View Full Version : In memory of my sweet Precious

02-16-2007, 08:29 AM
This is written in memory of my very first kitten, Precious. She was a mutted calico. She has been gone for some time, approximately 20-22 years. I know it probably sounds silly but I still think of her often and it still brings tears to my eyes. I guess I think of her because she was my first baby. I got her at the age of 8 and when I was 10 or 11 she drowned. I got her when I lived in Florida, a woman was sitting in front of Publix with a box containing two kittens, a stripped boy and a mutted calico girl. I asked my grandma for one and she said she would think about it. I told her I would wait right there on the bench so no one took the one I liked. Well when my grandma came out of the store without cat food I about had a fit, my grandma went back in and bought food (I guess you could say I was a little spoiled). I took my little girl home hiding under the car seat the whole way. She was a very good kitty she came when she was called and you could take her outside and she would go around the yard sniffing and attack my grandma's legs as she hung up laundry, run around the house and come back and attack her again :D . I remember the first time she decided to climb a tree. I was in tears because she was scared and crying and would not come back down. I was going over a friends house to spend the night and my grandma told me that she would call the fire department if she did not come down by dark(of course I am sure that was just to calm me down). Needless to day Precious figured it out on her own. We moved to Viriginia that next summer. My parents drove up first to get things settled and then came back to get me from my grandmas because school was not over. I remember driving up the driveway of our new house the very first time, there was my Precious waiting for us in the middle. Precious had one litter of five kittens, four girls and a boy. She use to go with us on walks and even trick-or-treating. She was like a dog, she always wanted to be where I was. I believe the winter of 1983 was the year I lost her. It was very cold, possibly snow, and our neighbors well had stopped working. My dad and the neighbor had taken the lid off to look at it and walked away to compare the inside of our well. The next thing they heard was a loud howling cry and a splash. Precious had decided that she wanted to be pet and when she jumped up to sit on the well the lid was not on it. My dad said he tried making a big knot in the rope and pulling her back up but the water was just so cold that she could not hold on long enough and would keep falling back in. My parents did not know how to tell me. For the next several days I went out to feed the cats and callled and called her. I could not figure out why she would not come. One evening my brother over heard my parents talking to the neighbor about a cat in the well. I knew then why my baby girl did not come back. I cried forever it seemed like, and to this day I still shead tears for her. I remember the day that the well company came out to drain the water so they could take may baby girl out. I remember seeing my dad walking outside carrying a black garbarge bag to take her and burry her in the backyard. What a horrific death she had...to drown in ice cold water. :( I think to myself that had I not been such a little brat that maybe she would have ended up with a home where she would have had a long life but then I would have never experienced the love that she taught me of animals. I guess sometimes I blame myself even though it was an unpreventable accident. I am hoping that writting this will help me remember the happier times with her instead of the horrible ending. I have never told any one how I still think of her...mostly because after all this time people would probably think I am crazy, but I think it is because we had a really good bond and she holds a very special place in my heart. RIP my baby girl. I will see you again some day...have fun chasing Morris, 13, and Missy. Love you always.

02-18-2007, 01:34 PM
No matter how long ago one of our dear furry friends leaves for the Bridge, we miss them!! Do not feel bad because you still do after all this time. Obviously, Precious meant so much to you, and that is why you still are sad. She knows how much you loved her and cared for her, she will never leave you. Sleep softly, sweet Precious...

02-18-2007, 05:35 PM
I Still Think Of George, Lester , Missy, Frisky , Frosting And Sinbad And Missy Who Were Cats That Lived With Us When I Was A Youth Many Years Ago.
Our Pets Leave Such Good Memories And I Know That Precious Angel Remembers You With Love.
And Will Be Waiting To Be Your Friend Again.
One Fine Day.

Laura's Babies
02-23-2007, 09:08 AM
We never quit thinking about the ones we have lost. Our love for them never dies, even when they are no longer here. I have lost some and still think about them 30, 40 years later and still miss them. I do believe we will be reunited when our time comes to leave this earth.