View Full Version : dog fur and teeth question?

01-13-2008, 01:13 PM
How or what could you give a dog for a shiney coat? Chance has such a dull coat and I dont know what to feed him or give him to make it shiney and healthy.... Chance and Gracie also have there teeth grinded down and I asked the vet if there is something I could give them in there diet to help and they said that all the nutrients a dog needs is in his dog food no matter what brand you buy... I dont know if there teeth are grinded just because they get bored and chew or if when they are outside they grind them on rocks. I wish I knew what I could give them to help but nobody has any good answers yet.

01-13-2008, 02:08 PM
How old is your dog? I was commented on how white's my girl's teeth are, she will be two in June. I also said maybe because shes young, but again theres another member in the other forums whose dog is 11 months old and her teeth are completly horrible. I dont know why my girl has such white teeth, they shine too. I give her your regular kibble mixed with wet food. I give her kibble from Wal Mart yeah it might not be the best BUT now she has no more food allergies, her coat is completly shiny and so are her teeth see some dogs dont need expensive or special diets :D

01-13-2008, 05:33 PM
Fish oils help with the coat. You can add Cod Liver oil, I think it is a teaspoon per day rizzled over the dry kibble. OR you can buy it in this pockets, you squish it open over the food.

On the tooth question: do you give them hard chews? Will they take carrots to crunch instead? One of mine -Sugar - LOVES her carrots, and Lacey eats them because Sugar does. :rolleyes:

01-13-2008, 06:00 PM
For teeth a little piece of apple a week also helps, not much just a little piece, i heard the acid from the apple is really good for them.

01-13-2008, 06:19 PM
Well 2 of the dogs will eat carrots the other 2 wont touch them. I know they chew rocks and sticks well actually they will chew whatever they find. Gracie always goes out and ginds big stones and brings them to me and does the same with sticks. one is a 2 yr old retriever and the other is a 3 yr old retriever so they are young. There teeth are actually really white just grinded down.