View Full Version : Breeds you would like to own but can't

01-23-2008, 05:07 PM
I'd like a French Bulldog but they don't do well in hot weather and I'd like a dog who I can play with outside in the summer and take walks with.

Pittie but they are banned here :(

English Bulldog I couldn't handle the 24/7 hyper and again they can't handle the heat.

01-23-2008, 06:46 PM
Dogue de Bordeaux(I hope I spelt that right!): Extremely gorgeous dogs, but too much dog for me.

Speaking of English Bulldogs, I remember hearing .. I forget where I heard this... that they live less than 9 years on average, which seems pretty young. Do you know if this is true? I've always been curious about that. :)

01-23-2008, 07:01 PM
Border Collie - so smart but need more mental and physical stimulation that an oldie like me can provide. Jack Russell Terrier - also don't know if I could keep up with the activity level.

01-23-2008, 07:16 PM
The only breed I really like but will never own is a Siberian Husky. They aren't suited to me at all, but they sure are beautiful.

All of the other breeds I like I could own.

01-23-2008, 07:22 PM
A Great Dane.

I am only 4'10".. the thought of me with a dog of that size scares me.

Suki Wingy
01-23-2008, 07:25 PM
I get overwhelmed with grooming my cat, so a full large dog would be just too hard, but I like
Poodles (standard)
Old English Sheepdogs
Bouvier des Flandres

I think in the future I could own any of the other breeds that I want.

I would like an American Bulldog but that is a breed with health issues running rampant.

01-23-2008, 07:41 PM
Afghan Hound- I only live in a small 2 bedroom condo at the moment. As soon as I get a house with a backyard I will be geting an Affie.

01-23-2008, 07:57 PM
Speaking of English Bulldogs, I remember hearing .. I forget where I heard this... that they live less than 9 years on average, which seems pretty young. Do you know if this is true? I've always been curious about that I've never heard of that but I wouldn't with all their health problems and their breathing problems.

Afghan Hound- I only live in a small 2 bedroom condo at the moment. As soon as I get a house with a backyard I will be geting an Affie.
Ohh lucky, I'd like to own one some day too.

01-23-2008, 08:08 PM
Greyhound. Isis (my Siamese) runs away from things that are bothering her and I don't want that to trip the pups prey drive.

01-24-2008, 02:17 AM
My favs are: (in order)

but with 7 cats I don't think it's really an option for me to get any of them. I guess I'll just settle with cuddling other people's dogs when they bring them to the hospital. Besides that way I don't have to walk them at 3am during a thunderstorm. lol

01-24-2008, 07:37 AM
but with 7 cats I don't think it's really an option for me to get any of them. If you mean cause they might now get along etc that could be wrong. I have 5 (which is close to 7) and when we got the cats we had my rb Thunder and now we have Rockee. Thunder was a big Shepherd/Golden and Rockee a Lab/Pit who actually hated and still hates outside cats.

01-24-2008, 09:11 AM
None, if i want a particular breed then i will own one... or two ;).

01-24-2008, 12:25 PM
I love many many breeds but out of the ones I personally want to have....

the one most likely to never have is a Borzoi but thatīs because you canīt find one locally and importing is way too much $$$.....

others I could own at some point....

I sooooo want a Bull Terrier and a Pom..... besides my all time huskies of course!!

01-24-2008, 01:31 PM
Honestly I think most terriers I would not do well with except for mini schnazers. I LOVE bull terriers but I think they are way to much dog for me.

I would love to own a aussie in the future, but at the moment I don't think a aussie is right for me.

01-24-2008, 01:57 PM
Great Pyrenees. Love them, but they really need livestock to work to be truly happy.

01-24-2008, 02:09 PM
I would LOVE to own an Afghan Hound but at the moment, it's not possible as my hands are tied with my three already. I'm having a hard time keeping up with grooming the Shelties, nevermind daily brushing for an Afghan! :eek: I've been hinting to my boyfriend I'd like to get an Afghan hound when we buy a house in a couple years.. :D

01-24-2008, 04:16 PM
I would love a Caucasian Ovcharka..but it's not likely that I ever will.

01-24-2008, 04:43 PM
I'd love a Greyhound, but they just aren't made for this climate.

01-24-2008, 04:46 PM
I want a greyhound, but my mom won't let me get any dogs at the moment. :rolleyes:

One I want but can't even think about getting when I am older are Great Danes. I am REALLY short and they are REALLY big. Let's just say one would probably WALK me. :D

01-24-2008, 08:26 PM
Wow, I never knew so many people liked greyhounds! :)

Hmmm, I like dobies and mals and possibly Beaucerons and German Pinschers. However, I don't think I could own all four at one time. Hopefully, I'll be able to get all four sometime in my lifetime, but all at once sounds like more than I can chew. I'd also like a BC, but I don't think I could keep up.

Aspen and Misty
01-24-2008, 08:52 PM
I'd love a Greyhound, but they just aren't made for this climate.

This cracks me up, I just see a vision of your huskies pulling the greyhound on the sled while it wears a little sweater. Or I could see it running beside the slide (of course wearing a sweater again :) )

I would love to own a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, but with my already 2 big dogs I just know I'm at my limit living in my small 2 bedroom apartment. Heck, if I can ever get my 3rd dog Bo (who currently is living with my friend) into my house I know I will be WAY over my limit!

I need a house....(lol)


01-24-2008, 10:39 PM
I would LOVE to own a husky, maybe someday. I want this boy where I work. he's awesome!
his name is Goliath and he is my buddy. :D

01-24-2008, 10:44 PM
If you mean cause they might now get along etc that could be wrong. I have 5 (which is close to 7) and when we got the cats we had my rb Thunder and now we have Rockee. Thunder was a big Shepherd/Golden and Rockee a Lab/Pit who actually hated and still hates outside cats.

Part of it is they wouldn't get along. Bear and Pooky would probably be ok with a dog. Jack is the problem child. When he was still an outside stray he would hide if he even saw a dog walking all the way down the street. I once had been given an unpainted cement statue of a schnauser (sp?) and Jack would no longer go on leash walks in the back yard. When I tried to show him it was cement he would arch up, puff up his fur, growl and hiss. I finally had to get rid of the statue so he would go for walks again. lol

The other part is I have just enough room in the house for me, hubby and the kitties. There simply isn't room for a large dog, and I'd rather any dog I get be a house dog, not an outside dog.

01-25-2008, 09:40 AM
I have tons of breeds that I LOVE but will probably never own. Mostly, because I am very picky, and I wouldn't want a dog who does not fit my personality.

Catahoula Leopard Dog - One of my favorite breeds... but too independent and, well... houndy.
Fila Brasileiro - They are amazing, but much too strong-willed and protective.
Anatolian Shepherd - Again, amazing dogs, but too independent and forceful.
Pit Bull - I love them, and might own one someday, but they just do not fit my personality. The Pitties I've met are too aloof for my taste.
Saint Bernard - Adorableeee, but so huge and so drooly.
Bassett Hound - Way too stubborn, howly, and drooly. But sososo cute.
Great Dane - I like everything about them, including their enormousness. But, I could not have such a massive dog anytime soon.
Australian Koolie - I love everything about them. Alas, they are incredibly rare, and the breed is super controversial, so I doubt that I'll ever get one.

I'd also like a BC, but I don't think I could keep up.

Pffftt! You could, too! If I can keep up... you can. ;D

01-25-2008, 10:02 AM
I would love to own

Saint bernard

but they are to big for our house

Pawsitive Thinking
01-25-2008, 10:19 AM
I would love a Dobermann - they are such sleek and beautiful dogs

Lori Jordan
01-25-2008, 10:44 AM
I would love to own

Saint bernard

but they are to big for our house

Not Newfs lol,I will soon have 2,But they say that Newfoundlands are fine in appartments.

Ginger's Mom
01-25-2008, 11:25 AM
There are several dogs I really like, but my own personal rule is that I would never have a dog that I cannot pick up and carry in an emergency. I would love to have a Chow, or a Norwegian Elkhound, or a Keeshond (actually I may be able to carry a Keeshond, so maybe some day), or a Rottweiller, or a standard Poodle. I would also love an English Sheepdog, but in addition to it's size, I don't know if I would be able to keep up with his/her grooming needs. Oh, I just thought of another dog I would love one day, but they aren't suitable for condo life, a Shiba Inu.

01-25-2008, 12:56 PM
I want this boy where I work. he's awesome!
his name is Goliath and he is my buddy. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
:p You want every dog to come home with you from work.

Part of it is they wouldn't get along. Bear and Pooky would probably be ok with a dog. Jack is the problem child. When he was still an outside stray he would hide if he even saw a dog walking all the way down the street. I once had been given an unpainted cement statue of a schnauser (sp?) and Jack would no longer go on leash walks in the back yard. When I tried to show him it was cement he would arch up, puff up his fur, growl and hiss. I finally had to get rid of the statue so he would go for walks again. lol
Aw poor guy, if he doesn't do well with a non barking, moving, breathing dog then I can imagine how he would be with a real one.

01-25-2008, 08:53 PM
I'd love to own a Rottweiler. Ive wanted one for a good seven years now but it doesnt seem likely I will get one soon. Insurance companies make it difficult to own Rotties =/

I really want a Beauceron too. Though Im sure I could get one if I really wanted one. Really, there are few breeds I couldnt get if I wanted. The only breed I really cant live without is the German Shepherd Dog and Ive already surrounded myself with them :D

01-26-2008, 12:08 AM
Pffftt! You could, too! If I can keep up... you can. ;D
If I found one that was like Ivy's energy level and not any higher, I would probably adopt it ;) The problem is I could not keep up with those super high drive ranch-bred BCs that run until their paws bleed. =P The coordinator of our Therapy Pets group has one of those BCs, and I just could not keep up him!

01-26-2008, 12:44 AM
I would love to own a Whippet or a Greyhound, but I don't know if they are a breed fit for me.

01-26-2008, 04:28 AM
If I found one that was like Ivy's energy level and not any higher, I would probably adopt it ;) The problem is I could not keep up with those super high drive ranch-bred BCs that run until their paws bleed. =P The coordinator of our Therapy Pets group has one of those BCs, and I just could not keep up him!

I think you could TOTALLY find one that is Ivy's energy level. C: Gonzo is probably the same, or lower energy, and he's superdeeduper high drive... as you have witnessed!

It mostly takes some one who can meet their mental demands, and train them, and keep them entertained. And you totally could. Plus, Giselle obviously has a thing for Border Collies! hehe

01-26-2008, 01:43 PM
There are several dogs I really like, but my own personal rule is that I would never have a dog that I cannot pick up and carry in an emergency.

Thank you! I always thought I was the only one with that personal rule! I feel so much better now!

I'd like to have a greyhound again someday. I used to foster them for a rescue when I lived in Colorado, but because I lived in city limits and they had a three dog limit, I could never keep one permanently. But, their size is an issue. When our kids are all grown and gone (hopefully within 4 years!) my husband and I plan on doing something wierd with our "golden years" ... moving around in an RV, living on a beach, etc. I think we need a more "portable" little critter.

I'd also like to have an Italian greyhound, but frankly, their fragility frightens me. I'm used to small, but tough, dogs, like our JRTs. I'm afraid of breaking an IG!

A note on English bulldogs: they are not 24/7 hyper at all. On the contrary, they are quite the couch potato. When they are excited, obviously, they get a little wild, like any dog. But by no means at all are they "hyper" dogs. And, sadly, yes they have very short life spans. Nine or ten is probably about their lifespan. They are indeed plauged with health problems, poor babies.

Suki Wingy
01-26-2008, 02:36 PM
Twister, the IGs I have met were surprisingly hardy, even more so with whippets.

01-26-2008, 03:34 PM
Idk really. I could handle most of the breeds I want. I just don't own them. I would adore a Great Dane! Saint Bernards, Rotties, mastiffs, and Pyrs. I like Dachshunds too.

The ones I couldn't handle are Afghan Hounds and Briards. TOO much grooming for my likeing!

01-26-2008, 04:03 PM
Wow.. I'd love to have a lot of dogs.. I wouldnt mind the specific breeds... I have a soft spot for Boxers and Dalmatians.. But if we had a bigger house, no stupid subdivision guidelines, and a massive yard.. and not having to worry about having someone watch the dogs when we go on vacation (ugh, really starting to dread vacations bc I love my doggies too much!!).. I'd have all the dogs I could afford. Ive often thought of running some kind of rescue..

Ever since Eli joined us, its been more of a Boxer Rescue fantasy.. But really I'd be happy with just being able to go to the local shelters and helping out doggies that have no where else to go.

Breeds that Ive always wanted... Bull Terrier, Doberman (red/faun esp), Pit, Great Dane, etc.. Im drawing a blank on naming more.. I am so ready to start looking for a new house!! lol..

01-27-2008, 01:28 AM
:cool: i don't know, i have had all of my favorite kinds of dogs, but lately i love boston terriers

01-27-2008, 04:19 AM
I don't think there is any breed that I couldn't own. I ablsolutely love them all!!! I am just a huge nut when it come to dogs. I want one of each. Sure there are certain breeds that aren't my favorite but if someone were to stop me on the street and tell me they couldn't take care of their pup I know that I would take it home with me. I will say that I seem to want to raise them from pups, but eh, that most not be true either because I am constantly thinking about rescuing an older one. Just ask Anna. She will tell you that I LOVE THEM ALL!