View Full Version : Ajax Goes to Church

12-29-2007, 07:16 PM
well sort of. Today was an annual family reunnion on my husbands side. There are several a year. His family is huge. I swear he is related to half of the province. Anyway one of the members of the family is a Bishop and always hosts the function at the church. So of course Sheena can come and also Ajax was welcomed as a perfect training and socialization oportinity. When we got there it was an hour till the meal so I brought Ajax in to stretch his legs, it was an hour drive to get there, and to meet the first people there. Of course the tail of his was going a mile a minute and he was more then happy to greet everyone with a very happy smile. Some people confused him for Sheena at first quick glance but when they got closer they realized it was her pup. He wore his in training bandana which made everyone happy because they knew it ment they could pet him. Most of the time Sheena has her vest on so no one can pet her and they always respect that. Well some of the teens started a game of basket ball in the gym so I took him in there to watch. I had him in a sit stay next to me on the sidelines when one of the guys tossed the ball right at us, not seeing us there, it went straight for Ajax's head. His ears perked up but other then that he did not move. I hit the ball back to them when it got close enough and then rewarded him for not moving. Then I took him out to the Suburban to wait while we ate.

During the meal Sheena was with me and Ajax was in the Crate in the Suburban. He is good at home during meals but I do not think he is ready for such a huge distracting enviroment while a meal is going on. After the meal everyone moved to the gym for a family program of skits and so on. When this went on I switch Sheena and Ajax agian and worked on Ajax's heel work, ignoring distractions(lots of screaming kids of all ages running in every direction and coming out of no where), and doing all his basic stuff while walking around the halls of the church. We lapped the church at least a dozen times. The last several of it without me even having to hold the leash(it is a waist leash, so it is attached at my waist) so he stayed at my side and followed my turns and directions and everything even with distractions the last several passes. After that I took him to teh gym because the program ended. Kids and adults came over to pet Ajax and he wiggled with pleasure. I am very proud of him. All in all a very good day for him. I took him back out to the car and switched him out with Sheena for the rest of the afternoon.

People were very impressed with his behaviour. Yes he would break a sit after a few minutes or a stay after a few mintues or his attention would get distracted but I was always able to get it back. He has a lot of potential so far. Just wanted to share our day with you.

12-29-2007, 07:30 PM
Way to GO, Ajax!!! You are making your mom (dog AND hoomom) proud! And all of us on PT are sharing the adventures.

12-29-2007, 08:30 PM
Great job, Ajax! It sounds like there was a lot going on around you, and you handled it well. I know your Hu-Mom is trying to train your tail not to be so wiggly, but for now it makes me smile. Please ask her to give you and Sheena a pet for me when you are not wearing your working vests. Happy New Year, sweety!

12-30-2007, 07:12 AM
He is definitely taking after his momma isn't he?! What a good boy Ajax!
We're all proud of you:D

12-30-2007, 08:58 AM
Go Ajax! Keep up the good work!