View Full Version : Marlin is a bit under the weather

01-16-2008, 04:09 PM
OK, so maybe this should be in Health, but the postings in there are so much more serious, I didn't want to bump anyone.

I adopted Marlin on Jan 7th. So of course, now he is not doing well and went to the vet today.

Marlin insists he is going to sleep on Dad's bed. He can't get up there himself so one of us has to put him up there. He jumps down whenever he wants. Apparently he landed "funny" sometime Monday night or early Tuesday morning. He has been very uncomfortable, crying and whining when he isn't outright yelping. Can't seem to get settled, won't look at us, and won't wag his tail. An "unhappy" bichon is a very sad sight indeed!

Well, he either sprained / strained a muscle (please, say YES!) or he slipped a disk, up in his neck area. The only way to be sure is to take x-rays. Vet didn't recommend doing that, at least not yet, as the treatment is the same: one full month of rest, muscle relaxant and prednisone for 2 weeks for anti-inflammatory. No walks, no stairs (not really an issue here, this is a ranch house), just stay put. NO bed! (That will be harder, as he makes a fuss until one of us lifts him up there.)

I am supposed to raise his food and water bowls, but I haven't figured out how to do that as yet. A stack of wood seems rather clumsy and sure to topple over.

So Marlin would appreciate some thoughts as he starts his "bed rest minus Dad's bed" for a month.

01-16-2008, 04:11 PM
Oh.. poor Marlin!
I too hope it's a strain/sprain.

I hope the meds and no jumping off the bed get's you back to feeling better soon!

01-16-2008, 04:53 PM
One of my toy poodles years ago did a similar thing. She was jumping up at the door to be let out and sort of twisted in mid-air and yelped. She wasn't walking funny but just acting weird and wouldn't eat. I don't remember exactly what we did (x-rays, etc.??) because it was so long ago (I'm talking probably in the '70's). I do remember the vet put her on medication (a steroid I think) and told me she would be drinking a lot and asking to go out a lot. She was fine after that. I hope that Marlin will start feeling better really soon.

Oh, and Marlin..... please do make your human lift you on and off the bed. Remember you are one of the family now and they are there to do your bidding. ;)

Ginger's Mom
01-16-2008, 04:56 PM
Aw, poor Marlin, I hope it isn't anything serious. Any chance you can move dad's mattress to the floor until Marlin is healed? ;)

01-16-2008, 05:11 PM
Sweet Marlin, I think Barry's Fritz (who's also a Bichon) recently had a similar problem, and as I recall, was instructed to bark to let his people know when he needed up or down. SO ... maybe that can go for you, too. Be careful honeybun. (smooch)

01-16-2008, 05:39 PM
Remember you are one of the family now and they are there to do your bidding.
LOL. PLEASE do not encourage him! There is a reason we call him "General Patton!" (Anyone who knows the story, even the President, FDR, couldn't order THAT one around!)

Any chance you can move dad's mattress to the floor until Marlin is healed?
I'll suggest that! :D

CassiesMom: can't "instruct" him to bark when he is ready to get down, see "General Patton" comments above!

Marlin appreciates ALL your support, encouragement and ideas. :D :D :D

01-16-2008, 07:42 PM
I also hope Marlin will be all better after his "rest".
Maybe you could get a set of stairs for him to get up and down from dad's bed.......once he is healed, of course.

01-16-2008, 08:51 PM
Awe... poor Marlin! I definitely think dad's mattress should be moved to the floor to make it more accessible for Marlin as well.

They do make those elevated stands for the food and water bowls, maybe you could find one of those for him?

Felicia's Mom
01-16-2008, 09:02 PM
Good luck with Marlin, hope his problem isn't serious.

01-16-2008, 11:46 PM
Yikes! That's one of biggest fears with Mz Klo when she jumps and flips for her toys! Her cousin, Gizmo, the Beagle recently had the same problem as Marlin. He got bitten on the bottom of his paw and jumped in the air and slipped a disc. But I hope it's just a sprain for Marlin. But, good news...Gizmo has recovered and is back to his goofy, happy, zippity-do-da ways! He was on prednisone, muscle relaxer and REST for quite a while. That was the hardest part, but he felt better within days! Finger, toes and paws crossed that Marlin will feel better quickly!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
01-17-2008, 06:56 AM
Poor little fella! there are raised feeding bowls on the market but I don't know how much they cost (ebay perhaps?)

Hope you feel better soon Marlin

01-17-2008, 08:49 AM
Thank you all for your kind words!

Well it was QUITE a night. Neither Dad nor I got much sleep. Marlin was a PEST! He has slept on Dad's bed every night for . . . months! And now last night we declined every plea to put him up there. He whined and scratched, whistled and did everything he could think of to get our attention: "Hey, it's bed time and I'm still down here on the FLOOR!"

I had removed his comforter from Dad's bed and set it up with a pillow wrapped inside on the floor. I tried encouraging him to try it out. Sugar immediately trotted in, stepped on it, circled and plonked herself down in the middle! :rolleyes: Thank you, Sugar, Marlin required demonstrations of how it is done. :D

Marlin finally gave up and went to sleep (not sure WHERE) about 4:30 AM. Oh joy, we got 2.5 hours sleep before it was time to get up! **yawn**

01-17-2008, 08:59 AM
Sugar immediately trotted in, stepped on it, circled and plonked herself down in the middle! :rolleyes: Thank you, Sugar, Marlin required demonstrations of how it is done. :D


01-17-2008, 12:34 PM
See! you should of stuck a stamp on and sent him over but you didn't listen... :rolleyes: :p

Hope you get better soon little man, Dont forget your humans need their energy to run around for you so let them sleep!! :D

01-17-2008, 12:59 PM
When Reggin was about two and the over energetic young cocker he was back than, he somehow inflamed a disc. He had alot of the same signs as your boy. He was put on anti-inflammatories and pain meds. Lots of rest and relaxation. He's a little stiffer these days but no worse for the wear. Hopefully your boy only pulled something and there's no spinal involvement. He wasn't happy to be restricted from "ball" time.

I can't stand to not have a dog sleep with me, Fiancee says that I never grew out of stuffed animals and blankies so I had to replace them with something more "grown up" :rolleyes: . At least they don't sweat on me when I cuddle them at night :p . Anyways the whole point is our bed is HIGH off the ground and I was worried about Reggin jumping up and down (Indy can't jump that high at all to begin with) so I went to petsmart and bought some doggy steps. Everybodies happy and even the cats use them now. They caught on pretty quick.

Hold on a second his majesty would like to add something....

Hey, Reggin here, the whole step thing was a shining bit of brilliance on Mum's part. It didn't take long for me to realise that hey, it's much more comfy and alot less jarring when I trot down my stairs instead of taking a leap of faith. Keep at her Marlin my man you'll have your own stairway to heaven in no time.

01-17-2008, 01:40 PM
Marlin, I hope you and your people figure out a way for you not to have to jump around. It sounds like you've got a favorite sleeping place.

01-17-2008, 10:23 PM
Get feeling better soon Marlin!

01-18-2008, 06:28 AM
Marlin, thinking of you. Hoping you are feeling better. ((hugs))

01-18-2008, 06:18 PM
and my friend has the little steps set at the side of her bed. My little dogs would never be able to get up there otherwise.

SO built both ramps for me, but I have seen them in catalogs. I've also seen some of the steps in various computers. The dogs learned to use them really quick.

01-19-2008, 09:30 AM
i got elevated plastic food stands at target for angel duke ~5 years ago, around $20, they are plastic, can be put in a tub for a quick rinse off(i raw feed), dry quickly and come in sizes. alex loves it, princess peanut won't use hers, so i stuck the 2 of them together. HTH

Scooter's Mom
01-19-2008, 10:50 AM
Sandie, I hope Marlin is feeling better and letting you and your dad get a little bit of sleep!

How is he? I've been saying prayers for him. Hope they're working.

Hugs to you,

01-19-2008, 11:23 AM
Thank you all!

Yes, Crystal, Marlin IS feeling better, not back to his old self as yet but definitely improved. And he has resigned himself to sleeping on the beds on the floor. He makes it clear it is a HUGE sacrifice being down there lol.

Marlin is a vocal boy. He was "silent" for almost 4 whole days. The first time he barked (at a kitty running past him, naturally) I was thrilled! He is on his way back and recovering.

I got the food dish up no problem, still working on the water fountain. Everything I try is too high for little Ozzy to reach ha ha. I prefer not to buy one of the raised dishes, as everyone is used to the fountain and the flowing water. Plus it holds quite a bit so I only have to fill it once per day.

We are going through plenty of deli turkey, with Marlin and Sugar both on pills just now. Of course, Lacey and Ozzy HAVE to have some turkey each time as well lol. So three times per day they are all lined up in the kitchen. :rolleyes: Actually, they all come each time I OPEN the fridge door, as you never know, mom COULD be getting the turkey out!

I will have to look into specific measurements as he really does want back up on Dad's bed, once he is permitted to use stairs again.

01-19-2008, 12:02 PM
So glad to hear that Marlin is improving. Barking at a kitty is a very good indication! LOL!

So three times per day they are all lined up in the kitchen. :rolleyes: Actually, they all come each time I OPEN the fridge door, as you never know, mom COULD be getting the turkey out!

Oh what a cute mental picture I have of that. Speaking of pictures, it would be nice to see some pictures. How is that for a hint? :p

My two line up when I am making salad as they know I will often give them pieces of carrots and lettuce while I work. They consider lettuce a tasty treat. :rolleyes:

01-19-2008, 12:17 PM
Oh Sandy, that is how AnnaBelle injured herself and is now paralyzed!!! Thank GOD Marlin didn't do that! I know it's so tempting to let them get on the bed, but it's so dangerous. AnnaBelle just jumped once the wrong way off a very low twin bed that she had always gotten on to eat so Gretta wouldn't steal her food! :(

01-19-2008, 12:35 PM
I am so glad that Marlin is beginning to get back to his old self. :]
When Frisk injured his back legs he was restricted from the bed, aswell. He didn't take that well at all! He & I are basically like siamese twins connected at the hip, we are never separated. I ended up sleeping on the floor with him because I felt so bad... aren't I a sucker? :D

Give Marlin some scritches from me, will ya? I hope he gets well soon!