View Full Version : Omg Ewwwwwwwww.. Gasp!!!

06-05-2007, 12:21 AM
OMG EWWWWWWWWWWW... Bear just let on RIP!! It was really loud too!! & whats worse is that her Butt is right beside me!!!! AIR I NEED AIR!!!!


Pawsitive Thinking
06-05-2007, 10:54 AM
Are you sure it was the dog? We've all used that excuse you know ;)

06-05-2007, 10:56 AM
Are you sure it was the dog? We've all used that excuse you know ;)

LOL it clearly came from bear's big butt!!! If I was any closer I would have felt it! :eek:

Besides girls don't fart ;)
& according to my boyfriend Bear is a boy :rolleyes:

06-05-2007, 01:30 PM
It wasn't Bear, shes too pretty to do such an awful thing, it was the squeeky floorboard. :rolleyes:

06-05-2007, 02:19 PM
It wasn't Bear, shes too pretty to do such an awful thing, it was the squeeky floorboard. :rolleyes:

No floorboards lol I live in a basement with carpet & I know carpet is quiet lol

06-06-2007, 04:48 AM
I recently took Possum for her yearly vacc. & check up. For some reason, she just couldn't stop doing 'silent but deadlies'. Being in a small room with her & the vet in that condition, was enough to make my eyes water.
Fortunately he's a very understanding man...