View Full Version : What Are Your Dogs Terrified Of?

06-21-2007, 04:14 PM
this morning I took crayola out for a walk around this block and a hydrant stopped him.

I thought, oh no, that was a three year ago fear and we'd have to start the treats 'n praises all over .. I went behind the hydrant anyway to see if my hide and seek game would break his tenison - he trusts whatever wouldn't hurt me - right there I saw a horrendous beetle on behind it! :eek: I'm not kidding, he was about two inches?? and must be shrieking, his anntenas were vibrating.. :o I had crayola a bit near to introduce, and when he saw it, he had his ears then head down to his paws, so scared and respectful of him.. aww lol.

so, to tell if it was hydrant or THAT little bugger, we went to next hydrant, he passed it fine. :D when I first got him, he was terrified of hydrant monsters and floor vents.

he also has a bit fright of heights - starting to and I am not sure why yet. but all he does is trembling then he's okay after I reassure him with my hands and voice. may it be aging?

I wonder what yours are, crayola asks! :D

06-21-2007, 04:36 PM
Hmmmm.... let's see here...
I *think* that Rita may be afraid of other dogs. She is VERY dog agressive twards other dogs. My mom is going to call a dog behaviorist and see if that would help. :) (please wish us luck!)
I don't think Sadie is afraid of anything, but she is somewhat shy, and timid around new people.

06-21-2007, 04:47 PM
regardless of size?

good luck!! :)

06-21-2007, 05:03 PM
Gracie is scared of thunder and loud noises including fireworks and guns. If it is thundering outside or if she hears a loud noise she will cower and shake while hiding under my legs.

Maggie isn't really scared of anything. Most things are scared of her lol.

Lucy is scared of big tall or fat men especially ones with loud voices. She takes a while to warm up to them. Also she will freak out if she is on a leash and we walk by the pool like she is scared i'm going to pull her in or something. Other than that she isn't really scared of anything.

06-21-2007, 05:19 PM
Rusty is really afraid of certain things, he just doesn't like them he'll bark at you. Alot of my friends are like what the heck we can't do anything around your dog, but it just i'm use to how I act around him. He doesn't like people running from him, like if you get scared of him and run he chases and grabs your pants. :o He also hates flames -from matches, liters,etc.-, toy guns, people making baby voices around him (he thinks you making fun of him). People backing up going up our driveway, lots of animals. There alot he doesn't like. :p

06-21-2007, 05:25 PM
Stella is absolutely TERRIFIED by acorns hitting the top of our tent trailer when we go camping. She's also getting some mild fear agression towards strange dogs as she gets older. It's a shame, because she was always such a friendly little girl.

For a while I was worried that Fender was going to grow up very timid because he was terrified of EVERYTHING. And I socialized him as well as possible in a small town. However, it just ended up he had a longer than usual fear period, and now he's a brave buckaroo, no fears that I can think of. None that have expressed themselves, anyway.

06-21-2007, 05:29 PM
Sassy isn't really afraid of anything other then UPS trucks, semi's, etc. When we take her in the car and we pass by a certain type of truck she will cower and cry until my mom drives away from it. Sassy doesn't like alot of things, but she doesn't show fear around them, she just doesn't like them lol.

06-21-2007, 11:42 PM
Klo is petrified of thunder, lightening. firecrackers, flashlights and CAMERAS. She'll lay at the bottom of the steps to the family room for safety. She used to be afraid of "tinny" sounds..aluminum foil, pots and pans but got over that quickly.

(except for a soda can full of coins)

The Codmeister was fearless!

06-21-2007, 11:50 PM
Mister is scarred of the ironing board. Whenever I do laundry I like to iron my jeans afterwards. And I swear he sees me take out the iron and he puts his ears back head down tucks the tail and goes to hide in his "house"(its a crate) until I am done. And if I collapse the ironing board itself too quickly and it makes that noise forget it he won't come out wihout some sweet talking and cookies close by. :rolleyes:

06-22-2007, 12:03 AM
Charlie is pretty much terrified of new people, and even if he knows you or you're around a lot, it takes him a LOOOOONG time to warm up to you. But once he does, he's your buddy for life, even if you don't come around for months at a time, he'll remember you and come running when you come to visit :)

Other than that, they really aren't afraid of anything because if they start to display fearful behavior of a certain object, sound, or situation, I just ignore them. I don't tell them "no", I don't baby or coddle them, and I certainly don't tease them with whatever is scaring them. Eventually they'll learn to investigate whatever it is, and either learn to live with it or stay away from it lol

06-22-2007, 12:30 AM
Tango is afraid of thunder, wind, and just loud noises in general.

06-22-2007, 12:48 AM
Frankie is terrified of loud bangs such as guns, fireworks, or things randomly falling. If any of those things happen she becomes a velcro dog and will shake like crazy.

Riley is afraid of anything that moves if she doesn't recognize it. If I walk in carrying something over my head it will freak her out. She's a big chicken dog with anything new.

06-22-2007, 01:54 AM
Boone is afraid of the trash compactor in our kitchen. Kersey is the weird one. She's afraid of anything that moves on the floor, whether it makes noise or not...this includes the vaccum (most dogs are afraid of vacuums), the Swiffer Wet Jet, and the dry mop. I may have one of the few dogs who's afraid of a Swiffer Wet Jet and a dry mop and I have no idea why she's afraid of these things :rolleyes: :confused:

06-22-2007, 05:10 AM
Both of my dogs are afraid of firecrackers and all the noise that goes with the 4th of July. :rolleyes: Layla is afraid of my hubbys motorcycle and of thunderstorms also. :(

06-22-2007, 07:49 AM
Sierra - Plastic bags, brooms & the vacuum.

Buddy - Thunder, Firecrackers, gunshots and my husband.

06-22-2007, 09:35 AM
Shadow and Mini are afraid of firecrackers (if they're big in the sky, they're okay) and the hose.

Jack, Ky and Micki are fearless ;)

06-22-2007, 11:16 AM
Zoey: Dog blowdryers and our ducks. She isn't that chicken.

T.j: Extension cords, fans, boxes, ducks, bowls, water, ok pretty much anything that moves. :rolleyes:

Ginger's Mom
06-22-2007, 01:05 PM
I was going to say everything :rolleyes: , but after reading the previous posts I remembered that Ginger isn't really afraid of thunder or lightening or fireworks (although she will bark at fireworks). I guess a better way of putting it is Ginger is afraid of everything that is bigger than her, whether it is alive or not, anything bigger than her is enough for her to shake and hide.

06-22-2007, 01:10 PM
Rocky - nothing really

Jenny - thunder, fireworks, loud noises

Ginger - thunder, fireworks, loud noises

Buster - strangers, my grandpa (he's a jerk)

06-22-2007, 01:22 PM
Molly- Thunderstorms and vacuum cleaner. Whenever we have a thunderstorm, she walks around the house checking on everybody I guess to make sure they're okay. She never lies down until the storm passes. And with the vacuum cleaner, I know most dogs are scarred of it because of the sound...

Astra- Not much. She's kinda scared of new people but not like terrified. You'll be lucky if you get even a kiss from Astra during your first few visits.

Prince- Loud noises (firecrackers, thunderstorms etc.), water (he starts to shiver in fear when he sees it) and last of all...flies. He is super scared of them. We have no idea why. Astra and Molly usually just eat them when they see one flying around but when one goes near Prince, he runs under a bed or into the far corner of a bathroom and he starts to shiver in fear. :(

06-22-2007, 01:36 PM
A number of them are afraid of just about everything. Just as many are afraid of absolutely nothing.

Pingo is afraid of thunder, to the point she requires medication to cope. She senses storms coming and starts to freak out up to an hour before the first rumble is heard.

I just discovered Anvik is afraid of thunder too, but he seems to calm down if I put him in his crate during the storm.

Sleet is afraid of rakes and shovels...she's been hit with one in a former home.

Bandit is afraid of brushes and will bite if anyone attempts to brush him. It's the only thing that sets him off and again, I believe he was hit with a brush in another home.

Earle is afraid of Jack Russells. He got nipped by one as a wee puppy and he's never forgotten that! He's a freak! :p He is fascinated by fireworks--loves them!

06-22-2007, 02:39 PM
Fenway is afraid of gun shots, thunder, fireworks & high school marching bands....seriously.

06-22-2007, 02:55 PM
Kiera doesnt like the vaccuum, blow dryer, or anything that sounds similar

06-22-2007, 09:35 PM
alex is afraid of the suck monster. so i try to avoid using it :p

06-22-2007, 09:44 PM
Happy-strange dogs

Misty-large red dogs lol, and trains, and the dump truck

Electra-Agility jumps...were working on it, but while she LOVES jumping, she ike, panics at an agility jump lol

Rusty-weird stuff..the dogs have a little dinosout squeaky, that for some reason Rusty was terrified to go near, it was pretty funny, because he was torn between his curiosity and his fear of it lol

Blair-umm everything on the planet, all at random, he is not afraid of everything all the time, like one minuts he loves to jump, the next the jump terrifies him lol. the things that scare him all the time are: thunder, my cell phone(the vibrating)

Perky-getting dirty lol she is a little priss, show her a puddle and she will be like "ahem..you will need to lift me over that there.." lol its wierd, bcause she is a tough dog, I mean like if you throw her across a room, she will be your buddy for life lol

Ripley-various things at random, right now, its walking up or down anything thin, but thats cuz he's fat lol

06-22-2007, 09:58 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention Mini is terrified of the nail clippers. I only have to look at the drawer they're in and she heads for the basement :p

06-23-2007, 07:05 PM
Gracis is scared of anything...oh wait! She is scared of the evil geese at the park!haha Beanie is scared of dogs that are way bigger than him. Because he tries to be the dominant one until he realizes there is no way that is happinin. :rolleyes:

06-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Simba; vacuum
Nala; vacuum, plastic bags, loud noises, thunderstorms
Kiara; too many to list - the slighest sounds scare her now. She is afraid to walk past trash cans/bags on walks. Ever since September.... :(
Mufasa; Nothing. Fearless, basically. :rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
06-23-2007, 09:02 PM
He doesn't really get terriffied ever. He doesn't like loud noises so much but he doesn't freak out. We watch the fireworks together on the 4th of July.

06-23-2007, 09:31 PM
Frisk: Ferrets
Ethan: Any loud noises(fireworks, guns, thunder, etc.)
Skylar: New places

06-24-2007, 01:52 AM
My Jesse is terrified of thunder! Guns and fireworks she is fine with, but when it starts rumbling out there, she runs to me for protection! She is also terrified of most men.

All three (Jesse, Sammy, and Jemi') are terrified of our hedgie Kokomo, my uncle, and vacuum cleaners.

06-24-2007, 01:56 AM
My dog Ozzy is terrified of brooms. If I sweep the floor he runs away with his tail between his legs. I feel so bad! :(

06-24-2007, 06:28 AM
I know this isn't really a "funny" thread but I did end up laughing [in a good way] about silly things. "Flies, high-school marching bands, ducks, Grandpa the jerk" ~ what a bunch of silly wonderful dogs we know :D

*self edit here* Please don't misunderstand, I know that fears and phobias are not in the least bit "funny" or "silly" Goodness knows I have some of my own. I just mean that to hear about some the others have make me (and my puppers) feel more, um... normal?