View Full Version : Siamese Cats

08-06-2002, 11:21 AM
I've heard they're VERY intelligent! I think their colors are so beautiful too!!!
Sleek, and Slim.
Small and trim.
Beautiful colors right on him!

I want to know, what people think of siamese cats!

08-06-2002, 11:53 AM
My Butter is not a purebred Siamese, but we believe he has a lot of Siamese in him. And I love him dearly, although most people who have met him don't! :o He has a vicious tendency to bite and scratch, which in most cases is his form of playing. But my daughter and a few others think he is wonderful, and I do too!! :D

08-06-2002, 12:03 PM
{{Logan}} You're so cute and a GREAT mom, and that Butter is one handsome man, even if he is a bit of a touch-me-not kitty!;) He's got to keep that macho appearance! LOL I think he has quite a bit of flame-point in him! Last year when I attended a catshow up in Pleasanton, CA...there was a cat in the adoption area that looked just like him! Gorgeous flame-point siamese! I had to hold myself back from snatching him up. Amberlee said that I might just have to drive a van next time we go to a cat show, so I can adopt all the kitties and buy a bunch of items from the booths! LOL LOL LOL :D
I think siamese and oriental breeds of cat are very striking. I think my Marius has a bit of oriental shorthair in him with his high cheekbones, big pointy ears, slanted green eyes and triangular head. He's really resembles the white oriental shorthair. I could just have a whole housefull of these cats! LOL LOL Of course, hubby would have NOTHING to do with THAT idea! :rolleyes: LOL LOL

Miss Meow
08-06-2002, 06:30 PM
I was love/hate, but now I'm totally in lerrrrve!

My mum has two Siamese and they are cross-eyed, weird beasties with rather bizarre behaviours :) so I wasn't too keen on them.

Then Mini, our Siamese, came into our life by accident and needed a home due to his heart condition, so I weakened and said OK. We nearly lost him and it was then that I discovered how much I love these intelligent, yowling, domineering, playful, destructive kitties! I wouldn't trade him in for the world.

When I get home at night he's waiting on the stairs for me, he follows me around the house and then bolts upstairs to wait for me to change. He sits in the bathroom sink while I'm brushing my teeth and has a little chat with me in Siamese-speak. He sits on my ribs at bedtime just to make sure I know he's there and has his toys waiting on the bed for (far too early) morning play. He sits on the computer keyboard to play beeping sounds to me while I work and sometimes steps on the 'send' button so my friends can read my English/Siamese e-mails. The most engaging and infuriating of cat breeds rolled into one!

08-06-2002, 08:20 PM
but I don't have one.:( I love their blue eyes the best! Is it true they are born white and they don't get their points until they are older? Miss Meow do you know? Did you get your cats as kittens?

Wolflady, if Siamese do start out white maybe Marius is just a late bloomer with his points. Does he have blue eyes?

The Cat Factory
08-07-2002, 01:00 AM
I have a female Snowshoe Siamese, and I love her to pieces!

Miss Meow
08-07-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
but I don't have one.:( I love their blue eyes the best! Is it true they are born white and they don't get their points until they are older? Miss Meow do you know? Did you get your cats as kittens?

Wolflady, if Siamese do start out white maybe Marius is just a late bloomer with his points. Does he have blue eyes?

I'm not sure. I think the Siamese with the dark points are born fairly dark, and the colours deepen at several weeks of age. The light pointed colours, such as lilac, seem to be relatively pale at birth and also darken.

Check out these web sites. The first one has HEAPS of kitten photos!




08-07-2002, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Wolflady, if Siamese do start out white maybe Marius is just a late bloomer with his points. Does he have blue eyes? [/B]

It's true that a lot of kittens are born on the lighter side, more creamy, and the points darken as they get older. Marius is almost 6 years old and he has green eyes, which is typical for the white oriental shorthairs (they can have either blue or green eyes) which leads me to believe there is some sort of oriental ancestry in his lineage!! He's definitely a Heinz 57 mix of something...and something because because he is...how should I say...bodily mass incline?? LOL LOL :D :D In any case, they're all incredibly adorable!! :D

08-07-2002, 11:42 AM
Here's a pic of my Marius! This is oddly, one of his favorite places to sit:D

08-07-2002, 11:46 AM
I thought I would include some pics of purrley's gorgeous cats! She has siamese, and they're all so lovely!!:D

Here is a pic of her Braydee...who is a flame point.

08-07-2002, 11:47 AM
This is Frisco. Look at this face and that tail! Such a handsome fella!!!

08-07-2002, 11:47 AM
Here's one of Spencer and Frisco...what a gorgeous pair of cats!! They look like statues:D

08-07-2002, 12:50 PM
Miss Meow those websites are great and they did have kitten pictures that show them pale at up to one week then darker by 8 weeks. I think I like the sealpoints the best.
Wolflady thank you for more photos, I think Marius is handsome no matter what his mix!;)

08-09-2002, 09:01 AM
Oh! Thanks for the website...Um ok the siamese kittens have big ears! lol

08-09-2002, 10:31 AM
oh they are so beautiful. i want to get one. wolves are some of my favs too!


08-09-2002, 11:23 AM
Oh yes! I have one and love him/her!... I have TWO they mixed but Total Meezer! .... The Beans are just way too much fun!:D :D :D

08-11-2002, 10:31 AM
Hey! Vermont Cat Here is your answer I got it out of my cat fact book:

245. Siamese kittens are born with a white coat, which changes as they mature. The Siamese cats are known to be very vocal.

Well there is your answer :)

08-11-2002, 10:32 AM
Oh and that attachment is a Siamese cat graphic I made. I know it sort of looks like a dog. Oh well.

08-11-2002, 10:35 AM
All of the photos are so cute!

08-13-2002, 07:59 AM
Miss Meow and Wolflady already answered my questions, those Siamese websites that Miss Meow gave were very helpful too. I found another great website that someone had posted here earlier on pettalk, its www.siameserescue.org. You should check it out for more beautiful cats who need homes.:)

08-13-2002, 08:09 AM
Oh cool. . .Hey uh is the font on your usernames all like screwed up? Mine is to small and hard to read!:eek:

Miss Meow
08-14-2002, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Miss Meow and Wolflady already answered my questions, those Siamese websites that Miss Meow gave were very helpful too. I found another great website that someone had posted here earlier on pettalk, its www.siameserescue.org. You should check it out for more beautiful cats who need homes.:)

What a great web site, although it's heartbreaking to see yet more abused and unwanted cats.

08-19-2002, 01:09 PM
Wolflady - Thank you so much for posting the pictures of my sweetnesses (Spencer and Frisco). They are the light of my life.

08-20-2002, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by purrley
Wolflady - Thank you so much for posting the pictures of my sweetnesses (Spencer and Frisco). They are the light of my life.

No problem. I think all of your babies are absolutely gorgeous! Give them all some scritchies and lovins for me!;)


Sam's My Baby
08-26-2002, 12:27 PM
No, I do not have a siamese cat,(:( ) But they have always been my favorite breed and I would love to have one!:)

08-29-2002, 07:57 AM
I did manage to bring Tiger with me to this new home. She is a lynx-point Siamese, but does not have some of the more pure-breds' habits, such as incessant talking. But she still retains enough Siamese traits, along with her appearance, especially her large expressive blue eyes, to make her unmistakably a Siamese. I would not trade her for any other cat.


08-30-2002, 12:49 PM
I love them on Lady and the Tramp even though they are so mean on there. Many people think they are mean because of that cartoon, but they aren't. I have been around some very lovable ones.

09-06-2002, 02:02 AM
I prefer Siamese mixes. I love the siamese coloring, but the heads on purebreds kind of wierd me out. Maybe if I ever had a purebred I would feel differently. But I've had two siamese mixes and I really love them.

08-05-2003, 08:47 PM
the cat i had was Persian and half Siamese.

08-08-2003, 03:17 AM
She's half Meezer and half DSH.


08-08-2003, 02:21 PM
I have a Meezer mix named Maya Linn. I love her SOOOOOOOO much. She's a talker too. I wish I could adopt a Meezer at the Shelter named Diamond. She's an older chocolate pt who is so sweet. But I don't think it's fair to add another cat to my already large crew (8). Although I WAS going to take Carrier before the shelter killed her...

Hmmmmm, lemme thinkg about this.

08-08-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Is it true they are born white and they don't get their points until they are older?

It's true. If you look at Skylar right now (who may have some Siamese in him) you can see that he was pure white and now gets the cutest caramel or orange points:)

I would love to have a meezer. If you know an Abyssinian then I think a Siamese will be right for you. But I prefer the Siamese of the old type (now sometimes named Thai) with their round little heads. they are incredibly cute and I simply melt when I see babies:)

08-14-2003, 09:16 PM
Hee, hee Barbara, I asked that question a year ago when I was new to Pet Talk! I have learned so much here in a year!:)
If you look back in this thread Miss Meow posted some nice links with some photos.
I still love Meezers and I still want one though.;)

Miss Meow
08-14-2003, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Hee, hee Barbara, I asked that question a year ago when I was new to Pet Talk! I have learned so much here in a year!:)
If you look back in this thread Miss Meow posted some nice links with some photos.
I still love Meezers and I still want one though.;)

I was new too! And I loved Meezers so much that I got more :eek: :)

09-11-2003, 10:57 AM
I owned siamese cat, she was cool :) So cute and smart :) her name was Dasie :) she was litle bit dark siamese, not light color :)

09-13-2003, 03:59 PM
Miss Meow - in your signature - these are yours cats?

09-14-2003, 11:36 PM
I think that my Sky has some kind of Siamese in him. He was shaved when I adopted him because his fur was badly matted. Now it's growing in and it's getting much longer so he's a DLH. He has sky blue eyes and will do this cute little raspy meow and chirp too. Do you think he could have some Ragdoll or Himilayian in him? Here are some pics.


His paws also have long fur tufts growing out of them. They're about an inch long and this is even longer than my Maine Coon mix Storm's paws.

Sweetie's Mom
09-18-2003, 02:11 PM
One of my cats, Wooz, is part Siamese and he has all the Siamese traits. The wonderful almost human yowl, the playfulness, and the dominance factor. He is definitely the alpha cat in the house. The other 3 are females and I tell him he is the protector of the girls! He does a good job keeping them in line. At least he thinks so!

11-25-2003, 03:12 PM
Re: Siamese cats

I also have a Siamese and I had two others that died. Mine were a seal pt. and a blue pt. I notice some of you have children. I do too and they are excellent with kids and take mishandling without hurting them.

They are definately smarter than the average cat. I have had some cats that were dumb. I have had three other domestics. My past two domestics did not even let the kids come close to them. My domestic I have now lets them come close to her.

They are definately intelligent. My current Siamese meowed into my phone. And they also watch what you do and follow me and my husband around. My current Siamese also comes into the bathroom with me when I go in there. They are also good with visitors and learn fast. They also seem to understand English.

Better sign off,


Miss Meow
11-26-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by EssTer
Miss Meow - in your signature - these are yours cats?

I'm a bit late! But, yes, they are my cats :)

12-23-2003, 08:33 PM
I have been wondering and asking about this cat for a very long time, she had beautiful blue eyes. Her name was Pyewackett, she is gone now, but when I got her they told me she was Siamese, so what do you think? Do you think she had Siamese in her?

12-23-2003, 08:35 PM
And then there is this picture?

smokey the elder
12-24-2003, 07:52 AM
I don't know what kind of cat Pyewacket is but she's beautiful!

At my work we have an e-classified and sometimes cats are offered for adoption. Currently there is a 5 year old 16 lb (!) (7 kilo or so) male Meezer. If anyone is interested PM me. The family is in western CT.

12-26-2003, 08:33 AM
Mine is siamese-mix. He is the smartest cat. He can open cabinets and doors. He talks to me, follows me around the house, and is not scared of water. He will sit on the tub while I take a bath, he sticks his paw in the water and plays with the water. He wants to sit in the kitchen sink, if I am cooking, or otherwise in the kitchen. He will let you know when he is bored. http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/f3a17d3b/bc/Pets/__tn_/pillowthrone.jpg?phbuE7_AoSWftWPJ

01-02-2004, 12:54 AM
:) I am owned by three Siamese cats and they are just the best. They are active, amusing, talkative, loyal and most of all very loving cats, they all have very distinctive personalities. I would never be without one.

Byakko's Mom
01-06-2004, 05:37 PM
As a little girl I owned siamese and my Mom bred them 2x-I know-I would not.anyway I loved them and now I just got 2 cats into my family with the dogs and other furcreatures and we are integrating them slowly.We got them the week before christmas.They needed a new home.They were of all things allergic to their owner or something in her home.They were always scratching and the female was pulling out her hair and it was awful.I know their history as my mon was the owner but these babies were purchases with a spay neuter contract.They are brother and sister and are spayed and neutered now as they will be 1 on Jan.28,2004.My mom is not like I am with animals and she doesn't know I am keeping them.She thinks someone else has them but we had to get them for fear of what would happen.She loves them to the best of her ability but was unwilling to put any more money out.They did have skin scrapings and some testing and nothing was found but here they are having no problems.I will tell her we have them but it is a long story and I want them safe and happy and they will be here forever .They are Serengetti's which come from siamese and bengal or some exotic breed I would have to look it up again.The breeder has to send me their papers.They are suposed to be one of the new breeds.I dont really care I didn't plan on showing cats I planned on loving them and they are beautiful,cute,sweet,cuddley cats getting lots of love.We all love.My 2 younger, as in 13 and 20, both in Jan., kids picked one each.The kitties and the kids all have Jan.birthdays.I do hope they do well with the dogs.It is getting better but we are taking it slow.I don't want the cats to live upstairs and the dogs downstairs foreverAnyway I voted I wanted a siamese but loved them but I really sort of have a siamese,kind of.
sorry so long I got carried away about my nnew babies,i just love them so much and they are so much fun.

01-27-2004, 07:41 AM
My Ming is a mixed breed Sealpoint Siamese. She is the cutest cat (okay, I'm biased). She's about 8 1/2 months old. Being mixed she has the rounder face, which I prefer (and since she eats alot, a rounder body). I noticed someone else said something about their cat liking water. Is that a common trait for Siamese. Ming loves the water. At the lake, she will walk down the jetski ramp until all 4 paws are in the water and drink forever. We've had her out on our boat. Unfortunately, the first time she got too close to the edge and fell in. Now we know she can "cat"paddle.;) Thought that would teach her not to get too close, but by afternoon she was right at the edge again.

I've read they are very vocal and she is no exception to the rule. She is also very aggressive. Is this common, too. She decided right away that she was going to be the A cat in our house. She plays hard with our oldest cat, who is going on 17. Thought at first she was hastening Tammy's death, but it has seemed to keep her more active.

01-27-2004, 01:36 PM
Someone was asking whether their colors change as they grow. Here is a pic of Ming when she was about 8 weeks old. The next post will be a pic of her & Tammy about 2 months ago.

01-27-2004, 01:37 PM
Here's the pic from 2 months ago.

02-24-2004, 11:58 AM
I have 5 Siamese , and a Balinese , and An Oriental Shorthair , most of whom are in my Signature! Siamese are wonderful Companions , and Beloved Friends!

02-24-2004, 05:25 PM
New i dont really know what to do:( :confused: :eek:

03-09-2004, 03:52 PM
Here's an updated pic of my Ming. She's rapidly approaching her first birthday in May. Switched her over to adult food because she is 9 lbs. and not a very long cat.

03-11-2004, 12:59 PM
I presently have four of them and three others have spent their long lives with me in the past. Invariably, Siamese are quirky, full of beans, and absolutely adorable. I am their slave!

03-11-2004, 01:17 PM
Kittykay, I have always admired your Siamese cats in you signature photo.:)
Do you have any other photos of them to post?
If not could you tell us more about them, like how old they are and are they all Sealpoints and are they all related or not?
You really should post more in Cat General and get to know Miss Meow's four Siamese cats and other Siamese owners too.
Siamese are such beautiful cats!:)

03-11-2004, 03:19 PM
Dear Vermontcat: Thanks for your email! My babes are all Siamese crosses (we think), and are seal points. They're all from different rescue situations--Archie from Hennepin County Humane Society, Bill an ex-feral from Purrs & Paws, Dinah from Last Hope, and Mau came in as a foster from a home where he was having difficulties with the children. Had to take him--he was threatened with being dropped off at the Humane Society where, as an eight-year-old, 17-pound Meezer guy, I don't know whether he would have been adopted soon or at all. He has turned out to be my own particular boy and either has to be on me or at least have a PAW on me at all times. His natural human imprintedness was never appreciated the first eight years of his life and he's busy now soaking up love and attention for all he's worth. We're working on his hand-head shyness--we figure he was slapped in the face regularly in his prior situation. He has had difficulties with our other three, which is why he's pictured separately. Archie, Bill and Dinah bonded instantly (yes, truly, and I could hardly believe it!) and sleep, eat and play together all day and night. I love them all equally, but Mau is a special case--I'm cuckoo about him! According to my husband, we were fully catted up with three, and I had to talk fast to get Mau in even as a foster. Now he's ours forever.

By the way, your signature peeking cat is Pretty Darn Clever! Pictures--I got a millyun of em! I'll post some one of these days. Kay

03-17-2004, 01:11 PM
Thanks for answering my questions Kittykay.
I meant to reply to this sooner, sorry it took me so long.
I look forward to seeing some photos of your cats in the future.:)