View Full Version : Lamoni gone to the RB

01-31-2007, 01:59 PM
After 16 years he was just not eating or drinking. He had trimed down to 15 pounds (from a high of 18). Over the last couple of weeks he went all the way down to 10 and 1/2.

The boy was so smart. He could count. Well he new that 3 fingers were more than 1. I used to tell him how many nights I was going to be gone on trips. He new that Cindy is blind. He used to tease her by setting behind her and meowing. When she would turn around he would get up, walk around her, sit back down and DO IT AGAIN! Finally she would yell at him and he would walk off with the biggest grin.

He had always recovered from being sick. He got colds and flu with us. One time he was so sick that his ears turned pink through all that fur. A very hot cat. He jumped on a chair piled with junk and tipped it over. Chair, junk, and cat fell down a full flight of stairs. I went down and dug him out. His back was always arched after that.

Being old he must have jumped off of something wrong recently. He came up with a limp. The white coats said that this was likely permenant. He got over that too!

Then he started getting thin and weak. We watched him over the last three weeks. Changed diet, did tests, no help. He was not the same cat. I would have loved him no matter what. I could never think of giving him up.

Saturday, Jan 27, 2007 it was over. We took him to the white coats for the "last visit". He was just so thin.

His picture is here. (http://www.charleskincaid.com/lamoni.jpg)

This was just short of a year since we lost our Fifi. Now we are "cat free". My two little fiends are gone.

Lamoni would never come set in my lap. Please, my little buddy, sit in God's.

01-31-2007, 02:02 PM
RIP Lamoni.

Big Hugs to you Charles. You've been gone too long.

01-31-2007, 03:27 PM
Charles, I'm so sorry to hear you've lost Lamoni. :( Such a character he was. Know he's now at peace, and be comforted that he had a good long life with you. :) Lamoni is not suffering, but playing happily with Fifi and the other kitties at the RB.

Lamoni, rest in Peace, you will always be remembered.


01-31-2007, 03:33 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. :( Lamoni sounds like he was quite a character... and I am certain that he knows he was loved and that he will be missed.

Godspeed to the RB little one, and RIP.

01-31-2007, 03:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Lamoni. He had a great life with you. It is great to remember to good times and the bad times you two had. It may be sad, but it's well worth it. I am so sorry... :(
RIP Lamoni
Good luck at the Rainbow Bridge and play hard...very hard... :(

01-31-2007, 06:17 PM
How sad to lose such a personality, but Charles, you must remember, Lamoni was an ORANGEMAN!!! Sleep softly, sweet Lamoni...

01-31-2007, 09:39 PM
Charles, I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of Lamoni. He sure was one beautiful kitty and I know he will be missed. He had a good, long life with you. Play hard at the Bridge, sweet, fluffy Lamoni.

02-01-2007, 12:43 AM
I am so very sorry for your loss!!! my prayers and heart go out to you tonight, he was beautiful, you did the best and most selfish thing you could possible do for him. Bless You.

02-01-2007, 08:01 AM
So sorry for your loss of Lamoni. May you find comfort in the fact that Lamoni is happy and yes, sitting in God's lap.

02-01-2007, 10:48 AM
What a handsome sweet looking boy Lamoni was. I'm sure he's enjoying his rightful place on God's lap, as you say. And one day he'll be on your lap again. RIP, Lamoni.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-01-2007, 11:56 AM
Charles, I'm so sorry to hear he sad news about Lamoni. But like Peanut, he is now in a better place and is whole and healthy again, and able to be his adorable silly self.

RIP Lamoni, you will be missed. :(

02-01-2007, 08:18 PM
:( :( We Are Sorry To Hear About Lamoni.
He Was Such A Big Orange And White Companion, Full Of Joy And A Touch Of Mischief.
He Got His Wings Sunday And Is Enjoying His First Week As A Pet Angel In Bermuda.
Hes Writing Down All The Nice Places That You Will Enjoy When You Are Reunited In Love.
One Fine Day.

02-01-2007, 08:36 PM
Lamoni sure was pretty. I'm so sorry he had to be pts. It's so hard to do. I have 3 cats and I couldn't imagine losing one of them.

I know Lamoni is happy now and waiting for you so you both can be together again

KaDi's Mom
02-01-2007, 10:06 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, we were in your shoes a little over 2 years ago when we lost our beloved Pete who had been with us for 17 years, he had eased the blow when we lost our dog Pearlie in 1989. we had not thought about him leaving us one day, he to became slow and started lossing weight his cost was no longer shinning, we were at the vets everyother day I was feeding him Pedilite for babies with an eyedropper. I did all I could, so on the Morning of Nov. 4th I said goodbye to my son, and his
dad took him to The Vet for the last time. We were totally devastated. We had a family member very ill at the time and with the loss of Pete I could'nt take much more. I cried constantly, so 10 days later a friend called me and told me Pete had left something for me, and when I got there, I met my KaDi a very different cat in all her rights. but very special. So you grieve and have a good cry as I just did, and still do at times for my boy. And I am sure when you are ready there will be some tiny little Furr ball with tons of energy waiting for you. You take care of yourself. And know he is like a kitten again at RB.

KaDi's Mom

02-02-2007, 05:37 AM
I am sorry to hear of Lamoni's passing. He sounds like such a character and a cat that gave you so much love and companionship over many years.
RIP Lamoni, I am glad I have learnt about who you were if it was only briefly.

02-02-2007, 06:02 PM
Cindy and I don't have children. Our two cats were are babies, and our friends. We put so much into them. They both gave it back.

I found (I'm switching computers at work) a picture of Lamoni and Fifi on the corner of the bed together. Happy times.

Cindy's dad is in hospital. He has stage four bone cancer and is on pallative care (pain meds. only). He had a sroke on Tuesday following a mild re-occurance of a heart attack on Sunday. What most of you don't know is that they gave me a terminal diganosis in 1997 and told me that I had a max of 5 years. If you do the math I've been here 9 years on.

We sort of have been living with "end of life" issues for a long time. I'm getting ready to put out a paper on it. I know that they are in a better place and that I will get used to (but not over) missing them.

I knew what to look for. Want to know how? You folks! You all helped me prepare for these days. I want to thank all of you very much.

This is not goodbye. I've just been so busy at work this last year. I can't get on here very often but I'll be more frequent now that some things are getting more quite.

I love all of you (in the true sense of the word). I love all cats too. Give yours an extra bit for Lamoni, Fifi, Cindy and me.

02-03-2007, 01:12 AM
Charles, I'm so sorry to hear about Lamoni's passing.:( He sure was a very handsome cat. RIP sweet Lamoni.:(

02-03-2007, 10:46 PM
Charles, I believe Lamoni is frolicking happily at the Bridge. Sending {{{hugs}}} to you and your wife. Sorry you are going through so much right now.

You've been missed.

02-04-2007, 08:22 AM
Charles, I am sorry your most recent visit to the board is to tell us about Lamoni. I am so sorry. RIP, sweet Lamoni. Hugs to you and Cindy.


02-06-2007, 09:17 PM
I'm so sorry about your boy. Sounds like he went the same way my Sonny did. He'll always be with you in spirit, watching over you and giving you that kitty glare when he needs to. RIP sweet Lamoni