View Full Version : My busy day..by Tehya

01-19-2008, 10:05 PM

I was a very busy babydog today. Mom and I had a "Tehya Day"! That means I got to spend extra time with Mom and not share! She does that for all of us and today was my turn.
First we went for a truck ride. I love truck rides! They make me sleepy and I have good naps!
We ended up a dogsled race! Mom likes how happy these dogs looked, even after a long run. We have no idea who the musher is though!
There were dogs everywhere. I wasn't allowed to play with them because they were working! I met this nice Siberian though. He was already done running and his owner said we could be introduced! He was very nice.
Mom was quite taken with this dog, but his owner wasn't around so we just left him alone.
Mom says I"m gonna have to learn how to do this, except our dog box is only one layer! In two weeks, I'm going to town and I'm going to give some kids rides in my sled--well, not just me, Mom's friend is organizing it. There will be about 30 dogs there. Six from my house and the rest from other kennels. It should be fun! Mom may need a valium!
Then we got back in the truck. See how I am helping keep the snowbrush where Mom can find it easy! I'm so helpful!

We went to my Aunt Kelly's house and picked up some dog food. She sells the kind that Paxil eats and she had some bones for us too. Then we came home but my fun was not over!................

01-19-2008, 10:15 PM
So when we got home, I thought I would just be running around the yard for the rest of the day, but Mom took us for a run. We don't usually go late in the afternoon on the weekends cuz we have too much trouble with loose dogs. Mom has decided that other people who can't control their dogs aren't going to keep us at home though. We can use the trails when we want too!
Mom finally caught Sundin this week so he came for a run. He's a good lead dog. Mom got some tips for training me this week so I might be leading soon too!
We went on a new trail today, new to me anyway! This field is one of Mom's favorite places. It's part of the last trail that Hoodoo ran with her. She scattered a tiny bit of his ashes here a couple years ago. I didn't know Hoodoo, but I've heard about him and I think we would have been buddies. He was the first rescue dog to live here. If it hadn't been for him, maybe I wouldn't have wound up here! Maybe none of us would live here!
Here I am back in the yard waiting to get unhooked. I still wasn't tired so Mom put me in with Sundin. If you can believe this, he doesn't know how to play! He just stands there when I chew on him. I got some stuff to teach him!

And that was my very busy day. Mom says I can sleep on the bed tonight and not in my crate! I'm getting to be a good girl even when no one is looking so I get more privledges in the house!


01-20-2008, 12:02 AM
A big kiss for you - right on the tip of your nose.

I am so glad you had such a terrific day Tehya.


01-20-2008, 12:27 AM
Is THIS the face of a happy kid or what? LOOKIT that happy smile! :D
Tehya, you make EVERYTHING fun! :)


01-20-2008, 10:58 AM
Oh Tehya, I must say my favorite pictures are the ones of you in the truck. The first one you can see your big smile, and the second one you are just too darn cute!! :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-20-2008, 11:47 AM
WOW, Tehya! ;)

You really had a *nice* "Day wiff Mom", didn't you?

* Truck ride - you look soooooo relaxed
* Watch the Dawg Sled race
* Socialize with new friends
* Went shopping
* Then a nice Sled Run with summa The Gang
* And a promise of BigBed Tyme tonight

Yup, that's a Pretty Nice Day, Kiddo!!
THANKS for taking us along!

Now you practice up for your career First of hauling passengers in the sled -
Make Mom *PROUD* when you haul those lil Kids!!


01-20-2008, 11:56 AM
What an awesome day Tehya. Thanks for sharing! I'm so in love with your long legs. :D

01-20-2008, 12:57 PM
Aww it sounds like you had a blast on your Momday. My furkids love it too!

01-20-2008, 02:22 PM
Now you practice up for your career First of hauling passengers in the sled -
Make Mom *PROUD* when you haul those lil Kids!!


Wooooo Mr. Phred,

It won't be my first time with a passenger, but it will be my first ride in the dogbox! Mom says we might have to practice that a bit. I took one of Mom's friends for a ride a couple weeks ago, but that was at my house, on our usual trails. This will be the first time that we have gone to town and run around a little course lots of times with different people in the sled! Mom is taking Anvik, Hobo, Pacer, Paxil and Pingo too. I think it's gonna be awesome! More people to pet me!


Cinder & Smoke
01-20-2008, 02:38 PM
It won't be my first time with a passenger,
but it will be my first ride in the dogbox!

Mom says we might have to practice that a bit.

Ya gotta Ride in the DAWGbox? :eek:
You look so good "Up Front"! ;)

Whas'sa matter - didn't you call "SHOTGUN" fast enough?

Hope Mom has a free HandPaw to get some snappies of the Taxi Ride Team -
or takes along a Photo Assistant to document the event.

Y'all have *Phunn* now, ya hear?


01-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Tehya, it sounds like a perfect day you had with mom - lots of different places and yummy treats, and you're not even finished yet. :D

I love the pictures, and I'm hoping to see more from your next adventure.

A big kiss on your nose from me too.

01-20-2008, 05:17 PM
LOL, I gotta tell ya - the moment I see a thread title ". . . by Tehya" I go directly to it! Forget what I came in to check, forget the PMs sitting staring at me, just HAVE to see what the latest adventures are all about.

Tehya, you have such a fun 'puppy' outlook on life! I hope you never lose that, sweet girl. And thank you for sharing so much and explaining what I am looking at (which I would miss 90% of it otherwise, being from so far 'south' of you.) Rriding in a dog box??~ Oh my, not sure about that!

Such a lovely day. If mom gives each of you a "day with Mom," does that mean you only get one day a month? Aren't there 35 of you up there? Gee, Mom better see about getting herself cloned! LOL

01-20-2008, 05:44 PM
If mom gives each of you a "day with Mom," does that mean you only get one day a month? Aren't there 35 of you up there? Gee, Mom better see about getting herself cloned! LOL


No silly, there's only 24 of us--mom says 25 soon, but that's a whole other post!

Well, Mom gives us each a turn, but everyone gets a different kinda day. See some of us don't get to go as many places. I get to go more places because I am a good girl. I don't fight with other dogs, I like to play, I walk nice on my leash, and I don't pee inside if we go to another house. Earle is the same as me so he gets to go tag along quite a bit too. Earle has a doggy friend, Ally, who lives down the road. He goes to play her with her somedays at her house. Muskwa goes for lots of truck rides, cuz he really likes them.

Some of my siblings are not so well adjusted! Kayleigh likes to fight with other dogs so for her days, Mom takes her walking way back in the bushes or gives her a new toy and they play in her pen and Kayleigh gets to hang out in the shop with Mom. Deuce will not walk nice on a leash so he can't go some places. Mom says he's a wild child. Some of the real shy dogs don't like to go anywhere so they get special treats or toys at home. Raven goes for big runs and gets to be away from Deuce for the day! That's a treat for her! Goldie and Chase don't like to be apart so they get their days together and they go for walkies. Anvik just likes to be near Mom so he's happy just laying around the house when she's doing other stuff.

Mom is always looking for ways to make sure we all get some one-on-one time with her, but how she does that is different for all of us. We keep her on her toes! :D


01-20-2008, 08:10 PM
In two weeks, I'm going to town and I'm going to give some kids rides in my sled. There will be about 30 dogs there. It should be fun!

Make Mom *PROUD* when you haul those lil Kids!!

Tehya, sweetie! Just the thought of you giving rides to kids makes my eyes leak. (What is a dog box?) I enjoyed reading about everything you did on your busy day! *HUG*

01-20-2008, 08:28 PM
(What is a dog box?)


This is a dog box:

It goes on the back of Mom's truck. There are ten boxes on it and one dog goes in each box--two of us can fit if we had to squish! Mom puts straw in the boxes so they are nice to lay in. It's a good, safe way to move a bunch of dogs, plus the sled and all our other gear all at once! Our harnesses and stuff go underneath and the sled gets tied to the top.

Mom puts the box on a trailer in the summer time and puts her kayak rack on the truck. But with the trailer if an emergency happens, like a forest fire, she can move us out of danger in a hurry!


01-20-2008, 08:30 PM
What a good girl you are Tehya, to have all these adventures AND share them with us! Thank you!

01-21-2008, 12:44 AM

No silly, there's only 24 of us--mom says 25 soon, but that's a whole other post!

Did you think you could make that comment and not get a "Pardon????"
Come on then ........ post away :-)

and love the tales Tehya ..... you have such an expressive face :-)

Pawsitive Thinking
01-21-2008, 05:49 AM
What a great time you had Tehya! and what's this about #25???

Does Mom ever get a "Mom Day" :eek:

01-21-2008, 08:30 AM
Tehya I can't get enough of you! You are so adorable. What a helpful pup you are finding the snow brush for mom. What a fun day you had with Mom! Please tell us more about #25, come on tehya. ;) :p

01-21-2008, 12:47 PM
What a great time you had Tehya! and what's this about #25???

Does Mom ever get a "Mom Day" :eek:

No, silly, why would Mom need a day!? She has me! :D

Well, it's a long story and Mom is very mad about it! This is an old dog who Mom thought lived with nice people, but it turns out they ain't nice after all. She will probably be coming to live with us soon. Mom and the shelter people are just working out the details. We ain't sure if this dogger will live with us for very long; she might be sick. But Mom says there's no way that dog is dying in the shelter place! If she has to go to the Bridge, Mom will make sure she goes peacefully and with someone who cares about her holding her paw. Mom will post pictures and stuff when that dogger gets here.


01-21-2008, 06:43 PM
Wooos, Tehya, what a wonderful day you had with mom, thanks for sharing it with us! we LOVE hearing Tehya's Tahles!
We know about the next mystery husky #25 from another site, all we can say is your mom is an angel, but we've already told her that on PT every time a new pup comes along. She'll be very happy as a member of the Wandering Spirits Seniors, & we can't think of a nicer place she could go!

Queen of Poop
01-21-2008, 09:29 PM
Tehya you always have so much fun!! I love seeing your smiling doggie face. Thanks for sharing your special day.

I hope your Mom can get dogger 25 home and work her special loving magic to give dogger a happy time and let her know real love, even if it is short. Your mom is a special human being, the "specialist" in fact.

Thanks Tamara, all we seem to hear about lately is crime, recently a poor defenseless cat was microwaved. It really restores my faith in humanity to hear from you and know all the good you are doing. You've got the biggest heart I've ever "known" of.

Ginger's Mom
01-22-2008, 10:46 AM
Wow, Teyha, I am tired out just reading about your day. I think if Mom were to get a day to herself, it should be spent in bed resting up. ;) Hey, you are a smart pup, do you think you could arrange breakfast in bed for Mom one day?

Your Mom is a sweetie taking care of the senior girl. I hope all goes well for her.