View Full Version : Chance and his best doggy friend(pics)

06-22-2007, 09:21 PM
here is some pics I took of my golden boy and his best doggy friend Blaze. they are only a week in age apart and knew eachother since they were little puppies!





This was Chance trying to steal my sons ducky slipper

06-22-2007, 11:05 PM
Awww, Best Buddies!! :D :D

06-23-2007, 09:16 AM
They sure are. I was scared they wouldnt remember eachother at first and fight or something but right when they saw eachother their tails were wagging and they would lick eachother like crazy so I think they remember eachother from puppy hood. It was so cute watching Chance lay on Blaze like he was leaning on his best bud.

06-23-2007, 11:31 AM
Those two are both adorable. It's so cute they are buddies, I hope they had fun! :D

06-27-2007, 10:21 PM
The both of them are too dang cute together. I LOVE the markings on his friend. Very cool. Glad they remembered eachother.

06-27-2007, 11:47 PM
Both of them are beautiful dogs. I also love Blaze's markings/colour. Chance always looks as though he's smiling in his pictures; he's adorable.

06-28-2007, 10:03 AM
Blaze does have neat markings, he is a pure bred lab but his color is called something else. Its not exactly a choc. its something more unique. They have known each other since they were 7 weeks old. The other day I took my other golden Gracie on a walk with Blaze and they got along but they didnt have a connection like Chance does with Blaze. Chance smiles alot hehe but hates his picture taken :rolleyes:

Blazes room mate/brother a yellow lab has been doing really bad this last week. he has bad sezuires but they wouldnt stop the other day with even extra meds so they took him to the vets and they think he might have cancer and its counteracting with his meds and he might need to be put to sleep. So say a prayer for Blazes Brother Jake please.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-28-2007, 10:16 AM
Chance wasn't stealing the slipper - he was going to put it away......honest

Those two look like great pals

06-28-2007, 10:32 AM
what cuties! :) look how happy they are! :D

06-28-2007, 10:44 AM
That is so cute! They are like best friends!!!! :D