View Full Version : Bear, Fosters, etc. .... please read!

01-23-2008, 08:23 AM
I know you have all been waiting for the verdict on Bear and whether or not he will be staying here or moving on to New England. He is an absolutely perfect dog and I love him dearly. He apparently has been through something fairly traumatic and I do not want him to have to adjust to another transport, foster home and then another home. So, Bear stays.

Now, here is the foster issue I now have as of last night around 6 pm. :rolleyes: I took in a foster puppy who was rescued from a "bad situation". The lady who had her said that she had stepped in to help this baby but really didn't give me much information about her. I DO KNOW that this baby is full of roundworms! :eek: I mean every single poop is full of them and she's even passed bloody gel gunk full of them! :( I have already given her one Drontal and will get my vet to recheck her and give more medication as needed this Friday. I'm kind of thinking this young woman is really the one who got this puppy (she is a newlywed, works and lives in an apartment) and just realized that a puppy ... especially full of worms ... was more than she bargained for!

I cannot keep this baby! Although some of you don't think so, I really DO know my limits! :p Although Dottie is over a year, she is far from housebroken and still acts very much like a puppy still. Then you all know that Henna is still a puppy and then of course there is baby Betina! NO WAY can I take on another puppy right now! :eek: So..... I am counting on the wonderful people of PT to help us out!

Who wants this precious little girl? Surely someone here on PT will fall head over heels with her and give her a nice PT home? She is supposed to be a Timberwolf / Husky mix. She is approximately 11 weeks old per the young woman. I still haven't even named her yet so whomever wants her can even pick her name!!!

I figured that if needed, we can set up another PT transport for her? What do you all say?

Here she is ... are you ready?



4 Dog Mother
01-23-2008, 08:36 AM
Oh my God, she is soooo cute! But I know my limits and I am at them especially with the problems Snoopy is having now. I just love brown puppies - I sure wish I had more room at this inn!

By the way, Kim, you are a saint for taking in these fosters. Not many would help out these fur kids.

01-23-2008, 08:50 AM
Oh my is she sweet! Look at that head tilt! I wish I could take her, but I am at my limit. I am sure there is somebody on PT that will want her...I mean come on this is a big place!! Thank you for the pictures and taking her in!

01-23-2008, 09:03 AM
First of all... YEAH BEAR STAYS!!!
Betina will forever thank you for keeping the big guy around!

The pup....OMG!!! :eek: She's beautiful!!
That head tilt is SURE to win someone over!!
I'll send her picture to my contacts!!

01-23-2008, 09:07 AM
She is so cute!!!
Tamara you know you want another member to you pack.

01-23-2008, 09:07 AM
First of all, here is the official welcome to PT for Bear!! WOO HOO!! :D :D

And of course I'd love to take in this puppy. But Bruce would not let me. Although, I will show him her picture tonight and see what kind of reaction I get. I really want a playmate for Zoee. Of course, don't hold your breath for me, it more than likely will not happen. :( She is soo adorable. I hope a PTer (K9Karen has puppy fever since having Woody.....hint, hint ;)) will take her in. I'd love to see her grow into a beautiful dog.

01-23-2008, 09:16 AM
So Kim, do people just show up at your door with all these adorable pets????

OK, I know Bear came from a shelter, can't remember exactly how you got him. But this sweetie, oh my, ANOTHER ONE!

HOORAY FOR BEAR --- AND FOR BETTINA lol. They are so wonderful together. I think you made the right decision (surprised you with that comment, huh?)

I am full, full, full. Blessings and best wishes that this little girl puppy finds her way to a terrific home.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-23-2008, 09:20 AM
Have fainted in shock at the news you are keeping Bear - wouldn't have expected that in a million years ;)

That little girl is gorgeous - if donations are needed for transporting her to a new home let me know. I'm too far away to do anything constructive

01-23-2008, 09:23 AM
YAY!!!!!!! I'm so happy for Bear! And I'm sure Betina will be ecstatic as well!

01-23-2008, 09:32 AM
what a cute lil girl!
but YEAAA for Bear and Betina! :D

01-23-2008, 10:22 AM
Sandie, I ran my own cat rescue for five years, was Incorporated and the whole nine yards! Many of my other rescue contacts took in dogs as well as cats. It's no surprise that I still get tons of e-mail, but I'm much stronger about deleting than most of you realize! ;) However, here lately these pups have really tugged at my heartstrings and I swear people sure are getting good at pouring on the guilt too! :rolleyes:

THANK YOU to ANYONE who can pass this pup's information along! I will soon begin looking for her a local home, but I sure would love to be able to keep up with her on PT!!! :)

Bear and Betina also "thank you" but Bear will be much more in the partying mood once his conehead is gone! Poor guy! ;)

01-23-2008, 10:25 AM
Have fainted in shock at the news you are keeping Bear - wouldn't have expected that in a million years ;)

That little girl is gorgeous - if donations are needed for transporting her to a new home let me know. I'm too far away to do anything constructive

YEEEEEAAA! Bear stays! I still get leaky eyes when I think about how close he was ... Snuggle up in that fluffy, flooffy tail, sweet Betina, and snooze on!

Kim, Puppy Girl is adorable and I like her feeties! I'm sorry she has worms, though. I hope your crew don't get them! Same goes for me with transport funds, since I can't adopt her.

Ginger's Mom
01-23-2008, 10:26 AM
She is adorable. I am sure you will be able to find a good home for her.
Congrats to Bear and Betina. They make such a cute pair. :)

01-23-2008, 11:30 AM
Congratulations on keeping Bear!

As far as the new foster goes with him supposedly being a hybrid that counts a few states out. I know Michigan , for sure, has a law banning the ownership of hybrids. Really though she doesn't look to have much wolf in her to me. But that's just MO.

01-23-2008, 11:59 AM
Congratulations on keeping Bear!

As far as the new foster goes with him supposedly being a hybrid that counts a few states out. I know Michigan , for sure, has a law banning the ownership of hybrids. Really though she doesn't look to have much wolf in her to me. But that's just MO.

Well, I have no proof of that at all. Just going but what I was told 3rd hand! So I don't think that would be a problem as long as we don't "advertise" her as a hybrid.

01-23-2008, 12:08 PM
I passed her picture on to a friend of mine that has had wolves & wolf dogs for more than 15 years and she doesn't see much, if any wolf in her. But just like all puppies... you just have to wait till they grow up a little too see what they are! :D

No matter... OH she's so dang CUTE!!!!

01-23-2008, 12:13 PM
I passed her picture on to a friend of mine that has had wolves & wolf dogs for more than 15 years and she doesn't see much, if any wolf in her. But just like all puppies... you just have to wait till they grow up a little too see what they are! :D

No matter... OH she's so dang CUTE!!!!

OK, great! That's a relief! Thank you so much!!


01-23-2008, 12:27 PM
Why not give her a temporary name, "Timber"? =)

01-23-2008, 12:38 PM
AWW if only this was a week earlier... My friend was looking for a puppy and wanted a husky or a bigger breed but just a few days ago got a new german shepard puppy.. I wish I knew someone who would want her she is so cute.

01-23-2008, 12:48 PM
Why not give her a temporary name, "Timber"? =)

I thought about that same name! You don't think it's corny? LOL!

01-23-2008, 12:57 PM
So, Bear stays.

See how happy you have made all of us! Not to mention Bear and Betina!!!!!

Kim, I am sorry that I can't step up and help out with "Timber." Four furry ones in my home is my limit unfortunately. I hope that he will catch someone's eye.

01-23-2008, 01:26 PM
Ok, so I sent Bruce an email with the pictures. He responded and said she's cute, but you know how I feel about a second dog. I waited a couple of hours then called him. He asked - does she chew, does she bark, is she house broken, how would she get to us....and lots of other questions. He's hesistant because we do not know much about her. In the end he said it's up to me, but he works from home so he would be the one having to "deal" with her. AND he is actually thinking he might have to get a job outside the house....then what?
So it's not completely a no.....yet. Let me think about this and talk to him some more. He agrees that she is frickin' cute (his words).
Hey Kim, maybe some more pictures of her might help. :)

Any thoughts on this from anyone? Ideas to help me back my case? :)

01-23-2008, 02:42 PM
He asked - does she chew, does she bark, is she house broken, :)

NEVER! No puppy ever does those things, and they are born housebroken!!! Is that what you told him? :p ;)

Well, I have put out the word here locally as well so we'll see what happens. If you seriously think you want her, let me know soon because e-mails are already starting to come in.


01-23-2008, 02:50 PM
I sent you a PM. :)

Yeah, I'll have to remind him about that, puppies coming housebroken and not chewers. hee hee We were lucky with Zoee, she did not chew anything she shouldn't and she was quickly house trained (she was sorta already when we got her).

Thank you.

ETA: Of course if you do find a good home for her locally, I'd rather go that route. So she doesn't have to be transported. :)

01-23-2008, 02:54 PM
Congrats Bear! :D Oh Kim, if I didn't have Jake I'd be packing and heading for your house! ;)

01-23-2008, 03:12 PM
Congrats Bear! :D Oh Kim, if I didn't have Jake I'd be packing and heading for your house! ;)

What's just ONE more? :p

01-23-2008, 03:32 PM
What's just ONE more? :p
LOL, that's exactly what my co-worker said to me when I mentioned this puppy. :)

Sent you another PM, Kim.

01-23-2008, 03:41 PM
YAY!!!... Bear is staying!! goodie goodie...... now China can rest assured her sweetie is not leaving ;)

and on the second note...........

I WANT HER!!!! seriously!!

Iīm not sure if itīs possible at all..... since Iīm way too far..... and besides there migt be other takers a bit closer......:(

but if possible I want to be considered as a posibility....... I donīt mind if I get kicked out :p ...... that head tilt OMG!!......

01-23-2008, 03:50 PM
Sent you another PM, Kim. Darn private pm's we wanna know whats going on too! :p

critter crazy
01-23-2008, 04:07 PM
Awwww....she is just too adorable!!!

I have crossposted her pic, I know many people in Tenn. Hopefully we can find her a home!

01-23-2008, 04:29 PM
Awwww....she is just too adorable!!!

I have crossposted her pic, I know many people in Tenn. Hopefully we can find her a home!

That would be awesome! Thanks! Nothing is set yet, several PTers interested but distance is a major ISSUE!

01-23-2008, 04:39 PM
She is stunning!!! I'd take her but I just got the "three dogs is enough" speech. :( Three dogs is enough for who :confused: Good luck finding her a home.

01-23-2008, 04:40 PM
Oh my goodness! She is such a cutie! I hope a pter' can adopt her, she is just so cute!

01-23-2008, 04:41 PM
Darn private pm's we wanna know whats going on too! :p
LOL, well I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. I really do want her. But I told Kim that if she could find a good home locally, I'd rather her go there, so she wouldn't have to be transported. I must say, I'm kinda hoping there are NO good homes over there. Although, now it sounds like I might have to fight Husky_mom for her. :p
Plus, I know Kim needs a home for her quickly. Her home is being over ran with doggies. :eek: (I'm so jealous!!)

01-23-2008, 04:51 PM
I'm kinda hoping there are NO good homes over there. I am too;) I really hope it will work out.
Three dogs is enough for who http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif I'd like to know the answer to this too.

01-23-2008, 04:58 PM
First let me congratulate you on keeping Bear!

And OMG! She's a doll!!!! I hope she does find a PT home, but really any good home would work;)

01-23-2008, 06:09 PM
What's just ONE more? :p

Ha ha, a nervous breakdown at my house! ;) I know you will find her a good home, she is so cute! :D

01-23-2008, 10:25 PM
Little "Timber" got adopted by a wonderful couple right here in town! She even went home tonight with them! I will get regular e-mail updates, pics and can even visit her! I will post more details about the people tomorrow night. I have to get to bed and get up early in the morning to head out of town for a funeral.

Thank you to all who offered to help and even considered adopting her yourselves! I know you all would be wonderful homes for her, but if I could avoid the transport with her, that was my first choice! ;)

PT people are the BEST!


01-23-2008, 10:48 PM
Aw yay.
At least we still will get pictures and see her grow (well we better or else :p )

01-23-2008, 11:52 PM
This is wonderful news. While I'm sad I couldn't take her, I'm very glad she didn't need to be transported very far. :D :D

01-24-2008, 01:08 AM
That is one amazingly cute little puppy. I'm glad you found him a good home. And when you get updated we need to get updated. :D

01-24-2008, 06:04 AM
Little "Timber" got adopted by a wonderful couple right here in town! She even went home tonight with them!


Great news Kim! Now you (and we) will be able to hear updates! That was a win-win situation. :cool:

Pawsitive Thinking
01-24-2008, 06:11 AM
Great news! Well done everyone!!!

What next? world domination??? :D

01-24-2008, 10:39 AM
darn it!!.... I was midway in an airplane to go get her ;)

I must say Iīm sad but at the same tie very very happy to know she did find a great home right there.....

and Tazzoee.... you were right we wouldīve been fighting custody :p... maybe settle for a shared one ;)