View Full Version : I am home!(update #56)

01-07-2008, 07:29 PM
Yes, we have a guy who needs a home. His name is Simba and he's a pomeranian (an estimated age of 10+).

Mark's mom has been put into a nursing home and none of his sisters are willing to take him, and we can't keep him because of Bon.
So as of now this cute little guy is in Bon's kennel:( I feel so bad he can't come out and be with the family.

Does anyone know anyone who is looking for a senior guy who loves just loves to sit with you and be a Velcro dog? If so, please send them my way.

He's does really well with other dogs & he is housebroken. Him and Huney actually had a little play last night and she NEVER plays with anyone...lol!
He is used to being in a kennel (we have it here). He slept a full 8 hours in his kennel last night after putting up a small fuss, no messes! I was glad to see that!

He would be a barker if he had a voice. I don't know what happened, but it's like he's horse all the time so even when he tries to bark it sounds like he's been debarked (but hasn't)

He needs a bath so I will be doing that tonight, but here's a couple of pictures of him right now...
Please help me help him find a home:)

01-07-2008, 07:35 PM
Sorry to hear about Mark's Mum, I bet shes devestated having to leave him.

I hope he finds a nice home soon, Hopefully not too hard if he was an old ladies dog, their are plenty who would appreciate the company.

Ginger's Mom
01-07-2008, 07:49 PM
Oh poor little guy doesn't understand why he lost his home. I hope Mark's Mother will do better in the nursing home. How is he with other dogs, Anna? Have you had any chance to see him around other dogs? Do you know how much of a barker he is? How housebroken is he? (By that I mean, I am assuming he had someone home so he could go out whenever he wanted, but can he wait for 10 hours?) He is very very cute. Pet Talkers will find him a home, I just know we will.

01-07-2008, 07:57 PM
Hi Anna,

I'll be sure to ask around at work tomorrow. I'm saying a prayer tonite that we can find that little guy a good home. He is super cute.

01-07-2008, 08:31 PM
Oh poor little guy doesn't understand why he lost his home. I hope Mark's Mother will do better in the nursing home. How is he with other dogs, Anna? Have you had any chance to see him around other dogs? Do you know how much of a barker he is? How housebroken is he? (By that I mean, I am assuming he had someone home so he could go out whenever he wanted, but can he wait for 10 hours?) He is very very cute. Pet Talkers will find him a home, I just know we will.
Yes, he is lost and I feel SO sorry for him:(

He's does really well with other dogs & he is housebroken. I really couldn't tell you how long he could hold it though. I do know he is used to being in a kennel (we have it here)
He would be a barker if he had a voice:p I don't know what happened, but it's like he's horse all the time so even when he tries to bark it sounds like he's been debarked (but hasn't).

I'm glad you asked these questions, I'll add them to my first post:)
Thanks you guys:)

01-07-2008, 08:43 PM
Oh Simba, your world has turned upside down and you don't understand WHY! I am so sorry for you sweet boy.

You could consider a pom rescue. They keep the dogs in foster homes and screen potential adoptive parents. At least he would be in a good place, and not at risk of being PTS like in a shelter.

01-07-2008, 10:30 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Mark's mom - that's always a tough move. she must miss him so much. We'll keep all paws crossed that a new home can be found.... maybe with some nice man, maybe even a "Phriend" of yours who lives with a couple dogs & may have a vacancy (& a soft-spot) for a lil' fluffy tailed senior guys...know anybody like that? ;)

01-07-2008, 10:38 PM
I am so sorry Mark and his Mother are going through this, and you too of course. That is so heartbreaking it would be great if it was a pettalker why could give Mark's mother some updates.

Cinder & Smoke
01-07-2008, 10:39 PM
maybe with some nice man,
maybe even a "Phriend" of yours who lives with a couple dogs & may have a vacancy
(& a soft-spot) for a lil' fluffy tailed senior guys ... know anybody like that? ;)

That "Phriend" is having a ruff tyme keeping himself outta the Olde Dawgs' Home - :(
not so sure we could handle another Olde Phart.

/s/ the Olde Dawg

01-07-2008, 10:41 PM
Awww but she's just a wee one and won't eat much :D

01-07-2008, 11:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Mark's mom - that's always a tough move. she must miss him so much. We'll keep all paws crossed that a new home can be found.... maybe with some nice man, maybe even a "Phriend" of yours who lives with a couple dogs & may have a vacancy (& a soft-spot) for a lil' fluffy tailed senior guys...know anybody like that? ;)
great minds think alike Pat - I thought the same thing!!!

Anna I've asked a coworker who recently lost her dog - I'm not sure she is ready to open her heart to another one yet or one that is older But I'll be sure to show her the pics -

01-08-2008, 05:46 AM
Anna he is just precious. What a sad situation for him and for Mark's mom. I know she must be heartbroken. I do believe that you have come to the best place to find a home for the little guy. No one loves and treats pets better than Pet Talkers. I would love to scoop him right up but I don't think Ripley would like having to share a lap. :p I hope you will be able to find a wonderful home for him where he can live happily ever after. I will keep watching this thread for some good news. :)

01-08-2008, 05:49 AM
Thanks guys. If we can't find someone we know to take him I'll look into pom rescue.
I keep hoping Mark's step dad will take him (long story:rolleyes: ) because Simba loves that old man. I'd be really happy if Bon could just get along with mim:o
Yeah Pam, neither would my boy!

Pawsitive Thinking
01-08-2008, 05:50 AM
Oh that is so sad for everyone concerned. I hope a PTer gives him a home so you know he will be in good hands

01-08-2008, 10:12 AM
Aw he's really cute Anna! I hope you'll be able to find a good home for him. :)

01-08-2008, 11:19 AM
If only I lived closer..... you know I would take him in a heartbeat....

I know the dealings of an older dog and tend to avoid them (too sad too soon) but this guy is just irresistible.... and older dogs deserve second chances too

Iīm sure youīll find him a loving home soon..... best of luck!!

and hoping Markīs mom is ok and does better.....((hugs))

01-08-2008, 09:05 PM
I contacted a couple of rescue sites I found on the web and neither of them do rescue any more. The one lady said she'd give another friend of hers my number, but I never heard anything.

Mark's step dad kept saying he was going to take him, but we never heard for sure. So tonight I told Mark to get on the phone and tell him this dog NEEDS him! Don't know for sure why, but this dog loves that man.

I guess he's getting some kind of assistance and they need his records to make sure he's up to date on shots so he said he "should" be able to pick him up at the end of the week. Of course I'm not holding my breath but I really hope it works out like that.

Simba has been a dream even though he's had to spend most of his time in Bon's kennel this evening (it's been raining all night). He's such a great dog. Mark's sisters are crazy when they didn't think he'd be good :rolleyes:
Mark said it was because I take such good care of him:)
He was feeling pretty good this evening, so good he went and got himself a toy! So of course I had to take some pictures of him.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/P1080892.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/P1080896.jpg

Simba has a lot of tartar build up so guess what he got for breakfast today? A chicken leg! Yep, the dog they claim can only eat soft food went to town on a chicken leg...lol! Mark seems to think it already has made a difference in his breath.

Keep your fingers crossed that he gets to go home to his dad (if your wondering, it's a long story about Mark's step dad :rolleyes: )

Cinder & Smoke
01-08-2008, 09:21 PM
Mark's step dad kept saying he was going to take him, but we never heard for sure...

... he said he "should" be able to pick him up at the end of the week.
Of course I'm not holding my breath but I really hope it works out like that.

Keep your fingers crossed that he gets to go home to his dad -
(if your wondering, it's a long story about Mark's step dad :rolleyes: )

Is Step Dad really "OK" with adopting Simba?
It's great that: "Don't know for sure why, but this dog loves that man."
But that Love needs to flow in both directions.
Will Step Dad really open his heart to Simba?

Sure hope this works out that Simba can stay in the Family.

/s/ Phred

01-08-2008, 10:08 PM
I'm really sorry to hear about Marks Mom going to the nursing home, and having to leave her little dog. Tell him I know just how he feels. We just recently put my mother in the nursing home, and I have took her little Chihuahua, Little Bit into my home.

I just don't know why Marks other siblings could not take Simba. There has to be some of the other family more able to than you.

I wish Simba gets a good home. He looks so sweet. Maybe Marks stepdad will take Simba. I will be praying for Simba.


01-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Saying prayers for Simba.

Ginger's Mom
01-09-2008, 05:52 AM
I am still totally in love with this little guy (have thought of very little else since seeing this thread) and am sure he will find a good home. My fingers are crossed that he can go home with his "Dad", but after staying with Auntie Anna, he may not want to. ;) Please keep us updated.

01-09-2008, 06:15 AM
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers for both Simba and Mark's mom.
I haven't said much about his mom because I don't agree with the way things have been handled. But she was transferred to the home yesterday. She has the latter stages of Alzheimer's and it's so sad. She does look for Simba sometimes so I know she still remembers him.
Do they let dogs in to visit at nursing homes? Today is her birthday, that would be a nice gift for her.

tray, not everyone is a dog lover like we are;) They thought if he was taken to the pound he would be adopted right out:eek: I hate to say it, but they aren't very smart:p Our shelters are high kill.

And Phred, yes the love flows both ways or he wouldn't pay the extra $300 to have him. Luther (Mark's step dad) isn't my favorite guy but he does care for Simba.
After the way things have worked out lately I just don't trust anyone to do what they say so please keep saying prayers that he goes home with him this weekend as promised.

I hate to keep going on, and you don't have to read any more but I can't help but say what a good boy Simba is. Still no messes in the house or Bon's kennel. And he finally felt comfortable enough to get in my lap this moring and let me cuddle with him. He seems to adjust very well. He even goes right into the kennel himself, I just point...and he goes right in!
If we didn't have Bon, he'd be staying right here with us!

OK, I'm done now...lol.

01-09-2008, 06:19 AM
Is Step Dad really "OK" with adopting Simba?
It's great that: "Don't know for sure why, but this dog loves that man."
But that Love needs to flow in both directions.
Will Step Dad really open his heart to Simba?

Sure hope this works out that Simba can stay in the Family.

/s/ Phred

Phred sort of said what I was thinking. If this little guy loves his "dad" I hope it works out, but I worry that the love seems sort of one-sided. Maybe in time this little dog will fill the void from his wife's absence. My own brother bought his little Westie basically for my SIL. She passed away in 2005 from cancer and my brother now rattles around in an empty five bedroom house and that little Westie has become everything to him. She is his constant companion and they are quite a pair. :) Oh I hope this story has a happy ending. Simba is just too cute for words. :)

01-09-2008, 06:28 AM
Anna, Alzheimer's is what Mama went in the Nursing home for. She got to where she forgot to feed Little Bit, and she could not get herself out of bed. So I know how you and your family feels. Alzheimer's is such a terrible disease. Mama doesn't even mention Little Bit anymore.

I'll keep praying that Simba gets to stay in the family, Anna. Poor baby deserves it.


Cinder & Smoke
01-09-2008, 06:35 AM
Do they let dogs in to visit at nursing homes?
Today is her birthday, that would be a nice gift for her.

Many Homes *DO* allow "Pets" to visit ... a phone call to the Administrator would be advised.

My Mom's Retirement Village / Apartment Complex strictly forbid any pets from even "visiting" -
but the attached Health Center / Nursing Home welcomed ALL well-behaved Pets and
encouraged visiting pets to "make rounds" and visit as many residents' rooms as possible.
Cinder & Smokey always had a ball visiting Mom on Sundays; and were "requested" in other
rooms as soon as they were spotted.

SOME Homes insist that visiting pets be "Certified Therapy Dogs" -
ask Amy - Cincy, Sadie, & Spot are all Certified and do frequent nursing home visits. Simba could be schooled and pass his Certification if the Home requires it.

A Simba visit to Mom would be a nice Birthday gift - good luck pulling it off!

01-09-2008, 07:39 AM
What a tough situation! Lots of thoughts and prayers for eveyone concerned.

Simba is such a cutie!!! If I knew better what our situation was with Cincy's health, I'd be working on Ralph for a birthday present!!

If you need any help with the nursing home as far as letting dogs visit, let me know, but I would just call and explain the situation to them. Most are very willing to allow well behaved dogs to visit

01-09-2008, 08:51 AM
I thought I'd share a video of the little guy playing...he's such a DOLL!!!
He was even playing the whole time I was uploading this video:D
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/th_Simbaplay.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v43/anna66/?action=view&current=Simbaplay.flv)

Pawsitive Thinking
01-09-2008, 08:55 AM
Awww he is adorable......

Can I ask what the issue with Bon is?

01-09-2008, 09:14 AM
Can I ask what the issue with Bon is?
Bon is a very insecure boy and over compensates by acting tough. I wouldn't trust him. All it would take would be one bite (I know this first hand;)) and Simba would be seriously hurt or even worse.
I've seen "that look" in Bon's eyes a couple times so I won't even try.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-09-2008, 09:15 AM
Bon is a very insecure boy and over compensates by acting tough. I wouldn't trust him. All it would take would be one bite (I know this first hand;)) and Simba would be seriously hurt or even worse.
I've seen "that look" in Bon's eyes a couple times so I won't even try.

All becomes clear now - good luck in finding the little fella a place to stay. Has your leg healed completely now?

01-09-2008, 10:06 AM
I'm still working on my coworker but even showed her this thread but she hasn't talked to her husband yet. But when I showed her the thread she was really trying to ignore me. ;) I am just not sure they are ready to open their hearts yet.
But my fingers are crossed he will go with Mark's Stepdad.

finn's mom
01-09-2008, 10:21 AM
Oh, he's wonderful. I hope you can find his forever home soon. I hope he's also able to visit Mark's mom at the home for her birthday.

01-09-2008, 10:59 AM
Oh Anna the video was so cute and hysterical at the same time. My Ripley plays exactly the same way. They would be great pals except when it was lap time and Ripley would *crowd him out.* I was laughing and laughing at Roxey. Not ever having had a husky, I always find the howling that Roxey does to be so funny. (Remember your video with the cell phone ringing? I loved that! :D ) Bella came over just now to see what the howling was all about. :p Fingers and toes are crossed for little Simba that he and his dad will wind up together. He sure is a cutie pie. :)

01-09-2008, 11:02 AM
Hm... wonder if my parents would kill me if I came home with Simba2? :p

He is just too cute and looks like a little spunky dude for is age. He reminds me of a mini Huney!

Hugs to BonBon, I know it must be hard to have the tiny man in your home. Still thinking of Mark and his mom, here's to hoping everything settles down soon.

01-12-2008, 08:29 AM
Any news on sweet little Simba?

Willie :)

01-15-2008, 07:57 AM
Sorry I haven't update, I've just been very under the weather but I'm better now.

We did take Simba to the nursing home, they didn't have a problem with it at all.
His mom was glad to see him as was one of the other ladies there. She just petted and petted him. I'm glad we brought him and made them smile:)

Sunday is was decided that Simba would not be going with Mark's step-dad. He didn't really want him (too much of a hassle for him) so I decided we would keep him. Good thing Mark didn't care about that decision, as I didn't even ask him :o

As of Saturday morning Bon and Simba have been spending time together. So far no problems between them. Simba has growled at Bon for getting in "his space" a few times but that's about it.
He's only about the size of Bon's head. I need to get a picture of Bon laying down and him standing beside him!

I do have a few pictures of him and Bon together, none of them very good but I'll work on it;)
I wish this picture would have turned out better.
Bon peed then kicked...dirt hit Simba right in the face!

And here's a couple of pictures of him making himself at home:)

01-15-2008, 08:10 AM
so I decided we would keep him.

Oh YIPPEE!! Simba, you have found yourself a wonderful home, and a PT home. Celebrations, and barkaritas all around!!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
01-15-2008, 08:13 AM
Fantastic news!!! He looks so happy and I am sure Bon will be a good big brother (eventually)

01-15-2008, 08:17 AM
YAY! I won't lie, I kinda saw this comming.hehe He looks a lot like my Beanie. You gotta watch out for those poms. They'll start calling the shots before too long.

Congrats Simba on the new home! You've got a good one!

4 Dog Mother
01-15-2008, 08:21 AM
Wow, others may have seen it coming, but I didn't. But I am glad that you have decided to keep Simba. Maybe you can take him on regular visits to Mark's mom now. Since he and Bon seem to be getting along, everything should work out. Just watch those feeding times!

Cinder & Smoke
01-15-2008, 08:29 AM
Sunday is was decided that Simba would not be going with Mark's step-dad.

... so I decided we would keep him.
Good thing Mark didn't care about that decision, as I didn't even ask him :o

Sure took you guys a long time to realize the obvious! :p
Welcome HOME, Simba!

Simba has growled at Bon for getting in "his space" a few times but that's about it.

Now, about that *Grrrrin* at BIG Brudder --- NOT such a good idea! :eek:
Mr. Bon has a LOT more seniority than you do - and HIS Space covers a lot more
ground than Your Space does! Pick a chair and a blanket as "yours" -
and tread lightly everywhere else!


01-15-2008, 08:34 AM
Have to say I'm surprised, too! Simba got the BEST home he possibly could! ;) He is definitely a cutie, and I'll bet Mark's mom is thrilled with your decision. :) Got any pictures of him with Huney? They must look incredibly cute together!

01-15-2008, 08:48 AM
Yep Phred, Simba has been "told" in no terms is he not allowed to act like that. Bon's not allowed and neither is he. Bon is a little timid with him if you can believe that.

Oh and Diana, I have a STRICT routine on feeding! I don't want any more accidents ;)

Pat, no pictures of him with Huney although she does try to play with him a bit at times:) I'll try though!

It's not exactly what we wanted, but you all know how that is!

01-15-2008, 08:54 AM
Yeah!! I'm glad Simba is staying with you, becuase if it didn't work out with Mark's step dad (and I honestly didn't have a very good feeling about it), I was thinking I was going to have to come get him!

I'm sure he and Bon will adjust just fine. It looksl ike they have come a long way already!!

01-15-2008, 09:32 AM
I didn't really see it coming either! :)
I'm so happy for you!
It might not be a bad idea to contact Nancy to ask her to tell Bon what's going on????

01-15-2008, 11:09 AM
Lucky Simba!!....

too bad his "daddy" didnīt wanted him.... but it turned out for the best, he got a great furever loving home....

YAY!!! and the best part??...... we get to see more of him!!! :D

sooo cute with Bon.... canīt wait to see Huney and her mini she.....LOl

01-15-2008, 11:29 AM
Wow, others may have seen it coming, but I didn't. But I am glad that you have decided to keep Simba. Maybe you can take him on regular visits to Mark's mom now. Since he and Bon seem to be getting along, everything should work out. Just watch those feeding times!

Me too....what Diana said! I didn't see it coming either but think it is the best possible outcome for the little guy. It also will give Mark's mom a chance to see him now and then. I am smiling that Simba tried to *tell* Bon a thing or two. :rolleyes: Around here when Harlee visits (who outweighs Ripley by about 80 lbs.) if she gets near me and Ripley is on my lap he will flash her a toothy smile and she backs up! :D Little dogs amazingly have no fear. I often tell Ripley he really needs to look in the mirror more often. I hope alll will be peaceful in your home. Bless you for taking him in. Freedom, I'd love a barkerita in honor of the occasion! What are they made of? :p :p :D

01-15-2008, 12:25 PM
Woohoo! Now you have a Simba, too. Now my Simba isn't the only Simba on PT! :D I'm so glad you're keeping him. I think he's in the best place possible for him.

Can't wait to meet the little fella tomorrow. He is too cute!

01-15-2008, 04:41 PM
Welcome Simba! You found yourself a very good home. :)

01-15-2008, 05:45 PM
I knew there was no other home but yours, Anna. I am so glad Simba now has a home with you.

Willie :)

01-15-2008, 11:32 PM
That is fantastic Anna - I am so happy he is staying with you.

For some reason I cannot get the pics, so could you email them to me? I have tried here (at work) and at home, and the pics never download for some reason.
(if not too much trouble ... :-)

Welcome home Simba. :D

01-16-2008, 01:09 AM
Looking forward to seeing you and my new fur-nephew tomorrow!

01-16-2008, 04:12 AM
Congratulations on keeping Simba!!!! Sometimes what is meant to be is a little hard to see when you are worried about everything else. Bon and him will deal with each other you will see, it might take a little time but Bon will realize he is not loved any less and his security will improve.
Very sorry to hear about Mark's mom, my prayers go out to all of you.

Anita Cholaine
01-16-2008, 06:28 AM
I'm so happy for you and Simba! I don't think there's any better place for him that your house :D

The little guy is just too darn cute. I can't wait to see more of him!

01-16-2008, 06:31 AM
Well, this makes two heart warming stories today I have had to make my day joyful. Anna, I started on reading the account on the first page and fell in love with Simba. Unfortunately two dogs even exceed my limit so I knew I couldn't take him, but that didn't stop me from wanting him something fierce. I immediately skipped to page 4 of this thread because I couldn't bear the suspense of what was going to happen to this dear little boy. WHAT A SURPRISE and it couldn't have been a better outcome. I have a feeling that as much as you love and adore all your doggers, this one is going to worm his way into your heart in a way you won't imagine.

I hope Mark's sisters will understand what a significant act you and Mark have undertaken. I can't think of a more generous kindness that could be done for his mother in the situation that exists. I hope they will help you support Simba financially. It is the least that they can do. If you need anyone to write them a pointed letter, let me know. :p

01-16-2008, 07:17 AM
Although I posted that we weren't giving Simba up to Mark's step-dad, we really weren't serious about keeping him with us. We wanted to find him a good home. So I have to take a moment and thank one special person (you know who you are;)) for taking a very serious interest in giving Simba a home.

We have now realized that he is meant to stay here with us.

It's unreal how Bon has welcomed him into the family. He isn't any more jealous of him than he is of the girls. He doesn't have a problem with Simba sleeping in the chair with me all the time or even sharing the big bed.

Mark and I discussed it in length last night and I told him about me having a "little talk" with Bon this past Saturday. I know it may sound silly to some of you, but I think Bon knew what the little guy was going through and accepted him into our family.

I guess I just wanted get that off my chest, thanks for listening:)

On that note, I tried to get some pictures of them all together so you could see how they all look together. Needless to say they aren't great, but they are cute!

Michelle, I sent some pictures to your gmail account:)

Rachel, his sisters are shall we say "on my list" and I don't want a thing from them! After all, they would have just taken him to the pound :rolleyes:

01-16-2008, 07:32 AM
Oh Anna the pictures are great! He looks like he could pass for Huney's little baby boy! :p Good boy, Bon! We know you and Simba will do just fine. Boy this thread just keeps getting better. :)

01-16-2008, 07:40 AM
Pam beat me to it by minutes but I too wanted to say that Simba looks like a smaller version of Huney. That lovely color is one I can't get enough of. Kudos to Bon for understanding that this home can handle another guy.

In that first picture, Simba has the same picture taking stance as the others. To me that indicates he's making every effort to fit right in.

Ginger's Mom
01-16-2008, 07:50 AM
Congratulations, Simba, on worming your little way into a great new home. It sounds like you knew just how to behave to let Bon know that you were not taking over his spot as mandog of the house. ;) I have to agree with Pam and Rachel that you look like a mini-Huney, I think that is what won so many people over upon seeing you. Many hugs to you, little man. Now tell new Mom to keep that camera going she has four pups to share now. :D

4 Dog Mother
01-16-2008, 08:25 AM
Anna, it is so good to know that Bon is welcoming Simba into the family. Simba does look like he has belonged all the time so I hope things continue to go well. When we "fostered" Pippi, I was sure she and Dazzi wouldn't get along because of them both being female and both being bossy. But while they have their moments of differences, they are really best friends. You just never know how dogs will react to other dogs.

01-16-2008, 08:32 AM
I am so happy for Simba!!!

01-16-2008, 08:44 AM
Congrats to Simba!

01-16-2008, 10:03 AM
Wow what a cutie! Congrats to Simba AND to you, Anna and Mark. Simba's just darling. He sure did land himself in a great home, lucky little pupper!

01-17-2008, 12:01 AM
I have to say, after meeting Simba today, he is the cutest little thing.

It really is unreal how well the 4 dogs haven gotten along. Who would have thought big ole Bon would have accepted him? He is such a sweetheart.

Really - everything good Anna has said about Simba is soooo true. He's the sweetest little dog and a perfect little lap warmer. ;)

01-17-2008, 06:54 AM
Oh Anna.............I think it is time for a *siggie update* don't you? :p :p :cool: :cool:

01-17-2008, 07:02 AM
You know your right Pam!
And it's really official he's home...he got a new collar and leash yesterday.
Now he needs a spa day, vet day, license and tag! Whew...the cost of a new dog :p ;)

Do you think Kay really liked Simba? I think he loved her!
He slept in her lap all night:)

Sorry Kay but I love that pic...it's so sweet!

01-17-2008, 07:50 AM
Aw I'm glad your keeping him.
In the pictures it looks like Huney and mini Huney.

01-17-2008, 08:19 AM
aww Grats to you!!! and Kay has found a way to have a Puppy in her lap in almost all the pics I have seen of her Trip there! :-) Bring some of that Puppy love back with ya! lol :)

Man Simba Does look a LOT like Huney! Wow!

finn's mom
01-17-2008, 09:03 AM
That's so cool. Love the photos of him with his new family, and with Kay. He does look like he's been a part of the family all along, just no one knew it, yet. ;) Well, he probably did. :D

01-17-2008, 10:31 AM
Simba, couldn't have gotten a better home. I'm so happy for all of you. :D

01-17-2008, 12:09 PM
and Kay has found a way to have a Puppy in her lap in almost all the pics I have seen of her Trip there!

I'm really only here to visit with the dogs. ;) I can't help it... I just love these guys!

Simba really is just too sweet. He doesn't act his age at all and I really think he's a big dog trapped in a little dogs body. He holds his own. ;) Cutest Pom I've ever met!

He kept up with Bon and I while we were running yesterday. :D

01-17-2008, 06:39 PM
Anna and Mark..have I told you lately how much I love you?

Kay makes the Dog Whisperer look like a fraud! She has the magic touch!

01-17-2008, 08:24 PM
Woohoo! Now you have a Simba, too. Now my Simba isn't the only Simba on PT! :D I'm so glad you're keeping him. I think he's in the best place possible for him.

Can't wait to meet the little fella tomorrow. He is too cute!
Uh oh, does this mean we have big dog Simba (Kfamr's Simba) and little dog Simba (anna66's Simba)? I love the picture of little dog Simba snuggled up with Kay. He's such a pretty color!

01-17-2008, 10:13 PM
Congratulations Anna! Simba is really, really cute! He does look like Huney's mini me. :D I wish I would have been able to meet him. I hope this means lots more pictures. ;)

01-31-2008, 07:28 PM
A little late in the game but heartfelt congrats! Simba is a little cutie. I thought at first from your sig that you had another Chow! :o :rolleyes: :D

I'm glad Bon has welcomed him and that you can take Simba to visit Mark's mom. The video with Roxy cracked me up. :D