View Full Version : Never ending paperwork

07-04-2007, 08:36 PM
LOL That is how I feel like today. That the paperwork never ended. lol All day today I have been printing of things, hole punching things and stapling things. My hands hurt and I have a slight headach but guess what. I am DONE. lol

How does paperwork pertain to dogs? I will tell you. All the paper work is for the adopters. Yup. I decided to print off 6 copies of the Puppy Info Pack (each is 45 pages long) and I put them into the see through colored binders we got for them. Then I printed off 10 copies of my pet puppy contract and 2 copies of the donation puppy contract. Then I printed off the chart I made to track their weight and length gain. Four pages long and one set for each pup. So to be on the safe side I printed off 8 sets. I then put the contracts, weight gain charts and the specially made pedigree into their own folders. Then I filled out the CKC litter registration sheet so now all I have to do is fill out the date they are born and how many. then I got all the CKC Non Breeding registrations and added those to each persons folder.

Then I finished printing off all the emails and added them to the indivual files. So basically, as of this moment, I have NO PAPERWORK left to do till teh pups are born and even then it will be minimual.

My advice to anyone thinking of breeding. If you don't like paperwork don't breed. LOL

Ahhhh now I can rest. Long tiring day but so worth it to be done.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-04-2007, 08:41 PM
Whew! Glad to have that behind you I bet. I do hope the adoptive parents appreciate all your hard work!

07-04-2007, 11:13 PM
I bet you're glad that's done and over with! The puppy owners will be very happy to have it though. I definitely was when I got mine, but I couldn't help but think of all the work my breeder had to do go through to make the binders for myself and all of her other owners.