View Full Version : Annie....... :(

07-21-2007, 10:31 PM
So my Mom's cousin is adopting Annie. I know they love her, and that I should be happy she has a home, but I'm not.

She really feels like MY dog. There's just something special about her. She's one of "us" now. Even MICKEY accepts her, and he's never accepted a foster before. It feels so so so so wrong to be adopting her out.

She feels like my heart dog.

Whenever Annie goes outside, she'll have to be on a leash, because she's a bolter. That breaks my heart, as she loves to run free and deserves to be able to. The only reason I trust her offleash here is that she follows the M&M's around like a hawk after a mouse.

I sincerely believe the only reason she has made as much progress as she has (she was very very terified when she arrived, and wouldn't eat or drink) is because of Mickey and Molly. She needs another dog for canine companionship, for confidence. Instead, she'll be going to a home with 2 cats.

The husband of the family told me once that he does not believe dogs are family members. He thinks of dogs as dogs. Everyone tells me that they think it's because he's AFRAID of them, but I just can't process nor believe that.

My heart is breaking.... I'm actually praying this adoption does not work out, but I know they won't give her back. I prayed to God, anyone who would listen......
The cheque has been handed over. I was going to adopt her, but Mom said she'd kick me out... and I'm not ready to leave the nest.

I feel selfish, but I really don't think I'm cut out for this fostering thing anymore. It hurts too much.. especially now, that my little lucky Annie is going to be leaving. And I won't even be here to say goodbye.

Sorry for ranting, I know this was long.... no need to even reply. I just had to get this out. My family really doesn't understand.

This is so wrong. :(


Anyway, back to babysitting.

Toby's my baby
07-21-2007, 10:54 PM
I'm so very very sorry!! I have no idea what you are going through, nor do I want to know. It must be heartbreaking to have to give her up. I wish your mom would let you adopt her. . :( I hope her new family will love her and care for her as much as you have. {{HUGS}}

07-22-2007, 01:09 AM
I am so sorry, Jess. :(

I don't have any advice, but I really wish your mom would let you keep her. Does she know exactly how you feel about Annie? I am very sorry.

07-22-2007, 10:10 AM
I'm sorry you have to give Annie up. :( Will you be able to see her once in a while? Maybe once she settles in at her new home she will have a happy life. Not the same life she would have had with you ,but happy. :)

07-22-2007, 10:41 AM
I just wanted to say I feel for you, the pain in your heart is very evident in your words.