View Full Version : Whose bed is it anyway?

01-21-2008, 08:33 AM
I seen Edwina's Secretary's thread in cat and just couldn't help stealing her title:o

Seems no one in this house knows who's bed is who's!

This is the the way it's supposed to be...Roxey in her bed and Bon in his.

But I've been seeing a lot of this lately:D
Simba in Bon's bed...
Huney in Bon's bed...
Bon in Roxey's bed...
Huney in Roxey's bed...

Do your dogs play musical beds:D

01-21-2008, 08:36 AM
LOL....Hey, i think i've seen them play the musical dog bed game while I've been there.

Where is the pic of them when they decide to get in the parent's bed? I know that happens also...lol

Love those furbabies!!!!

4 Dog Mother
01-21-2008, 08:44 AM
Too cute! Yes, we have a lot of musical dog bed going on here. The funniest are Tucker in Jack's bed and Jack in Tucker's bed. I know I have pics I will have to find them. So glad to see your babies and can't wait to meet Simba!

01-21-2008, 10:18 AM
Cute pics. Yep Chopper thinks everyones bed is his bed :D Champ thinks her fat butt will fit in Chopper's tiny little bed, she is always trying to take Duke's bed. Duke, usually wants his own moved right over by mommy :D

Lori Jordan
01-21-2008, 11:04 AM
LOL!Very sweet pictures of your gang!

Mine all do the same...But they know who's is who's,and they act on it,if one is in anothers bed it is almost like they say"Well you in mine in taking yours"

Molly has a orthipedic bed,and the rest just love it.

But come bed time Molly lets them know it is her bed and to stay clear!

Simba looks to be fitting in just fine,How are all the dogs together?

01-21-2008, 12:50 PM
Oh Anna these are so funny! It does look like a game of *musical beds* is going on at your house. I see that little Simba has not hesitated to fit right in as a bed snatcher. :p We don't have any dog beds around here because during the day they sleep on the sofas and at night they are in bed with me. The cats have little beds in the basement for when they want to get away from it all. When they are upstairs they sleep wherever there is an open space on the sofa. :p

Champ thinks her fat butt will fit in Chopper's tiny little bed,

Now THAT is something I would love to see! :D :D

01-21-2008, 03:04 PM
I might not have the biggest bed.... but IŽm sure weŽll all manage to fit in!!... so come any time you want and lay in mine too!! ;)

01-21-2008, 03:47 PM
This is so funny. All dog beds here are jointly owned, so we can't say one uses the other's. Tucker does have a bed aside the Big Bed that only he uses because Ms. Hannah prefers the Big Bed or a chair in the bedroom.
However, they are both inclined to use any and all chairs that are supposed to be for us, even a desk chair.

Anna, I am thrilled to see Simba in your siggy. Whoever said Huney and her Mini Me sure got it right.

Ginger's Mom
01-21-2008, 05:47 PM
Oh my gosh, much too cute. I love the way they sleep head to head, too. :) It looks like you need to buy one more bed, and I would suggest it be Bon sized, because it looks like Simba thinks big. ;)

01-21-2008, 05:57 PM
i'm with gingers mom here....hey simba, dream on big boy! LOL

01-21-2008, 06:30 PM
Funny puppers! :D

01-21-2008, 07:11 PM
Your pups are too cute and too funny Anna! Mine play musical beds also. Layla will even curl up in one of the cat beds just because she 'used' to fit in it when she was a puppy. :D

01-22-2008, 08:10 AM
Robin...yes, they also get in the big bed...lol!
Now I have 3 dogs (Bon, Roxey & Simba) who sleep with me when Mark goes to work:o Huney prefers to sleep on the floor.

Yes, Simba thinks big:D

Glad you all enjoyed our version of musical chairs:)

01-22-2008, 09:04 AM
What adorable pics, Anna! All of your pups are just beautiful!
Mine play musical everything it seems! Toys, chewies, you name it ... if someone else has it, it HAS to be better! LOL! I swear they are just like human kids! :D

01-22-2008, 09:19 AM
Robin...yes, they also get in the big bed...lol!
Now I have 3 dogs (Bon, Roxey & Simba) who sleep with me when Mark goes to work:o Huney prefers to sleep on the floor.

Yes, Simba thinks big:D

Glad you all enjoyed our version of musical chairs:)

Awww, there it is! I knew they took a turn in the big bed too. Too cute! Are you sure you have room in that bed for yourself..lol. It's a good thing they wait until Mark goes to work because there is no room at all for him in that bed. Eh, who needs him anyway :p ;) .

Love the game of musical beds that they play and I absolutely love and adore my second set of furbabies! Give them all hugs and kisses from Auntie Robin.

01-25-2008, 10:47 AM
aww I missed this the first time!
That's the way it should be - all of them up in bed with Mom!
I'm so glad the boys are getting along! ;)
musical beds - how funny!
yup they even like it when new people are in mom and dad's bed!
Huney just came up and sniffed my face and jumped back down. She must have realized I wasn't who she thought I was. (like me in your bed wouldn't make a bigger lump that either of you!) But Bon and Roxey settled down for a bit well Bon for longer than Roxey :)
can't wait to meet Simba!