View Full Version : Can anyone help this guy? *UPDATE*

04-17-2007, 05:18 PM
I found this on Petfinder, if someone can e-mail her and see if you can help rescue this poor boy.

1363207- Cat:
Henryville,IN 812-294-4907 Kristen [email protected] 4-16-2007
Name: Snot
Age: 6mos
Size: M
Delete I found the most pitiful cat about 15 minutes ago in a store parking lot. His hipbones stick out, you can see his ribs and when he tried to rub against me, he lost his balance and fell over. Still all he wanted was attention. One ear is matted with what looks like dried blood. The ear appears intact though. His eyes and nose are draining so he must have an infection. I couldnt leave him there but I cant keep him. I really cant even afford to help him. I already have 3 rescue cats, 2 from petfinders. I could take him to the pound but in the condition hes in now, they would just put him down. Im hoping theres a rescue place that will take him? Hes very affectionate, even as sick as he is. Hes white with large marmalade spots and Id guess the age from 4-6 mos. All Ive done is bring him home, sit him on my front porch and fed him. Im going to try and wipe him down with a wet sponge in a bit. I know the odds of someone taking him are slim but Im hopeful. If a legitimate rescue facility takes him, I could make a small donation now and would be willing to make a larger one next payday. I could possibly even foster him outside if he can be taken to a vet and made healthy. I have a pet door on my garage so he can come in and out of the weather. Please consider this sweetie. Hes cute, affectionate and not too big yet so could be placed easier than some. I willing to work with any rescue facility to help him.

04-18-2007, 12:14 AM
I hope she can foster him in her garage...keeping the kitty door shut for a while...

I am too far to help...not sure if she needs donations....

I'll drop her a line and see what's up...

04-18-2007, 09:09 AM
Emailed Kirsten last night and here is her update. Snot sounds like a loving kitty!


Thanks so much for the email. He's currently staying on my front porch. I put a big blanket on a chair and thats where he stays. I'm hoping with just food and a safe place to stay, he'll improve some. He's in a sad state. I tried to clean up some of the blood and snot off his face and couldn't get much done because he constantly rubbed his head against me. I think he might be deaf or close too it and wonder if the blood could be a ruptured eardrum. I couldn't find any other source. He doesn't appear to be in any pain, just very weak. I'm going to worm him in another day or two. Wanted him to get a little stronger and some good food in him first. And I get paid next week and will try to take him to a vet.


04-18-2007, 11:20 AM
Oh man, this is awful. He may not be deaf. One of the ferals that I placed a couple of years ago appeared to be deaf but she had so many ear mites that she couldn't hear. Once that got taken care of, all was well. That poor boy needs immediate vet care.

04-18-2007, 12:35 PM
I emailed her and gave her the link to this thread.

04-18-2007, 05:16 PM
Hi everyone

Thanks for the interest in Snot. I've decided to take him to the lcal vet but he's closed today. Everytime I go outside and Snot wobbles over to see me I feel like such a horrible person. He's eating, drinking and moving to follow the sun spots on the porch so I think those are good signs. If he ends up not being deaf, I'll keep him as an outside cat. If he is deaf, I'm going to have to find him an inside home. I've taken pictures and I'm going to try and put them on her. I'm not the best at computers though so wish me luck. And cross your fingers that the vet will work with me on a payment schedule.

04-18-2007, 05:30 PM
Oh, this is just too much. That poor boy is suffering. If you talk to your vet before any treatment is given, chances are s/he will work w/you. PLEASE get him there ASAP. And please rename him. That's just too sad a name. This just makes me sick. I feel so bad for the little guy.

04-18-2007, 07:30 PM
I hope that wound can be treated...I am sure your vet will help.

But I love how affectionate he is!

How about changing the name to "Snit"? :)

I hope you can take him in tomorrow. Thanks for signing in and please keep us updated.

04-18-2007, 07:40 PM
I think his name should be Rocky. He seems like a champion to me. He's made it this far, bruised and bloody but still standing.

04-18-2007, 07:41 PM
Aww I think he looks like a Wilbur. :)

04-18-2007, 07:47 PM
That's a cute name, too. Whatever name he looks like, he still needs medical attention ASAP.

04-19-2007, 10:26 AM
I took Snot, now named Patton to the vet today. He weighed 4.7 lbs. He has the usual....ear mites, worms and an infection. I have medicine now for all 3. He was an angel for the vet. Never once growling or trying to claw. Just kept rolling around on the table wanting attention. Haven't decided what to do with him. Now that I have quite a bit of money in him I feel like I should keep him. Although as affectionate as he is, he'd make someone an awesome house cat. I have to take him back in a week to see how much he's improved. Provided I still have him of course. I had an offer from a Northern Indiana Rescue to take him but they are hours away. The vet said he was a very lucky guy. I said he just recognized a sucker when he saw one.

04-19-2007, 10:30 AM
YES! That's the best news ever! I'm so happy for Patton and so grateful to you for taking him to the vet and getting him the care he needs. I'm sure you'll continue to do what's best for him, whether you keep him or find a good home for him. I'm so relieved and I'm sure you and Patton are, too. Atta girl! :) :) :) :D :D :D

04-19-2007, 10:51 AM
Wow...he is SUCH a love bug, isn't he! :D

It makes me wonder if he was genuinely lost rather than dumped...his people moved, he escaped, and came back "home". Something like that.

After the worms are gone, he will REALLY start blooming!

Did the vet take a guess at how old he was?

Hopefully you can find him a loving home...or, like many here, fail Fostering 101! :D

04-19-2007, 01:40 PM
I am in Northeast Indiana, not sure if I can help with transport.... I will PM DizzyWhizz.

Wish I could foster, but I am at my limit with my 2 and I know they would not accept another in the mix. :(

04-19-2007, 09:10 PM
I have to take him back in a week to see how much he's improved. Provided I still have him of course.

That poor boy! Those pics just ripped my heart apart! The fact that he still made it over to you for your love and help, what courage he has.

But, question here, why WOULDN'T you still have him in a week?? Aren't you able to keep him confined inside??? He shouldn't be out in his condition. I do hope you are keeping him safe inside.

04-19-2007, 10:26 PM
Jenn, I think this is what she meant. Hopefully, a great home can be found for him instead...though if this is a non-kill shelter, I think he'd be adopted in a heartbeat! :)

I had an offer from a Northern Indiana Rescue to take him but they are hours away.

DizzyWhiz, I thought of two reasons you might have named him Patton:

1. He's been through the wars and made it
2. He is real love bug who wants lots of PATTIN'!! :D

Can you set up a spot for him in your garage? With the blanket he now knows?

04-20-2007, 10:23 PM
Hi everyone

Sorry it took so long to post. My sister got married today and I've been going since about 7am.

I've rec'd a few offers to take Patton but so far everyone lives hours away. I just sent an email to everyone who has emailed me to see if we can get him there. For those of you on here that live in Indiana, I live right off I65, exit 19. I can travel roughly 30-45 minutes in any direction needed. My car is almost 20 yrs old though and I don't want to push her. I just spent my extra money at the vet. Got to keep my car healthy.

Oh and I did try to move Patton to the garage last night and the little "snot" was back on the chair on my front porch within the hour. And he's started to walk me to my car. He followed me out 3 times in a row today. I kept returning him to the porch then running back to my car. But by the time I'd get and put it in reverse, he'd be sitting behind me. I even backed up a bit one time to see if he'd move but no luck. So now Im really worried cause he can't hear the car and I'm worried he'll get hit.

And, although he really doesn't look any better, he ate a lot more than he has the past few days and he's obviously more active. He's still real wobbly and will lose he balance easily but maybe thats due to his ears.

04-20-2007, 11:07 PM
So he IS deaf! I wonder if you couldn't borrow a large dog cage, and put it on your porch with him and the blanket in it. He may not like it - but it's safer for him!

How sweet, though, that he follows you! :)

Good luck with the emails you sent out. There is a trucker couple with their semi-home full of cats, and they do transports...but I can't recall who they are.

Anyone else here know who they are?

04-20-2007, 11:38 PM
I don't know for sure if his deafness is permanent yet. I've only given him one dose of the ear mite stuff yet so maybe when the clear up, he'll get better.

And a complete change of subject. Found this pic of my shadow, Bear. The absolute apple of my eye. I know you shouldn't have favorites but I just can't help it. He loves me unconditionally. As opposed to my other 2 indoor cats who I sometimes suspect only love me cause I'm the supplier of food.

04-21-2007, 06:48 AM
Aw, how sweet. He's lovin' you now. Is there any chance of keeping him yourself and making him an indoor cat? Hopefully, he just has a bad case of ear mites and that could be why he can't hear. But if not, it's too dangerous to keep him outdoors. A deaf cat can't hear a predator coming up behind him. My little Creamsicle is deaf and I shudder to think what would've happened to her if I hadn't found her and brought her indoors. Bear is an absolute beauty. I'll bet he could use a buddy to show the ropes to. Hint, hint.... :p Ya dun good!

04-24-2007, 04:57 PM
Patton took a turn for the worse last night and I thought I'd let you know that my vet recommended that I put Patton to sleep and I did. When I checked on him this afternoon he was just laying on the porch with labored breathing. By the time I got him to the vet, he had started crying. The vet said it was a cry of pain. He felt sure that Patton had FIV. I'm not familiar with it but he said Patton had fluid in his stomach and lungs and more than likely it had gone to his brain. He was no longer standing on his own and just laid there crying. His temp was below normal where last week he had a fever. I don't know if I did the right thing or not but at least I know he's not suffering any more. I cried all the way home and I'm still crying. I'm sure you guys are more familiar with sick cats but I trust my vet and I do know he doesn't recommend euthanizing unless he feels it's absolutely necessary. He said regardless of what he did, Patton would probably have been dead by morning and would have suffered the whole time. He also said it wouldn't suprise him if he started having seizures within a couple of hours. I feel like I've let Patton down and cat rescuers everywhere. I do appreciate everyone's help and recommendations. I didn't know rescueing cats good be so emotionally traumatizing and draining and I didn't know I would get so attached in just a few days.

04-24-2007, 05:05 PM
No way did you let Patton down. You did the right thing. It's always the toughest of all jobs putting a beloved animal to sleep, whether they've been w/us for years or for minutes. You did everything you could to make him comfortable and pain free and your vet wanted to spare him further pain and suffering. You were with him when he passed to his next life at the Rainbow Bridge. You made his transition easier. And you gave him the best gift of all, your love and compassion, the human touch while he was still w/you. Rest assured that no one here at PT is going to judge you. Far from it; they and I will tell you that your heart is full of love and it's hurting right now because your sweet Patton is gone. He came to you for a reason, my dear, and you fulfilled your purpose where he was concerned. I, for one, will say that it was for the best and Patton is now pain free, enjoying a much deserved rest. After that, he's going to play w/all the others who have gone before him. And he'll be waiting for your reunion and will greet you w/the love that you showed him on this earth.

04-24-2007, 05:32 PM

You did the right thing...and it is so true, if Patton had to die, he spent the best part of his life with you, being loved! He even had his favourite blanket! :)

You mus cry, I know how it hurts....but I hope after a while, you will come back and share stories and pics of your other fufbabies with us.

Patton is at peace; Patton, watch over this lady who loves you, and who you loved.

04-24-2007, 06:22 PM
I am so sorry the poor baby was so terribly ill. :( You did more for him
than probably any other human ever did & I believe you brought some joy & comfort into his short life. Thanks for helping him.

04-24-2007, 07:21 PM
Thank you for being there in his time of need and giving him real love when he needed it most.

Where I used to volunteer, they referred to your act as "the final gift of kindness."

04-27-2007, 10:39 AM
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that Patton took a turn for the worse and had to be PTS. Everyone here knows that you did all that you could for the little guy. I am glad that he knew love and compassion in his final days. In no way did you let him down, Kristen. In fact, you showed him that humans can be kind and loving. I am certain the pain you feel at his passing is strong, but he is at peace, and he is healthy again, playing at th RB with many other PT babies. RIP sweet Patton.

04-27-2007, 11:00 AM
Oh that poor kitty, I'm so sorry he was in such a bad shape, but you showed him love and helped him feel a little better while he was with you. Patton is now free of pain.

Rest in Peace, sweet Patton.