 08:37 PM
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0db18b04500000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0db7d311000000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b09328b05100000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

A few with my kitties and me....

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0c64ef08500000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0c453f09900000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0c45071aa00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0c45e71a400000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0c4c4713e00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA


03-03-2008, 08:38 PM
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0d21771e600000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0d2b7714600000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA


critter crazy
03-03-2008, 08:52 PM
OMG!!!! How Precious!!!! Loved the pics!! Too cute!!:D

03-03-2008, 09:09 PM
Shame on you for not posting a cuteness warning! :p I am sitting here just smiling from ear to ear. When I looked at the first couple of pictures I recognized the bed as like the ones my cats use. I have two and they each really *fill up* their beds. :p I thought, WOW Joey is really small. He doesn't even fill up his bed. Then when I saw the kitties by him and the bed I went WOW! :eek: He is so tiny! :) He is just the most precious widdle man. :) It looks like he and the kitties are pretty inquisitive about each other. :) :)

Edit: Oh, and we could NEVER get sick of Joey pictures!!

03-03-2008, 09:43 PM
Joey, you are so darn cute and so tiny! :D

03-03-2008, 10:17 PM
Hi Joey, you look yummy like chocolate!

03-04-2008, 07:14 AM
The pictures of the kitties playing with him are priceless!!

He's so tiny compared to them!! OMG! They probably think he's a cat nip toy!

Ginger's Mom
03-04-2008, 08:35 AM
Joey is adorable. I was smiling away, looking at his pictures thinking that he was quickly becoming the king of his domain. Then I got to the pictures of him with his kitties. :eek: He is so tiny. I am glad they haven't mistaken him for a mouse. ;) It looks like they are learning to treat each other very gently.

4 Dog Mother
03-04-2008, 08:47 AM
Can't ever see too many Joey pictures. He is so darn cute - but boy do they grow cats big where you come from - oh, it's Joey that's little - I thought maybe they were growing huge cats where you live. Cats can be sneaky Joey, they hide in places where you can't see them and then - attack!

03-04-2008, 11:05 AM
Sick of pictures? No way! Joey, you are exactly the color of chocolate! You're so little and cute! Pictures welcome any time!!!

03-04-2008, 01:04 PM
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b09328b05100000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

This one made me laugh, love the squished face!! Joey you are just to dang gone CUTE!!!! Your Mommy better hope I don't ever drive through NC, I just might have to make a pit-stop and get Chopper a new little bro!!

03-04-2008, 01:26 PM
what is going on with Chi pups?? they are too darn cute!!

thi s pic just is begging for a pppfffttt on the belly
http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b8dd22b3127cceb5b0dd61b03f00000026100AbM2LZi3bt2 MA

love how tiny he looks besides the kitties... LOL... I know Chis are small but used to husky pups which tend to grow fast, it īs so cute seeing him in the huge bed....awwww....

03-04-2008, 04:13 PM
He's growing already? OMG the second picture is adorable!! WHERE is the cuteness warning??? :D I love his bed with the paw print.

03-04-2008, 07:01 PM
My goodness! Do puppies get any smaller.. or any cuter?! :D
I would be afraid one of the cats would eat him right up. hehe. He is too adorable for his own good.

03-05-2008, 11:43 PM
Hehe! He is quite tiny, and VERY sweet. The bed came from our mayor, Karen. He loves it, and he matches with it well ;)

Also, the kitties love him. They think he is fun stuff. He on the other hand, likes to chew on them :rolleyes: And he does show his teeth to them, just to let them know, he is the BOSS!

Thank you all for the sweet comments.. It makes me happy to think maybe someone got a smile from his pictures! See ya later, Kt and Joey :)

03-06-2008, 07:30 AM
Had to come look at these pictures again. It would be cute to see him sitting inside a big coffee cup....he could be the morning joe. :p

03-06-2008, 08:12 AM
Oh he is too cute! I was thinking, wow, he's getting big....until I saw the pictures by the cats! lol!