View Full Version : My new job...by Tehya...

06-14-2007, 12:29 PM

I have a new job. My Mom is very sad lately and it's my job to make her smile. I'm pretty good at it!
She laughed a little when I tried to get Hobo to play WWF with me. How was I supposed to know that he doesn't wrestle!? Don't worry, Hobo set me straight on that issue. We only play chase now!
This is my most effective smile getting trick--standing on Anvik's head! He WILL play with me when I ask him to!
And sometimes I just look cute! I'm always cute of course, but it's a pretty effective trick too!

Tehya who does not like it when humans are sad

Ginger's Mom
06-14-2007, 12:38 PM
Aww, I am sorry to hear that your Mom is sad, Tehya, but I KNOW that you are a real good smile maker. Good girl, sweetie, you keep on being cute and silly, and you will have your Mom feeling better in no time.

finn's mom
06-14-2007, 12:48 PM
I'm so glad you are there to make your mom smile. She deserves to be all smiles all the time. Hugs to you and your hopefully giggly mom from all five of our crew.

Queen of Poop
06-14-2007, 12:50 PM
I'm pretty sad too Tehya, thanks for making me smile too.

Give your mom lots of kisses too, that should make her smile and laugh if you give LOTS!!

Killearn Kitties
06-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Woooooo Tehya! You mom is so terribly lucky to have you to make her smile. Please tell her that if we can help make her smile too, we will!

06-14-2007, 04:03 PM
tehya, just how did hobo tell you no wrestling? wags, the wonder dog of columbus, who needs to find a way to tell princess peanut knock it off

06-14-2007, 04:08 PM
tehya, just how did hobo tell you no wrestling?

He snarled at me, bopped me on the head with his paw and then stomped off to a different part of the yard! Hobo is not a snarly kind of dog so I knew he meant business! It's a good thing I have other buddies who like to wrestle!


06-14-2007, 08:45 PM
If your job is being cute Tehya, you sure are good at it! I'm glad you're helping your mommy to smile. :)

06-14-2007, 08:47 PM
She is a beautiful dog! Very unique. I love that smile.

06-14-2007, 08:51 PM
As a working dog, Tehya, you know how important it is to have a job you're good at....and making people smile is a definite talent of yours! :D It's nice that Annie will play with you, especially after you stomp on his head like that, silly girl! And it's good that you respect your elders, Hobo may not wrestle, but he has his own charming ways, too!

Pawsitive Thinking
06-15-2007, 09:41 AM
Woooooo Tehya!

After a stressful walk with my two horrors its lovely to see your pretty face

06-15-2007, 07:29 PM
It's nice that Annie will play with you, especially after you stomp on his head like that, silly girl!

WOOOOO Ms. Cyber-Sibes..

You say that like Anvik has a choice in the matter. If I want to play, he will play with me! If he doesn't play right away, I just keep bugging him til he does. I chew on him, stand on him, woo at him and anything else I can think of! :D Mom says I am lucky that Anvik is a gentle, patient soul or I'd get my butt kicked.


Cinder & Smoke
06-15-2007, 08:46 PM

If he doesn't play right away, I just keep bugging him til he does.
I chew on him, stand on him, woo at him and anything else I can think of! :D


Mom says I am lucky that Anvik is a gentle, patient soul,
or I'd get my butt kicked.


Gotta wonder just How Long poor Anvik's "patience" is gonna last!

Hope Mom gives that Poor Boy an extra Bisquit at night!


06-17-2007, 07:54 PM
Woooooooo, Tehya! You always make me smile when I see your photos and read about your walks and other adventures. I'm glad you are helping your mom to smile. Please tell her I am thinking about her.

06-17-2007, 08:27 PM

What a great job you did. I'm smiling so much, my face hurts. :D

06-17-2007, 09:52 PM
Gotta wonder just How Long poor Anvik's "patience" is gonna last!

Hope Mom gives that Poor Boy an extra Bisquit at night!


Wooo, Mr. Phred,

Mom says I have "puppy privledges" with the other big dogs, but they might get revoked soon. I have no idea what that means, but I guess I'll find out. We both think Anvik will just keep putting up with me. He's just that kind of dogger!

Both me and Anvik sleep in crates. Mine is blue and Anvik's is a big wire one. When we go in our crates we get a chewy, usually a Busy Bone---which is a dumb name cuz it don't keep me busy for long! Oh, and Anvik gets extra foodies at dinner time cuz he is kinda skrawny.


Cinder & Smoke
06-17-2007, 10:42 PM
Mom says I have "puppy privledges" with the other big dogs,
but they might get revoked soon. I have no idea what that means ...

Anvik gets extra foodies at dinner time cuz he is kinda skrawny.

"Puppy Privledges" getting revoked ... :cool:

The Big Guys are soon going to take a Vote ... and decide you've been on the Ranch
LONG ENUFF to start "acting you age" ... and learning your "place" in the pecking order!

Meanwhile - keep Play Bowin an <wavin> your Fluffie Tail! :)

Anvik's prolly "skrawny" from worring When da B&W Buz-Bomber is gonna *swoop*
in an start chazin his butt around the yard - again! :rolleyes: