View Full Version : I am stupid.

Suki Wingy
07-05-2007, 01:10 PM
Yes, there's a first for everything, and for me today was the first time a dog broke my skin. Wanna know how? Niņo uses the cover to our old plastic turtle sand box (like this) (http://www.activetoy.co.uk/cms_images_products_2/679_1_medium.jpg) as a giant frisbee, and we were playing as usual, he was chewing on the knobs on the side and I could see the inside of his lip from a whole in it, so I stuck my hand through to poke his lip just as he bit down. What an idiot. My index finger was gushing bright red and ran blood in the sink for 5 minutes. It was a puncture wound. :rolleyes: I managed to put a band-aid on it and then went to take my medicine that I forgot to take earlier today and everything went black and I had to lay on the floor to avoid throwing up or passing out.
Man am I an idiot!

Ginger's Mom
07-05-2007, 01:23 PM
Ouch! Hope you are feeling better soon.

07-05-2007, 01:32 PM
Oh Eva!!! I hope you're okay! Puncture wounds are so difficult to deal with. Poor you :( Oh well, every mistake is a learning experience, right? =)

07-05-2007, 01:47 PM
aww I have had Jenny do that to me before with a rope toy. I think it feels like slamming your finger in a door. but of course they don't mean to. I hope you feel better soon. :)

07-05-2007, 02:30 PM
OUCH! That would hurt! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Suki Wingy
07-05-2007, 03:21 PM
It doesn't even hurt anymore. I just had to share my stupidity with the world, so I went and posted it! I just hope it doesn't mess up my riding lesson tonight.
I find it a little ironic the band-aid I put on it has Snoopy on it!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-05-2007, 04:14 PM
You're not stupid. Think of yourself as a member of an elite club instead :D

Suki Wingy
07-05-2007, 04:48 PM
lol I like that.

07-06-2007, 11:48 AM
You are not stupid, just forgetfull just like the rest of us humans.