View Full Version : Sheena is not eating ( Updated)

07-01-2007, 01:12 PM
Well this morning we were in for a bit of a shock. Sheena refused her breakfast. Normally she eats it right up as soon as Dedrick tells her to eat. This time she just sat there looking at it for about 10 minutes then walked away. We gave her half an hour to eat but she still refused to eat. So hubby took her out to potty, thinking she might need to go and also hosed her off just incase she was too hot. But she was not panting or acting hot and the house is so cool that we only need the fans. She came in and had about 4 mouthfuls and then left the rest. It is still sitting in her dish now. She has drank some water but not as much as usual either. She has some energy and wants to play some with her balls but other then that she just lays in front of her whelping box. And she can't seem to stay in one position very long.

So with all that we are keeping a constant eye on her. She just might be having an uncomfortable day, which I am unsure about since the weather is nice but cool, or it could be the start of her getting ready to have pups. Basically it is a wait and see type thing right now. Just thought I should let you all know.

Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-01-2007, 01:52 PM
How many weeks along is she?

I hope this means that puppies are on the way! :D

07-01-2007, 01:57 PM
She is 2 days shy of her 9th week. So on day 55. I took her temp and it is 99.9 degrees Farenheit. One of my friends gave me an idea of mixing mollasses with some eggs and mixing it into her kibble. So I am going to see if that works. I would prefer if she can hold off for a few more days at least. At least till the x-ray.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-01-2007, 10:41 PM
Thanks to some wonderful advice from a friend and purchasing another air conditioner, Sheena is a lot more comfortable. We only had one air conditioner and when the temp got higher then 28 it would start to get hot in teh house even with it on. So getting a second one was a must to keep her and I comfortable, esspecailly with it is going up to 34 and higher this coming week.

She ate all her supper with no problem at all. And her temp is now 100.4. So up some form 99.9 of this morning. So all is good. I still plan to take her temp twice a day from now on though. So it looks like we are back on track. Just wanted to give you guys an update.

It looks like I will be on pins and needles from now on so please be patient with me and my constant posts with how she is doing.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

critter crazy
07-01-2007, 10:47 PM
Go lay down by the AC Sheena!! I sure cant wait till puppies come!! How exciting!!!:D

07-01-2007, 10:54 PM
Glad to hear it wasn't anything to be alarmed about and she's now back on track:)

07-01-2007, 11:06 PM
Aw, Sheena, I'm glad you're more comfortable now. :)

07-01-2007, 11:34 PM
Hee hee - Sheena was trying to tell you - Mom, I'm all snow white - can't you tell I'm part Polar Bear? Cold, please, otherwise I'll melt!

07-02-2007, 11:46 AM
Thanks all. But it looks like I am back to worrying. Just took Sheena's temp and it dropped agian and even lower this time to 99.6. Looks like this is my week to be on pins and needles and worrying like mad. She did eat most of her breakfast though and is acting totally normal which is a relief.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-02-2007, 01:58 PM
Nicole, what should Sheena's temp be? If it changes, is that an indication to you to start getting ready for puppies? Could you give her a pat for me, please? I am not sure how many pups there will be -- but I am still keeping my fingers crossed that they will be born healthy and ready to grow.

07-02-2007, 02:02 PM
Thanks so much.

Her temp should be around 100.2-100.8 degrees Farenheit. When temperature drops to around 98-99.4 degrees Farenheit, puppies should be born within 24 hours. That is the standard consensus. It does not always happen that way but on average it does.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-02-2007, 02:04 PM
is she already milking??........

canīt wait for puppies!!! :D

07-02-2007, 02:17 PM
Yup she is already producing milk.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)

07-02-2007, 02:22 PM
oh how exciting........ milking..... temp drop..........puppies ANYTIME NOW!!!

07-02-2007, 02:55 PM
Well just took her temp agian and it is now 100 even. So went back up. I won't take it agian till I get ready to go to bed. She still hasn't finished her breakfast but she ate over half of it so I am not worried about that. I will keep an eye on her and won't let her out of my sight but I think for today we will be in the clear. And then tomorrow morning is her x-ray. I will know more then. I will also post some pics of her tomorrow too for you all to see.
Nicole & Sheena (moms to be)