View Full Version : California kitty needs home AGAIN :(

06-21-2007, 09:34 PM
I know this is a long shot, but my friend needs to find a home for her kitty. And she knows I am on this site, so I told her I'd post it.
Here is the craigslist (http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/pet/357447619.html) add.
Her fiance's daughter is extremely allergic to her so she hasn't been able to come over at all. :( My friend is very sad to give her up. That's why she is going to only let her go to a good home and not dump her in a shelter.
So, please just take a look. I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least post it for others to see.
Thank you.
PS. I didn't realize she was going to ask for money for the toys, but they are a cat tree and LOTS of other various toys.

06-24-2007, 05:58 PM
Well, I spoke with my friend yesterday and she is going to give Kandi to a woman that does the cat adpotions at the local Pet Food Express. But first the lady needs to find a foster home with room. If she can't find one, I might volunteer. The organization is going to pay for a specific vaccination they require (not sure which one) and then she will take her down on the weekends to be "shown".
A while back she had gone to this pet store looking to get a friend for Kandi but didn't because of the extensive procedure one must go through to adopt a cat. Well now she is grateful for all they do before they adopt out a kitty. :)
So thanks to everyone who at least looked at the listing. And hopefully it's a happy ending.....soon!! :D

06-27-2007, 09:52 AM
Oh my goodness... I hope she finds a home and foster home for her. Those pics on that ad! I just saw it now, and wanted to grab her up! She looks like a sweetie pie! I'd be heartbroken too if I were your friend.

06-28-2007, 12:28 AM
Well, I spoke with Kandi's mom today and she is going to meet a guy who might want her. He wants a playmate for his girlfriends cat. The lady at the pet adoption place is going to give her some ideas of things to ask and what to look for when meeting this man so she can be assured Kandi will be in good hands.
This is such a hard thing for my friend. She is moving out of state in about 3 weeks, she is pregnant and starting a new life with her fiance. Finding a good home for Kandi would make one less thing she needs to worry about right now.
Again, thanks for looking. :D

07-02-2007, 08:28 PM
Well the guy she met on Friday did not work out. And the adoption place didn't either because she had to be put in a cage to be shown at the pet store on the weekends and anytime someone approached the cage she'd hiss and swat. :( Poor thing is petrified. My friend doesn't want to take her to a place that will put her in a cage, because they'll see her acting aggressive and immediately put her down. :( All the adoption places foster homes are full due to kitten season. And I'd foster but after the way Taz acted toward Gina the other night, I don't think it's a good idea. He hissed at her BAD. He wouldn't let her touch him until after she took a shower. I couldn't imagine how he'd act with the actual cat in the house.
Here is another link (http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/for/364023189.html) about her.
My friend is moving around the 18th, and she needs to find a home before then.
Thanks for looking. :)

07-02-2007, 10:44 PM
awwww, that sounds like such a difficult situation. I have two dogs and a cat right now so I am of no real help....except for emotional support! :D

That is a very strong and independent looking cat from the craigslist ad. I am sure someone out there will enjoy her company.