View Full Version : One of my cats died accidentally.

12-21-2006, 04:33 PM
We had two cats and one of them died on the 19th of December a couple of days ago. Tiger was perfectly healthy 4 year old and nothing was wrong with him but our cat Socks, also 4 years old was playing with him and Tiger ran into the window and I was trying to stop the other cat from bothering him. He must have ran into the window because when I picked him up he was lifeless. He would just flop down. We rushed him to an emergency vet but he was already dead. Just like that. I have been a mess. Crying and everything. Me and my grandmother was his favorites. I can't even now look at a picture of him without crying.

My other cat does not seem to care. He is not missing or looking for him. When he comes to me I feel sad because I feel responsible for not stopping him and he killed him and does not care by running after him which he thinks was playing. I don't know what to do. I am a mess.

12-21-2006, 04:39 PM
Oh, that is tragic, I'm so sorry to hear it. :( Did he go right through the window, or did he knock himself out?

I hope it'll be a comfort that it happened so fast, and he didn't suffer for long.

Rest in Peace, sweet boy, you will be in mummy heart. :)

12-21-2006, 04:41 PM
He must have knocked him self out because after I picked him up he moved a bit and then did not move after that.

Laura's Babies
12-21-2006, 04:54 PM
That was just a complete freaky accident! It was NOT your fault or the fault of the kitty that was playing with him. Cats run and play ALL the time and there is NO way we can stop them from doing that... goodness, it is what kitties DO! (and we love it) I PROMISE you, it was NOT YOUR FAULT!!

Tell yourself, he died doing what he like to do and he sure was a happy cat to be playing so hard. He knows you loved him and so many cats die never knowing human love. He was happy, loved and had a home.. YOU gave him that.

You do have the right to cry and grieve for the baby you lost so go ahead and cry all you need to. ((((((HUGS)))))) We here fully understand your sorrow and grief.

12-21-2006, 05:44 PM
I took so many pictures of both of them that are on my computer and it is sad to look at any of them. I had 4 years with him but to be perfectly healthy and then just die like that. I should not have picked him up before he died because I could have broken something. I should have not ran after them to stop them. They both ran at that window hundreds of times.

12-21-2006, 05:59 PM
Sadly these accidents do happen.
And you did what you thought was best, and in no way are you responsible.
It just was a fluke that he banged his head on the window like that.
Tigers at the Rainbow Bridge and is sad that you feel so guilty.
He says my time was up, Meowmie and the Good Lord needed me at the Rainbow Bridge.
Please dont feel bad as I will always be with you, and Socks, and I want you to know that we will be together Forever.
One Fine Day.

12-21-2006, 06:13 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Tiger. http://www.petloss.com/ is a wonderful website. They have moderated message boards/forums and a chat room. Someone is always there to help when you need to talk.

Again, I'm so sorry.

12-21-2006, 08:51 PM
It was a freak accident. Do not blame yourself!!

12-21-2006, 08:54 PM
How terrible! I am so very sorry! Please don't blame yourself! :(

12-21-2006, 09:07 PM
Why is my other cat Socks not sad. He is hanging out with me a lot as they both use to hang out with me. He is acting normal and not even caring or looking around. Tiger was a big orange tabby and Socks is a Bi-color Tux cat.

12-21-2006, 11:41 PM
Cats react different than people...Socks may be wondering where Tiger is, but not showing it in a way we humans might understand.

Also, were they from the same litter? If not, they would not be close in the same way.

Maybe Socks is hanging around you more for comfort - maybe that is his way of missing Tiger, is coming to you for comfort. Give him some cuddles and they'll be good for both of you.

I am so sorry - it was a freak accident and no one's fault. Tiger was LOVED.


12-22-2006, 12:24 AM
Welcome to PT. I'm so sorry to hear about Tiger.:( RIP sweet Tiger.:(

01-05-2007, 02:34 PM
I am getting over Tigers lost and it is getting better. I am trying not to blame himself for his death but the way he died was wrong. He ran into the window and seemed fine then jumped. I picked him up, he did not move and just flopped on the ground. I don't think picking him up did anything because I also picked both of them up many times and nothing happened.

Our only cat now Socks was always close to me but now he is closer. He hangs out and sleeps on my bed just about every night and he was always vocal but more now.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-08-2007, 10:24 AM
Our only cat now Socks was always close to me but now he is closer. He hangs out and sleeps on my bed just about every night and he was always vocal but more now.

Socks is missing Tiger in his own way - he will be a comfort to you at this sad time. No one is to blame - human or otherwise :(