View Full Version : Bon gets read by Nancy (Update #25)

07-09-2007, 08:45 AM
I'm sure most of you here know who Nancy is, well I had a reading done with her yesterday.

I had emailed her about Bon. Here's my email if you care to read it...
Hi Nancy,
My name is Anna. I was referred to you by Staci M. She tells me that you are very busy at the moment so I understand it will be a while before you can get back to me.
I don't really know what and all you need, Staci says a picture and any questions I have. I'm not sure what kind of pictures you need so I'll send a few.
I guess my main question is why is Bon afraid of everything? It's been this way since he was a puppy. He's afraid to be outside, he mostly stays in the house. He's afraid if the neighbor is outside (and he's even met the neighbor and didn't seem to care about him one way or the other-the neighbor is even afraid of Bon), he's afraid to get out of the van. It seems like everything scares him. He's very insecure and I'm not sure why. I tried to make sure he was socialized, took him to school and everything, he was even afraid there. We quit going because he'd start to go after some of the dogs. We used to go to the dog park but the same thing happened there that happened at school.

What's prompted me to contact you was the recent incident. He bit me, bit me hard-I've been out of work for almost 2 weeks now.
He didn't attack me, I was feeding the dogs. He had his and I was handing the food to my other dog (Huney) and he came up and tried to take it away from her. It's really fuzzy, all I really remember was that I thought he was going to kill her and I had to get him off so I grabbed his collar. He bit me, just once but of course with a mouth as big as his that's all it takes. When I finally got them apart I took him out to the kennel and brought Huney in the house. When my husband came home to take me to the ER the two dogs got along just fine. They've always been best friends so I really don't understand what happened.
If you can help me with my big baby boy I'd be eternally grateful. He is precious and I do love him very much. I just want him to be happy.
Thank you

Well on the 6th I got this message back from her...
hi anna,
you were not next in line but when i was going through my list of readings, your dog just popped out and seemed to be the most urgent so i am going to start on him. i just tried to give you a call. can you please send me a picture of the other dog huney, i do not think she has anything to do with anything but i just want to rule that out. my number is 248-661-5597. you can call me tonight up until 10. i am in michigan. i have not really started him but he is so sad that i thought we should just start the reading.
So any way she called yesterday and we talked for almost an hour, or should I say she talked. I really didn't have to tell her anything at all, she already knew it all.
Here's what she had to say....
state of turmoil-frenzy
lots of anxiety, worry, fear, stress
like 2 different animals
sensitive-emotional-feelings hurt-extremely upset-not confident
worries-feels at fault for many things-wrong-extremely upset
feels he always does wrong things
feels he doesn't live up to expectations-feels down
lots of anxiety & stress
scared & traumatized-not by anything that's happened, just feels this way
going through a bad faze
less confident than before
house is safe & happy-safe haven
not a mean bone in his body-not aggressive-very nice dog
not aggressive-can't fill up his body-little dog in big body
could fear bite
panic attacks-doesn't see or hear anything when like that
feels I'm not 100% comfortable with him-95% but not 100%-needs 100%
5% distrust feels like I hate him
I'm faking some-knows I love him but not unconditional love now
needs to feel safe w/me-that's why he needs to be with me ALL the time
needs to be fully accepted by us

Then all of a sudden she says wait...there's another dog...a "rottweiler"... he's taking up the whole page (guess all she could see at that moment was him)
OMG! Gave me chills all over. Thought rottweiler was still alive, his presence is so strong. He's here for Bon. That's why he feels so safe in the house.

She even told me some about him (Angus)...
One of a kind
not a lot of animals like him, will never find another like him
would risk his life to save someone
shows emotions
very maternal-thought he was a female
giving-nurturing-loving-kind-good energy
strong attachment to this family still

Wow, wow and just wow

Then she goes on to say how Bon feels about Mark...
skittish around him
Mark's not patient-not mistreating, just yells because he's frustrated with him
doesn't understand him
just can't brush it off and "get over it"
black mask dog and Mark stand together, they both feel the same way. Mark thinks black mask dog is better

Huney, Bon and I stand together

Likes Huney-good energy-makes him feel better about himself-no issues (that's good to hear!)-best friends
Only 2 safe zones right now...Huney and Home

She says we should never make him do what he's scared of, it could become a dangerous situation. She doesn't think meds really work because she's done readings on dogs taking meds and say they feel like their downing, which only makes them feel worse.
She did give me the name of a place (Green Hope Farm) that has all natural stuff that may be able to help him.

In all honesty there's not much we can do to help him besides making him feel 100% comfortable with us. She feels it's a chemical imbalance that he's always had.
Try to take him to quiet places around only a few people. Never take to a dog park or any place that is loud. It would only scare him and make him worse. If I can't or don't want to do this she said she would just keep him secluded at the house because he could do some damage if he went into another episode like he did when he bit me.

My poor boy:( I feel so guilty, but hopefully now we understand and will be able to make him feel more relaxed...at least around us.
She told me to take a couple days and think of any other questions I had and email her back.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-09-2007, 09:03 AM
Wow! she got all that from a picture??? She's amazing!

You now don't have to worry that Bon might be a bit of an old meanie and can love him unconditionally again.

Ginger's Mom
07-09-2007, 09:15 AM
Aw, he is just a sensitive boy. It is nice to know what you are dealing with now, and how to handle it. I was actually quite pleased to see that he felt comfortable about Angus, and didn't see him as the dog that he wasn't living up to, but rather as a comforting presence. Alright I must admit that I did chuckle just a little (not that any of this is funny), but is Roxey the "black mask dog?" And does she really not like him? I am pleased to know that my pretty little Huney girl has made him feel welcome.

07-09-2007, 11:16 AM
Thanks for pointing me towards this. Poor Bon. I can't imagine always being scared. At least you now know how to help him. And that gave me goosebumps to hear that Angus is still there helping. What a good boy.


Cinder & Smoke
07-09-2007, 11:29 AM
feels he always does wrong things

Then she goes on to say how Bon feels about Mark...
skittish around him
black mask dog and Mark stand together, they both feel the same way. Mark thinks black mask dog is better

In all honesty there's not much we can do to help him
besides making him feel 100% comfortable with us.


Dunno ... I think she's being a bit harsh with Mark and Roxey. :(

Some of her points appear to be right-on - he may feel insecure, but you CAN work on that.

Ask her what BON would like you two to do,
and what changes he'd like to see made.
Maybe Bon could suggest some Family Activities that HE'd enjoy.

07-09-2007, 11:42 AM
poor Bon Bon!!
what an interesting reading and how amazing that Angus came thru!!
So does that mean that Angus is like Bon's guardian Angel?
Did she say what if anything Bon feels when people come over?
He doesn't act as tho it bothers him, he seems happy we were there.
give that blockhead a big hug from Aunt Staci!

07-09-2007, 11:44 AM

Dunno ... I think she's being a bit harsh with Mark and Roxey. :(

Some of her points appear to be right-on - he may feel insecure, but you CAN work on that.

Ask her what BON would like you two to do,
and what changes he'd like to see made.
Maybe Bon could suggest some Family Activities that HE'd enjoy.
it isn't HER being harsh - its
what Bon is relaying to her.
Anna kept mentioning on Saturday that Roxey is Mark's best girl. :)
interesting tho how he visualizes you standing with him and Huney and Mark standing with Roxey...

07-09-2007, 11:46 AM
Wow. Sure gave me goosebumps, especially the part where Angus came in.

07-09-2007, 11:51 AM
Nancy is an amazing person! When I read about a reading she's done, I've never heard of anyone not getting a full reading. (She's never just said I don't know...she always finds all answers)

I had goosebumps when she mentioned Angus... Oh Anna... that has to make you feel so happy to know that he's still there (why wouldn't he be ;) )
And to know that Bon loves Huney has to be Very comforting to you as well.

I agree with you Staci, it's not Nancy being harsh that's just the way Bon feels.

07-09-2007, 11:53 AM
Craftlady also knows about natural calming remedies. Would even Rescue Remedy be too strong for him?

I liked the idea of asking Nancy what Bon would like to do, suggestions on how to make things better.

07-09-2007, 11:54 AM
Anna that is amazing. I hope that this will shed some light on your situation. Poor boy. :(

07-09-2007, 12:04 PM
I'm still disappointed that Bon didn't let Nancy know that he likes it when Aunt Robin comes to visit ;) . Hmmm, and I wonder what he really thinks of Tori. Does he really like her and like to play with her?

Now you know how he is feeling and you can do small things to help make him feel more at ease. I think Bon is a wonderful boy and I love hanging out with him. He is so soft and I love to pet him and just lay on the floor with him. I don't know what it is but for some reason Bon brings me comfort. Maybe because I've known him since he was a puppy, maybe it's his size, I don't know all I know is that when I hang out with him and pet that silky coat it really comforts and relaxes me.

I found the whole thing fascinating and I'm eager to have her read my dogs.


07-09-2007, 12:19 PM
Very fascinating. It seems to me similar to an insecure person, and how they may view things in a more sensitive manner than others. A lot of how you describe Bon as being so jittery and skittish is how Tommy has always been too. However through the years and gently trying to put him in situations where he is enjoying himself, I think he has definitely improved. I also tried never to force anything. I've used his favorite toys to passively try to get him more comfortable around things and situations that made him more nervous, and it does seem to help distract him from his nervousness. I definitely think Bon could improve with time and patience, but I doubt he'll never be a bold and confident dog. Thanks so much for sharing this Anna. :)

07-09-2007, 12:34 PM
I'm still disappointed that Bon didn't let Nancy know that he likes it when Aunt Robin comes to visit ;) . {{{BIG HUGS TO MY SPECIAL BOY}}}
And Aunt Staci! ;)
I think this might be the push I need to get Kloe and Keegan read - altho a reading of Kloe scares me more than Keegan and Kylie - I think she'll call me everything but a white woman!

07-09-2007, 03:49 PM
Alright I must admit that I did chuckle just a little (not that any of this is funny), but is Roxey the "black mask dog?" And does she really not like him? I am pleased to know that my pretty little Huney girl has made him feel welcome.
Yep, it's Roxey. She didn't say that Roxey didn't like him but that she feels he just needs to "get over it!", Ya know like, he's a big boy he shouldn't be so scared of everything, big baby...stuff like that.
You'd never know the night I brought him home that Huney & him would be buds. She couldn't stand him! I'm just glad he has one true friend.

Mark KNEW she would have something like that to say about him. He knows he raises his voice to him quite often and blames him for stuff like slobbering all over (big one of the problems-he can't help it but it's so nasty) and is going to work on being more patient and understanding with him.

Craftlady also knows about natural calming remedies. Would even Rescue Remedy be too strong for him?

I liked the idea of asking Nancy what Bon would like to do, suggestions on how to make things better.
I've heard of Rescue Remedy but never knew what it was (still don't-will look up) so I'm not sure if it would be too strong or not.
I'll have to pm Craftlady-thanks.

I too like the idea of asking her what Bon would like to do.

Robin & Staci, I think I will ask her if he likes company...especially Aunt Robin & Aunt Staci;) And you know that Kylie loves you, even if she doesn't show it...lol!

Jess, she actually compared him to her son. She said he is the same way but he can tell her what's wrong, where on the other hand Bon can't. I HATE that he will never be that bold and confident dog.

It really floored me when she told me about Angus. She had him down to a T. It makes me feel very good that he is here for Bon, I just want him to be happy and if being here does that then I'm thrilled. I will be having her do a reading on Angus since she's picked up on him so much (without a picture I might add:))

I also had a couple more questions myself...

-How do I make him understand that I put him in his kennel to feed him for every ones safety, not because I don't trust him (I'm thinking this is why he feels I don't trust him completely)

-Does he feel better since we talked and know I'm not faking and love and trust him 100%

-Why does he insist on giving his paw when we consistently tell him no

If there is any other questions you all can think of please post them.

07-09-2007, 04:09 PM
Thanks for sharing Nancy's reading of Bon with us.:) I've had her do some general readings on all 6 of my cats and also on my RB Pepper. She's such an amazing woman and has really helped me to understand my cats a lot better.:) I hope that things improve with Bon and I'm glad to hear that Angus is still around and that he helps to comfort Bon.:)

07-09-2007, 05:34 PM
I am seriously stunned after reading that. I had read about Angus in past threads, and that is amazing to me how she knew about him. I can't believe it. :eek: I really hope this has helped you with Poor Bon. I hope this can help him feel more comfortable with his family.

07-09-2007, 06:31 PM
Amazing reading there. :) Anna, I could really relate when you said about
Bon, "I HATE that he will never be that bold and confident dog." I feel the
same way about Smokey. :( I hate it for Smokey's sake, but also because
it was what I was used to with Buddy. Having Nancy read Smokey did give
me a lot to think about & a way to remember the differences that can a
big part of who each animal is. (Know what I mean?)

07-09-2007, 06:54 PM
Interesting reading, Anna. Poor Bon, I felt so bad for him when she said he's a small dog in a big body. Just his size alone makes him a formidable force to others, especially when he does go after other dogs. I would never had imagined that it was out of being afraid of them! Now that you know more about his issues, you can work on specific things. Hopefully he'll feel more understood and his confidence level will go up.
As for Ms. Roxey and Mark...it doesn't take a psychic to see that she's Daddy's girl! ( ;) joke) She's a very smart & perceptive girl, maybe if you talk to her about it, she'll mellow out a bit towards him. (((hugs))) to all your fluffies.

That is so awesome that Angus checked in with her too! Gives me goosebumps!

07-09-2007, 07:03 PM
What an amazing reading! Star is one of those dogs who will never be bold and confident, it makes me a little sad but we adjusted for her. WOW on Angus popping in, I'm glad he's there to look after your new big buddy.

07-09-2007, 10:55 PM
That is simply amazing Anna! Thanks so much for pointing me to this thread.

You know how much I loved Angus (and of course, how much YOU loved Angus), so that gave me goosebumps. I am glad that Angus is watching over Bon and the family.
I truly think Bon is just a different dog ..... shy, retiring, abit skitish ...... nothing at ALL like YOU :D Doesn't every family need someone abit different? :-)


07-09-2007, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the PM on this, Anna, as I almost went to bed without checking in!! I love you girl.

Nancy is astounding! She told me she rarely gets interrupted by people, but my nana came in and wouldn't go away! My nana always comes in when I have my reading done too! Nancy had to call me the next day because nana wouldn't budge! :D :D

So...it's wonderful that Angus showed up unannounced! I've known you forever so I know that meant everything to you. Good 'ole Angus! I'm trying to think of more questions for you. Maybe you should ask her, like Phred said, what she thinks Bon would like. That's a great idea. But you know, even though you've had him as a puppy, IMO, dogs,(animals) like people, are born with different "wirings". That's why everyone/every critter is so different. It's just how Bon is. When Mz Logan gets intent with something, she doesn't hear or see me either. I know you encase Bon with love, hugs and kisses. The big galoot sounds a lot like me at times. :rolleyes:

Nancy awed me when she also fell in love with Cody. He was the perfect dog (huh?) And the "Overseer at the Bridge". I'll be he and Angus are great pals.

07-09-2007, 11:51 PM
Amazing reading there. :) Anna, I could really relate when you said about
Bon, "I HATE that he will never be that bold and confident dog." I feel the
same way about Smokey. :( I hate it for Smokey's sake, but also because
it was what I was used to with Buddy. Having Nancy read Smokey did give
me a lot to think about & a way to remember the differences that can a
big part of who each animal is. (Know what I mean?)

I can also really relate to that statement, Daisy has ZERO confidence. Like not an ounce of it.. It really concerns me.. I never imagined Bon would be a fearful dog, hes so large and proud looking in all his pics, I wonder why?.. Maybe his parents or one of them was the same way? It may have been passed down to Bon through his Genetics?

07-10-2007, 01:05 AM
That's an amazing reading. I can't believe Angus showed up and she was able to tell you something about him too. Hopefully Bon will start feeling more comfortable soon, and understand how much he is loved!

I know how you're feeling with all of the fear stuff. Morgan is like that. The only time she ever has even an ounce of confidence is when Winston is around, otherwise, forget it.

07-12-2007, 08:01 AM
I emailed her a few questions...
When you were saying you think he doesn't trust me 100% now, could it possibly be because I put him in his kennel to eat instead of letting him outside with the girls (I feed raw). If so, could you convey to him or let me know how to tell him I don't do it because I don't trust him, I do it because I want everyone to be safe. Not only for us but for him as well.
And does he feel any better since we talked Sunday? And does he feel my husband acts any differently now? (he is really trying to be more patient and understanding)
And then just a couple of questions in general...
Why does he insist on giving his paw when we consistently tell him no
Is there anything he would like to do, anything that makes him happy
Does he like to be groomed
He's always slept with me in the morning when my husband has went to work, since the bite he hasn't...why?

She called me yesterday afternoon and we spoke...
As far as the feeding, it's got nothing to do with that at all. It's just he FEELS I don't trust him. Just a feeling, not a physical action.
Feels worry and distrust from me since the bite.
I was his anchor in life. Need to get that feeling back.

No difference since our talk, still very sad.
Issue with Mark is not a big deal, has just accepted him the way he is.
The paw, saw this right away. It's a reassurance compulsion, like a ritual or routine. It's reinforcement (do you love me, tell me you love me).
Nothing in particular he would like to do, likes to be home, home is comfort .
I could take him for walks just him and I but really doesn't want to go any where away from home.
Didn't get anything from the grooming question, just feels nails going down his back, he likes that.
The bed question, he feels on the outside now. Like I'm not comfortable with him (one good thing...he did come and sleep with me this morning:D)

I did order some essences from Green Hope Farm's Animal Wellness Collection (http://www.greenhopeessences.com/Animal/index.html)
I picked out the ones I thought he would need (Anxiety, Caretaker, Neediness) and when I talked to them they agreed with those and added one more-Golden Armor (http://www.treefrogfarm.com/aromatherapy/mist_ga.html) (I couldn't find where it was on their site).
She said hopefully these will help him feel more comfortable and have less anxiety and worry. She didn't see him just feeling better on his own-without some help.
So I'm hoping that between the essence and my working with him he will start to feel better soon.

If you have time, could you say a little prayer for the both of us? thanx (and thanks for listening:))

finn's mom
07-12-2007, 08:23 AM
Wow, what an awesome reading! that is incredible that she saw so much about angus, too. Poor Bon, he's just insecure. At least you know now, and it's something you can work with, instead of fighting to change it. I hope he is able to be more peaceful as a result of the readings.

07-12-2007, 10:09 AM
Poor Bon. I hope the flower essences help. Nancy is truly amazing. She helped us so much with Sherman's passing. I'm glad your big boy slept with you again this morning- I also noticed a change in Sherman immediately after getting off the phone with Nancy She had me get some essences too, the one for Grief & Loneliness for Star, she's having a very, very tough time with this. BTW, I did see the Golden Armor one on a differet site.
You & Bon are in my prayers.

07-18-2007, 11:10 AM
I asked Anna if she minded if I posted this in Kylie's update in Cat General and she said 'absolutely' and asked me to post here too.
I had my Kylie read in 2005 b/c she was having black out type seizures. Where her body would go limp (when I picked her up one day during one - poop fell out of her )
She has been doing so well since going to the holistic vet I wanted to know how she was feeling so I emailed Nancy a few weeks ago and she got back with me yesterday. Usually she only emails the update but Kylie's personality was coming in as a dominant male dog and thought she'd call me.
Here goes:
She sent me an email today asking for a pic of Kloe so she knew who to ask Kylie about - then emailed me back and said both times she started 'reading' Kylie she thought she was a dog b/c she has such a dominant personality. Then saw that she's a cat and was like wow - she has the personality of a dominant male dog!!! o-O this from a cat who would wear a crown if I had one that fit her!!! Said she normally doesn't call on follow up readings but Kylie's personality was so dominant that she felt she had to
Keegan started to bark @ the beginning of the conversation and she said - is your dog brown and black? I said no -
she said whoa I'm really getting a brown and black dog -
I said Kloe is brown and black - she said - nope not the tortie -
She said that I have two dominant cats - but Kylie is more dominant that Kloe- they won't ever be best buds and seek each other out to share space with or treats with (or coffee in using human terms) But they do co-exist and understand that the other is here to stay. :) (this is what I've been hoping for)
Sometimes the lines are crossed and a tussle ensues (that's for sure) but for the most part - they will co-exist -
she mentioned the black and brown dog again - then said it might be a rottweiler or a rott mix.
**insert lightbulb here**
Kylie flashed 7-8 @ her - I told her Kylie is 7 years old.
Kloe seems just a bit younger - I told her Kloe is 3 - she said wow - she really seems a lot older and more mature than that - asked if I was sure she was that age I said yup I got her @ about 6 weeks... she said oh well ok - I said she had a very rough start in life she said that explains it (like an old soul I suppose?)
Both cats have strong 'backbones' and personalities and are dominant. Kloe is very strong (she didn't read her officially) I was afraid if I sent the pic of Kloe - she'd butt in but she said she did not.
Said that both cats are very very smart. I was lucky that they both were so smart... :D
I really wanted Kylie read to see how's she's feeling b/c I had her read before due to her "seizure" like episodes - she said she feels fine to me - no problems. - I was wondering if she would mention a car ride but didn't (she went to the groomer on Sat and got a lion cut!!)
Mentioned the Black and Brown Rott again - I said - well I had a greyhound that passed away but she was red - nope not her- I have a golden retriever now- nope not her. I said do you remember the dog you read a few weeks ago - Bon - that bit his owner? She said Yes, I said well I am very good friends with her - it might be her rottweiler - before I even got the words out she exclaimed - THAT'S IT!!! THAT is why this dog seems so familiar - this is the same dog!!!!!!! (hello Angus!! ) She said wow - he has a big personality and he wants you to send a message to Anna saying that she isn't able to give Bon what he needs right now but it's ok- b/c that is what Angus is here for - and is going to do.. He is around and watching out for them. She said she hesitates using the term Guardian Angel but that is like what he is...
I told her that a few weeks ago I was visiting Anna (same weekend she did Bon's reading) and we took some pics that had orbs in them, I didn't think much about it until after reading her reading about Bon and Angus coming in and I wondered if that was Angus - she said - sure it was...



taken by Anna

I said - well I wasn't around Angus much but he was an awesome dog - she said I didn't have to be - I never had to even have met him before - but b/c I knew Anna - he was coming thru to me. She said she doesn't share readings with people b/c its confidential she said but I'll tell you that this is the way he came in for Anna and he still wants her to have a message so you need to pass it on - I said - I am I'm writing it down- :) She said she feels good when this Rottweiler appears - it just gives her a good feeling that he is here.
So I was so stunned I sent Zippy a text that Angus had come thru to me - called her - talked for a bit - than called Anna - I explained that I was having Nancy do a follow up on Kylie and I have a message for YOU!!! She said OH BOY! I said Angus wants me to tell you that you can't give Bon what he needs right now - but its ok b/c that is what Angus is here for - he is here for him - and he will help him and give him what he needs until you are able to...... I was soooooo afraid she would cry - that I would make her cry but she didn't. She said she felt relieved and felt good that Angus was there for Bon. And watching over people she loves.
I explained how the conversation went - we were both wowed -
I'm honored that he came to me to relay the message....

finn's mom
07-18-2007, 11:24 AM
That is incredible! Angus is a powerful, gentle, caring force even after his leaving his physical form. Amazing.

07-18-2007, 12:53 PM
WOW Staci, all I can say is WOW WOW WOW!
Those photos are awesome. It Looks like Angus delivered a much-needed caress to our dear friend Robin, too. That is just so cool. Anna's heart must be more at ease with getting such a beaautiful message from Angus. What a dog. ;) I only got to meet him once at the dog park, right after we moved to Findlay. He was a big handsome guy.

07-18-2007, 04:35 PM
double that wow, just wow. thanks angus

07-18-2007, 05:50 PM
Just blown away. :)

07-18-2007, 09:53 PM
Wow! That is so amazing! Thank you both for sharing that!!!

Queen of Poop
07-18-2007, 10:14 PM
It is all so amazing. I am so glad there is help out there. Does Nancy do Canadian readings? I'd love to know why Sasha is so hot all the time.

Please give Bon a great big hug and kiss from me. Tell him he is loved all the way to Canada!

07-18-2007, 11:04 PM
Speechless! I luv you Angus.

07-18-2007, 11:05 PM
W :eek: W!!!!!

Angus, you are such a darlin ...... thanks so much for letting us all know that you are looking after everyone.

07-18-2007, 11:10 PM
It is all so amazing. I am so glad there is help out there. Does Nancy do Canadian readings? I'd love to know why Sasha is so hot all the time.

Please give Bon a great big hug and kiss from me. Tell him he is loved all the way to Canada!
she sure does - she since she does them via a picture I think she can do them all over the world -
I shall PM you! :D

Queen of Poop
07-18-2007, 11:27 PM
she sure does - she since she does them via a picture I think she can do them all over the world -
I shall PM you! :D

Received and a query has been sent. Thank you so much!!

07-18-2007, 11:49 PM
Received and a query has been sent. Thank you so much!!
you're welcome but she told me she's going on vacation for about 10 days so she might not get back with your right away....

07-19-2007, 10:59 AM
Wow!!! I got goosebumps reading that. Angus was ( and is!)such an amazing dog!! I still have his picture from the Page -a- Day calendar a few yers ago hanging on my desk. With such a strong prescene, i think I'll keep him around!!

07-19-2007, 11:07 AM
Wow, that is incredible!

07-19-2007, 11:20 AM
{{Hugs}} Anna and family.

Shedding a few tears here, thankyou for sharing with us Staci that is amazing.

07-19-2007, 08:24 PM
I haven't responded because I'm still trying to process all this. It's just all so...WOW!

Of course being an optimist I thought obviously my camera lens was just dirty, although I was never sure just how it was dirty in different places. Then I looked up orbs on the Internet and thought it was just dirty flying through my house (yes my house is dusty but geesh not that dirty:p). But since then I've had a change of heart.

I've also had another person who shall remain name less, tell me that all the orbs are not Angus. They are loved ones. The one above Staci is a loved one but the big one above Robin IS Angus. Guess that big boy of mine is not just here for Bon, he's also here for Robin:)

Guess I'm a believer! Makes me happy to know that Angus in some sense of the word is a guardian angel:)

Mark just came and asked if I would post this picture http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid48/p1b94f819114348dc6c82996a0a499ecf/fcbf9a57.jpg
And one of my favorites...
Such a great dog

07-19-2007, 10:53 PM
*Kisses Screen*

07-20-2007, 01:57 AM
Kiss Kiss


Dirty house???? Where??? Don't believe it ..... :D

07-20-2007, 02:27 AM
Kiss Kiss


That face just steals my heart.... which is why I soooo want to have a rottie. Granted, I'd be hard pressed to pick between a rottie and a mastiff. I just love them big old puppers that you can wrap your arms around and feel that heart beat and know that they are feeling the connection to you as well.

I think Bon has about the sweetest face in the world and I just want to hug him forever and I don't even know him. He just seems to need the most TLC right now. Reading his reading just made my heart about break for him, so tender a soul.

Anna, you are so blessed with having these wonderful pups as a part of your family. Huney has the sweet, fluffy innocent face I could just smoosh up and give kisses to. Bon I just want hug and rock him back and forth and rub his ears and give him some massages. and then just relax and rub his belly if he would allow that. Reading all about him these past few weeks, he's just gotten himself a big old spot in my heart where my dog Maija used to be when I lived at home years ago. Some day there will be another dog to fill that spot again, but until that time, I'll be thinking for Bon and Huney and the other wonderful PT dogs that I've grown to love on here even though I don't know them. I love my kitties, but it's just different with the doggies...

I hope that Bon starts to feel more at peace and more comfortable in his own body. He needs to have that self confidence...and I hope those natural herbs will help him.

Bless you Bon Bon, watch over mom, and keep Huney by your side, and know that your own Guardian Angel Angus is there for you every step of the way. He knows you need him, and he won't let you down.

Hugs to Anna and Ron, and to the rest of the family. One question though... if Bon wants to give you paw, and it makes him feel reassured and calm, why shouldn't he do it? I didn't understand the whole "give paw" thing to begin with. I thought that was a sweet gesture.

07-20-2007, 07:54 AM
One question though... if Bon wants to give you paw, and it makes him feel reassured and calm, why shouldn't he do it? I didn't understand the whole "give paw" thing to begin with. I thought that was a sweet gesture.
First I'd like to thank you for all the sweet things you said, it really touched my heart.

The paw...ok, let me see if I can explain.

First of all his paw is huge, it's scratchy on the pad and he still has his dew claws. Not only does he give his paw but he puts weight on it his claws come out, kind of like a cat will do and he'll scratch the heck out of you. If he even scratches me a little I have to put alcohol on it or it will get infected.
That's really the main reason. The other reason was that we always heard it was a dominant thing (but we've realized now that it's not that at all).
Now I will allow him to do it, then I'll tell him good boy and he'll go lay down. So I've figured out a way to make him feel better and not get hurt in the process:) (Did that explanation make sense?)

07-20-2007, 08:50 AM
Gosh, the reading(s) are amazing! Especially the parts about Angus, that special, special boy. Never ever be another like him.

07-20-2007, 11:09 AM
First I'd like to thank you for all the sweet things you said, it really touched my heart.

The paw...ok, let me see if I can explain.

First of all his paw is huge, it's scratchy on the pad and he still has his dew claws. Not only does he give his paw but he puts weight on it his claws come out, kind of like a cat will do and he'll scratch the heck out of you. If he even scratches me a little I have to put alcohol on it or it will get infected.
That's really the main reason. The other reason was that we always heard it was a dominant thing (but we've realized now that it's not that at all).
Now I will allow him to do it, then I'll tell him good boy and he'll go lay down. So I've figured out a way to make him feel better and not get hurt in the process:) (Did that explanation make sense?)
Its a very sweet gesture (I agree - Keegan does it too and scratches people)
but when the paw weighs 150 pounds behind it!! ;)
love you BON BON!

07-20-2007, 08:36 PM

I thought "give paw" was like putting up their paw to shake... not that he knocks you over with it!!

Glad you and Bon figured out a way to him to feel better and you not be hurt in the process!

07-22-2007, 04:27 PM
I told her that a few weeks ago I was visiting Anna (same weekend she did Bon's reading) and we took some pics that had orbs in them, I didn't think much about it until after reading her reading about Bon and Angus coming in and I wondered if that was Angus - she said - sure it was...



taken by Anna

I just came across this article about orbs and thought you may find it as interesting as I did.

07-23-2007, 02:13 PM
Chris, that was VERY interesting. I liked it best when they said...

"The experts say that just because something has not yet been scientifically proven, it doesn't mean that it is not real."

So true, so very true. Who's to say one of those orbs is not Angus:)

08-19-2008, 09:28 AM
I know it's been a while since I've posted anything about the dogs, but I really wanted to share this.

We've been having some issues with Bon lately.

Last week after going to the grocery store I had their food was thawing in the sink and BOOM...he went after Roxey. It really scared me and I screamed at him, he quit, then started again. Luckily he finally listened, Roxey went outside and he was put in his kennel. This has NEVER happened before and I'm not sure why it did this time.

Then on Saturday he curled up his nose at both Simba and Huney for no apparent reason. Nothing happened because we took the dogs out of the situation (separated them).

So I decided to email Nancy and see what she had to say. This is amazing and why I felt I had to share this with those of you who believe.
For those of you who don't know, Angus was our rottie who died almost 4 years ago (the one in my avatar).

hi anna,
i remember the dog slightly by picture. what would you like me to check? i have a few i am in the process of. do you have a rottweiler too? for some reason when i am typing this a beautiful rott is coming in. maybe because i just left my brother in laws and he has one but the one i am seeing is much better looking . the tan is striking. wow, dog really coming in. not sure why but i am thinking it must be for you because i never had a thought in my head about a rott until i opened your picture, which was not a rott but that is when i started getting this. i am going to keep typing because it is apparent this dog is here and it feels as though this dog has passed so it is taking this dog a lot of energy to come through so i will give him the respect of his effort. if this is not for you , sorry, it might be for someone that i will be reading tonight. just a beautiful beautiful dog, magnificient energy and that is why i am seeing this dog as so good looking. just wanting to make his presence known that he is here. he is here he is saying. just want you to know that he is here.

wow, very cool. things like that do not happen often. i will check and see if this is for the person i am working on tonight. if it was for you....this dog made an incredible effort to come through and let you know he was here.

anyway, will get with you about bon soon.
take care,

Then this one...
give me a few days or a week. i am working on a few. i think your rott just showed up to let you know he was around. great dog, great energy
Nancy Efrusy

First let me say WOW! My Angus was and still is something special:D I still don't even know what to say about that.
Funny thing, I had on a shirt with his picture on it yesterday when she emailed me!

Now as for what she had to say about Bon...
hi anna,
the reading i was doing was not home so instead of starting a new one i will do bon since i am just checking in.
i did not get pain but i got irritation. annoyance, irritated. feels like he has no patience right now. nerves are on edge. i am not getting a specific reason for this. feels like his nerves are frayed. so, i am getting that he is more mentally bothered than physically. feels like he could use some alone time, get a break, needs to destress.
try putting some bach flowers or green hope farms in his water.
just feels wound up tight. needs to relax. could use some reiki or massage or just a good run without the others....
Nancy Efrusy

I just wonder if it is because of Simba. I know he barks a lot and is pretty high strung sometimes and gets Bon going.

I'm using my oils again on him (which I must say he's loving our one on one time and massage) and I hope between that and some alone time this all calms down.

My handsome man

08-19-2008, 09:37 AM
{{HUGS}} to you Anna.

I hope the oils and the one on one time help.

4 Dog Mother
08-19-2008, 09:53 AM
Oh, I am sorry Anna that Bon is having problems again. He is so big that it has to be very upsetting when he goes after one of the other dogs. After what he accidently did to you, I would really be scared. I know that when Pippi and Dazzi were getting into it a lot, my vet said that Pippi (who was being the aggressor) needed to go some where she could run and wear herself out. My dogs do not get near the amount of exercise they should with all the chaos at my house right now.

About Angus - that is so amazing and I have no doubt that what she is saying is true - that he wants you to know he is still with you. It is also beautiful because I know that Angus meant so much to you and it is quite obvious that that love was returned.

08-19-2008, 11:40 AM
Wow! That's very interesting how Angus wanted Nancy to know that he's here. You must've had an extremely strong bond with him.:)

I sure hope that things will improve with Bon. Good luck.:)

08-19-2008, 12:17 PM
well I pretty much said what I thought yesterday on the phone. :)
but since she isn't getting any pain that's good.
But maybe a full physical and bloodwork would still be a good idea??? I dunno.
Is there a baseball field around somewhere that you could take him so that he could run without the others?
just a thought.
Have you ever thought of accupuncture for him? My holistic vet is awesome. Tho it would be a long drive to here with gas prices, she does get people from ALL over the state bringing their animals here. She also does animal communication.
www.sycamoreanimal.com let me know what you think and I'll go with you to the visit.

08-19-2008, 12:29 PM
I'm sorry poor Bon is feeling so uptight right now. I hope the oils and some special 1 on 1 time will help him get over this setback.

That is amazing about Angus! I still have his picture from the calendar a few years back hanging at my desk. He certainly was a special boy!

08-19-2008, 12:39 PM
I just went back and re-read my post when Angus came to visit me during Kylie's reading and have major LES!!
Anna asked me if I could believe that Angus came into Bon's reading again and I said I sure can b/c he came into mine with a CAT!! lol
him coming in on a dog from his "family" wasn't that big of surprise to me!

08-19-2008, 01:09 PM

I'm so sorry that Bon is still having these problems. I know you would move
heaven & earth to help any of your pups. I hope you & mark can find an
answer that really helps Bon be a happy dog. ((Hugs)) Liz.

Ginger's Mom
08-19-2008, 01:16 PM
I am sorry to hear that Bon is feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. And I know that you are/will do everything you can to help him feel more comfortable. I think it is wonderful that Angus is still watching over you, and wants you to know that he is here. Would Nancy be able to tell you if Bon is aware of Angus' presence? I am just curious.

08-19-2008, 02:28 PM
Makes me wonder if she did a reading on me, how many Pet Talk animals would pop in to say hello! ;) Not that I need a reading done or anything, just sayin' ...

08-19-2008, 08:24 PM
We always knew that Angus was a beautiful boy .......

I am so glad he came through for you.

With Bon, I suppose, even as people, if someone around you is highly strung, and can be annoying, we let off steam. Sounds like he is doing that too. Oh dear, ..... and he is such a BIG BOY!. I hope the massages and bach flowers, etc help ....

Take care

08-19-2008, 10:44 PM
Anna, I'm so sorry Bon's distressed again. I hope your lovely massages and aromas help. I'm glad Nancy was able to give you some insight.

As for our Angus...I never doubted he's always with you. I still get goose bumps when I think of those pictures you took with the white dots....

Tight hugs ..

08-20-2008, 07:23 AM
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts.

He's been acting a little bit more relaxed and happy the last couple days so I think the oils, alone time and massages are helping.

Karen, I bet you'd have tons of pt puppers popping in on you!

And that Angus boy, he's still around protecting his momma:D

Nancy sent me one more email...
see, you are very in tuned to your animals needs. i have to tell you again, that rottweiler of yours is pretty incredible. it really takes a strong energy to come through like that when not contacted. feels like such a good pure energy. once again, he just wanted to give you the message that he is around and checking in on you. seems like he feels more in the protector/guardian/caregiver role over you.

08-20-2008, 07:47 AM
Gosh, all the Angus stuff has sure given me overflowing les. Love that special boy.

Sending prayers & positive thoughts for Bon, you too.

08-20-2008, 07:48 AM
Anna..... I get goose bumps everytime you post about Angus being around you.
We all know that our RB pets stay close, but for you to know it SO clearly it's amazing!!!


08-20-2008, 08:18 AM
This whole thread is amazing! Does Nancy have a website or email address that someone could PM to me (sorry if I missed it). I'm having some problems with my dane and I would love to see if she could help us.

Cinder & Smoke
08-20-2008, 08:19 AM
He's been acting a little bit more relaxed and happy the last couple days ...

Has Bon *mellowed* to the point that you could try him on the BikerDog?

Or how bout some RollerBlades for you, and a Skijor harness for Bon?
LOOKIT her GOoooooo ... :D

08-20-2008, 09:42 AM
This whole thread is amazing! Does Nancy have a website or email address that someone could PM to me (sorry if I missed it). I'm having some problems with my dane and I would love to see if she could help us.

efrusy @ yahoo . com NO SPACES

and she charges $30 for a session I believe still and no fee for follow ups like what Anna is doing right now. :)

08-20-2008, 10:35 AM
Thank you. :)

08-20-2008, 11:26 AM
Angus is such a sweetheart, isn't it comforting o know he's still there? Poor Bon boy, he's so sensitive, I hope all the lovely things you are doing for him will help him feel better.

08-20-2008, 11:36 AM
Thank you. :)

you are welcome! :D
just remember no spaces lol that's caused a few people confusion but I do it so that she doesn't get spammed

08-20-2008, 11:57 AM
Has Bon *mellowed* to the point that you could try him on the BikerDog?

LOL! I'm not sure I posted when it happened (shortly after the bite incident), but Bon and I tried biking...he freaked out when a truck went by and ended up dragging me on the ground:eek: So we've decided (more like Mark insisted;)) not to do the bike thing again. He's just so big, strong and outweighs me.

It's strange how first I had a dog that was fearless, now I have a dog who is fearful of so many things:(

I just want him to live a happy and content life:)

Maybe Angus is here to give me strength to deal with Bon's problems. It's very nice to know he's around.

leansnslobbers-I hope that Nancy can help you. Good luck and let us know how things work out.

08-20-2008, 12:10 PM
just a thought...

perhaps Bon being so sensitive, he can sense Angusīs presence and makes him a lil "crazy" because he feels him but canīt see him...and he canīt quite understand that... maybe Nancy can let him know what is going on and maybe he can be more relaxed around this feeling heīs getting....

hoping all gets better.. ((hugs to the big boy))...

Cinder & Smoke
08-20-2008, 01:37 PM

Bon and I tried biking ... he freaked out when a truck went by
and ended up dragging me on the ground :eek:

So we've decided (more like Mark insisted ;)) not to do the bike thing again.
He's just so big, strong and outweighs me.

I remember that event :eek:
You just need a Biker Helmet and a Bubble-Wrap Suit.
And maybe a BIG set of training wheels on the bike. :p

How about loading up Bon and the bike to head for a ball or soccer field away from traffic.
If he flips ya, you'll at least have grass to land on, 'stedda concrete or asphalt.


08-20-2008, 02:17 PM
Hmmm this is very intriguing.

Does she only do readings for people that are having issues with their pets that they can't figure out?

I really would love to know more about Beezer and his life before he came to us and some other stuff.

08-21-2008, 07:33 AM
Does she only do readings for people that are having issues with their pets that they can't figure out?

Nope, she also does readings on pets that have passed or if you just have questions on your pets in general.

Phred-bubble wrap sounds good:D

Husky_mom-Nancy actually told me that Angus has been here to help Bon so I don't think it's that.

08-21-2008, 11:16 AM
oh yeah, Iīm sure Angus is there to help.. but maybe Bon just doesnīt figures that quite yet... and all that added to a new member might be a lil confusing for his mind...

08-21-2008, 11:54 PM
I'm sorry to hear Bon is stressed, but WOW! Nancy's message gave me goosebumps.

Hope the oils and one on one time help!

finn's mom
08-22-2008, 07:32 AM
Poor Bon, he's such a big boy. Scary when he's annoyed. :( He probably gets upset at himself when he loses it like that. I hope he continues to feel better. How old is he now?

08-22-2008, 07:43 AM
Poor Bon, he's such a big boy. Scary when he's annoyed. :( He probably gets upset at himself when he loses it like that. I hope he continues to feel better. How old is he now?

Yeah, it gets pretty scarey when he acts like that.
Can you believe it...he just turned 4! They grow up so fast.

finn's mom
08-22-2008, 09:33 AM
Yeah, it gets pretty scarey when he acts like that.
Can you believe it...he just turned 4! They grow up so fast.

They sure do. I can't believe it, I remember when you guys first got him. I'm all discombobulated because Finn's going to be five in a couple months. :eek:

08-25-2008, 08:08 PM
how's bon bon doing?