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01-15-2007, 02:24 PM
P.E.I. pets being left behind
Last Updated: Monday, January 15, 2007 | 10:53 AM AT
CBC News
The P.E.I. Humane Society is seeing victims of Alberta's booming economy.

Over the last few months, more cats and dogs have been surrendered by people moving to the oil patch, said the humane society's executive director.

Many people are telling shelter staff they can't take their pets along because of more stringent rules for animals flying on planes, said Heather Irving.

"What we would like to see is if people are contemplating moving to Alberta or they think they might be doing it in the future, whether that's the near future or the far future, that they start working ahead of time to find a good option for their pet," Irving said Friday.

The shelter charges a fee of $25 for owner-surrendered animals. The shelter does not charge for taking in stray animals, said Irving.

Once people line their pockets with oil patch cash, Irving hopes they might consider a donation to the humane society.

01-15-2007, 02:35 PM
That is so terrible. I can't believe people just leave their pets behind because they are moving. If I move, I would make sure I'm moving where my pets can come with. Thank goodness for those loving animal shelters. I hope some people to help them by making some donations. Can you imagine what the poor animals would think if they watch their owner that they loved just drop them off and drive away? It makes me cry thinking about it.

01-15-2007, 02:39 PM
When we moved to Texas. A 9 hour drive. I only had Ashely at the time. I drove all that way with her in my lap.

01-15-2007, 02:51 PM
That is one excuse I don't buy, our move from Az to here was 1398 miles, which was made in a uhaul, towing our car which was full of animal carriers. Or back seats fold down (hatchback Acura 96 vintage lol) So, Goofy was buckled into the front seat, drivers seat had small carrier of rats, back was full of cats, guinea piggies, snakes and large carrier with my exes Labmix.

We chose to travel that way, because plane fare and restrictions made it cost prohibitive. Yes it took us a couple of extra days for the trip, we stopped more than we would have had it just been Jasper, myself our 2 boys and Mike (the ex). Yes it was a bit time consuming to unload several and walk and water etc. Yes it got us weird looks at the motels, to be outside with empty cages and refilling them from the uhaul with fresh bedding, litter, etc. But both dogs all 3 snakes 5 Guinea piggies, 3 Snakes,4 Rats, 2 birds, and 5 cats arrived safe and sound and very little stress, happy and glad to see their new house.

You have pets? then take them WITH! There is always a way to arrange a family members arrival, think outside the box!
Just my opinion.

01-15-2007, 03:22 PM
I completely agree with you!:D

01-15-2007, 03:30 PM
I think that there is so many reasons that there are so many Porch Cats, is that people move out and leave thier Pets behind.
Theres no excuse for that, but people have thier priorities all wrong.
They choose Mans creations over Gods Creatures.

Queen of Poop
01-15-2007, 04:27 PM
If there are people who are doing that then I as an Albertan, an oil patch worker and a pet lover say STAY HOME!! That is so stupid. What are they moving here to Alberta by plane? What about all of their "stuff"? Their cars, furniture, etc. :mad:

01-15-2007, 08:21 PM
All too common, unfortunately. On Cape Cod (Massachusetts) people move in for the summer months. They get a pet, usually a cat. When they return home, they just dump the cat outside. September, October, there are tons of strays roaming the beach wondering what happened. Sigh.

It is a mind set. We grew up with a dog (or 2), and we always took our dog everywhere with us. Member of the family attitude. Motels, camping, whatever. I think the only thing our dogs never saw was the inside of a grocery store; and that wasn't from THEM not trying, ha ha.

01-15-2007, 10:46 PM
I think that there is so many reasons that there are so many Porch Cats, is that people move out and leave thier Pets behind.
Theres no excuse for that, but people have thier priorities all wrong.
They choose Mans creations over Gods Creatures.

Another statement very well put. Where are peoples' priorities these days?! :mad: