View Full Version : Sheena's 9th week of Pregnancy & Pics. X -Ray results now Added

07-03-2007, 10:31 AM
Here is Sheena's 9th Week of Pregnancy update. Here is what it says happens this week:


Week Nine (Days 58-65)

Growth and Development continues

Nesting behavior may be seen
Bitch may become distressed (panting, pacing, acting uncomfortable)
Temperature should be around 100.2-100.8 degrees Farenheit
When temperature drops to around 98-99.4 degrees Farenheit, puppies should be born within 24 hours
Appetite may disappear as whelping approaches

Start taking temperature three times a day

Notify vet or emergency clinic when temperature drops so that they will be ready if you have any problems
Keep detailed records on temperature and behavior of bitch
Double check that whelping supplies are ready

Sheena is doing fine. Her temp keeps going up and down though and she is eating about a third less every day then she was. Guess the room in her tummy is disappearing fast. Sheena went for her x-ray this morning and the vet did a check up on her. Our vet doesn't think she will have them till around Monday, which is a huge relief. Though I will still watch her like a hawk. lol. The x-ray results we have to wait till the vet calls us this morning to let us know. As soon as I know I will let you all know. Ok now for the pics. These were taken only 2 days ago.





Hope you enjoyed.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-03-2007, 10:37 AM
did he tell you how many pups can be seen in the xrays??

oh man!! I canīt wait!!....... how exciting...

07-03-2007, 10:47 AM
Not yet. I am waiting for the phone call with the results. AS soon as I get it I will post the results.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-03-2007, 10:51 AM
Wow! Pups will be born very soon! I'm still hoping that they will all be healthy, however many there might be. And also that Sheena will be able to deliver them with no difficulties. Three cheers for puppies and mom Sheena!

07-03-2007, 11:30 AM
X - Ray results are in.

The vet says she can defiantely see 6 puppies but thinks there might be a couple more hiding behind the others. So Defiantely 6 pups for sure. These results are not always accurate and can be off by a few puppies. But it does help to give a rough idea as to the size of the litter. She was able to take the x-rays without having to sedate Sheena at all which shows how calm and relaxed she is even at this stage of her pregnancy. Se took one where she laid on her side and one where she was on her back.

I am hoping the vet is right and one or two are hiding. Reason being is I have 5 families definately approved. Though they all know that is not a garentee for a pup because it depends on litter size and such I still would not want to disapoint anyone. And if there are 6 pups then one person will be disappointed at the least, maybe two if I keep 2 pups which is what we have been considering. If there are 6 then I will match the families with the temperments. So the family without a matching tempered pup will be the ones to be disappointed. 2 of these families have been waiting 2 years for a pup form us. So I really don't want to disapoint anyone.

So it is still a wait and see. I am happy witht eh results though because they all looked healthy and well developed which is the most important thing.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)